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Ro Anne Ysabel R. Faron Psych1A

Growing up, I’ve always been with my grandparents, helping my mom

and dad raise me and my sisters, so I always had a soft spot for elders.
Whenever I see a lolo or a lola in the street or outside a mall or a
restaurant asking for help or donations, I always give what I have
without hesitation and without expecting something in return. Yesterday,
I was just casually eating in a fast-food chain with my friends and asking
them some ideas how I can accomplish my NSTP assignment when a
lolo handed our table a note. I was confused at first but when I read the
note, I realized that he’s asking for help. He’s saying that he’s an ex-
OFW and is making ends meet by selling goods. I decided to help him
by buying his products when I realized that I can use this opportunity for
my NSTP assignment. I waited for him to get back to our table because
he’s also selling it to other people inside the establishment. When he
came back, I asked what he was selling and he also shared that he’s from
Sta. Fe too. My friends also bought some of his product and after that he
said thank you and left. It felt weird taking a picture because people may
think that I’m just doing this for clout or something so I just took a
stolen shot of him. I just blurred out his face because I didn’t ask for
permission to take a picture. So, after the encounter, I can say that it felt
nice. It was rewarding helping someone without expecting anything in
return. I am happy and grateful that I am in this position where I can say
that I am comfortable and I still have something that I can share with
people who needs help.

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