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STANDARD 10140-5
Second edition

Acoustics — Laboratory measurement

of sound insulation of building
elements —
Part 5:
Requirements for test facilities and
Acoustique — Mesurage en laboratoire de l'isolation acoustique des
éléments de construction —
Partie 5: Exigences relatives aux installations et appareillage d'essai

Reference number
ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

© ISO 2021
ISO 10140-5:2021(E)


© ISO 2021
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be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
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Published in Switzerland

ii © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. v
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Laboratory test facilities for airborne sound insulation measurements .................................................. 2
4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2 Test rooms ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2.1 Volume ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2.2 Diffusion .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.2.3 Reverberation time ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
4.2.4 Background noise ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.2.5 Suppression o f flanking transmission ........................................................................................................... 3
4.3 Test opening .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.3.2 Full-sized test opening ................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.3.3 Reduced-size test opening ....................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3.4 Specific small-sized test opening ....................................................................................................................... 6
5 Laboratory test facilities for impact sound insulation measurements ....................................................... 8
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Receiving room ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2.1 Volume ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2.2 Further requirements .................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.3 Test opening .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.3.1 Full-sized test opening ................................................................................................................................................ 8
5.3.2 Frame specification ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Airborne sound field .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Impact sound source .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Measurement system......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Annex A (normative) Estimation of the maximum measurable sound reduction index ............................. 11
Annex B (normative) Standard basic elements for measuring the improvement of airborne
sound insulation by linings .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Annex C (normative) Standard floors for measuring the improvement o f impact sound
insulation by floor coverings ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Annex D (normative) Qualification procedure for loudspeakers and loudspeaker positions ............. 21
Annex E (normative) Standard tapping machine ................................................................................................................................. 25
Annex F (normative) Alternative impact sound sources .............................................................................................................. 27
Annex G (normative) Wooden mock-up floor for measuring the improvement o f impact
sound insulation by floor coverings .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Annex H (normative) Specification o f heavy and intense rain — Example o f a tank with
perforated base ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Annex I (informative) Reference test specimens for rainfall sound measurements ....................................... 37
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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For an explanation o f the voluntary nature o f standards, the meaning o f ISO specific terms and
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World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .org/
iso/foreword .html.

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43, Acoustics, Subcommittee SC 2,
Building acoustics, in collaboration with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical
Committee CEN/TC 126, Acoustic properties of building elements and of buildings, in accordance with the
Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10140-5:2010), which has been technically
revised. It also incorporates the Amendment ISO 10140-5:2010/Amd1: 2014.

The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:

— all re ferences in the text have been updated;

— in Clause 2 , the normative re ferences have been updated;

— in Clause 3 , the terms and definitions have been added;

— Annex B, Annex C and Annex H have been updated.

A list of all parts in the ISO 10140 series can be found on the ISO website.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .org/members .html.

iv © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)


I S O 1014 0 (a l l p ar ts) concern s lab orator y me a s u rement o f the s ound i n s u l ation o f bu i ld i ng elements

(see Table 1).

ISO 1014 0 -1 s p e ci fie s the appl ic ation ru le s for s p e ci fic elements and pro duc ts , i nclud i ng s p e ci fic

re qu i rements for the prep a ration and mou nti ng o f the te s t s p e ci men s , and for the op erati ng a nd te s t

conditions. ISO 10140-2 and ISO 10140-3 contain the general procedures for airborne and impact sound
i n s u lation me a s urements , re s p e c tively, and re fer to I S O 1014 0 - 4 and th i s do c u ment where appropri ate .

For elements and pro duc ts without a s p e c i fic appl ic ation ru le de s crib e d i n I S O 1014 0 -1 , it i s p o s s ible

to app ly I S O 1014 0 -2 and ISO 1014 0 -3 . ISO 1014 0 - 4 conta i n s b a s ic me as u rement te ch n ique s a nd

pro ce s s e s . T h i s do c u ment contai n s re qu i rements for te s t fac i l itie s and e qu ipment. For the s tr uc tu re o f

I S O 1014 0 (a l l p ar ts) , s e e Table 1.

ISO 1014 0 (a l l p a r ts) wa s develop e d to i mprove the l ayout for lab orator y me a s urements , en s u re

con s i s tenc y and s i mpl i fy futu re change s and add ition s re gard i ng mounti ng cond ition s o f te s t elements

i n l ab orator y a nd field me a s u rements . I S O 1014 0 (a l l p ar ts) ai m s at pre s enti ng a wel l-written a nd

arra nge d format for lab orator y me a s urements .

ISO 10140-1 is planned to be updated with application rules for other products.

Table 1 — Structure and contents of ISO 10140 (all parts)

Relevant Main purpose, contents and use Detailed content

part of
ISO 10140
ISO 10140-1 It indicates the appropriate test procedure Appropriate references to ISO 10140-2 and
fo r elements a nd pro duc ts . Fo r cer ta i n typ e s I S O 10 14 0 -3 a nd pro duc t-rel ate d , s p e c i fic a nd

o f element/p ro duc t, it c a n conta i n add i - additional instructions on:

tion a l a nd more s p e c i fic i n s tr uc tion s ab o ut
— s p e c i fic qu a ntitie s me a s u re d;
qu a ntitie s a nd te s t element s i z e a nd ab out

p rep a ratio n , mou nti n g a nd op erati ng co nd i - — s i z e o f te s t element;

tion s . W here no s p e c i fic de ta i l s a re i nclud - — b ou nd a r y a nd mo u nti n g cond ition s;

e d , the genera l gu idel i ne s a re acco rd i ng to

ISO 10140-2 and ISO 10140-3. — conditioning, tes ting and op erating conditions;

— add ition a l s p e c i fic s for te s t rep o r t.

ISO 10140-2 It gives a procedure for airborne sound insu- — D e fi n ition s o f m a i n qu a ntitie s me a s u re d

lation measurements according to ISO 10140-

— G enera l mou nti ng a nd b ou nda r y co nd ition s
4 and ISO 10140-5. For products without
s p e c i fic app l ic ation r u le s , it i s s u ffic ientl y — G enera l me a s u rement p ro ce du re

comp le te a nd genera l fo r the e xe c utio n o f

— Data processing
me a s u rements . H owe ver, for p ro duc ts with

s p e c i fic app l ic ation r u le s , me a s u rements — Test report (general points)

a re c a rr ie d out accord i n g to I S O 10 14 0 -1 , i f

ISO 10140-3 It gives a procedure for impact sound insula- — D e fi n ition s o f m a i n qu a ntitie s me a s u re d

tion measurements according to ISO 10140-

— G enera l mou nti ng a nd b ou nda r y co nd ition s
4 and ISO 10140-5. For products without
s p e c i fic app l ic ation r u le s , it i s s u ffic ientl y — G enera l me a s u rement p ro ce du re

comp le te a nd genera l fo r the e xe c utio n o f

— Data processing
me a s u rements . H owe ver, for p ro duc ts with

s p e c i fic app l ic ation r u le s , me a s u rements — Test report (general points)

a re c a rr ie d out accord i n g to I S O 10 14 0 -1 , i f


© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved v

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Table 1 (continued)
Relevant Main purpose, contents and use Detailed content
part of
ISO 10140
ISO 10140-4 It gives all the basic measurement techniques — Definitions
and processes for measurement according
to ISO 10140-2 and ISO 10140-3 or facility — Frequency range
qualifications according to ISO 10140-5. Much — Microphone positions
of the content is implemented in software.
— SPL measurements
— Averaging, space and time
— Correction for background noise
— Reverberation time measurements
— Loss factor measurements
— Low- frequency measurements
— Radiated sound power by velocity measurement
ISO 10140-5 It specifies all in formation needed to design, Test facilities, design criteria:
construct and quali fy the laboratory facility, — volumes, dimensions;
its additional accessories and measurement
equipment (hardware). — flanking transmission;
— laboratory loss factor;
— maximum achievable sound reduction index;
— reverberation time;
— influence o f lack of di ffusivity in the laboratory.
Test openings:
— standard openings for walls and floors;
— other openings (windows, doors, small tech-
nical elements);
— filler walls in general.
Requirements for equipment:
— loudspeakers, number, positions;
— tapping machine and other impact sources;
— measurement equipment.
Reference constructions:
— basic elements for airborne and impact insu-
lation improvement;
— corresponding reference performance curves.

vi © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved


Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation

of building elements —
Part 5:
Requirements for test facilities and equipment
1 Scope
T h i s do c ument s p e c i fie s lab orator y te s t fac i l itie s a nd e qu ipment for s ou nd i n s u lation me a s u rements o f

bu i ld i ng elements , s uch as:

— comp onents and materi a l s;

— bu i ld i ng elements;

— te ch nic a l elements (s ma l l bu i ld i ng elements) ;

— s ou nd i n s u l ation i mprovement s ys tem s .

It is appl ic able to lab orator y te s t fac i l itie s with s uppre s s e d rad iation from fl an ki ng elements a nd

structural isolation between source and receiving rooms.

