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Linking Jira with GitHub allows for better tracking of development work and visibility into the code

changes related to your Jira issues. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Jira with GitHub:

### 1. Prerequisites

- **Jira**: You need administrator access to your Jira project.

- **GitHub**: You need administrative access to your GitHub repository.

### 2. Set Up the Integration

#### Using Atlassian Marketplace (Jira Cloud)

Atlassian provides an official integration for Jira Cloud and GitHub. Here’s how to set it up:

1. **Go to Jira Settings**:

- Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner.

- Select **Apps**.

2. **Find GitHub for Jira**:

- In the left sidebar, click on **Find new apps**.

- Search for **GitHub for Jira**.

3. **Install GitHub for Jira**:

- Click on the app, then click **Get it now**.

- Follow the prompts to install the app.

4. **Connect GitHub Account**:

- After installation, go to **Jira settings** > **Apps**.

- Under **Integrations**, select **GitHub**.

- Click **Connect GitHub organization**.

- You’ll be redirected to GitHub to authorize the integration. Log in and authorize if prompted.

5. **Configure the Integration**:

- Choose the GitHub repositories you want to link with Jira.

- Follow the instructions to complete the setup.

#### Using Webhooks (Jira Server/Data Center)

For Jira Server or Data Center, you might need to set up webhooks manually.

1. **Create a Webhook in Jira**:

- Go to **Jira settings** > **System** > **Webhooks**.

- Click **Create a Webhook**.

2. **Webhook Configuration**:

- **Name**: Give your webhook a name (e.g., GitHub Integration).

- **URL**: Enter the URL for your GitHub webhook (this URL will be provided when you create the
webhook in GitHub).

- **Events**: Select the events you want Jira to notify GitHub about, such as issue creation or

3. **Create a Webhook in GitHub**:

- Go to your GitHub repository.

- Click on **Settings** > **Webhooks** > **Add webhook**.

4. **Webhook Payload URL**:

- **Payload URL**: Enter the Jira webhook URL.

- **Content type**: Set to `application/json`.

- **Secret**: You can optionally set a secret for security.

- **Events**: Select the events that will trigger the webhook (e.g., `push`, `pull request`).

5. **Test the Integration**:

- Make a change in your GitHub repository and ensure it is reflected in Jira (e.g., commit messages
that include Jira issue keys).

### 3. Use Smart Commits

Smart Commits allow you to perform actions on Jira issues directly from GitHub commit messages.

- **Format**: Use the following format in your commit messages:


[JIRA-ISSUE-KEY] #comment Your comment here #time 1h 30m


- Example: `PROJ-123 #comment Fixed the bug causing the crash #time 2h`

### 4. View Development Information in Jira

Once the integration is set up, you can view GitHub activity related to your Jira issues directly within

- **Development Panel**: In a Jira issue, you’ll see a **Development** panel that shows commits,
branches, and pull requests associated with the issue.

### Conclusion

By integrating Jira with GitHub, you can enhance your workflow, ensuring that all your development
work is tracked and visible within your project management tool. This setup helps in maintaining a
clear link between code changes and project tasks, improving collaboration and efficiency.

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