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Advantages Disadvantages

Open account • This is a very low-risk option for your • The biggest risk with open account is
customer, since they receive the goods getting paid late, or not getting paid at
before paying for them. all.

• Using open account can help you land a • If the customer doesn’t pay, you may
sale, but you should know whether the also incur costs trying to collect on the
buyer’s credit is good before you agree debt in addition to the loss from unpaid
to it. debt itself.

• In most markets, offering open account • Simply offering longer payment terms
terms will make you more competitive, won’t necessarily make you the most
which can increase repeat business and competitive. It’s best to find out what
help you build both market share and payment terms are most common for
customer loyalty your industry in the target market, and
remain within them.

Documentary • Because the transactions are carried out • Unlike LCs, your bank does not assume
collection through banks, with your bank acting as liability to pay if your customer won’t
your agent, documentary collections or can’t pay once the goods arrive. It’s
carry less risk for you than an open more secure than an open account, but
account. riskier than a letter of credit.

• They are also less expensive than LCs, • Documentary collections should
so they may be a more competitive therefore be used with extra caution if
option if your customer balks at paying the market is politically risky or there if
for an LC. there is otherwise a risk the buyer will
not pay.

L/C • LCs provide security to both you and • When it comes to competitiveness, LCs
your buyers because they use banks to have a major drawback in that their fees
receive and check documents and to can be very costly for your customer.
guarantee payment. • In addition, your customer may have to
• LCs continue to be the usual method of put up collateral with the issuing bank.
international payment outside the These funds may be frozen from the
United States (although this is beginning day the LC is issued, thus tying up the
to change in some established markets). customer’s cash.

• The process is relatively simple: your

customer obtains an LC from their bank
(the issuing bank), which guarantees • Overall, this means requiring an LC can
you’ll be paid when the conditions of the make you less competitive in the eyes
sales contract have been met. of a potential customer.

Advance • Least risky form of payment for you— • This is considered the least attractive
payment you get your money at the time of the and competitive from the buyer’s point
sale. of view, as cash in advance is the

• Cash in advance provides the working riskiest way for them to do business—

capital you need to process the order; they part with their money upfront but

there’s no strain on cash flow. have no guarantee you’ll deliver the

• Very simple to transact on your part. goods.

• This method can also tie up a buyer’s
cash while they’re waiting for delivery.
• If the buyer has to borrow all or some
of the amount, this adds another step to
their process and, with interest
payments, could increase their total
cost to buy your product as well.
• As a result, few international customers
will agree to cash-in-advance



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