This do c u ment s p e ci fie s qua l i fic ation pro ce du re s for use when com m i s s ion i ng a new te s t faci l ity
with e qu ipment for s ou nd i n s u lation me as u rements . I t i s i ntende d th at the s e pro ce dure s b e rep e ate d

p erio d ic a l ly to en s u re that there are no i s s ue s with the e qu ipment a nd the te s t fac i l ity.

2 Normative references
T he fol lowi ng do c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content

con s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s do c u ment. For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d app l ie s . For

u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s .

Acoustics — Measurement of room acoustic parameters — Part 2: Reverberation time in

I S O 3 3 8 2 -2 ,

ordinary rooms
Acoustics — Determination of dynamic stiffness — Part 1: Materials used under floating
I S O 9 0 5 2 -1 : 19 8 9,

floors in dwellings
Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 1:
I S O 1014 0 -1 ,

Application rules for specific products

I S O 1014 0 -2 , Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 2:

Measurement of airborne sound insulation

I S O 1014 0 -3 , Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 3:

Measurement of impact sound insulation

Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 4:
I S O 1014 0 - 4,

Measurement procedures and requirements

I E C 6 0 9 42 : 2 017, Electroacoustics — Sound calibrators
I E C 61 2 6 0 -1 , Electroacoustics — Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters — Part 1: Specifications
I E C 6167 2 -1 , Electroacoustics — Sound level meters — Part 1: Specifications

© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved 1

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

IEC 61672-2, Electroacoustics — Sound level meters — Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests
IEC 61672-3, Electroacoustics — Sound level meters — Part 3: Periodic tests

3 Terms and definitions

No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www .org/obp

— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia .org/

4 Laboratory test facilities for airborne sound insulation measurements

4.1 General

The laboratory test facility shall consist o f two adjacent reverberant rooms with a test opening between
them, in which the test element is inserted.
The area o f the test opening can vary depending on the type o f test element. This document defines
full-sized test openings, a specific small-sized test opening and alternative reduced-size test openings.

For measurement o f the improvement o f sound reduction index by acoustical linings, these rooms shall
be separated by a standard basic element on which the lining under test is installed, in accordance with
Annex B .

4.2 Test rooms

4.2.1 Volume

The volumes of the test rooms shall be at least 50 m 3 . Volumes and corresponding dimensions of the
two test rooms should not be exactly the same. A di fference o f at least 10 % in room volumes and in the
linear dimensions is recommended.

Choose the ratios o f the room dimensions such that the eigenmode frequencies in the low- frequency
bands are spaced as uni formly as possible.
When measuring the sound insulation o f walls or floors, theoretical calculation as well as experiments
have indicated that the test element should cover a total partition wall or ceiling o f the test room, i.e.
the test opening should extend from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling. In such a case, a volume o f
50 m 3 to 60 m 3 is appropriate in view of the recommended size of the test opening.

4.2.2 Diffusion

Large variations of the sound pressure level in the room indicate the presence of dominating strong
standing waves. In this case, di ffusing elements shall be installed in the rooms. The positioning and
number o f di ffusing elements should be arranged in such a way that the sound reduction index is not
influenced when further di ffusing elements are installed.
NOTE For some kinds o f test element, as for elements with one sur face significantly more absorbent than the
other (see ISO 10140-2), the installation o f di ffusing elements is mandatory.

4.2.3 Reverberation time

The reverberation time in the rooms under normal test conditions (with negligible absorption by the
test element) should not be excessively long or short. When the reverberation time at frequencies at

2 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

and above 100 Hz exceeds 2 s or is less than 1 s, check whether the measured sound reduction index
depends on the reverberation time. When such a dependence is found, even with di ffusers in the rooms,
the rooms shall be modified to adjust the reverberation time, T, such that:
1 ≤ T ≤ 2 ( V / 50 ) (1)


V is the value o f the room volume, in cubic metres;

T is the reverberation time, in seconds.
Measurement o f the reverberation time is specified in ISO 10140-4.

4.2.4 Background noise

The background noise level in the receiving room shall be su fficiently low to permit measurements o f
the sound transmitted from the source room, considering the power output in the source room and the
sound insulation o f the test elements for which the laboratory is intended (see ISO 10140-4:2021, 4.3).

4.2.5 Suppression o f flanking transmission

In laboratory test facilities designed for measuring the sound reduction index, the sound transmitted
by any indirect path should be negligible compared with the sound transmitted through the test
element. One approach to achieve this in such facilities is to provide su fficient structural isolation
between source and receiving rooms. Another approach is to cover all surfaces of both rooms with
linings that reduce the flanking transmission in such a way that the requirements on room volumes and
reverberation times are still met.

Annex A specifies the methods to be used for estimating the maximum achievable sound reduction
index, R ´max, which is determined by indirect paths.

4.3 Test opening

4.3.1 General
A horizontal and a vertical full-sized test opening, as well as a specific vertical small-sized test opening
are defined. Other reduced-size test openings may be applied under certain restrictions.

4.3.2 Full-sized test opening General
The area o f the full-sized test opening shall be approximately 10 m 2 for walls, and between 10 m 2 and
20 m 2 for floors, with the length o f the shorter edge being not less than 2,3 m for both walls and floors. General frame specification

The measured sound reduction index o f a test element can be a ffected by the connections to the
laboratory structure surrounding the element. The mass ratio o f the tested structure to the surrounding
structure should be taken into consideration. For tests on lightweight structures (m < 150 kg/m 2 ),

© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved 3

ISO 1 01 40-5 : 2 02 1 (E)

there are no s p e c i a l re qu i rements to b e ta ken i nto accou nt. For he avier s tr uc tu re s u nder te s t, it s hou ld

b e en s u re d th at the lo s s fac tor, η , o f the te s t element i s no t le s s than that given b y Formula (2):

η min = 0 , 01 + (2)

where f i s the te s t fre quenc y va lue, i n her tz .

To che ck th i s re qu i rement, u s e a s the te s t element a brick or blo ck wa l l havi ng a mas s o f (4 0 0 ± 4 0) kg/

m2 plas tere d on one s ide . M e as u rement o f the lo s s fac tor i s s p e ci fie d i n I S O 1014 0 - 4. Specific requirements on the frame for lightweight double-lea f partitions

With l ightweight double -le a f p ar tition s , the s ou nd re duc tion i ndex i s a ffe c te d by vibration tran s m i s s ion

between the wall leaves via the frame of the test opening (see Figure 1) . T h i s i s i n fluence d b y the

mou nti ng cond ition s i n the l ab orator y te s t op en i ng and by the materia l prop er tie s and d i men s ion s o f

the frame(s). Vibration transmission between the coupled structures of the partition itself (e.g. common
or couple d s tud s) i s dep endent on the s p e ci fic con s truc tion o f the p ar tition a nd i s a prop er ty o f the te s t

element itself. This vibration transmission is not treated in this document.

I n order to i mprove the repro ducibi l ity o f the s ou nd re duc tion i nde x b e twe en lab oratorie s for wa l l s ,

guidance is given for the mass per unit area of the frame of the test opening. If there is an acoustic break
i n the lab orator y te s t op en i ng , the frame on one s ide o f that bre a k s hou ld b e con s idere d . T he ma s s p er

unit area of the frame shall be much larger than the mass per unit area of the heaviest leaf of the double
partition. The ratio of the mass per unit area of the heaviest leaf of the double partition to that of the
frame of the test opening shall be at least 1:6. The minimum thickness of the frame should be 100 mm
and the m i n i mu m dep th s hou ld b e 2 0 0 m m . T he frame sh a l l have a den s ity o f at le a s t 2 0 0 0 kg/m .
The cross-sectional surface mass shall be more than 450 kg/m . I n add ition, the frame(s) s ha l l con s i s t
o f a homo gene ous , ma s s ive con s truc tion, s uch as den s e concre te or mas on r y. Wo o d or me ta l fra me s
connecting the two leaves shall not be used.

T he s u r face ma s s p er u n it are a i s c a lc u late d from the den s ity, ρ, and the th ickne s s , t, o f the elements , a s
shown in Figure 2 , u s i ng Formulae (3) and (4):

mL′ = ρ L tL (3)


mL′ i s the mas s p er u n it are a o f the te s t faci l ity wa l l , i n ki lo gra m s p er s quare me tre;

ρL i s the den s ity o f the te s t fac i l ity wa l l , i n ki lo gram s p er c ubic me tre;

tL i s the th ickne s s o f the te s t fac i l ity wa l l, i n me tre s .

me′ = ρ e te (4)


me′ i s the mas s p er u n it are a o f the element, i n ki lo gra m s p er s quare me tre;

ρe i s the den s ity o f the element, i n ki lo gra m s p er c ubic me tre;

te i s the th ickne s s o f the element, i n me tre s .

