Grade 9 Third Term Revsison Marking Scheem Sheet

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(iii) Suggest how the student could modify the apparatus to vary the temperature.






(Total for question = 11 marks)

Mark Scheme

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(Total for question = 9 marks)


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The diagram shows a fermenter used to grow microorganisms.

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(a) Explain how temperature is controlled in the fermenter.

(b) Explain why temperature must be controlled in the fermenter.


(c) Explain the purpose of the paddles in the fermenter.


(d) Other than temperature, name one condition that needs to be controlled in a
fermenter and state why it needs to be controlled.
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(e) Name a product that could be produced in this type of fermenter.


(Total for question = 9 marks)

Page 43 of 64

The passage describes the consequences of air pollution.

Complete the passage by writing a suitable word or words on each dotted line.
The release of the gas sulfur ................................................................................... into the atmosphere

is an example of air pollution because the gas dissolves in water in air

to form ................................................................................... rain. This rain can kill trees on land

and fish in lakes.

Another gas that pollutes the air is ................................................................................... monoxide. This


combines with ................................................................................... in red blood cells and makes it more

difficult for them to carry out their function.

Other gases that pollute the atmosphere are greenhouse gases such as

and nitrous oxide from the burning of ................................................................................... fuels,

and ................................................................................... from the digestive system of cattle.

These gases increase the ................................................................................... effect and may lead to a


known as ................................................................................... in which the air temperature may rise.

This rise in air temperature may destroy the place where a species lives

known as its ................................................................................... .

(Total for question = 10 marks)

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A school in Uganda made a large freshwater pond so that their students could investigate
the factors that fish need to grow well in a fish farm.

(a) Suggest how the students should maintain the water quality in their pond.

(b) Suggest how the students could control predation in their pond.

(c) Suggest how the students could control disease in their pond.
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(d) Suggest the feeding methods the students should use in their pond.

(Total for question = 8 marks)

Page 46 of 64

The table lists some greenhouse gases and gives their percentage contribution to the greenhouse effect.

(a) (i) Which gas makes the greatest contribution to the greenhouse effect?
(ii) Name a greenhouse gas not in the table.

(b) The percentage contribution for each gas is calculated using these three factors

• the abundance of the gas in the atmosphere

• how long the gas stays in the atmosphere
• how much radiation the gas absorbs (the gas's radiative effect)
(i) Methane has a radiative effect 72 times greater than the same mass of carbon dioxide.
Suggest why methane has a lower percentage contribution to the greenhouse effect than carbon




(ii) Suggest a reason why more attempts are being made to limit the release of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere than the release of water vapour.

(iii) Describe two ways that humans can limit the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................

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2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(c) Describe two effects that global warming could have on an animal's habitat.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................



2 ..........................................................................................................................................



(Total for question = 9 marks)

Page 48 of 64

Crop plants are often grown in glasshouses where conditions can be carefully controlled.
This is done in order to get the greatest crop yield.
(a) Explain how the following factors could affect crop yield.
(i) Increasing the temperature of the glasshouse

(ii) Providing a supply of fertiliser to the crop plants


(b) Sometimes a farmer needs to control an insect pest that might damage his crops.
He can do this by using either biological control or a chemical pesticide.
(i) Describe one example of the use of biological control.

(ii) Give three advantages of using biological control instead of a chemical pesticide.

(Total for question = 11 marks)

Page 49 of 64

The passage describes selective breeding.

Complete the passage by writing a suitable word in each of the spaces.

Selective breeding involves ............................................................................. choosing organisms

with desired ............................................................................. .

These organisms are allowed to breed and produce ............................................................................. .

The process is ............................................................................. for several generations.

(Total for question = 4 marks)

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Mark Scheme

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Farmers can increase their crop yield by growing crops in a temperature controlled glasshouse.

(a) (i) Explain how increasing the temperature can result in an increase in crop yield.





(ii) Farmers sometimes use a type of heater that burns gas or oil to raise the temperature of their
glasshouse to improve crop yield.
Explain why they use this type of heater to improve crop yield.



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(b) Some farmers also add chemical fertilisers to their crops in a glasshouse.
(i) Different minerals are added to chemical fertilisers. Explain one mineral that should be added to
these fertilisers.





(ii) Discuss why some farmers limit the amount of chemical fertilisers they add to their crops.















(Total for question = 11 marks)

Page 58 of 64

The diagram shows a pot containing yoghurt and fruit.

(a) Describe how a named bacterium produced this yoghurt from milk.






(b) Suggest the health benefits to a human of adding fruit to the yoghurt.






(Total for question = 5 marks)

Page 59 of 64

The diagram shows a fermenter used to grow microorganisms.

(a) Describe the functions of the paddles in the fermenter.





(b) Explain why the fermenter has a filtered air supply.





(c) Explain why the temperature recorder is connected to the liquid in the fermenter and the water input
of the cooling jacket.
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(Total for question = 6 marks)

Mark Scheme

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(Total for question = 5 marks)


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