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IJIEMR Transactions, online available on 05th Apr 2023. Link
: 04

10.48047/IJIEMR/V12/ISSUE 04/31

Volume 12, ISSUE 04, Pages: 232-238

Paper Authors

Ms.T.Shalini, Shaik Abdul Jabbar, Tummala Sai Vamsi, Parabathina Bhanu Prakash, Yadla Sai kalyan


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Vol 12 Issue 04, Apr 2023 ISSN 2456 – 5083

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Ms.T.Shalini1, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE,
Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh.

Shaik Abdul Jabbar2, Tummala Sai Vamsi3, Parabathina Bhanu Prakash4, Yadla Sai
UG Students, Department of Electronics and communication Engineering,
Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Marking attendance in a classroom during lectures can be tedious and time-consuming, especially
when dealing with many students. The traditional methods of attendance marking are vulnerable to
proxy attendance, making it challenging to maintain accurate records. Our proposed project aims to
create a more reliable automated attendance marking and management system by utilizing facial
recognition technology. While biometric techniques such as fingerprint and Radio Frequency
Identification tags have been utilized in the past, they have proven to be less reliable than desired.
Therefore, we believe that facial recognition technology can be a more accurate and efficient means
of recording attendance. The system aims to simplify the attendance marking process and save time
by using face detection and recognition algorithms. The system comprises four phases: Image
Capturing, Segmentation of group image and Face Detection, Face comparison and Recognition,
Updating of Attendance in the database. The system records attendance by processing images of
students' faces, comparing them against stored records, and updating the attendance database
accordingly. By using facial recognition technology, the proposed system aims to overcome the
challenges of traditional attendance marking methods and provide an efficient and reliable solution.

INTRODUCTION systems, which have extremely short

transmission distances. If a user uses two
Human involvement and inaccuracy will be
devices that are used in an area that is larger
reduced by the technology-based attendance
than a few centimetres, communication
system. Numerous different types of
between the devices will be cut off. NFC uses
attendance systems are used in various
wireless communication technology, a high
industries, including biometric attendance
frequency operating at 13.56 MHz, and a
systems, RFID (Radio Frequency
maximum data transmission speed of 424
Identification) attendance systems, which are
typically used in large organisations, and NFC
(Near Field Communication) attendance

Volume 12 Issue 04, April 2023 ISSN 2456 – 5083 Page: 232

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Computer-based vision algorithms leverage categorization and analysis of images, media
various facial features for various applications, recreation, recommendation systems, and
including emotion detection, multiple camera natural language processing. Deep Learning
surveillance, and face recognition. Of these has significantly advanced the field of
applications, the face recognition system has computer vision, primarily through the use of
garnered considerable interest from ConvNets. Over time, these algorithms have
researchers. For face recognition, a number of been refined and perfected, leading to a wide
techniques have been considered, including range of exciting possibilities for AI (Artificial
Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multi-Layer Intelligence) and machine learning.
Perceptron (MLP), and Convolutional Neural
Facial Key Point detection is a technique used
Network (CNN). Face identification is
to mark specific areas of the face, such as the
accomplished using Deep Neural Networks
eyes, nose, and mouth, which are relevant for
(DNN), while SVM and MLP techniques use
various computer vision tasks like face filters,
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and
emotion recognition, and pose recognition.
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) for feature
This process is achieved using Convolutional
extraction. In the CNN method, photos are
Neural Networks (CNN) and computer vision
provided as a feature straight into the CNN
techniques. The key aim is to predict the
module. The CNN approach has shown the
coordinates of specific facial key points, such
highest accuracy in face detection, achieving a
as the nose tip, center of eyes, etc., for a given
test accuracy of 98% on self-generated
face. To accomplish this, a CNN-based model
databases, while SVM and MLP approaches
that uses autoencoders is employed. CNNs
achieved test accuracy of 87% and 86.5%,
are well-suited for this task due to their deep
respectively. These results suggest that CNN-
structure, which allows them to extract high-
based approaches are more accurate and
level information and deliver greater accuracy
reliable for face recognition applications.
when identifying each critical point. The
WORK RELATED architecture of the convolutional network is
designed to predict all facial key points
Convolutional Neural Networks, or
simultaneously, enabling a comprehensive and
ConvNets/CNNs, are a class of Deep Learning
efficient analysis of the face. This technique
algorithms used for image processing tasks.
has immense potential for various real-world
These networks can take input images and
applications that require the accurate and
learn to assign importance to various aspects
precise detection of facial features.
or objects in the image, enabling them to
differentiate between unique features. The Convolutional Neural Networks, or CNNs for
overarching goal of this field is to develop short, are a specific type of neural network that
algorithms that enable machines to view and incorporates convolutional layers to conduct
understand the world in a comparable manner computations on input data. These networks
to humans, allowing for a wide range of are typically employed for image processing
applications like image and video recognition, tasks. These convolutional layers perform a