4 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

1 frame of the test opening

Figure 1 — Vibration transmission across the border frame of the test opening

1 tes t facility wall

2 element under test

t˪ thicknes s o f the tes t facility wall

te thickness of the test element

Figure 2 — Determination of the mass per unit area of the elements

4.3.3 Reduced-size test opening

T he te s t op en i ng may have a re duce d a re a:

a) i f the te s t element a re a i s s ma l ler tha n the fu l l- s i ze d te s t op en i ng;

b) i f s p e c i a l acou s tic a l cond ition s are me t on the te s t element;

c) if the test element is a small technical element.

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ISO 1 01 40-5 : 2 02 1 (E)

Re duce d- s i z e te s t op en i ngs are s p e ci fie d i n I S O 1014 0 -1 and I S O 1014 0 -2 .

4.3.4 Specific small-sized test opening

Sp e ci fic s ma l l- s i z e d te s t op en i ngs are 1 2 5 0 m m i n width and 1 5 0 0 m m i n height, with a n a l lowab le

tolera nce on e ach d i men s ion o f ± 5 0 m m, pre ferably ma i ntai n i ng the s ame as p e c t ratio . T he te s t op eni ng

has a ma xi mu m dep th o f 5 0 0 m m, with s taggere d n iche s with a refle c tive fi n i s h . T he larger n iche i s

6 0 m m to 6 5 m m wider at the s ide s a nd the top on ly.

T he wa l l with the te s t op en i ng i s con s tr uc te d from two wa l l s o f ab out e qua l th ickne s s made o f conc re te,

plas tere d bricks or s i m i lar materi a l with a den s ity o f at le a s t 1 8 0 0 kg/m

3. The gap between the two
wa l l s i s fi l le d with m i nera l wo ol and s ha l l b e covere d with an ai r tight refle c ti ng re s i l ient materi a l . C are

shou ld b e ta ken to en s ure that the re s i l ient materi a l do e s no t add flan ki ng tran s m i s s ion by coupl i ng the

two wa l l s . T h i s wa l l may b e a fi l ler wa l l i n the fu l l- s i ze d te s t op en i ng.

A vertical and a horizontal section are shown in Figure 3 with a de tai l o f the gap a s a n example o f the

te s t op en i ng with i n the s p e c i fic ation s given . T he d i men s ion s o f the n iche s i n the hori z onta l s e c tion

shall be the same as in the vertical section.

T he m i n i mu m d i s tance b e twe en the s ma l l- s i z e d te s t op en i ng and a ny wa l l, flo or or cei l i ng o f either

ro om s ha l l b e 5 0 0 m m . T he op eni ng s hou ld no t b e s ym me tric a l i n the s ep a rati ng wa l l .

6 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 mineral wool
2 res ilient material (aco us tically reflective)

3 double partition wall

4 reflective finis hing

Figure 3 — Example o f the construction o f the specific small-sized test opening

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

5 Laboratory test facilities for impact sound insulation measurements

5.1 General

The laboratory test facility consists o f two vertically adjacent rooms, the upper one being designated
the “source room” and the lower one, the “receiving room”. There are no specific requirements for the
shape and size of the source room for impact sound measurements.

For measurements o f the reduction o f transmitted impact sound by floor coverings, these rooms shall
be separated by a standard test floor on which the floor covering under test is installed in accordance
with Annex C .

For these and other measurements, re ference objects can also be defined to calibrate the test facility;
see Annex I for the measurement o f rain fall sound as an example.

5.2 Receiving room

5.2.1 Volume

The volume of the receiving room shall be not less than 50 m 3 . The ratio of the receiving room
dimensions shall be chosen so that the eigenmode frequencies in the low- frequency bands are spaced as
uni formly as possible.
Theoretical calculations as well as experiments have indicated that it may be advisable that the test
element cover the total ceiling area o f the receiving room, i.e. the test opening should extend from wall
to wall. In such a case, a volume o f 50 m 3 to 60 m 3 is appropriate in view of the recommended size of the
test opening.

5.2.2 Further requirements

The room shall fulfil the same requirements as the rooms for airborne sound insulation specified in
4.2 .2 , 4.2 .3 , 4.2 .4 and 4.2 .5.

In addition, the airborne sound insulation between the receiving room and the space with the tapping
machine shall be su fficiently high that the sound field measured in the receiving room is only that
generated by impact excitation o f the floor under test.

5.3 Test opening

5.3.1 Full-sized test opening

The size o f the test opening for floors shall be between 10 m 2 and 20 m 2 , with the shorter edge length
not less than 2,3 m.
5.3.2 Frame specification
The measured impact sound insulation o f a test element can be a ffected by the connections to the
laboratory structure surrounding the element. The mass ratio o f the tested structure to the surrounding
structure should be taken into consideration. For tests on lightweight structures (m < 150 kg/m 2 ),
there are no special related requirements to be taken into account. For heavier structures under test, it
should be ensured that the loss factor, η , o f the test element is not less than
η min = 0 , 01 + (5)
where f is the value o f test frequency, in hertz.

8 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

To check this requirement, use a concrete floor having a mass o f (300 ± 30) kg/m 2 as the test element.
For measurement o f the loss factor, see ISO 10140-4.

6 Equipment

6 . 1 A i r b o r n e s o u n d fi e l d

The sound field in the rooms depends on the type and position o f the sound source. The sound source
should be positioned and operated to try and achieve a di ffuse sound field. The positions and directivity
o f the source shall permit microphone positions to be used outside the direct field o f the source and
shall ensure that the direct radiation from the source is not dominant on the surface of the test element.
This shall be achieved using a sound source at fixed positions or along a moving path that complies with
the requirements in Annex D. Sound sources may be used at fixed positions simultaneously, provided
they are o f the same type and are driven at the same level by similar, but uncorrelated, signals.
The sound generated in the source room shall be steady and have a continuous spectrum in the
frequency range considered. I f filtering o f the source signal is used, use a bandwidth o f at least one-
third octave. I f broadband noise is used (white noise is recommended), the spectrum may be shaped to
ensure an adequate signal-to-noise ratio at high frequencies in the receiving room. In either case, the
average sound spectrum in the source room, at least above 100 Hz, shall not have a di fference in level
o f more than 6 dB between adjacent one-third octave bands. Sound field specifications are given in
ISO 10140-4 and ISO 18233 gives equivalent alternatives.
The source room should be the larger room.

When measuring the airborne sound insulation o f a floor in a vertical transmission test facility with the
source(s) in the upper room, the base o f each source shall be at least 1,5 m above the floor.

6.2 Impact sound source

The impact sound source that shall be used is the standard tapping machine as specified in Annex E .
Annex F specifies two alternative impact sources that shall be used alternatively, as explained in
ISO 10140-3:2021, Clause 1.
Annex H specifies an artificial rain source that shall be used to characterize the generation o f rain fall
sound on building elements, as explained in ISO 10140-1:2021, Annex K.

6.3 Measurement system

The instrumentation system, including the microphones and cables, shall meet the requirements o f a
Class 1 instrument in accordance with IEC 61672-1 1) and the filters shall meet the requirements for a
Class 0 or 1 instrument in accordance with IEC 61260-1. A sound calibrator shall meet the requirements
of Class 1 in accordance with IEC 60942 .

The reverberation time measurement equipment shall comply with the requirements defined in
ISO 3382-2 .

Con formity o f the instrumentation system with the requirements o f IEC 61672-1, con formity o f the
sound calibration device with the requirements o f IEC 60942:2017, Annex A, and con formity o f the

1) Previously called Type 1 in accordance with IEC 60651 and IEC 60804, which have been withdrawn and
replaced with IEC 61672-1 and IEC 61672-2.

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ISO 1 01 40-5 : 2 02 1 (E)

fi lters with I E C 61 2 6 0 -1 s ha l l b e veri fie d b y the e xi s tence o f a va l id p attern eva luation cer ti fic ate i s s ue d

by a comp e tent lab orator y.

NOTE In those cases where instruments are in conformance with withdrawn standards 2) , the co mp e tent

n ation a l l ab orator y c a n i s s ue p atter n e va lu ation cer ti fic ation accord i ng to p ro ce du re s gi ven i n O I M L R 5 8 a nd

OIML R 88.

Test procedures for pattern evaluation are given in IEC 61672-2 and test procedures for periodic testing
i n I E C 6167 2 -3 . T he u s er s ha l l en s u re that con form ity with the s e I nternationa l Sta nda rd s i s veri fie d

p erio d ic a l ly.

2) That is , I E C 6 0 6 5 1 and I E C 60 8 0 4, which have b ee n withdrawn and rep laced with I E C 61 6 7 2 - 1 and I E C 6 1 6 7 2 - 2 .

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Annex A

Estimation of the maximum measurable sound reduction index

A.1 General
Figure A.1 shows a schematic representation of the different transmission paths between the rooms in
a test facility. The direct path is Dd, whereas Fd, Ff and D f are flanking paths.

