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Fluid viscosity.

This is the property of a fluid to resist movement.

In oil refining, dynamic, kinematic and conditional viscosity are
The dynamic viscosity µ characterizes the internal friction of a fluid and
enters into the Newton equation. The unit of measurement of dynamic viscosity in
SI is Pascal second (Pa⋅s).
In technological calculations, the kinematic viscosity ν is often used, which
is the ratio of dynamic viscosity to density at the same temperature: ν = μ / ρ. SI
unit of kinematic viscosity is a square meter per second (m2 / s).
A fractional unit of square millimeter per second (mm 2 / s) corresponds to
one centistokes.
To characterize viscous petroleum products, conditional viscosity is
sometimes used. It is expressed as the ratio of the time required to flow out 200 ml
of oil from a standard viscometer at the test temperature to the time required to
flow out the same amount of distilled water at 20 ° C. Viscosity is measured in
degrees of condition - ° CV. Conversion of conditional viscosity to kinematic is
carried out according to appendix 7.
The viscosity of oil and oil products decreases with increasing temperature.
If necessary, viscosity can easily be converted from one temperature to another
using a nomogram (appendix 10). The nomogram makes it possible to find the
viscosity of the same oil for a given temperature using two known viscosity values
at any temperature.

Example 1.14 The conditional viscosity of the oil fraction at 100 and 50 ° C
is equal to 2.6 and 20 ° CV, respectively. Find its viscosity at 70 ° C.
Solution. To find the unknown viscosity, we use the nomogram (appendix 10). On
the grid of the nomogram, we mark two points with coordinates 100 ° C, 2.6 ° CV
and 50 ° C, 20 ° CV. Through the found points A and B draw a line. We mark
point C, where the line intersects the vertical corresponding to 70 ° C. Projecting
point C on the ordinate axis, we obtain the value of the conditional viscosity at 70 °
C: CV70 = 7.1.

The quality of oils depends on the degree of viscosity change with

increasing temperature. Evaluation of the viscosity-temperature properties is
carried out according to the indicator, which is called the viscosity index - VI.
The viscosity index is determined by the nomogram (appendix 11) from the
known values of the kinematic viscosity at two temperatures (usually 50 and 100 °
C). As the quality of the oil improves, its viscosity index increases.

Example 1.15 The viscosity of an engine oil at 100 ° C is 10.5 mm 2 / s, and

at 50 ° C it is 59 mm2 / s. Determine the viscosity index of the oil.
Solution. On the ordinate axes of viscosity and temperature, we mark the points
corresponding to ν 50 = 10.5 mm2 / s and t = 100 ° С, and draw a straight line
through them. We draw the second line through two other points: ν 50 = 59 mm2 / s
and t = 50 ° С. The intersection point of the two lines will be on the curve
indicated by 100. Therefore, the oil viscosity index is 100 (VI = 100).

With increasing pressure, the viscosity of petroleum products increases,

although not as significantly as with increasing temperature. For calculations, it
can be assumed that up to 4 MPa, the viscosity of oil products is not dependent of
The viscosity of liquid mixtures cannot be determined by the additivity rule;
therefore, when mixing two or more petroleum products, it is advisable to
determine the viscosity of the resulting mixture experimentally. However,
empirical formulas or nomograms developed based on them are sometimes used
for approximate estimation. The most commonly used nomogram (appendix 12),
which allows you to determine the viscosity of a mixture of two petroleum
products taken in known proportions, or, conversely, find the ratio of components
to obtain a product of a given viscosity. On the nomogram, for convenience,
viscosity values are plotted in square millimeters per second (mm 2 / s) and ° CV,
the right axis of ordinates is for the less viscous component A, the left axis is for
the more viscous component B. It should be kept in mind that the reliability of the
results increases with work with mixtures prepared from components similar in
viscosity properties.

Example 1.16 The mixture is composed of components A (ν 50 = 12.5 mm2 /

s) and B (ν 50 = 60 mm2 / s). Determine: a) the viscosity of the mixture, consisting
of 40% of component A and 60% of component B (by volume); b) the ratio in the
mixture of components A and B at which the kinematic viscosity ν 50 = 39 mm2 / s.
On the coordinate axes of the nomogram (Appendix 12), corresponding to
100% of component A and 100% of component B, we will mark the viscosity
values of 12.5 and 60 mm2 / s and connect the obtained points m and n by a straight
line. The straight line mn characterizes the viscosity of the mixture depending on
the ratio of the components. To answer the first question from a point on the
abscissa axis corresponding to the composition of the mixture (40% A and 60% B),
we set the perpendicular to the intersection with the straight line mn. The ordinate
of the intersection point will give the kinematic viscosity of this mixture ν 50 =
29.5 mm2 / s (the solid line in the nomogram).
The answer to another question is as follows. On the ordinate axis, we
determine the point with kinematic viscosity ν 50 = 39 mm2 / s and project it onto
the abscissa axis through the straight line mn. We get the ratio of components A -
25% and B - 75% (dashed line).
Appendix 7

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