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FleetMaster Applications

Functional Overview

Department/Author: Approved by:

____________________ _____________________
Bjarne J Bjørkan Bjørn Munkvold

 2024 Kongsberg Norcontrol AS

All rights reserved

FleetMaster Applications


No part of this work covered by the copyright

hereon may be reproduced or otherwise copied
without prior permission from
Kongsberg Norcontrol AS

FleetMaster Applications


Issue No. Date/Year Inc. by Issue No. Date/Year Inc. by
A 28.10.99 BJB

Issue ECO Paragraph Paragraph Heading/
No. No. No. Description of Change

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Section Page

1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................1
1.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................1
2. ONBOARD APPLICATIONS...................................................................2
2.1 FLEETMASTER SHIP GATEWAY.........................................................2
2.1.1 Main Functions............................................................................. 2
2.2 FLEETMASTER SHIP VIEWER.............................................................3
2.2.1 Main Functions............................................................................. 3
2.3 SHIP EVENT RECORDER.....................................................................4
2.3.1 Main Functions............................................................................. 4
2.4 FLEETMASTER SHIP TRENDER..........................................................5
2.4.1 Main Functions............................................................................. 5
2.5 FLEETMASTER SHIP DATA MANAGER...............................................6
2.5.1 Main Functions............................................................................. 6
3. APPLICATIONS ONSHORE................................................................... 8
3.1 FLEETMASTER® REMOTE ACCESS......................................................8
3.2 FLEETMASTER FLEET DATA MANAGER..............................................9
3.2.1 Main Functions:............................................................................9
3.3 FLEETMASTER SHIP VIEWER (SHORE VERSION)................................10

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The FleetMaster system was initially available on their PC’s onboard.
developed due to requests of additional Kongsberg Norcontrol now needed to
functionality from our customers. Over separate the “process networks” from the
time, acquiring experience in using our administrative networks in order to
systems our customer discovered that avoid expensive classification costs and
they needed both access to online to maintain the safety on the control
information from our “process systems” systems. In the light of this the
and special functionality which was FleetMaster Information Management
beyond what was considered required in System was born.
standard navigation and alarm
Today the FleetMaster Concept consists
monitoring and control systems. The
of more than 35 years of experience in
different special functions and
meeting our customers needs, and we
applications were in the beginning
will continue to serve them for the next
implemented into the standard
DataChief and BridgeLine systems and
thereby meeting our customers needs. Content:
This document is an overview over the
When computer technology become less
different applications and functions
expensive and PC’s became more
collected into the FleetMaster system,
common, our customers required that
and is intended to give the reader a
the functions earlier needed on the
general knowledge of the potential of the
“process networks” also became

1.1 General
The FleetMaster Concept consists of Wherever the applications are running
applications for use onboard and for use the idea is to provide the user with tools
onshore. The user onboard will get to distribute information from the
online information which they need in process network, analyse, report, detect
their daily operation of the ship, while and diagnose problems which occurs,
the ship operator/owner needs more and thereby help personnel both
global data in order to support, organise onboard and at the ship
and operate the ship fleet. owners/operators office. Providing
condition based maintenance and
reducing life cycle costs.

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1.2 FleetMaster Ship Gateway

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In order to get access to information to networks and avoid unauthorised access
the BridgeLine Navigation system or the to these systems. The Gateway is
DataChief alarm, monitoring & control considered as the “heart” of the system,
system a gateway is required. This is to since it provides information to all other
maintain the integrity to the process applications in the concept.

1.2.1 Main Functions

The Gateway has the following functions:
 Accessto online information from the DataChief and BridgeLine systems
Recording of data into files
Recording of data directly into databases
Special calculations and normalisation of values
Provide information to or from the DataChief and the BridgeLine system to third
party systems such as planned maintenance system, loading computers, fire
alarm system, hull stress monitoring, MIP calculator’s etc.
Figure: FleetMaster® Ship Gateway
1.3 FleetMaster ship viewer
The Ship Viewer is an application for or on bridge. The ship viewer reduces
presentation of online data onboard on the number of Main Controlling Units to
the administrative network, with mimics be installed and reduces the costs for the
similar to the Alarm Monitoring & ship owner, if online information is
Control System. required in other places than the engine
The Viewer is installed on a standard control room.
computer on the administrative network
Please note the application only presents
onboard. The user then sees online
information and none control functions
information as shown on the Main
is available.
Controlling Unit in engine control room

1.3.1 Main Functions

Online presentation of information from DataChief
 Runs on all administrative workstations (Windows NT 4.0 or higher).

Figure: Ship network with Ship Viewer installed on all workstations

1.4 Ship event Recorder
The ship event recorder is a database operation all alarms and events are
where all alarms from the DataChief is stored. The database also contains
recorded and stored. During normal statistic tools for analysing the alarms.

1.4.1 Main Functions

 Recording all alarms which is triggered in the DataChief.
 Statistic treatment of alarms
 Detecting of alarms which occurs to often
 Documentation of testing of alarms
 Detecting of alarms which needs to be tested according to class.
 Diagnostics of instrument failure
Figure: Ship Event Recorder Main Window
1.5 FleetMaster Ship Trender
The Ship Trender is an application for simultaneously, these trends can be
high frequency recording of data from continuously, sequential event triggered.
the process networks. The user sets-up
Typical use is time compressors need to
different Tags which he wants to trend
pump up pressure, comparing selected
and by analysing these important
values ex. Exhaust temperatures.
changes in operational parameters are
Trending of fuel consumption, hull
efficiency, power consumption etc.
The Data Trender has the capacity to run
Mainly all information available in the
an unlimited number of trends
DataChief can be trended.
Type of Trends:
Continuously - Trend runs all the time
Sequential - Trend starts and stops at a selected time
Event triggered - Trend starts when an event occur, this may be a
sensor exceeding a certain value, a pump starting,
a valve opening, etc.

