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FM-037-A /28.01.2000

FleetMaster Ship Trender

User Guide

Department/Author: Approved by:

____________________ _____________________
Bjarne Bjørkan Bjørn Munkvold

ã 2024 Kongsberg Norcontrol AS

All rights reserved
No part of this work covered by the copyright
hereon may be reproduced or otherwise copied
without prior permission from
Kongsberg Norcontrol AS

FleetMaster Ship Trender


FM-037-A /28.01.2000

Issue No. Date/Year Inc. by Issue No. Date/Year Inc. by
A 21-Dec-99 BJB

Issue ECO Paragraph Paragraph Heading/
No. No. No. Description of Change

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Section Page

1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................1
1.1 REQUIREMENTS................................................................................ 1
2. INSTALLATION..................................................................................2
2.1 COMPUTER CONFIGURATION..............................................................2
3. INSTALLING SHIP TRENDER...............................................................3
4. USING THE SHIP TRENDER.................................................................4
4.1 CONFIGURING LOGS..........................................................................4
4.1.1 Create a new log.......................................................................... 4
4.1.2 Selecting Type of Log.................................................................. 5 Permanent Log............................................................................. 5 Periodic Log..................................................................................5 Event Log......................................................................................6
4.1.3 Selecting Channels ( Similar for all logs)....................................7
4.2 STARTING THE RECORDING...............................................................8
5. TRENDING RECORDED DATA...............................................................9
5.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................9
5.2 STARTING THE TRENDER...................................................................9
5.2.1 Starting a new Trend....................................................................9
5.3 CONTROL FUNCTIONS..................................................................... 12
5.3.1 Menu Description........................................................................12
5.3.2 Menus..........................................................................................13
5.3.3 Mouse operations.......................................................................13
5.3.4 Configuring Curves:....................................................................14
6. UNDERSTANDING THE APPLICATIONS................................................15
6.1 SHIP GATEWAY.............................................................................. 15
6.2 SHIP TRENDER...............................................................................16

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This document describes how to configure and use the FleetMaster  Ship Trender
application. The Ship Trender is an application for trending data from the Kongsberg
Norcontrol Navigation and Automation systems.

1.1 Requirements
FleetMaster Applications
In order to run the Ship Trender application the FleetMaster Ship Gateway must be
installed with a network interface to the DataChief alarm monitoring and control system.

Computer: Processor 200 MHz Memory 64 MB Hard Disk: 2 GB
Operative System: Windows NT 4.0

User knowledge:
It is anticipated that the user of the application is familiar with standard Windows
functionality and use of mouse.

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2.1 Computer Configuration
The Ship Trender application can run on the computer that is configured to be the
Gateway between the Process and administrative network, however in order to run the
application a "hardware lock" must be attached to the computer printer port. One
"hardware lock " is required for each workstation, which shall run the Ship Trender.

The Ship Gateway is connected to the process networks and privides online information
to the workstations on the administrative network. Detailed information of the computer
configuration for the Ship Gateway is described in the documents FM-021 Configuration
Windows NT and FM-027 Ship Gateway User Manual.

Figure 1) Typical Ship Networks

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The Ship Gateway Application must be installed on the Gateway computer prior start up
of the Ship Trender.

First Step
The program is supplied on a CD-ROM containing a installation program for the Ship
Trender. By selecting "install.exe" the program automatic installs onto the computer.

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4.1 Configuring Logs
Start the Configuration program by double clicking on the TRENDCONFIG.EXE file
located in the Ship Trender catalogue. The configuration form is then displayed. See
figure below:

Figure 2) Ship Trender Configuration Form

4.1.1 Create a new log
To start a new log click the "New Logger" button, which opens the "Log Configuration"
form, see figure below:

Figure 3) Log Configuration Form

First step is to give the log a descriptive name, ex. ME Exhaust Temp.

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4.1.2 Selecting Type of Log

After naming the log the user can select between three different types of logs:
Log Type Description
 Permanent Logs continuously with an interval between 1 second and up
999999999 minutes for each sample.
 Periodic Logs starts at a periodic interval and logs for a pre-set time,
the interval between each sample can be configured similar
for permanent logs
 Event A selected event starts the log, the user can select how long
time in advance the log shall remember and the time period
to record after the event. Permanent Log

1. Give the log a descriptive name
2. Select "Permanent" in the Logger type drop down list.
3. Select a sample time
4. Go to the Channel configuration form Periodic Log

1. Give the log a descriptive name
2. Select "Periodic" in the Logger Type drop down list.
3. Select Time interval in the Periodic log configuration
4. Select Duration Time in the periodic log configuration.
5. Go to the Channel configuration form.
Figure 4) Periodic log configuration

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FM-037-A /28.01.2000 Event Log

1. Give the log a descriptive name
2. Select "Event" in the Logger Type drop down list
3. Select time interval the log shall record the channels prior to the event occurs.
4. Select the time interval the log shall record the channels after the event has occurred.
Figure 5) Item 3&4 Selecting time interval

5. Select the "Configure" button, and select which event(s) that shall start the log. The
user must double click on the "TAGNAME" column in order to select a trigger, see
figure below:
Figure 6) Selecting Event Trigger

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6. Configure the Event Trigger. The Trigger can be a Tag value that is "equal To", "Less
Than" or Larger Than" a configurable value, it can be a digital value, which is open or
closed. There can be several triggers selected for a single event log, See Figures below:
Figure 7) Configuring Event Trigger

Figure 8) Multiple Event log triggers

4.1.3 Selecting Channels ( Similar for all logs)

After selecting type of log and configured as described in chapters above, the user must
select which tags to record in the log.

