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A Drama of


Reswa : Bawang Putih

Cyril : Bawang Merah
Kansa : Step Mother
Khaira : Bawang Putih’s Mother & Old Grandma
Kenzo : Narator 2
Andra : Narator 1 & Father

Narrator 2 : A long time ago, there lived a couple of husband and wife. They have a handsome
son. His name was bawang putih. His father was a seller. But, then his mom was
(Muncul Bawang Putih, ayah & Ibu kandungnya berjalan di panggung).

Narrator 2 : One day, as her father came home from travelling, he brought a woman and her
daughter who’s name bawang merah. Then he married the woman.
(Muncul ayah Bawang Putih & Ibu tiri di panggung)

Narrator 1 : When her father went to trade, her stepmother and Bawang Merah would treat
Bawang Putih like a servant. If Bawang Putih's work went wrong, bawang merah
and the stepmother would be angry and punish her.

Bawang Merah : "Hey Bawang Putih, wash my clothes!"

Step Mother : "Bawang Putih, prepare breakfast now! We are hungry."
Bawang Putih : "Ok... Okay, mom."

Narator 2 : One day, Bawang Putih's father returned home and fell ill. He was very ill and
Bawang Putih was very sad because of it. Then, her father died.
Father : My dear wife, I think I will not have more time to be with you.
Step Mother : Don’t say that, My husband.
Father : Please, take care of our sons. Love Bawang Putih as your own child. Thank
Bawang Putih : "Father... Don't leave me... Father! Huhuhuhuuu..."

Narator 2 : Bawang merah and the step mother were exicted, because they became rich. They
always made bawang putih did homework. It made bawang putih sad.
Narator 1 : One day, Bawang Putih went to the river to wash clothes. She was sleepy and

Bawang Putih : "Mother's favourite scarf is gone... Oh no! It's drifting down the river... What
should I do? Mother will get angry to me."

Narator 1 : Bawang Putih walked along the river side, then an old woman came out and
greeted bawang putih.

Bawang Putih : "Excuse me, Grandma, did you find my mother's red scarf?"
Old Grandma : "Hi dear, What's your name?"
Bawang Putih : "My name is Bawang Putih."
Old Grandma : "Bawang Putih, this is the red scarf you are looking for. Oh, I want to give
you a gift. A pumpkin for you. Choose which one you like."

Bawang Putih : "Hm, I choose the small one, Grandma.

Old Grandma : "Okay, take this little pumpkin.
Bawang Putih : Thank you, Grandma.

Narator 1 : Arriving at home, Bawang Putih was shouted by her stepmother and Bawang
Step mother : "Where have you been, Bawang Putih? How dare you go out without my
Bawang Putih : "Forgive me, mother! I… I was... "
Bawang Merah : "Stop, enough Bawang Putih! We don't need your excuses!"
Step Mother : What do you bring, Bawang Putih?
Bawang Putih : A pumpkin, Mother.
Step Mother : "Cut the pumpkin and cook it! We are starving because of you!"

Narator 1 : Bawang Putih took the knife and split the pumpkin. What a surprise, the
pumpkin was full of sparkling and expensive jewellery.

Bawang Merah : "Hah, where did you get the pumpkin?"

Narator 2 : Bawang Putih then told them everything.

Narator 1 : Hearing the story of Bawang Putih, the stepmother finally got the idea.

(BM muncul sedang mencuci di Sungai dan menghanyutkan selendang ibunya, lalu ditemukan
oleh nenek.)

Bawang Merah : "Dear grandmother, did you find my mother's red scarf?"
Old woman : "Oh yes, I found it on the river. Here is the scarf. "
Bawang Merah : "Yes, I'm also tired. Do you have any pumpkins? "
Old woman : "Sure, choose one pumpkin, as a gift from me."
Bawang Merah : "Of course, I choose the big one, Grandma."

Narator 1 : At home, Bawang Merah and her mother open the pumpkin quickly.

Bawang Merah : "Mom, let's just open this pumpkin now."

Step mother : "Yeah, let's open this. I'm also curious."
Narator 1 : A few moments later, they see many disgusting animals inside the pumpkin.

Bawang Merah : "Oh, what is this?” “Where is the jewellery? Mother! Ihhh!"
Step mother : "Aw! Aw! It hurts!” “Aw! Aw! Ouch!” “Mom…Ouch…Aw…What should
we do Mom?”
Bawang Merah : Bawang Putih, please help us!

Narator 1 : That’s the end of the story. Bawang merah and the step mother finally got
hurt and regreted of their bad treatment to Bawang Putih. They asked for
apologize to Bawang Putih.

Narator 2 : Since then, they live happily ever after.

Semua pemain : That’s all our performance. Thanks for watching. Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

The End

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