1 source room
2 receiving room

Figure A.1 — Transmission paths in a test facility

The sound power transmitted into the receiving room can be assumed to consist of the sum of the
following components:

W Dd which has entered the partition directly and is radiated from it directly;
W Df which has entered the partition directly, but is radiated from flanking constructions;
W Fd which has entered flanking constructions and is radiated from the partition directly;
W Ff which has entered flanking constructions and is radiated from flanking constructions;
W leak which has been transmitted (as airborne sound) through leaks, ventilation ducts, etc.
The flanking transmission may be investigated using one o f the following two ways.
a) By covering the test element on both sides with additional flexible layers, for example 13 mm
gypsum board on a separate frame at a distance which gives a resonance frequency o f the system
o f layer and airspace well below the frequency range o f interest. The airspace should contain
sound-absorbing material. With this measurement Dd , Df and Fd are suppressed, and the
measured apparent sound reduction index is determined by Ff ( leak is assumed to be negligible
under laboratory conditions). Additional flexible layers, covering particular flanking sur faces, may
permit identification o f the major flanking paths;
b) By estimating the radiated sound power from flanking constructions in the receiving room using
measurement o f the average sur face velocity levels or average sound intensity radiated by the
surfaces (see ISO 10140-4).

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

I f the power radiated from the flanking constructions, WDf + WFf, is determined in this way, the
measurement can be used for the calculation o f the apparent sound reduction index, RDf+Ff
′ , in decibels,
as given in Formula (A.1):
′ = 10 lg
(W ) (A.1)
Df + WFf

The maximum sound reduction index o f a building element that can be measured in a laboratory
without being significantly a ffected by flanking transmission depends on the type o f element being
tested. There fore, it is desirable to assess the contribution o f flanking transmission whenever a high-
per formance element is tested, using one o f the indicated methods. As this is impractical for general
applications, R ´max shall be measured for a range of constructions which are representative of those
normally tested (see ISO 10140-1).

A . 2 Q u a l i fi c a ti o n p ro c e d u re s a n d re q u i re m e n ts

A.2.1 Maximum measurable sound reduction index — R´max facility

Six representative constructions are specified below. The constructions most similar to the elements
normally tested by the laboratory shall be used for the R ´max tests, as specified in ISO 10140-2.
Laboratories with a test opening for walls have either a permanent solid or cavity separating wall.
When it is a cavity type, the two leaves o f the representative construction may be built on the same side
o f the cavity or with one lea f on each side o f the cavity. However, the values o f R ´max obtained shall only
apply to the configurations tested.
A.2.2 Representative constructions
For wall and floor constructions o f type A (see A.2 .2 .1.1), the flanking path is mainly Ff and is only
slightly influenced by the type o f test construction. For wall and floor constructions o f types B and C,
flanking includes paths Ff, Fd, and D f, which are all influenced by the mass o f the nominal separating
construction. For wall and floor constructions o f types B and C, the additional lining shall be applied to
the heavyweight test construction in such a way that only transmission via path Dd is reduced.
A.2.2.1 Walls
A. Type A: Lightweight wall
For double-lea f lightweight partitions, each lea f should comprise layers o f plasterboard or other board
material of similar mass per area (at least 30 kg/m 2 ). The cavity between the leaves shall be at least
200 mm wide and shall contain mineral wool at least 100 mm thick. The leaves shall be supported on
timber or metal studs and shall not be connected to each other mechanically. The perimeter o f the
lightweight leaves shall not be rigidly bonded to the permanent structure.
A. Type B: Lightweight masonry wall
The lightweight masonry wall consists o f a brick or block wall, plastered on one side, having a mass per
unit area o f (100 ± 10) kg/m 2 . On one side an independent lining shall be constructed comprising two
layers o f 12,5 mm plasterboard supported on a timber or metal stud frame which is not connected to
the wall. The lining shall be on that side of the wall facing that room on which the wall is supported. The
perimeter o f the lightweight lining shall not be rigidly bonded to the permanent structure. The cavity
between the wall and the lining shall be at least 50 mm wide and shall contain mineral wool.

A. Type C: Heavyweight masonry wall

The heavyweight masonry wall consists o f a brick or block wall, plastered on one side, having a mass
per unit area o f (400 ± 40) kg/m 2 . On one side an independent lining shall be constructed comprising
two layers o f 12,5 mm plasterboard supported on a timber or metal stud frame which is not connected

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

to the wall. The cavity between the wall and the lining shall be at least 50 mm wide and shall contain
mineral wool. The lining shall be on the side of the wall facing that room on which the wall is supported.
The perimeter o f the lightweight lining shall not be rigidly bonded to the permanent structure.

A.2.2.2 Floors
A. Type A: Lightweight floor
The lightweight floor may be constructed with the ceiling supported from joists below those which
support the floor. The construction details shall be equivalent to the lightweight wall described above.

A. Type B: Lightweight concrete floor

The lightweight concrete floor is constructed with a concrete base having a mass per unit area
o f (100 ± 10) kg/m 2 , sealed on one side with plaster. A lining comprising two layers o f 12,5 mm
plasterboard should be suspended below the floor from independent joists, with mineral wool in the
cavity. The perimeter o f the lightweight suspended lining shall not be rigidly bonded to the permanent
structure. Alternatively, the lining may “float” on the concrete, supported by 75 mm thick mineral wool.

A. Type C: Heavyweight concrete floor

The heavyweight concrete floor is constructed with a homogeneous, rein forced concrete slab o f
thickness 120 +−40
20 mm (pre ferably 140 mm for the construction o f new laboratories), meeting the
requirements o f the heavyweight re ference floor in C.2 . A lining comprising two layers o f 12,5 mm
plasterboard should be suspended below the concrete floor from independent joists, with mineral wool
in the cavity. The lightweight suspended lining shall not be rigidly bonded to the permanent structure.
Alternatively, the lining may “float” on the concrete floor, supported by 75 mm thick mineral wool.
Table A.1 gives typical values o f R ´max for the laboratory capable o f measuring walls and floors o f type C
having values of Rw up to 55 dB. The values in Table A.1 are for example only and should not be regarded
as target values.

Table A.1 — Typical values of R ´max in a laboratory for testing walls and floors o f type C
Frequency R ´max for paths F f, Fd and D f
Hz dB
100 45,0
125 50,0
160 53,0
200 56,0
250 58,5
315 61,0
400 63,5
500 66,0
630 68,5
800 71,0
1 000 73,5
1 250 76,0
1 600 78,5
2 000 81,0
2 500 83,5
3 86,0

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Table A.1 (continued)

Frequency R ´max for paths F f, Fd and D f
Hz dB
4 000 88,5
5 000 91,0

14 © ISO 202 1 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Annex B

Standard basic elements for measuring the improvement of

airborne sound insulation by linings

B.1 Standard basic elements

The constructions described in this annex shall be used as standard basic elements for the application
o f linings. The standardized values o f the sound reduction indices, R, for the standard basic elements
are given in ISO 717-1.

NOTE The standardized values in ISO 717-1 are typical smoothed values for the sound reduction index o f
these basic elements used in the determination o f the single-number rating; the measured values o f the actual
basic element are used to evaluate the improvement by a lining.

B.2 Standard wall with low critical frequency (“heavy wall”)

This is constructed o f masonry, homogeneous concrete or concrete blocks with a sur face density, ρA , o f
(350 ± 50) kg/m 2 . The material and thickness shall be chosen such that the critical frequency is located
in the 125 Hz octave band. This may be calculated or measured. No cavities are allowed and there
shall be no thickness resonances below 3 150 Hz. The density o f the blocks or bricks shall be at least
1 600 kg/m 3 . I f the wall is not airtight, it shall be plastered on the side facing the lining.
EXAMPLE Calcium silicate blocks with density 1 700 kg/m 3 < ρ < 1 800 kg/m 3 . Thickness of the blocks:
175 mm. 10 mm gypsum plaster on one side o f the wall.

B.3 Standard floor with low critical frequency (“heavy floor”)

A heavyweight homogeneous concrete floor shall be used as described in C.2 .1.

B.4 Standard wall with medium critical frequency (“lightweight wall”)

This is constructed o f a 10 cm thick wall o f aerated concrete blocks, density ρ = (600 ± 50) kg/m 3 , with
10 mm gypsum plaster on the side facing the lining.
This wall should have a mass per unit area of about 70 kg/m 2 and a critical frequency within the 500 Hz
octave band.

NOTE Walls made from other material are allowed, as long as the same ranges o f mass per unit area and
critical frequencies are maintained.

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Annex C

Standard floors for measuring the improvement o f impact sound

insulation by floor coverings

C.1 Standard reference elements

Corresponding to the application o f floor coverings, the constructions specified in this annex shall be
used as standard re ference elements. The standardized values o f the impact sound pressure level, Ln ,
o f the standard re ference elements are given in ISO 717-2, together with the corresponding weighted
impact sound pressure level, Ln,w, and spectrum adaptation term, CI .
NOTE ISO 717-2 gives the typical smoothed values for the normalized impact sound pressure level o f these
re ference elements used in the determination o f the single-number rating; the measured values o f the actual
re ference element are used to evaluate the improvement by floor coverings.

C.2 Heavyweight re ference floor

C.2.1 General
The floor on which the test coverings are installed shall consist o f a rein forced concrete slab o f thickness
20 mm, pre ferably 140 mm for the construction o f new laboratories. It should be homogeneous and
120 +−40
shall be of uniform thickness. The surface area viewed from the receiving room shall be at least 10 m 2 .

