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Một sản phẩm của

Tác giả: Chuyên gia tiếng Anh số 1 Việt Nam – Bùi Quang Bình
01 Nguyên âm iː
1 Eel 8 Cheek 15 Employee
/iːl/ /tʃiːk/ /ɪmˈplɔi.iː/

2 Eager 9 Heel 16 Pea

/ˈiː.gɚ/ /hiːl/ /piː/

3 Easy 10 Bean 17 Tea

/ˈiːzi/ /biːn/ /tiː /

4 Eagle 11 Neatness 18 Three

/iːgl/ /ˈniːt.nəs/ /θriː /

5 Eat 12 Leader 19 Knee

/iːt/ /ˈliːdɚ/ /niː/

6 Each 13 Niece 20 She

/iːtʃ/ /niːs/ /ʃiː/

7 East 14 Pizza 21 Sea

/iːst/ /ˈpiːt.sə/ /siː /

1 Eat It 4 Lead Lid

/iːt/ /ɪt/ /liːd/ /lɪd/

2 Ease Is 5 Steel Still

/iːz/ /ɪz/ /stiːl/ /stɪl/

3 Leave Live 6 Teak Take

/liːv/ /lɪv/ /tiːk/ /teik/

1 Would you like to meet Mr Bill to complete the deal?

2 The Easter feast was the best meal I’ve ever had
3 Eating cheese pizza in a unique restaurant makes me eager.
02 Nguyên âm ɪ
1 His 8 Kid 15 Independent
/hɪz/ /kɪd/ /ɪn.dɪˈpen.dənt/

2 Win 9 Guilt 16 Environment

/wɪn/ /gɪlt/ /ɪnˈvaɪr.rən.mənt/

3 Busy 10 Chin 17 Interesting

/ˈbɪz.i/ /tʃɪn/ /ˈɪn.trəs.tɪŋ/

4 Will 11 Sibling 18 Excitement

/wɪl/ /'sɪblɪŋ/ /ɪkˈsaɪt.mənt/

5 Sit 12 Chilli 19 Intelligent

/sɪt/ /ˈtʃɪl.i/ /ɪnˈtel.ɪ.dʒənt/

6 Women 13 Business 20 Engagement

/ˈwʊmɪn/ /ˈbɪz.nɪs / /ɪnˈgeɪdʒ.mənt/

7 Fifty 14 Hideousness 21 Immirgant

/ˈfɪf.ti/ /ˈhɪd.ɪ.ə.snəs/ /ˈɪm.ɪ.grənt/

1 Hill Heel 4 Women Woman

/hɪl/ /hiːl/ /ˈwʊm.ɪn/ /ˈwʊm.ən/

2 Ship Sheep 5 Sit Seat

/ʃɪp/ /ʃiːp/ /sɪt/ /siːt /

3 List Least 6 Will We’ll

/lɪst/ /liːst/ /wɪl/ /wiːl/

1 Forget your worries and enjoy yourself!

2 Mary is a very busy woman, but still manages to keep fit
3 There will be an exciting film in the cinema, don’t miss it!
03 Nguyên âm uː
1 Truth 8 Fruit 15 Throughout
/truːθ/ /fruːt/ /θruːˈaʊt/

2 Moose 9 Tuna 16 Groom

/muːs/ /ˈtuːnə/ /gruːm/

3 Tooth 10 Consume 17 Soup

/tuːθ/ /kənˈsuːm/ /suːp/

4 Cruelty 11 Pollutant 18 Cool

/ˈkruː.əl.ti/ /pəˈluː.tənt/ /kuːl/

5 Roommate 12 Typhoon 19 June

/ru:m.meɪt/ /taɪˈfuːn/ /dʒuːn/

6 School 13 Sewage 20 Juice

/skuːl/ /ˈsuː.ɪdʒ/ / dʒuːs/

7 Produce 14 Costume 21 Rambutan

/prəˈduːs/ /ˈkɑː.stuːm/ /ræmˈbuːtən/

1 Tuque Took 4 Knew Know

/tuːk/ /tʊk/ /nuː/ /noʊ/

2 Super Supper 5 Cooked Could

/suːpɚ/ /ˈsʌp.ɚ / /kʊkt/ /kʊd/

3 Noon Known 6 Stewed stood

/nuːn/ /noʊn/ /stuːd/ /stʊd /

1 January will soon be over

2 June has been unusually cool this year
3 When you are through with the moving van, can we use it?
04 Nguyên âm ʊ
1 Put 8 Sugary 15 Foot
/pʊt/ /ˈʃʊg.ɚ.ɪ/ /fʊt/

