Kisi-Kisi English Regulas Xi

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- You should be able to recognize the general structure and social function of the
- You should be able to identify the CONTENT of the letter Such as (cogratulate,
condolonces, sharing experience ETC)
- You should be able to UNDERSTAND what the main idea is, or purpose of the letter.

- You should be able to identify General structure (setting, situation, character etc) of
the story
- You should be able to decide the main idea of Modern and Classic Short story,
Such as (Romeo and Juliet, Araby, eveline etc)
- You should be able to recognize the General Structure of Invitation (invitee, Body,
- You should be able to decide the body of the invitation RSVP, Place and Time, some
detailed information provided in the invitation.
You should be able to recognize SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE and SIMPLE PAST TENSE
Present tense:

- The use of Verb Infinitive (Verb1)

- The use of Auxiliary Verb (is, am, are) in the simple present form
- THe use of DO and DON’T in the negative and interogative sentences

Past tense:
- The use of Verb 2 (regular and irregular verb)
- The use of Auxiliary Verb (is, am, are) in the simple present form
- THe use of DID and DIDN’T the negative and interogative sentences

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