C.2.2 Condition o f floor surface

The sur face o f the test floor shall be flat to ±1 mm in a horizontal distance o f 200 mm, and su fficiently
hard to endure the impacts o f the tapping machine. I f a screed is applied to the sur face o f the test floor,
it shall be ensured that it adheres per fectly at all points, and that it does not chip, crack or become

C.3 Lightweight re ference floors

C.3.1 General
The floor on which the test covering is installed shall be chosen from the lightweight re ference floors
described in this annex. Alternatively, a wooden mock-up floor as specified in Annex G shall be used.
The sur face area, viewed from the receiving room, shall be at least 10 m 2 .
C.3.2 Condition o f floor surface
The sur face o f the test floor shall be flat to ±2 mm in a horizontal distance o f 200 mm, and su fficiently
hard to endure the impacts of the tapping machine.

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

C.3.3 Types o f lightweight re ference floors

C.3.3.1 General
T he fol lowi ng typ e s o f flo ors s ha l l b e cho s en a s l ightweight re ference flo ors for the me as u rement o f the

reduction of impact sound pressure level in accordance with ISO 10140-3.

D i fferent ki nd s o f l ightweight flo or con s truc tion s are u s e d i n the world . T he fol lowi ng th re e typ e s

o f flo or (s e e C.3.3.2 , C.3.3.3 and C.3.3.4 and Figure C.1 , C.2 and C.4 re s p e c tively) are genera l ly

repre s entative o f the s e flo ors . I t i s re com mende d that the re ference flo or b e cho s en accord i ng to the

aim of the measurement.

C.3.3.2 Lightweight re ference floor o f type No 1

1 s ub flo o r
thickness: (2 2 ± 2 ) mm

fastening: s crewed to the j o is ts , dis tance o f s crews : (3 0 0 ± 5 0 ) mm

material: wo o den chip b o ard with a mas s dens ity o f (6 6 0 ± 2 0 ) kg/m


2 wo o den j o is ts
dimensions: 120 mm width and 180 mm height
spacing: 625 mm centres
3 absorbent
material: mineral wool
thickness: 100 mm
airflo w res is tivity: 5 kPa s/m 2 to 10 kPa s/m 2 according to ISO 9053-1
4 wooden ceiling battens
dimensions: 24 mm width and 48 mm height
spacing: 625 mm centres
5 plaster board ceiling
thickness: 1 2 , 5 mm

mas s dens ity: (8 0 0 ± 5 0 ) kg/m


fastening: s crewed to the b attens , dis tance o f s crews : (3 0 0 ± 5 0 ) mm

Figure C.1 — Lightweight re ference floor o f type No 1

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

C.3.3.3 Lightweight re ference floor o f type No 2

1 s ub flo o r
thickness: (2 0 ± 2 ) mm

fastening: (5 0 ± 1 0 ) mm s crews s p aced (1 5 0 ± 1 0 ) mm alo ng b utt j o ints s up p o rted by the j o is ts

and (3 0 0 ± 1 0 ) mm els ewhere

material 1: to ngued and gro oved o riented s trand b o ard or p lywo o d with a mas s dens ity o f

(5 8 0 ± 1 0 0 ) kg/m

material 2: to ngued and gro oved chip b o ard with a mas s dens ity o f (6 8 0 ± 1 0 0 ) kg/m

2 j o is ts

material: s o lid s o ft wo o d (e. g. s p ruce, p ine o r fir)

dimensions: (42 ± 8 ) mm width and (2 2 5 ± 2 5 ) mm height

mas s dens ity: (40 0 ± 7 5 ) kg/m


spacing: (61 0 ± 1 0 ) mm b etween centre p lanes and, i f neces s ary, (40 5 ± 1 0 ) mm b etween

centre planes
3 absorbent
material: mineral wo o l (e. g. glas s fib re b atts )

dimensions: (1 0 0 ± 1 0 ) mm thicknes s , co mp letely filling the width and length o f the cavity (p laced

immediately ab ove the res ilient channels )

airflow res is tivity: 5 kPa s/m 2 to 10 kPa s/m 2 according to ISO 9053-1
4 resilient metal channels
material: co ld- ro lled s teel o f thicknes s (0 , 5 ± 0 , 1 ) mm having a “Z” p ro file (s ee Figure C.3)
spacing: (40 5 ± 1 0 ) mm o riented p erp endicular to the j o is ts

5 plaster board ceiling

material: two layers o f plaster b oard, thickness: (1 3 ,5 ± 1 ,5 ) mm, mass density: (8 0 0 ± 5 0 ) kg/m

fastening: s crews s p ace d (3 0 5 ± 5 ) mm into e ach re s ilie nt channe l. The s crew p attern is s electe d

s uch that the s cre ws p e ne trate the flange o f the res il ient channel and do no t to uch

the j o is ts

N O T E TO KE Y 1 S ele c t either s ub flo or m ater i a l 1 or 2 dep end i ng o n the ava i l ab i l ity o f m ater i a l s .

Figure C.2 — Lightweight re ference floor o f type No 2

18 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

1 flange us ed to attach the channel to the framewo rk

2 web
3 flange us ed to attach the gyp s um b o ard to the channel

Figure C.3 — Generic resilient channel used to isolate the gypsum board ceiling

Figure C .3 shows a s ke tch o f the generic re s i l ient ch an nel s u s e d to i s olate the g yp s um b o ard cei l i ng.

Typic a l d i men s ion s a re: height 1 3 m m, g yp s u m b o ard attach ment fla nge 3 2 m m, framework attach ment
flange 1 1 m m . I t i s p o s s ible for the web to have c ut- outs . T he fla nge u s e d to attach the g yp s u m b o ard

c an h ave a more compl ic ate d pro fi le (with bu mp s or ridge s) .

C.3.3.4 Lightweight re ference floor o f type No 3

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 s ub flo o r

material: two layers o f p lywo o d, thicknes s : (1 5 ± 1 ) mm, mas s dens ity: (5 5 0 ± 5 0 ) kg/m

fastening: 5 0 mm s crews s p aced 5 0 0 mm alo ng the j o is ts

2 j o is ts

material: solid soft wood

dimensions: 45 mm width and 60 mm height
mas s dens ity: (5 2 5 ± 1 2 5 ) kg/m

spacing: 300 mm centres

3 beams
material: solid soft wood
dimensions: 120 mm width and 240 mm height
mas s dens ity: (5 2 5 ± 1 2 5 ) kg/m

spacing: 1 000 mm centres

Figure C.4 — Lightweight re ference floor o f type No 3

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Annex D

Qualification procedure for loudspeakers and loudspeaker


D.1 Test procedure to find the number o f source positions and the optimal
D.1.1 General
The suitability o f source positions shall be tested with regard to excitation o f room modes in order to
find positions that lead to results o f sound insulation measurement which are as close as possible to the
mean value o f a large number o f positions equally distributed around the room.
Guidance is given for selecting trial source positions. Procedures are also described for finding the
recommended number o f positions and for the selection o f optimal positions, including a qualification
test. Guidance is also given for continuously moving loudspeakers. A recommended test element is

When using the selected loudspeaker positions for measurements o f sound insulation, the loudspeaker
type and orientation shall be the same as for the qualification test. This shall also be carried out for all
laboratory features including microphone positions or microphone paths, di ffusing elements, absorbing
sur faces and, as far as possible (especially when using a test opening in a filler wall), the position o f the
test element.

Loudspeakers should be used with the speaker units mounted in a closed cabinet. All speaker units in
the same cabinet shall radiate in phase.

D.1.2 Requirements for loudspeaker positions in the selection procedure

The distance between di fferent fixed loudspeaker positions shall not be less than 0,7 m. At least two
positions shall not be less than 1,4 m apart.
The distance between the room boundaries and the acoustic centre of the source shall not be less
than 0,7 m, neglecting small irregularities in the room boundaries. For positions near the boundaries,
especially corner positions, see D.1.3.
The loudspeaker positions or paths shall not be symmetrical with respect to the axis or central planes
of the source room (in the case of parallel room boundaries). Different loudspeaker positions or paths
shall not be located within the same planes parallel to the room boundaries and shall have a minimum
displacement distance o f 0,1 m.
The orientation o f the loudspeaker shall be accurately recorded unless an omnidirectional radiating
source is used. It is recommended that its orientation be the same at all positions in order to ensure
that the selected positions are reproduced exactly, because turning the loudspeaker can change the
position of the acoustic centre.

D.1.3 Guidelines for finding optimal positions and qualification test

The number o f loudspeaker positions used and a set o f optimal positions are found by the following

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Me as u re the d i fference i n level s , a s s p e c i fie d i n I S O 1014 0 - 4, u s i ng a numb er o f loud s p e a ker p o s ition s ,

m, wh ich i s gre ater tha n

m = 152 /V2/3 (D.1)

where V i s the s ource ro om volu me, i n c ubic me tre s .

