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Chapter 7: Eat, Sleep and Slay

"": So…
"": Welcome to Prince's Castle, a legendary location.

"": What do you think? If you enjoy my crib, you are invited to remain with me!
"": Seriously?

"": Your crib is breaking apart.

"": It wasn't always like this, alright?!

P002: "": The Dwarven Gorge was... "": Our utopia.

[]: Salted Fish Flying Along the Road

P003: Three years ago...

"": Prince Jimmy has returned for another visit!
"": He really cares for his people, huh!
ST: Are you pleased?
ST: Of course, Your Highness.

"": He's so hot! I would definitely let him put a ring on it!

P004: "": Girls, focus on your education. Now is not the time for love.
"": Okay~!

(): I believe I've spoken with everyone now...

[That should include everyone now...]
ST: Yippee!
ST: Yay!

(): No. There's one more guy...

ST (NotePad): The Simpson'sRick & MortyThe Evil Dragon

"": I was once...

"": The Prince of these Lands...

P005: "": That is, until the dwarves attacked these lands and held me hostage for millennia...

"": That is not true! You assaulted us first! My ancestors went to whatever length to protect
our kingdom!

"": Ha ha… Isn't history written by the victors?

"": What is that intended to mean? We Dwarves never lie!

"": Really now? If I'm as bad as you claim, why did your forefathers put me in chains? Why
not murder me?
"": That's because I'm still useful to them. The heat from my body warms the land, and your
people receive crops in exchange.

"": You plunder, capture, and torture for the sake of your people... "": But no one raises an

"": …

"": As an evil dragon, no kingdom will develop love.

P007: "": Ugh, fine.

"": It's been a thousand years, anyway. It's about time we ended this.
"": Swear to me that you will behave yourself now and forever. Deal?

"": …

"": I swear I'll be OK...

"": I swear on my life.

P008: "": What came next?

"": Well…

"": !!


SFX: Boom!

"": Whew…
"": It was close.

P010: "": Don't grip me like that!

"": My, my. Who do we have here?

"": What if it's not my old friend Jimmy? I welcome you to my humble dwelling.

(): That's not like the dragons you see on TV.

P011: "": Welcome?! It was my castle! You will pay for this!

"": Me? Pay for this? Ha! I suppose I should thank you for your small courtesy.

"": I believe you. Dragon, I now release you free.

"": There. We are even now. There are no more axes to grind, okay?
ST: Really?

"": Alright. They were not lies.

P012: "": I wish all those who live in the Dwarven Gorge find happiness.

"": Heh heh. Thank you, Your Royal Highness.

"": I am happiest than ever! Muahaha!

"": I will kill you!


"Whoa. Atta whippy guy. "": That's just because he's little.

"": She is watching! I promise not to make a mistake this time.


"": !!

"": Whew! It appears that the Super Soaker is not garbage after all!

P015: "": It'll keep running 'til the fire's put out...

SFX: Ah-choo!
"": They are no longer a threat to us.
SFX: Ah-choo!

ST: Hmm?
ST: Ha. A shrimpy dragon for a shrimpy prince.

"": I am not frightened of you, dragon. "": I will hold you accountable for your actions!

P016: "": Ha… "": What a righteous short speech.

"": Tell me, Prince... Is guilt driving you?

"": I have no need to feel guilty!

ST: Where did the melons originate from?

"": Kill me, and the blame will follow me as I die. The heroic knight defeats the dragon, and
everyone lives happily ever after…

P017: "": No one will doubt the truth of the calamity from years ago...
"": Who would have imagined that it was all the royal prince's fault?
ST: Mama!
ST: The dragon has escaped!

ST: Get out of the Gorge!

P018: ST: His Highness was injured by the dragon!

ST: Help us!
"": Ho ho. If you hadn't set me free, you'd be a fool...

"": If the gorge hadn't been burned down and your people hadn't been harmed...

"": Everything...
ST: Damnit! Damn it all!

P019: "": It was your fault, Prince.

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