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Rubric for Evaluating Lesson Plans

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Purpose of the lesson is
Purpose of the lesson is
Purpose of the lesson is provided but does not All components of level 3 and students are
Purpose of the Lesson provided and corresponds
not explicitly provided directly address the focus provided with the purpose of the lesson
with the focus standard
The lesson does not The lesson loosely The lesson explicitly All components of level 3 and conveys the
Focus of the Lesson address the focus addresses the focus addresses the focus benefits of the learning that is to occur to
standards described standards described standards described students
Best Instructional
 Modeling
 Think Aloud The lesson does not The lesson incorporates 1- The lesson incorporates 3 All components of level 3 and offers
 Collaboration with incorporate best 2 best instructional or more best instructional differentiation for multiple intelligences,
peers instructional practices. practices practices ability levels, and/or diverse learners
 Anchor Charts
 Strategy Instruction
 Discussion Protocols
Ineffective or no use of Effective use of 1-2 Effective use of 3 or more
Use of Materials and provided resources are to provided resources and provided resources and All components of level 3 and materials to
Resources plan and implement materials to plan and materials to plan and effectively plan and implement instruction.
instruction implement instruction implement instruction
Balance between teacher
Lesson is completely All components of level 3 and lesson shows
Teacher and student and student responsibility
Gradual Release of teacher-directed or evidence that teacher makes adjustments
responsibility for learning for learning indicates
Responsibility independent student to level of responsibility based on previous
is unbalanced teacher understanding of
work lessons
student readiness
Includes aligned rubrics or
assessment guidelines All components of level 3 and includes
No assessment practices Few assessment practices
Assessment that provide sufficient evidence of students assessing themselves
are evident are evident
guidance for interpreting and their peers
student success.
Technology is Technology is effectively
No technology is used or
incorporated into the incorporated to enhance
Use of Technology is used ineffectively in the NA
lesson but is only partially learning when
effective appropriate

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