Volume 12 Issue 04, April 2023 ISSN 2456 – 5083 Page: 233

Electronic copy available at:

mathematical operation known as convolution, faces and mark attendance, which is a non-
which is applied to the input data using filters intrusive and convenient method for both
or kernels to extract relevant features from the students and teachers.
input data. The GUI application created using Flask
Convolutional output can be categorised into provides an easy-to-use interface for the
three modes: Full, Same, and Valid. The Valid users, making it accessible and user-friendly.
mode is typically used for forward propagation Attendance management could undergo a
to make it easier to extract features from substantial revolution thanks to the proposed
images, while the Full mode is frequently used technology that uses face recognition for
for backpropagation to get the best weights. automatic attendance tracking practices in
Pooling layers are typically placed after educational institutions and workplaces. By
convolutional layers in the neural network, and introducing a more efficient and accurate
their purpose is to reduce the output feature method of attendance marking, this system
data from the convolutional layers. Pooling could revolutionize attendance management
operations can compress the information in the as we know it.
output data without losing valuable AWS provides a wide range of machine
information, reducing the risk of overfitting in learning services, including Amazon
the neural network. Additionally, pooling can Recognition, which can be used for image and
help to extract features from the image data, video analysis. Recognition makes it easy to
contributing to the neural network's ability to add facial recognition capabilities to your
classify the input data accurately. application, enabling you to recognise and
PROPOSED SYSTEM assess faces for a variety of use cases,
including user identification, population
The proposed system for automatic
census, and public safety. By using AWS, the
attendance management using face
project can leverage highly efficient deep
recognition has several advantages over
learning technology and managed databases
traditional manual methods. It is more efficient
to create a secure and scalable solution for
and saves time as it does not require the
attendance management.
manual labor of taking attendance, which can
The camera-based attendance system can
be time-consuming and prone to errors.
help schools and colleges save time by
Additionally, face recognition is a reliable
automating the attendance process. By using
biometric process, which is difficult to forge,
the camera to capture multiple faces of
making it a secure method for attendance
students in the classroom, the system can
quickly identify and mark the attendance of
The use of computer vision and deep learning
each student. AWS recognition service can
techniques in this system enables accurate
help improve the accuracy and efficiency of
face detection and recognition, even in
the facial recognition process. Overall, the
situations with varying factors such as skin
project can provide a reliable and efficient
color tone, hair, glasses, and picture quality.
The system uses image capture to identify

Volume 12 Issue 04, April 2023 ISSN 2456 – 5083 Page: 234

Electronic copy available at:

solution for attendance management in features against a database of known faces to
educational institutions. identify or verify the person's identity. This
technology has gained popularity in recent
years due to its potential use in security
systems, surveillance, and access control, as
Three tasks are performed by this AWS well as its convenience in applications such as
recognition service: unlocking smartphones or making payments.

