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Do you sometimes sit in the corner wondering why you’re doing a lot of stuff but not having a

single purpose? Or do you sometimes feel like you’re doing somethings just for compliance? Have you
ever had that feeling of dissatisfaction on all the things you’ve done and feeling like you could’ve done
something better like EVERYONE else?

In this generation, everyone doing what everyone else is doing. It’s hard to be unique. Sometimes or
maybe most of the times, you feel like what you’re doing isn’t enough. You need to try harder. As
someone who feels that way, I am having a hard time finding myself. I’ve tried a lot of hobbies like
singing, dancing, swimming, travelling. But it feels like it’s not enough. I also tried to be a great student. I
tried loving math and research. I tried doing extra-curricular activities but it still feels like I’m not doing
enough to the point where I stared to feel like I don’t belong to any of these. I felt so unmotivated
wherein I just sit in the corner and just feel life passing by. I felt like I am nothing. But then I realized
something. Each of us has something we are good at. It’s just that you need to keep on finding it until
you realize that what your doing is special and you feel joy while doing it. For me it was crocheting. Being
able to create these amazing creations made me feel motivated. Yes, I made a lot of mistakes along the
way but in the end, I can make something beautiful.

I realized that we don’t need to be unique just to feel like we’re somewhat special. All we need to do is
do the things we love without comparing ourselves to others. Not every flower blooms in the soil

Living in this generation feels like you need to do everything extra just to be part of the trend or be one
with the crowd. It feels like you have to do something unique just to be seen or acknowledged. Now, it
feels like everyone is at their peak and here I am trying to figure out myself. The topic I chose for this
creative output is about self-efficacy and I dealt with it.

Self-Efficacy and

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