C ho o s e p o s ition s as s p e ci fie d i n D.1.2 . I f it i s ne ce s s ar y for the m i n i mum d i s tance b e twe en the p o s ition s
to b e le s s th an 0 , 8 m, d i s tribute the p o s ition s s uch th at the m i ni mu m d i s ta nce i s as l arge a s p o s s ible

and the o ther re qu i rements given i n D.1.2 are fu l fi l le d .

Me as u re the d i fference, D, b e twe en the s ou rce a nd re ceivi ng ro om level s for e ach loud s p e a ker p o s ition .

C a lc u late the s tandard devi ation, si, o f the s e d i fference s for e ach one -th i rd o c tave b a nd, with centre

fre quenc y from 10 0 H z to 3 1 5 H z , u s i ng Formula (D.2):

 m 2
si =  ∑ ( D ji − µi )  (D.2)
 m −1
 j=1 


Dj, i is the level difference for the jth loudspeaker position at the ith one -th i rd o c tave b and;

μi is the arithmetic mean of the differences in levels in the ith p o s ition one -th i rd o c tave b a nd;

m i s the nu mb er o f loud s p e a ker p o s ition s exa m i ne d .

T he nu mb er, N, o f loud s p e a ker p o s ition s u s e d i n prac tice i s de termi ne d b y the cond ition s gi ven i n

Formulae (D.3) , (D.4) and (D.5):

N ≥2 (D.3)

N ≥ ( si /σ i )2 (D.4)

 
N ≥  ∑ si / , dB  (D.5)
 i 


si is the standard deviation of the differences in levels [see Formula (D.2) ] ;

σi i s the pre s crib e d ma xi mu m s tandard devi ation o f the me a n va lue for N loudspeaker positions
(see Table D.1) .

Re qu i rement given by Formula (D.4) sh a l l b e fu l fi l le d i n a l l one -th i rd o c tave b a nd s l i s te d i n Table D.1.

Table D.1 — Prescribed maximum standard deviation for the mean value of measured level
difference for N l o u d s p e a ke r p o s i t i o n s

f σi
Hz dB
100 1 ,4

125 1,2

160 1,0

200 0, 8

250 0, 8

22 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Table D.1 (continued)

f σi
Hz dB
315 0,8
If 2 N exceeds the number o f loudspeaker positions investigated, m , this number shall be increased
from m to 2 N. The additional loudspeaker positions shall be chosen such that the requirements given in
Formulae (D.3) , (D.4) and (D.5) are fulfilled for all 2 N positions.

For each loudspeaker position, j, the sum, Sj, o f the squares o f the deviations from the mean values at
the six one-third octave bands is calculated as given by Formula (D.6):
sj = ∑ ( D j ,i − µi ) (D.6)
i =1

The q positions for which values of Sj are smallest are selected from all investigated loudspeaker

Additional loudspeaker positions not satis fying the conditions given in D.1.2 may also be investigated.
For example, corner positions can be o f advantage for practical use. I f Sj for an additional position does
not exceed the largest value o f the selected q positions, that position may be used in practice.
Finally, choose q positions, with q ≥ 2, by the following procedure.
For each of the combinations of the q positions, calculate the sum, Sj, q, o f the square o f the deviations
rom the mean values at the six one-third octave bands. Select the q positions for which values of Sj,q are

Two or more o f the selected positions shall be at least 1,4 m apart.

Positions close to the boundaries are critical for many types o f loudspeaker as small displacements can
lead to strong variations o f the measurement result. I f such positions are selected, ensure that they can
be reproduced accurately.
D.1.4 Test element

Carry out the test procedure using a test element whose sound reduction index does not exceed the
values in Table D.2 and whose size is such that it fits in the small-sized test opening (see 4.3.3 , i f

NOTE 1 Measurement results on small test elements with relative low sound insulation have been found, in
general, to be particularly sensitive to variations in the sound source positions.

Table D.2 — Maximum sound reduction index for the test element

f R
Hz dB
100 27
125 28
160 29
200 30
250 31
315 32

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

A recommended test element is a single-leaf sheet made of a steel sandwich leaf (steel sheet/resin/steel
sheet, total thickness 2,2 mm), fixed to a channel section frame by screws in rivets and elastoplastic

NOTE 2 The recommended test element shows no resonance influence on the sound reduction over the whole
frequency range up to 5 000 Hz. It is, there fore, suited for regular repeatability tests as recommended in Clause 1.

NOTE 3 I f a laboratory does not normally test elements o f this type, the test procedure can be carried out on a
test sample which is representative o f those normally used.

D.1.5 Use o f continuously moving loudspeakers

It is permissible to use a loudspeaker that is moved automatically along a path while the sound level
measurements in both rooms are per formed. The path length shall be not less than 1,6 m. At least two
points on the path shall not be less than 1,4 m apart. The loudspeaker should have omnidirectional
radiation; otherwise, the qualification procedure given in D.3 shall be performed for all positions on the
path with the shortest distances to the different microphone positions.

Measurements o f the sound reduction index o f a test element following the procedure given in D.1.4
shall be per formed using several paths, including the four diagonals, through that part o f the room space
satis fying the requirements given in D.1.2 . The path with the smallest value for S [see Formula (D.6)]

shall be used for the measurements in practice.

D.2 Test procedure for loudspeaker radiation directivity

For a test o f the directional radiation o f a source, measure the sound pressure levels around the
source at a distance o f about 1,5 m in a free field. The source shall be driven with a noise signal and
measurements made in one-third octave bands. Measure the level difference between the energetic
mean value for the arc of 360° (L360 ) and the “gliding” mean values of all arcs of 30° (L 30, i) .

The directivity indices are:

DIi = L360 − L30 ,i (D.7)

Uniform omnidirectional radiation can be assumed if the DI values are within the limits o f ±2 dB in the
frequency range o f 100 Hz to 630 Hz. In the range o f 630 Hz to 1 000 Hz, the limits increase linearly
from ±2 dB to ±8 dB. They are 8 dB for frequencies o f 1 000 Hz to 5 000 Hz.

Carry out the test in the di fferent planes to ensure inclusion o f the “worst case” condition. For a
polyhedron source, testing in one plane is su fficient.
Mounting loudspeakers on the sur faces o f a polyhedron, pre ferably a dodecahedron, gives an adequate
approximation o f uni form omnidirectional radiation.

D.3 Test procedure for loudspeaker positions with regard to microphone

Ensure that the microphone positions are outside the direct sound field o f the source. This can be
verified experimentally by recording the sound pressure level while moving a microphone along a line
from the surface of the source to the selected microphone positions.

Per form the test for all one-third octave bands with centre frequencies higher than 630 Hz. Each fixed
microphone position shall lie outside the region in which levels decrease significantly according to its
distance from the source.

For a moving microphone, this is verified i f no significant level increase occurs when the path comes
close to the source.

24 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Annex E

Standard tapping machine

E.1 Requirements
The standard tapping machine shall have five hammers placed in a line. The distance between
centrelines o f neighbouring hammers shall be (100 ± 3) mm.
The distance between the centre of the supports of the tapping machine and the centrelines of
neighbouring hammers shall be at least 100 mm. The supports shall be equipped with vibrational
insulating pads.

The momentum o f each hammer that strikes the floor shall be that o f an e ffective mass o f 500 g which
f alls freely from a height o f 40 mm within tolerance limits for the momentum o f ±5 %. As friction o f the
hammer guidance shall be taken into account, it shall be ensured that not only the mass o f the hammer
and the falling height, but also the velocity o f the hammer at impact, lie within the following limits: the
mass o f each hammer shall be (500 ± 12) g from which it follows that the velocity at impact shall be
(0,886 ± 0,022) m/s. The tolerance limits o f the velocity may be increased to a maximum o f ±0,033 m/s
i f it is ensured that the hammer mass lies within accordingly reduced limits o f (500 ± 6) g.
The falling direction o f the hammers shall be perpendicular to the test sur face to within ±0,5°.
The part o f the hammer carrying the impact sur face shall be cylindrical with a diameter o f (30 ± 0,2) mm.
The impact surface shall be of hardened steel and shall be spherical with a curvature radius of
(500 ± 100) mm. Testing for fulfilment o f this requirement may be performed in the following ways.
a) The curvature o f the impact sur face is considered to comply with the specifications i f the
measurement results lie within the tolerances given in Figure E.1 when a meter is moved over the
sur face on at least two lines through the centre point, the lines being perpendicular to each other.
The curves of Figure E.1 describe a curvature of 500 mm. The distance between the curves is the
smallest distance that allows both the 400 mm and 600 mm radius to fall within the tolerance
limits. The accuracy o f the measurement shall be at least 0,01 mm.
b) The curvature o f the hammer heads may be tested by using a spherometer with three feelers lying
on a circle with a diameter of 20 mm.

The tapping machine shall be sel f-driven. The mean time between impacts shall be (100 ± 5) ms. The
time between successive impacts shall be (100 ± 20) ms.
The time between impact and lift of the hammer shall be less than 80 ms.