2 Cook 9 Ensure 16 Crook

/kʊk/ /ɪnˈʃʊr/ /krʊk/

3 Pudding 10 Could 17 Shook

/ˈpʊd.ɪŋ/ /kʊd/ /ʃʊk/

4 Look 11 Good – looking 18 Would

/lʊk/ /gʊdˈlʊk.ɪŋ/ /wʊd/

5 Should 12 Wolf 19 Stood

/ʃʊd/ /wʊlf/ /stʊd/

6 Pull 13 Push 20 Took

/pʊl/ /pʊʃ/ /tʊk/

7 Cushion 14 Hook 21 Wood

/ˈkʊʃ.ən/ /hʊk/ /wʊd/

1 Full Fool 4 Hood Hode

/fʊl/ /fu:l/ /hʊd/ /hoʊd/

2 Pull Pole 5 Woman Women

/pʊl/ /poʊl/ /ˈwʊmən/ /ˈwɪmɪn/

3 Could Code 6 Brook Broke

/kʊd/ /koʊd/ /brʊk/ /broʊk/

1 I would like some coffee.

2 Mom looked into the cupboard for a good pudding.
3 Could an experienced butcher get a good job in a company?
05 Nguyên âm e
1 Energy 8 Head 15 Negative
/ˈen.ə.dʒɪ/ /hed/ /ˈneg.ə.t ɪv/

2 Engineer 9 Effect 16 Metal

/en.dʒɪˈnɪr / / ɪˈfekt / /ˈmet.əl /

3 Endless 10 Vegetable 17 Invest

/ˈend.ləs/ /ˈvedʒ.tə.bl / /ɪnˈvest/

4 Elbow 11 Mess 18 Chemical

/ˈel.boʊ/ /mes/ /ˈkem.ɪ.kəl/

5 Effort 12 Demolition 19 Pesticide

/ˈef.ət/ /dem.əˈlɪʃ.ən/ /ˈpes.tɪ.saɪd/

6 Elegant 13 Relative 20 Neck

/ˈelɪ.gənt/ /ˈrelə.t ɪv/ /nek/

7 Engine 14 Vessel 21 Generosity

/ˈen.dʒɪn/ /ˈves.əl/ /dʒen.əˈrɑːsɪ.ti/

1 End And 4 Red Rid

/end/ /ænd/ /red/ /rɪd/

2 Hair Hear 5 Mess Must

/her/ /hɪr/ /mes/ /mʌst/

3 Hen Hand 6 Lend Land

/hen/ /hænd/ /lend/ /lænd/

1 You will get success if you try your best

2 Helen put the letter in an envelope and sent it to her nephew
3 Wednesday will be the seventh day the hens have laid eggs
06 Nguyên âm æ
1 Ankle 8 Cabbge 15 Advantage
/æŋ.kl / /ˈkæb.ɪdʒ/ /ədˈvæn.t ɪdʒ/

2 Anger 9 Calorie 16 Handsome

/ˈæŋ.gɚ/ /ˈkæl.ɚ.i/ /ˈhæn.səm/

3 Absolute 10 Evaparation 17 Grandfather

/ˈæb.sə.luːt/ /ɪˌvæp.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ /ˈgrænd.fɑː.ðɚ/

