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Lesson 34


As said earlier there are at least two aspects of the health issue:
a) Promotion of health, and
b) Prevention of illness
These are the two sides of the same coin, interrelated and complementing each other.
Health can be promoted in further two ways, by:
i) Adopting healthy lifestyles, and
ii) Proper utilization of available health services so that health problems, if any, may be diagnosed
earlier and treated at the earliest stage.
Physical fitness is the other name of health. Regular exercise is the main way of attaining and managing
physical fitness.

Fitness and Exercise

Health, as discussed earlier, is a state of complete well being: physical, psychological, and social. A
person enjoys well-being when he/she feels fit and experiences fitness. Fitness is a condition that can be
acquired and enhanced, and that can deteriorate too.

When we talk about fitness we are primarily referring to physical fitness; however it encompasses
psychological and social aspects too. Physical fitness leads to shedding stress, and that may result into
healthy, enjoyable, social relations. In other words complete well-being, i.e., health.

Fitness implies enjoying healthy existence as well as absence of disease. One direct correlate of fitness is
exercise. Over the last 2-3 decades people in general have become more health conscious than ever
before. They are more interested in fitness enhancing activities, and more conscious about wise eating. In
short they are adopting healthier lifestyles.

Some of the major causes of this change in health-related attitudes and behaviors are that:
a) People today know that the leading causes of death today are not infections over which people
had little or not control.
b) Life expectancy has significantly improved over the past 5-10 decades. That means that if people
take good care of their health, they can stretch their life span considerably.
c) As a result of research findings, people are more aware of the fact that we can not only expand
the life span, but we can also improve the quality of life a great deal by attaining and improving physical
Physical fitness does not mean a single function or process. It is a complex condition. A physically fit
person experiences:
_ A muscular strength
_ Muscular flexibility
_ Muscular endurance, and
_ Cardio respiratory fitness
Fitness has tow aspects:

Organic Fitness
The ability for activity and mobility, that stems form the inbuilt qualities of a person’s body e.g. the
genetic make up of the person, age, gender, health status and problems, family history etc.

Dynamic Fitness
This type of fitness is learnt, and comes through experience and practice i.e., exercise.
Dynamic fitness affects not only the physiology of a person, but the appearance too.
There is no dearth of research evidence suggesting that exercise is directly related with the health and
fitness of a person.


How Much of Exercise is required for Good Health

People indulge into different types of exercise for different durations. Research reveals that one should
exercise thrice a week; some do it more often. But there are certain standards for how much and what
kind of exercise should be done.

The generally agreed upon standard is exercising for at least 15 minutes thrice weekly; in this time one is
required to indulge into sustained activity at 70%- 85% of maximal heart rate. However different people
are happier with different frequencies and intensity of exercise. Some people walk 5 miles at a stretch and
are not tired. Some exercise for 20-25 minutes only and they find it to be enough for their fitness.
Exercise gives the exerciser a feeling of well-being and elation. This is because of the release of
endorphins as triggered by aerobic exercise.

Types of Exercise

Aerobic Exercise
In aerobic exercise the heart of the person beats at an elevated level for a considerably long duration (in
minutes usually). It requires significantly increased consumption of oxygen for a long period. It is a high
intensity, long-duration, and high-endurance exercise. The major elements are intensity and duration.
How long and how intense the exercise should be, is calculated from a formula involving the age of the
person as well as the maximum possible heart rate. Jogging, brisk-power walking, aerobic dancing,
cycling, swimming, rope skipping are examples of aerobic exercise. An effective and true aerobic
exercise requires that the heart rate is at an elevated level for 12-20 minutes. During this period, the heart
and the respiratory system work at an elevated level; and the whole coronary system benefits from it. The
ultimate benefit from this exercise is a rapid and intense consumption of oxygen, besides flexible and
elastic blood vessels. Aerobic exercise is believed to be beneficial in terms of enhanced fitness; it results
into cardio respiratory fitness and provides protection against coronary-heart disease.

Caution: Before moving on to an intense aerobic exercise regimen, one should have complete medical
check ups and consultation with a physician in order to be sure that the body is fit enough to stand the
rigor required by this exercise. This exercise can be dangerous for persons with coronary-heart problems.

Anaerobic Exercise
These exercises are similar to aerobic exercise, but do not require heightened oxygen consumption.
Anaerobic exercises involve intensive bursts of energy for shorter durations. Short distance running or
sprinting are anaerobics; some calisthenics are also anaerobic. Speed and endurance are the salient
features of these exercises. These exercises are not suitable for people with coronary-heart problems.

Isometric Exercise
As compared to other age group, older people can benefit more from this exercise. The exercise involves
muscle contraction against and immovable object e.g. a pillar, or a wall. Isometric exercises give the
feeling of strength to the person exercising. The main benefit is in terms of muscle strength. However
since it does not involve other movements, it has little contribution to physical fitness.
Isotonic Exercise
Weight lifting is the best example of isotonic exercise. Muscles and joints are the main parts of body
involved. Isotonic exercise primarily involves muscle contraction and joints’ movements. The ultimate
benefit is muscle tone, muscle strength and muscle endurance. These exercises can add to fitness if done
for longer periods of time. The immediate benefits may be felt in terms of physical appearance and body

Isokinetic Exercise
As compare to isotonic exercise, isokinetic exercise involves lifting weight and returning it too, to the
starting point. Bringing the weight back requires additional exertion. This exercise requires special
equipment and the person may have to go to the gym or purchase expensive machinery.
However it is better than the isotonic or isometric exercise for attaining muscle strength and endurance.

Which Exercise should be chosen?

A person may choose an exercise regimen considering the following:
a) Physical condition, muscle strength and endurance level
b) Health Status
c) Physician’s advice
d) Age

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