For standard tapping machines that are used for testing impact sound insulation o f floors with so ft
coverings or uneven sur faces, it shall be ensured that it is possible for the hammers to fall at least 4 mm
below the plane on which the supports of the tapping machine rest.

All adjustments on the standard tapping machine and verification o f the fulfilment o f the requirements
shall be per formed on a flat hard sur face and the tapping machine shall be used in that condition on any
test surface.

The weight o f the tapping machine shall be less than 25 kg in order not to load lightweight floors or
floor coverings di fferently.

© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved 25

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

X distance from centre (mm)
Y relative height (µm)

NO TE T he rel ative height at the centre c a n b e cho s en fre el y with i n 0 µm to 5 0 µm to m a ke the c u r vatu re o f

the h a m mer he ad fit with i n the tolera nce l i m it.

Figure E.1 — Tolerance limits for the curvature of hammer heads

E . 2 Re g u l a r c h e c ks o f p e r f
o r m a n c e

S ome o f the p a rame ters on ly ne e d to be me as u re d once, u n le s s the tappi ng mach i ne ha s b e en

re con s tr uc te d or rep a i re d . T h i s concern s the d i s ta nce b e twe en h am mers , s upp or ts o f the tappi ng

mach i ne, d i ame ter o f the ha m mers , ma s s o f the ha m mers (u n le s s the h am mer he ad s have b e en

refi ni s he d) , ti me b e twe en i mp ac t and l i ft, and ma xi mu m p o s s ible fa l l i ng height o f the ha m mers .

T he velo c ity o f the ham mers , d i ame ter a nd c u r vatu re o f ha m mer he ad s , fa l l i ng d i re c tion o f the ha m mers
and ti me b e twe en i mp ac ts s ha l l b e veri fie d regu la rly.

T he fu l fi l ment o f the re qu i rement s ha l l b e veri fie d at re gu lar i nter va l s u nder s ta nda rd lab orator y

cond ition s . T he te s t sh a l l b e p er forme d on a te s t s u r face that i s fl at to with i n ± 0 ,1 m m a nd hori zonta l to

with i n ± 0 ,1°.

T he u ncer tai nty o f the veri fic ation me as u rements s ha l l b e at ma xi mu m 2 0 % o f the va lue s o f the


26 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Annex F

Alternative impact sound sources

F. 1 M o d i fi e d ta p p i n g m a c h i n e

F.1.1 General
In this annex, two methods o f creating a modified tapping machine are specified, namely Method A and
Method B.

F.1.2 Method A
Springs are fixed to the hammers o f the standard tapping machine [see Figure F.1 a)]. The dynamic
sti ffness, s, o f each spring shall be 24 kN/m ± 2,4 kN/m, the loss factor, η , shall be 0,2 to 0,5. To maintain
the same contact area compared with the excitation by an unmodified tapping machine, the springs
shall have the same cross section as the hammers. The modified tapping machine shall be adjusted to
keep the same falling height of the hammers as with the standard tapping machine.

F.1.3 Method B
Place a so ft layer on the floor under the hammer area o f the tapping machine [see Figure F.1 b)] . The
dynamic sti ffness, s, per unit area o f the so ft layer shall be 34 MN/m 3 ± 3,4 MN/m 3 , the loss factor, η ,
shall be 0,2 to 0,5.
The dynamic sti ffness shall be measured in accordance with ISO 9052-1. The loss factor shall be
determined from the same measurement by the following relation:
η = b / fres (F.1)


fres is the resonance frequency o f the spring-mass-system in accordance with ISO 9052-1:1989,
Figure F.1;
b is the 3 dB bandwidth at the resonance.

The modified tapping machine shall be adjusted to keep the same falling height o f the hammers as with
the standard tapping machine, as shown in Figure F.1.
NOTE No single product is recommended as a so ft layer. The layer can be made o f rubber, cork, plastic
material or similar.

It is recommended that the elastic layer be created using a number o f thin layers (e.g. 3 mm each) to
ensure a low bending sti ffness. For the same reason, the thin layers should be fixed to each other only at
single points. The area o f the so ft layer should be as small as possible, pre ferably a strip o f 45 cm length
and 5 cm width. The sti ffness o f the so ft layer can be a ffected by temperature, non-linear behaviour and
ageing of the material.

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

a) S i n g l e s p r i n g s fi x e d t o t h e h a m m e r s

b) E l a s t i c l a ye r u n d e r t h e h a m m e r s , l a i d o n t h e t e s t f l o o r u n d e r t e s t

1 falling height (40 mm) 4 elas tic layer

2 spring 5 re ference flo o r

3 hammers of the tapping machine

NO TE O n l y h a m mers a re s hown .

F i g u r e F. 1 — M o d i fi e d t a p p i n g m a c h i n e

F.2 Heavy/soft impact source — Rubber ball

F.2.1 General

This C lau s e s p e ci fie s the i mp ac t force ch arac teri s tics of the he av y/s o ft i mp ac t s ource for the

me a s urement o f i mp ac t s ou nd pre s s u re level s p e ci fie d i n I S O 1014 0 -3 .

F.2.2 Impact force characteristics

T he he av y/s o ft i mp ac t s ource sha l l generate the i mp ac t force exp o s u re level i n e ach o c tave b a nd shown

in Table F.1 and Figure F.2 when it i s d ropp e d ver tic a l ly i n a fre e fa l l from the height o f (10 0 ± 1) c m

(from the b o ttom o f the i mp ac t s ource to the s ur face o f the flo or u nder te s t) .

T he i mp ac t force exp o s u re level , LFE , i s ten ti me s the com mon lo ga rith m o f the ratio o f the ti me -
i ntegrate d va lue o f the i mp ac t force s quare d to the s quare o f the re ference force, a s expre s s e d i n
de c ib el s b y Formula (F.2) .

 t2 
 1 F 2 (t )
d t  dB
LFE = 10 lg
 Tref F ∫
2 
 t1 0 

28 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

F(t) i s the i n s tanta ne ou s force ac te d on the flo or under te s t when the he avy/s o ft i mp ac t s ou rce i s

d ropp e d on the flo or, i n new ton;

F0 i s the re ference force (= 1 N ) ;

t2 − t
1 i s the ti me du ration o f the i mp ac t force, i n s e cond s;

Tref is the reference time interval (= 1 s).

Table F.1 — Impact force exposure level in each octave band of the heavy/soft impact source

Octave band centre frequency Impact force exposure level

Hz dB re 1 N
31 , 5 3 9, 0 ± 1 , 0

63 31 ,0 ± 1 , 5

125 23 ,0 ± 1, 5

250 17, 0 ± 2 , 0

500 12 , 5 ± 2 ,0

X o ctave b and centre frequency (H z)

Y imp act fo rce exp o s ure level (dB re 1 N )

Figure F.2 — Impact force exposure level in each octave band of the heavy/soft impact source

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Figure F.3 shows the impact force waveform of the rubber ball.

X time (ms)
Y impact force (N)

NOTE The rubber ball can either be dropped manually or using an automated set-up.

Figure F.3 — Impact force wave form o f the rubber ball measured on a heavy concrete floor

F.2.3 Example of the construction of the heavy/soft impact source

A rubber ball with the following characteristics can realize the conditions specified in F.2 .2:
a) shape and size: hollow ball of 180 mm in diameter with 30 mm thickness (see Figure F.4);

b) composition: see Table F.2 ;

c) e ffective mass: (2,5 ± 0,1) kg;

d) coe fficient o f restitution: 0,8 ± 0,1.
Table F.2 — Composition of the rubber ball

Material Silicone rubber Peroxide cross-linking agent Pigment Vulcanizing agent

mass fraction, wI a 100 2 2 < 0,1
a Parts by mass per hundred parts by mass o f rubber.

30 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 pin hole (1 mm in diameter)

Figure F.4 — Section view of the rubber ball – heavy/soft impact source

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Annex G

Wo o d e n m o c k- u p fl o o r f
o r m e a s u r i n g th e i m p r o ve m e n t o f i m p a c t

s o u n d i n s u l a ti o n b y fl o o r c o ve r i n g s

G.1 Alternative basic element

For the application o f floor coverings on lightweight constructions, the construction described in
this annex can be used as an alternative basic element to those specified in Annex C . It consists of a
lightweight top floor, described in G.2, mounted on the standard heavyweight re ference floor as
specified in C.2 .

G . 2 L i g h twe i gh t to p fl o o r

Unless a specific lightweight floor should be simulated, the standard top floor shall consist o f a 22 mm
thick floor particleboard mounted on 20 wooden feet c/c 600 mm. The area o f the particleboard shall
be 2 000 mm × 2 600 mm. I f smaller particleboards are used, they shall be glued together using a PVAc
glue (polyvinyl acetate). The outermost feet shall be located approximately 100 mm from the edges o f
the board. The E-modulus o f the particleboard shall be 3 000 MPa to 3 500 MPa and the density shall be
700 kg/m 3 to 900 kg/m 3 . Each foot shall be made o f spruce wood or similar, with an approximate height
of 200 mm and a cross-section of 50 mm × 50 mm. The feet shall be screwed and glued on the board.

