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Name: Rizki Aditya Parningotan Raga

Nim: 210511100088
Class: 5B
Course: Literary Criticism

Summary of Short Story the Search Engine by Sherman Alexie

"The Search Engine" is a short story by Sherman Alexie that takes us into the life of
Corliss Joseph, a nineteen-year-old Native American woman attending Washington State
University in the late 1990s. Corliss is a bookworm, deeply passionate about her studies, and
determined to succeed in an academic world that often marginalizes Native Americans.

Corliss, the central character, is shy and introverted, and her love for books is a means
of empowerment. She embraces the knowledge and opportunities that were previously denied
to her due to her impoverished upbringing. Despite facing the challenges of being a Native
American woman in a predominantly white society, she is unyielding in her pursuit of
education and self-discovery.

The story's core plot revolves around Corliss's quest for a particular book that she
believes will help her understand her identity as a Native American woman. She embarks on
a tireless search, utilizing both the university library and online search engines to seek
information about the book and its author. Throughout her journey, she encounters obstacles
such as racism and sexism, but her determination to find the book and connect with her
culture remains unwavering.

Other characters in the story include Atwater, a Native American poet whom Corliss
greatly admires and longs to meet. Additionally, various people she encounters during her
search, like the couple at the café, a homeless individual, and those she encounters in the
library and online, contribute to her personal growth.

"The Search Engine" explores profound themes of identity, culture, and the unique
challenges faced by Native American women in contemporary society. It serves as a
testament to the resilience and determination of individuals like Corliss Joseph, who refuse to
be confined by societal stereotypes and prejudices. The story highlights the power of
education and self-discovery as tools for personal empowerment and overcoming adversity.

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