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He presides over contentment, joy and beauty.

Camael Angel of Joy

"One who see's God"
Cassiel Angel of Temperance Angel of solitude and tears
Cathetel Angel of the Garden Inspires us to love and be thankful for nature
Is an archangel and assists us in loving
Chamuel Angel of Tolerance
ourselves so we may love others
Charmeine Angel of Harmony Shows us how to bring harmony into our lives
Charoum Angel of Silence Inspires us to be good listeners
The record keepers of heaven depicted with four
Cherubim Angel of Wisdom
Guides as through struggle while inspiring us to
Colopatiron Angel of Liberation
rely on our own inner knowing
Creates a thirst for learning and the acquiring of
Dina Angel of Learning knowledge. Is said to have taught humans how
to speak
Inspires them with original thoughts and ensures
Ecanus Angel of Writers
they see their works through to completion
Protects those who travel by water. guides us to
Elemiah Angel of Inward Journeys
recall insights from our subconscious
Believed to have created the tree of life.
Elijah Angel of Innocence Guardian of all new born children and those who
die at an early age
Ezekiel Archangel of Death and Transformation
It is said he can return lost property. Teacher of
Forcas Angel of Invisibility
Mathematics and logic.
Forfax Angel of Astronomy Gives skill in astronomy and liberal arts.
Strength of God: bearer of joy, truth, justice and
Gabriel Angelic Messenger love she grants wisdom in interpreting our
Governs the wheel of the sun and assists us in
Galgaliel Angel of Vibration
removing barriers.
Guides us when we need to make peace with
Gavreel Angel of Peace
our enemies
Angel of awakenings and higher consciousness
Gazardiel Angel of New Beginnings
who holds domain over the rising sun.
Guides us in making ethical decisions and
Haamiah Angel of Integrity
encourages as to express our true selves
The gatekeeper of the second gate in heaven he
Hadraniel Angel of love
awakens our memory of eternal love.
Hael Angel of Kindness Inspires Beauty art and Kindness
Hamael Angel of Dignity Encourages us to persist and be practical
Hamaliel Angel of Logic Aids us in orderly thinking
Angel of glorious white awaits for opportunities
Hamied Angel of Miracles
to create miracles in our lives
"Grace" assists us in creating loving
Haniel Angel of Harmonious Love
Harachel Angel of Knowledge Opens our hearts and minds to new ideas
Protects animal and teaches humans to treat
Hayyel Angel of wild Animals
them with respect and kindness
Hamied Angel of Miracles
Watches over those who retreat from doing and
Iahhel Angel of Meditation
practice being
Assists us in experiencing a new depth of
Iofiel Angel of Beauty beauty and in realising we are beauty as we are
unique reflections of god
Provides nourishment for the entire body for
Angel of Nourishment
Isda physical emotional and spiritual wellbeing
Israfel Angel of Song Inspires music and feelings of new hope
Israfil Angel of Judgment Day Assigned to blow the horn on judgment day
Izra'il Angel of Health An Islam Archangel
Jamaerah Angel of Manifestation Creates space to allow our visions to manifest
Jehoel Angel of Presence A mediator
Jophiel Angel of Enlightenment Inspires enlightened
Kakabel Angel of the Moon Resides of the stars and constellations
Kutiel Angel of Water Holds domain over the art of finding water
Angel of the night who watches over spirits at
Lailah Angel of Conception
from conception to birth
Friend to those who have original ideas. Guides
Liwet Angel of Inventions
and inspires.
Protects while inspiring enthusiasm for
Machidiel / Malchediel Angel of Courage
Maion Angel of Self Discipline Inspires self control and the ability to work hard
Protects animals of the sea. encourages us to
Manakel Angel of the Oceans
get in touch with our deep inner wisdom
Melchisedek Angel of Peace His role in heaven is as Christ’s was on earth
Metatron Angel of Thought See Archangel name meanings
Watches over spiritual evolution and reveals the
Micah Angel of the Divine Plan
next steps of our path
Michael Angel of Miracles See Archangel name meanings
Leads us to friends who are trustworthy and
Mihael Angel of Loyalty
Grants and heals friendships. Brings people
Mihr Angel of Friendship
together who have similar life direction
Mumiah Angel of Longevity Grants us health and vigour
Black eyed angels who are known for deciding
Munkir & Nakir Angels of Justice
where the deceased will go after death
Muriel Angel of Emotions Encourages the awareness of emotions
"Gift of god" watches for spiritual fires of
Nathaniel Angel of Fire
Nemamiah Angel of Just Causes Protector and defender of the defenceless