The top floor shall be mounted on the concrete subfloor on a thin layer o f resilient material, for instance
plastic padding or similar.

Optionally, the standard top floor described above may be supplemented by other top floors simulating
the upper part o f arbitrary lightweight floors. This is done by replacing the 22 mm particleboard by
other boards or combinations thereof.

32 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Annex H

f f
perforated base
S p e c i fi c a ti o n o h e avy a n d i n te n s e ra i n — E xa m p l e o a ta n k wi th

H . 1 S p e c i fi c a ti o n o f a r ti fi c i a l ra i n p ro d u c ti o n

Two di fferent tanks with di fferent per forated bases are required for artificial raindrop production, one
for heavy type rain (mandatory) and the second for the intense type rain (only recommended i f lower
rain fall rates are needed). Based on the classification o f rain fall, see ISO 10140-1:2021, Annex K, the
characteristic parameters for these two types o f rain are given in Table H.1. Upper limits have been
chosen since larger drops produce most of the sound generated.

T a b l e H . 1 — C h a r a c t e r i s t i c p a r a m e t e r s f
o r g e n e r a t i o n o f a r t i fi c i a l r a i n d r o p s

Rainfall rate Volume median drop diameter Fall velocity

Rainfall type
mm/h mm m/s
Intense 15 2,0 4,0
Heavy 40 5,0 7,0
The rain fall rate is the depth o f water layer created by spreading the rain fall on a horizontal sur face
in a 1 h time interval. The volume median drop diameter is the value when 50 % o f the total volume o f
water sprayed is made up o f drops with diameter larger than the median value and 50 % with smaller

The appropriate specifications for the per forated bases are given in Table H.2 .
T a b l e H . 2 — S p e c i fi c a t i o n s

P a r a m e t e r s o f t a n k w i t h p e r f
o r a t e d b a s e Intense Heavy
1 Diameter of holes 0,3 mm to 0,5 mm 1 mm
2 Number of holes per unit area Approx. 25 m−2 Approx. 60 m−2
3 Fall height Approx. 1 m Approx. 3,5 m
4 Volume median drop diameter 2 mm 5,0 mm
5 Distribution of drop size Max. uni formity Max. uni formity
6 Fall velocity at fall height 4 m/s 7 m/s
7 Rainfall rate 15 mm/h 40 mm/h
8 Water supply To allow a constant height of water in the tank (50 mm to over-
flow limit)
I f the tank with per forated base does not correspond to the geometrical characteristics given above, the
drop size, impact velocity and rain fall rate shall be measured in accordance with H.2 .3 , and correspond
to the values given in Table H.1 . Tolerances on the three characteristic parameters for artificial
raindrops generation given in Table H.1 are as follows:

— the rain fall rate shall be within ±2 mm/h o f the rain fall rate given in Table H.1 ;
— 50 % o f the drops should be within ±0,5 mm o f the volume median drop diameter, given in Table H.1 ;
— 50 % o f the drops should be within ±1 m/s o f the fall velocity given in Table H.1.

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

The fall height is evaluated as shown in Figure H.2 .

Dimensions in centimetres

a Typ ical water height.

F i g u r e H . 1 — S c h e m a t i c d i a g r a m o f t a n k w i t h a p e r f
o r a t e d b a s e — E x a m p l e : p e r f
o r a t i o n

pattern for heavy rainfall

34 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

1 water-supply system
2 tank with perforated base
3 test room
4 test specimen
5 water drainage (arranged by user)
a Fall height.
b Height of the niche.

Figure H.2 — Typical test arrangement

H . 2 Ra i n p ro d u c ti o n fo r g e n e ra ti o n o f a r ti fi c i a l ra i n d ro p s

H.2.1 General

The artificial raindrop generation system, when connected to a water supply, shall be capable o f
generating water drops o f uni form diameter in a full water spray pattern. The water supply to generate
artificial raindrops may be either a closed loop type or a continuous type that enables continuous
generation of constant diameter water drops over a long period of time.

H . 2 . 2 A r ti fi c i a l ra i n d ro p g e n e ra ti o n s ys te m

The artificial raindrop system shall be a tank with a per forated base capable o f generating water
drops with the specification given in Table H.2 in a full spray pattern. The tanks shall be made from
polycarbonate plates o f thickness 1 cm; the base shall be rein forced by metal strips. The per forations
on the tank base should be distributed over a minimum area o f 1,6 m 2 , thus totally covering smaller
test specimens in the standard configuration with a 30° slope. A random distribution o f holes over all
rectangles o f an appropriate regular grid is pre ferred rather than a uni form distribution (example for
heavy rain fall: see Figure H.1).

© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved 35

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

The water supply pressure and the number o f per forations shall be chosen so that the water height in
the tank is constant and allows the rainfall rate given in Table H.2 to be generated by the per forated
tank. The perforation characteristics (diameter) of the tank base shall be chosen so that water drops
with the volume median drop diameter given in Table H.2 are produced by the per forated tank. The fall
height o f the artificial raindrops shall be adjusted such that either the measured or the theoretically
calculated fall velocities based on per foration dimensions, water pressure and fall height are as given in
Table H.2 . For the determination o f the fall height for inclined sur faces, see Figure H.2 .

H.2.3 Calibration of the raindrop generation system

The artificial raindrop generation system shall be calibrated.
I f a water tank system is used and there fore follows the geometrical characteristics given above, only
the rain fall rate shall be checked by collecting the water over a given area over a precisely measured
time period; the measurement o f the rain fall rate allows a quick and simple method for periodic
verification o f the artificial raindrop generation system.
I f another system is selected in order to generate other types o f rain fall, the rain fall type characteristics,
i.e. the drop size, drop velocity and rain fall rate, shall be given by the manu facturer. I f they are not
available, they should be measured. The measurement o f the rain fall rate allows a quick and simple
method for periodic verification o f the artificial raindrop generation system.
NOTE 1 There are several non-intrusive methods to measure drop size and drop velocity as, for example,
imaging analysers consisting o f a light source (typically a strobe light), a video camera and a computer, or phase
Doppler particle analysers consisting o f a transmitter, a receiver, a signal processor and a computer.
NOTE 2 A possible way to check drop size is to collect 10 droplets and calculate their average diameter from
their total weight.

36 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Annex I

Reference test specimens for rainfall sound measurements

I.1 General
Standard re ference test specimens are described in this annex for quality control and for checking
the reproducibility o f laboratory rain sound measurements in di fferent laboratories. Details o f the
reference test specimens are given in I.2 .

I.2 Small test specimen

The small re ference test specimen is made up o f a single glass pane with a thickness o f (6 ± 0,1) mm and
an area o f (1 250 ± 50) mm × (1 500 ± 50) mm (as specified in this document): The mounting o f the glass
pane is shown in ISO 10140-1:2021, Annex D, except for the edge used for water drainage. The position
o f the artificial rain fall generation system is centred with respect to the test specimen.
WA R N I N G — T h e s i n g l e g l a s s p a n e m i g h t b r e a k d u r i n g h a n d l i n g . T h e r e f
o r e , t h e u s e o f t h e r m a l l y

t o u g h e n e d s a f
e t y g l a s s i s s t r o n g l y r e c o m m e n d e d . S p e c i a l c a r e s h o u l d b e t a ke n d u r i n g h a n d l i n g .

To calibrate the mounting conditions o f the re ference test specimen, the structural reverberation time,
Ts , should be measured according to ISO 10140-4, from which the total loss factor, η , o f the re ference
specimen is calculated, using Formula (I.1):
η= (I.1)
The sound intensity level, LI,re f, obtained according to ISO 10140-1:2021, Annex K, for the re ference
specimen, is then corrected for the di fference between the measured loss factor, η , and the re ference
loss factor, η ref, given in Table I.1 , using Formula (I.2):

LI , m,ref = LI ,ref + 10 lg η dB (I.2)

η ref
A correction, Δ LIc , is then calculated from the di fference:
∆LIc = LI , m,ref − LIc,ref (I.3)

where LIc, re f is the re ference sound intensity level for the small test specimen, given in Table I.1.

I.3 Large test specimen

No re ference test specimen is defined.

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ISO 10140-5:2021(E)

Table I.1 — Reference loss factor and reference intensity level used for the small reference test

One-third-octave band Reference loss factor: 10 lg(η ref/η 0 ) Intensity level: L I,c,re f
(η 0 = 1)
Hz dB dB
100 −10 45
1 25 −11 45
160 −11 46
200 −12 46
250 −13 47
315 −13 47
400 −14 47
500 −14 47
630 −15 47
800 −15 46
1 000 −16 44
1 250 −17 42
1 600 −17 43
2 000 −18 46
2 500 −18 51
3 −19 50
4 000 −19 46
5 000 −20 44

38 © ISO 202 1 – All rights reserved

ISO 10140-5:2021(E)


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[2] ISO 717-2, Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 2:
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3) Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale, 11 rue Turgot, 75 009 Paris, France.

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ISO 1 01 40-5 : 2 02 1 (E)

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