4 Attitude 11 Natural 18 Example

/ˈæt ɪ.tuːd/ /ˈnætʃ.ɚ.əl / /ɪgˈ
zæ /

5 Angelic 12 Trash 19 Staff

/ænˈdʒelɪk/ /træʃ/ /stæf/

6 After 13 Plant 20 Passion

/ˈæf.tɚ / /plænt/ /ˈpæʃ.ən/

7 Accident 14 Panel 21 Salmon

/ˈæk.sɪ.dənt/ /ˈpæn.əl/ /ˈsæm.ən/

1 At Ate 4 Man Men

/æt/ /eɪt/ /mæn/ /men/

2 Gas Guess 5 Ankle Unkle

/gæs/ /ges/ /æŋ.kl / /ˈʌŋ.kl /

3 Sand Send 6 Lamb Lime

/sænd/ /send/ /læm/ /laɪm/

1 I have a valuable stamp collection

2 In January we can plan to travel to Japan
3 If you manage to practice aerobics well, you will keep fit.
07 Nguyên âm ə / ʌ
1 Ugly 8 Mustache 15 Industrial
/ˈʌglɪ/ /ˈmʌs.tæʃ/ /ɪnˈdʌs.trɪ.əl/

2 Onion 9 Product 16 Tongue

/ˈʌn.jən/ /ˈprɑː.dʌkt/ /tʌŋ/

3 Ultimate 10 Mushroom 17 Enough

/ˈʌl.tɪ.mət/ /ˈmʌʃ.rʊm/ /ɪˈnʌf/

4 Oven 11 Substance 18 Mother

/ˈʌvən/ /ˈsʌb.stənts/ /ˈmʌð.ɚ/

5 Underground 12 Puddle 19 Buttock

/ʌn.dəˈgraʊnd/ /ˈpʌd.l/ /ˈbʌt.ək/

6 Of 13 Dust 20 Courage
/ʌv/ /dʌst/ /ˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/

7 Upset 14 Eruption 21 Blood

/ʌpˈset/ /ɪˈrʌp.ʃən/ /blʌd/

1 Cover Over 4 Country County

/ˈkʌv.ɚ/ /ˈoʊ.vɚ/ /ˈkʌn.tri/ /ˈkaʊn.ti/

2 Wonder Wander 5 Summer Simmer

/ˈwʌn.dɚ/ /ˈwɑːn.dɚ/ /ˈsʌm.ɚ/ /ˈsɪmɚ/

3 Fun Fan 6 Color Collar

/fʌn/ /fæn/ /ˈkʌl.ɚ/ /ˈkɑː.lɚb/

1 I cannot understand what love is

2 My mother is unable to come to the country with us
3 The baby monkey gets into trouble with my brother
08 Nguyên âm ɑː
1 Almost 8 Chop 15 Raw
/ˈɑːl.moʊst/ /tʃɑːp/ /rɑː/

2 Office 9 Boss 16 Tropical

/ˈɑːfɪs/ /bɑːs/ /ˈtrɑːp.ɪ.kəl/

3 Autumn 10 Colleague 17 Job

/ˈɑːtəm/ /ˈkɑː.liːg/ /dʒɑːb/

4 Occupy 11 Daughter 18 Doll

/ˈɑː.kjʊ.paɪ/ /ˈ
dɑː.t ɚ/ /dɑːl/

5 Armpit 12 Strong 19 Responsible

/ˈɑːrm.pɪt/ /strɑːŋ/ /rɪˈspɑːn.sɪ.bl/

6 Also 13 Darling 20 Compound

/ˈɑːl.soʊ/ /’dɑ:.lɪŋ/ /ˈkɑːm.paʊnd/

7 Awkward 14 Bought 21 Competiition

/ ˈɑː.kwəd/ /bɑːt/ /kɑːm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən/

1 Sawn Sun 4 Talk Tack

/sɑːn/ /sʌn/ /tɑːk/ /tæk/

2 Dog Dug 5 Bought Boat

/dɑːg/ /dʌg/ /bɑːt/ /boʊt/

3 Long Lung 6 Wrought Rut

/lɑːŋ/ /lʌŋ/ /rɑːt/ /rʌt/

1 Paul got in the car with his father

2 The small dog loves to walk in the leaves
3 Paul’s small daughter caught the ball for the fist time
09 Nguyên âm ɔɪ
1 Poisoning 8 Soil 15 Enjoy
/ˈpɔɪ.zən.ɪŋ/ /sɔɪl/ /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/