1.5.1 Main Functions

 User configured trends
 Unlimited number of trends continuously
 Event started trends
 Trending of calculated values, which is set up in the FleetMaster Gateway
 Normalisation of values
Figure: FleetMaster Ship Trender main window
1.6 FleetMaster Ship Data Manager
The Ship Data Manager is a database for functions for fuel monitoring, main
storing of both automatic and manual engine performance etc.
recorded values. The Data Manager The information in the database can be
consists of a database containing all automatic exchanged with the Fleet Data
required reports and formularies for Manager at the ship owner/operators
reporting and communicating between office.
ship and shore. There are also advanced

1.6.1 Main Functions

 Automatic logging of data
 Combining manual inputs with automatic collection of data
 Pre-defined report formats:  Auxiliary engine performance
 Voyage Report report
 Engine performance report  Hull & Propeller Report
 Loading/Discharge report  Engine Room Log Book
 Automatic transfer of data to ship owner/operators office
 Automatic reporting to class societies

Figure: Typical User interface in the Ship Data Manager

1.7 Hyundai Intelligent Predictive Diagnosis System
HIPDS is a multi-functional program HIPDS make diagnosis for all systems in
combining several methods for the engine room related to the ship
increasing ship safety and reducing the propulsion.
ship operation and life cycle costs.
Diagnosis, which is related to corrective
HIPDS is connected to the alarm, maintenance, is automatically sent to the
monitoring and control system where all Planned Maintenance System as
process values are available. corrective work tasks. This enables
The process values are used in condition based maintenance instead of
calculations and compared to periodic maintenance.
recommended values and diagnosis, and
HIPDS has interface to other systems
pre-warnings are trigged if operation is
such as:
outside recommended limits.
 Vibration monitoring systems for
The Diagnosis and Pre-warnings
detection of misalignment,
includes advises to the operator for
damaged bearings, pump
recommended actions and functions for
cavitation and unbalance.
operator input.
 Man B&W CoCos-EDS, Diagnosis for
By presenting diagnosis and pre-warning Man B&W diesel engines.
to the operator, system irregularities are
 Wärtsillä Diesel, FAKS diagnosis
detected at an early stage and presenting
System for Wärtsillä Diesel
diagnosis and pre-warning to the
operator prevents costly breakdowns
and off-hire.
Figure: HIPDS Diagnosis System
2.1 FleetMaster® Remote Access
The Remote Access Application collects Data which is collected from the ship
data from the ship Fleet, through satellite fleet are automatic organised and stored,
or cellar phone. All data, which is the data is accessed by people at the
available onboard, the ships computer owners office by “easy to use” menus.
network can be collected by this
application, automatic, or manual.
Figure: FleetMaster Remote Access Functionality

Owner Office

Ship Fleet

Remote Access Application

Typical Data collected and use:

 Reports from the Ship Data Manager
 Snap-Shots from alarm monitoring and control system, this is used by
superintendents to se the status onboard.
 Data Collection from the ships MIP Calculator.
 Data from Planned Maintenance System.
 Data from Vibration monitoring system.
 Other documents from ships.
2.2 FleetMaster Fleet Data Manager
The Fleet Data Manager is a database similar to the Ship Data Manager, the difference is
mainly that the Ship Data Manager stores data for One single ship, while the Fleet Data
Manager stores data for a ship Fleet. The data collection from the ship fleet is performed by
the Remote Access Application.

The Figure below illustrates the process of data collection from the ship fleet.

Fleet Data Manager Ship Data

Ship Data

Data is collected
from the ships as
record sets

Data Record
Data Record

Database Data Record

Data Record
Data Record Data Record
Data Record Data Record
Data Record
Data Record

Data Record In the Fleet Data Manager is data stored similar to onboard the
ship, organised by each ship.

All data is accessed at the owners office through the office

network, in organised forms similar to onboard ship

The Fleet Data Manager provides storing, organising of data from the ship fleet, in a similar
way, so that trending and comparing of ships are relatively simple.

2.2.1 Main Functions:

 Collecting / Receiving information from the ship fleet
 Organising & Storing
 Pre-defined reports
 Trending of data
 Analysis of ship fleet performance
2.3 FleetMaster Ship Viewer (Shore Version)
The Ship Viewer is a “copy” of the The same information can be supplied to
Alarm monitoring and control system. Kongsberg Norcontrol. A similar ship
Viewer presents the information from the
The Ship Viewer presents “snap shots”
ship. This enable Kongsberg Norcontrol to
logged from the ships alarm monitoring
detect and solve the actual problem without
and control system and presents is with
travels onboard the ship. Saving time and
mimics similar to mimics onboard.
money for both supplier and customer.
Typical use owner office:
Data “Snap Shot” from the ship is Emergency Information Management
logged and stored at the ship owner’s In cases where a ship has run on ground,
office. This data shows the status coiled with other ships or other emergency
onboard the ship. All analogue and situations. The Ship Viewer can be used to
digital values are presented in mimics, provide the owner with information of the
including alarm summary and history. ship condition. This provides the owner
By using this in cases where there is with detail information, which he can use to
problem onboard, the superintendent get an overview of the situation and inform
and the crew are solving the problems proper authorities.
with access to the same information,
Typical Data:
avoiding misunderstandings.
 Oil Leak, amount of oil leaking, ship
Remote Support from Suppliers. position, draft, trim, etc.
Typical presentation of snap shot from a ship

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