Known as the "great eagle" grants freedom to
Nisroc Angel of Freedom
express our true self
Omniel Angel of Oneness Shows us that we are connected with all that is
Helps us recognise our feelings and express
Ongkanon Angel of Communication
these positively
Opens us to further abundance by encouraging
Ooniemme Angel of Gratitude
us to be grateful
Guards the inhabitants of the forests and
Orifiel Angel of the Forests
encourages us to protect them
Dissolves the illusion so that we may see the
Paschar Angel of Vision truth and projects gods highest visions for us
into our consciousness
Pistis Sophia Angel of Creation Also known as the angel of wisdom
Perpetiel Angel of Success Encourages our dreams and aspirations
Qaphsiel Angel of the Moon Drives away enemies
Raguel Angel of God Oversees good behaviour of other angels
Resides over true vision. Is the angel of joy in
Ramiel Angel of Thunder
female form
Holds domain over mountains, brings strength
Rampel Angel of Endurance
and endurance
"Divine healer" grants joy, love, grace and
Raphael Angel of Healing
Believed to stand at the bridge to heaven and
Rashnu Angel of Judgment
passes judgement on those who pass
Inspires us to accept the mystery in all life.
Raziel Angel of Mysteries
Name means "God is my pleasure"
In Catholicism the Queen of angels is the Virgin
Regina Angelium Queen of the Angels Mary, in cabala- shekinah: in Gnosticism- Pistis
Inspires us to respect the wisdom from our
Rehael Angel of Respect
elders; those who walked before us.
Whose goal is to reunite us with our eternal
Remliel Angel of Awakening
Brings empathy and understanding to human
Rhamiel Angel of Empathy
Assists in clarity of thought. Angel of tranquillity
Sachael Angel of Water
who frees us from our fears
Transforms our lives and the world around by
Samandiriel Angel of Imagination
guiding us through visualisation
Know as the chief ruler of the 5th heaven.
Sammael Angel of Souls
Carries souls to heaven.
Guides us to experience what we need to in
Sandalphon Angel of Power order to find and release the fears that prevent
us from claiming our personal power
Sariel Angel of guidance The prince of presence and the angel of healing.
Has the face of an angel and the body of an
Seraphiel High Angelic Order
eagle. Teaches song
Inspires us to be fair bringing balance and
Shekinah Angel of Unity and Unconditional Love
harmony to our entire being
Inspires us to be thankful which allows us to
Shemael Angel of Gratitude
grow closer to the angels
Cleanses our bodies with love and directs the
Shushienae Angel of Purity
flow of prana to all life nourishing them
Arouses within us a deep love for nature she
Sofiel Angel of Nature
also keeps records of souls living and dead
Energises intimate relationships she holds the
Soqed Hozi Angel of Partnership balance between feeling and truth in our lives
through our partners
Carries the souls away after death. believed to
Sraosha Angel of Obedience
have set the world in motion
Presides over free will inspires within us the
Tabbris Angel of Self Determination
ability to chose creative alternatives
Protects wild bird and inspires us to love them
Trgiaob Angel of wild birds
as he does
Ask for his assistance when we need to cleanse
Taharial Angel of purification
our bodies and surroundings of negative energy
"Illumination" He is believed to possess the
Urim Angel of Light
virtue of casting our fate
"Fire of God" He grants the gift of clairvoyant
Uriel Angel of Creativity and psychic abilities and is the patron of all
things artistic
"Strength of God" Teaches attitudes of love
Uzziel Angel of Faith
surrender and gratitude
Wakes us with a serene feeling of inner peace
Valoel Angel of Peace and assists us in resolving conflict within our
Gives us a generous heart and special
Verchiel / Herchel Angel of Affection
Vohu Manah Angel of Purity "Good mind" he encourages pure thought.
Inspires us to have a positive outlook on our
Vohamanah Angel of Optimism
Suggested to the rebels that they set fire to
Xaphan Angel of Invention heaven but before they carried it out they were
sent to the bottom of the abyss
Also known as Yefefiah the angel prince of the
Yofiel Angel of Divine Beauty
"The remembrance of God" helps us release our
Zacharael Angel of Surrender
attachment to physical things
Radiates comfort to those afraid, hurt or
Zadkiel Angel of Prayer grieving. Assists in the development of the
human heart.
Teaches us how to listen to our own inner
Zagzagel Angel of Wisdom
Zuphlas Angel of Trees Inspires growth, stability, strength and protection
Encourages us to be sociable and appreciate
Zuriel Angel of Harmony

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