2 Oil 9 Embroidery 16 Employ

/ɔɪl/ /ɪmˈbrɔɪ.dɚ.i/ /ɪmˈplɔɪ/

3 Noisy 10 Employee 17 Boil

/ˈnɔɪ.zi/ /ɪmˈplɔɪ.iː/ /bɔɪl/

4 Toil 11 Appointment 18 Annoy

/tɔɪl/ /əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/ /əˈnɔɪ/

5 Royal 12 Avoid 19 Toy

/ˈrɔɪ.əl/ /əˈvɔɪd/ /tɔɪ/

6 Foil 13 Hoist 20 Destroy

/fɔɪl/ /hɔɪst/ /dɪˈstrɔɪ/

7 Voyage 14 Midpoint 21 Ploy

/ˈvɔɪ.ɪdʒ/ /ˈmɪd.pɔɪnt/ /plɔɪ/

1 Oil All 4 Toil Tall

/ɔɪl/ /ɑːl/ /tɔɪl/ /tɑːl/

2 Boil Ball 5 Hoist Host

/bɔɪl/ /bɑːl/ /hɔɪst/ /hoʊst/

3 Point Pawn 6 Coin Call

/pɔɪnt/ /pɑːn/ /kɔɪn/ /kɑːl/

1 The boy enjoyed his new toy.

2 Joy decided to take a voyage.
3 The Royal Family appointed Boyd to be the head keeper.
10 Nguyên âm aɪ
1 Island 8 Bride 15 Satisfy
/ˈaɪ.lənd/ /braɪd/ /ˈ
sæt ɪs.faɪ/

2 Eyebrow 9 Spice 16 Shy

/ˈaɪ.braʊ/ /spaɪs/ /ʃaɪ /

3 Ice – cream 10 Pride 17 Deny

/ˈaɪs.kri:m/ /praɪd/ /diˈnaɪ/

4 Identity 11 Frighten 18 Die

/aɪˈdentə.t i/ /ˈfraɪ.tən/ /daɪ/

5 Icon 12 Slice 19 Buy

/ˈaɪ.kɑːn/ /slaɪs/ /baɪ/

6 Isolate 13 Client 20 Goodbye

/ˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/ /ˈklaɪ.ənt/ /ˈgʊd.baɪ/

7 Eyelash 14 Decisive 21 Fly

/ˈaɪ.læʃ/ /dɪˈsaɪ.sɪv/ /flaɪ/

1 Dime Dim 4 Bike Baker

/daɪm/ /dɪm/ /baɪk/ /beɪkɚ/

2 Mine Main 5 Isle Eel

/maɪn/ /meɪn/ /aɪsl/ /i:l /

3 Sign Sin 6 I’m Aim

/saɪn/ /sɪn/ /aɪm/ /eɪm/

1 I can ride a bike, and so can you.

2 The guide will show you around the island, if you like.
3 The quiet child was isolated in school, so he became shy over time.
11 Nguyên âm eɪ
1 Able 8 Waist 15 Financée
/ˈ eɪ.bl/ /weɪst/ /fiː.ɑːnˈseɪ/

2 Age 9 Great 16 Play

/eɪdʒ/ /greɪt/ /pleɪ/

3 Aim 10 Nail 17 Sleigh

/eɪm/ /neɪl/ /sleɪ/

4 Eight 11 Graceful 18 Ray

/eɪt/ /ˈgreɪs.fəl/ /reɪ/

5 Asia 12 Danger 19 Survey

/ˈsɝː.veɪ /
/ˈeɪ.ʒə/ /ˈdeɪn.dʒɚ/

6 Ate 13 Laziness 20 Pray

/eɪt/ /ˈleɪ.zɪ.nəs/ /preɪ/

7 April 14 Entertainment 21 They

/ˈeɪ.prəl/ /en.təˈteɪn.mənt/ /ðeɪ/

1 Fail Fell 4 Rain Ran

/feɪl/ /fel/ /reɪn/ /ræn/

2 Bane Ban 5 Age Edge

/beɪn/ /bæn/ /eɪdʒ/ /edʒ/

3 Cane Can 6 Freight Fret

/keɪn/ /kæn/ /freɪt/ /fret/

1 They will be safe

2 The freight will be dropped at the train station today
3 Challis made the Canadian soccer team and will play in April
12 Nguyên âm oʊ
1 Over 8 Nose 15 Tomato
/ˈoʊvɚ/ /noʊz/ /təˈmeɪ.t oʊ/