1. Use the mouse and click on the "Channel Configuration" TAB on top of the form

Figure 9) Select Channel Configuration

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2. The user then uses the mouse to double clicks on the tags that are wanted in the log.
Note that the user must click on the "TAGNAME" column to select a tag. Maximum 32
Tags can be included in each log.

4.2 Starting The Recording

After configuration of logs the recording is started by selecting the "Start Logger" button,
see figure below:
Figure 10) Starting Logs

When the logs are started a dedicated program named "Ship Data Logger" starts. The
program is placed as an icon on the explorer task bar, see figure below:
Figure 11) Ship Data Logger icon on Taskbar

The Ship Data Logger processes can be viewed by double clicking on its icon on the
Figure 12) Ship Data Logger window

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5.1 General
The recorded data is saved as 1 hour files on the hard disk. To view the data a dedicated
Ship Trend viewer is used. This viewer can present historic or online data.

5.2 Starting The

Double clicking on the "FleetMasterTrend.exe" file located in the Ship Trender catalogue
starts the Ship Trender. This opens the application as shown in figure below:
Figure 13) Ship Data Trend Application

5.2.1 Starting a new Trend

1. A new trend is started by selecting File|New Trend|.
2. A dialog is opened showing available logs.
Figure 14) Selecting Log

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3. Select the required log and press the "OK" button.

4. A new dialog is open for configuration of the selected Trend, see figure below:
Figure 15) Configuration of Active Trend



5. The user must double click on the record he wants to trend.

6. Then the Tags that are wanted for display must be selected, this is done by double
clicking on the required Tag in the TAGNAME column. Note that maximum 6 tags
can be displayed simultaneously. If the log contains more than 6 Tags and the user
wants to display all, several windows must be opened with the same log.
7. After selecting "OK" the trend is displayed, see figure next page.

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Figure 16) Main Trend Window

Value axis

Trend On/OFF
Time Y-axis Online button switch


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5.3 Control Functions

5.3.1 Menu Description
Figure 17) Main Menu with buttons

Image Description
New Trend, starts a new Trend window

Print, prints the active trend window to a printer

Configure Active Trend

Move to start of trend curve

Move trend curve left

Increase time scale

Reduce time scale

Move trend curve right

Move to end of trend curve

Adjust trend curve to fit to screen

Adjust trend curve height to fit in window

Adjust trend curve height to tag value range

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5.3.2 Menus
File menu:
New - New trend window
Close - Close active trend window
Print- Print active trend window
Exit - Close application

View Menu:
Toolbar - Display toolbar
Status bar - Display Status bar

Trend Menu:
Trend Configuration - Starts Trend Configuration
Logger Configuration - Starts logger configuration

Zoom Menu:
Self explanation

Window and help is standard Windows functionality and will not be described in this

5.3.3 Mouse operations

Time scale y-axis:
The time scale can be adjusted by using the mouse and select the scale and drag it left or
right. By dragging it left the scale increases, and by dragging it right it increases.

Area Zoom
The mouse can be used to click on the trend curve window, hold the left mouse button
down and select a square. The user will then zoom into the square selected.

On-line button:

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If an active trend is selected, the online button can be pushed and live data is updated on
the screen.
On-line button

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Curve value
By holding the mouse on the end of the curve window a finger is displayed, push down
left mouse button and move it towards the centre of screen. A vertical is displayed and a
dialogue showing the value for each tag on the screen. See figure below.

Figure 18) Curve Value

5.3.4 Configuring Curves:

Trend curves can be turned off by clicking on it button see figure above. If double clicking
on the same button, each trend curve can be configured separately, see figure below:
Figure 19) Curve properties

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The functionality of the curve properties will not be described in detail, as the menus are


6.1 Ship Gateway
The Ship Gateway is online with the process networks, when a Tag Value changes on the
process net will it be immediately updated on the Ship Gateway.
All tags available is located in a process database in the Gateway computers memory, this
database is called Process Data Server (PDS). The figure below shows the Dataflow
between the process net and the Gateway.
Figure 20) Ship Gateway Data Flow

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6.2 Ship Trender

The Ship Trender gets all its information from the Process Data Server (PDS) on the
Gateway Computer. The figure below shows the interface between the Ship Gateway and
the Ship Trender and the data flow.
Figure 21) Ship Trender Data Flow

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