➢ Face and object Detection Deep learning algorithms are used by facial
recognition systems to examine and extract
➢ Face recognition
features from a person's face, such as the

➢ Face comparision space between their eyes, their nose and

mouth's shapes, and the angles of their
Face Detection: jawline. To discover a match, these features

HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) is a are then run against a database of recognised

popular technique used for object detection, faces. Several pictures or videos of the same

particularly for detecting human faces in person shot at various angles or with various

images. It works by calculating the gradient lighting conditions may be used by facial

orientation and magnitude for each pixel in an recognition software to increase accuracy.

image and then grouping these gradients into While facial recognition technology has many

cells. The cells are then normalized to reduce potential benefits, there are also concerns

the effect of changes in lighting and contrast. about privacy and potential misuse. Some

The resulting histogram of oriented gradients worry that facial recognition could be used to

is used as a feature descriptor for the object track individuals without their knowledge or

being detected, in this case, human faces. consent, and that it could be used for

The HOG method is particularly useful for face discriminatory or unethical purposes.

detection because it is invariant to changes in Therefore, it is important to carefully consider

lighting, pose, and scale. This means that it the ethical implications and potential risks

can detect faces even if the lighting is poor or before implementing facial recognition

the faces are in different orientations or sizes. systems.

The HOG method is effective for face Face Comparision:

detection, achieving high accuracy rates on The faces and the facial features kept in the

benchmark datasets such as the FDDB (Face AWS collection object will be compared.

Detection Data Set and Benchmark). External Image ID and face ID will be returned

Face Recognition: if the image matches one in the collection. The

roll in the local database is mapped with this
Facial recognition is a biometric technology external image ID (i.e., Microsoft SQL Server).
that uses computer algorithms to extract Such an Excel sheet can be used to keep
unique features of an individual's face from an track of this data. The Excel sheet can be used
image or video and then matches those to track students' attendance every week or

Volume 12 Issue 04, April 2023 ISSN 2456 – 5083 Page: 235

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every month. To keep track of the student's 1: Before 10AM – Early come 2. After
progress, this attendance can be forwarded to 10AM – Late
the student's parents or legal guardians.
3. Before 4PM – Early out 4. After
Flow chart of our proposed system is given 4PM- Normal out
After checking the conditions data will be
stored into MySQL database


Welcome Page:

The welcome page describes the theme of the


Fig 1: Flow Chart

Testing and considering the attendance

Fig 2: Welcome Page
Whenever a student made a click on the
button provided, a web cam will get opened. Take Attendance Page:

The web cam has ability to capture the image As soon as we click the take attendance option
of the students face and then the image is in our html page, we are redirected to camera
converted into greyscale, and it undergoes for module and then the camera of our device
scaling opens it captures our face and matches with
the database images we have already stored
The scaled image is converted into the form of
by student name and roll number and It is the
vectors with the help of
responsibility of the student's parents or
guardians to keep an eye on their child's
Now the converted data will be helpful to progress if the taken image matches any of the
predict the outcomes.

There are 4 conditions to collect the


Volume 12 Issue 04, April 2023 ISSN 2456 – 5083 Page: 236

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Fig 3: Take Attendance Page

Fig 5: View Attendance Page

Data Training page: CONCLUSION

In our suggested work, we have developed a

model that may take student attendance at
designated periods using facial recognition; if
student is not identified within designated
times for attendance taken, they will be given
attendance as being late. We have utilised the
Flask Framework, where the student's data is
kept, a model is trained, and then the student's
picture is taken, tested, and attendance is
transferred to the student by the photographed
Fig 4: Data Training Page face.

View Attendance page: FUTURE SCOPE

The students can view the attendance whether The concept can be developed in the future
it has taken or not for the day and for the and applied to a variety of settings, including
previous days too with time and date. As soon educational institutions, business offices, and
as we click on the attendance details option in other workplaces. The attendance of someone
our HTML page, the page is directed into with less time may be taken into serious
another page called view attendance page in consideration.
there the student must give the roll number to
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Electronic copy available at:

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Volume 12 Issue 04, April 2023 ISSN 2456 – 5083 Page: 238

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