2 Only 9 Soul 16 Mosquito

/ˈoʊ /soʊl/ /məˈ
skiː.t oʊ/

3 Ocean 10 Throat 17 Ago

/ˈoʊ.ʃən/ /θroʊt/ /əˈgoʊ/

4 Goat 11 Proposal 18 Toe

/goʊt/ /prəˈpoʊ.zəl/ /toʊ/

5 Obey 12 Roast 19 Potato

/oʊˈbeɪ/ /roʊst/ /pəˈ
teɪ.t oʊ/

6 Obese 13 Devote 20 No
/oʊˈbi:s/ /dɪˈvoʊt/ /Noʊ/

7 Open 14 Yogurt 21 Buffalo

/ˈoʊ.pən/ /ˈjoʊ.gɚt/ /ˈbʌf.ə.loʊ/

1 Note Not 4 Phone Fun

/noʊt/ /nɑːt/ /foʊn/ /fʌn/

2 Cold Called 5 Showed Shod

/koʊld/ /kɑːld/ /ʃoʊd/ /ʃɑːd/

3 Known Non 6 Boat But

/noʊn/ /nɑːn/ /boʊt/ /bʌt/

1 Put on your coat when you go out in the cold weather

2 Although Joe is an old man, he still shovels snow
3 It is going to drop below zero tonight.
13 Nguyên âm aʊ
1 Hour 8 Hydropower 15 How
/aʊr/ /ˈhaɪd.roʊ.paʊr/ /haʊ/

2 Flower 9 Crown 16 About

/ˈflaʊ.ɚ/ /kraʊn/ /əˈbaʊt/

3 Thousand 10 Compound 17 Now

/ˈθaʊ.znd/ /ˈkɑːm.paʊnd/ /naʊ/

4 Drought 11 Around 18 Crowd

/draʊt/ /əˈraʊnd/ /kraʊd/

5 Round 12 Account 19 Eyebrow

/raʊnd/ /əˈkaʊnt/ /ˈaɪ.braʊ/

6 Outside 13 Downtown 20 Proud

/ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/ /praʊd/

7 Trousers 14 Surround 21 House

/ˈtraʊ.zɚz/ /səˈraʊnd/ /haʊs/

1 Now Know 4 Sound Sow

/naʊ/ /noʊ/ /saʊnd/ /soʊ/

2 Pounce Point 5 How Hoe

/paʊnts/ /pɔɪnt/ /haʊ/ /hoʊ/

3 Cow Coat 6 Round Road

/kaʊ/ /koʊt/ /raʊnd/ /roʊd/

1 We found a mouse in our house.

2 She knows how to pronounce all nouns.
3 Are we allowed to speak aloud?
14 Nguyên âm jʊ / j
1 Unique 8 Opinion 15 Annual
/jʊˈniːk/ /əˈpɪn.jən/ /ˈæn.ju.əl/

2 Yes 9 Beyond 16 Lawyer

/jes/ /biˈjɑːnd/ /ˈlɑː.jɚ/

3 You 10 Regularly 17 Familiar

/juː/ /ˈreg.jʊ.lɚ.li/ /fəˈmɪl. jɚ/

4 Usually 11 Human 18 Million

/ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li/ /ˈhjuː.mən/ /ˈmɪl.jən/

5 Yoga 12 Curious 19 Continue

/ˈjoʊ.gə/ /ˈkjʊr.i.əs/ /kənˈtɪn.juː/

6 Useful 13 Cute 20 Junior

/ˈjuːs.fəl/ /kjuːt/ /ˈdʒuː.njɚ/

7 Young 14 Museum 21 Music

/jʌŋ/ /mjuːˈziː.əm/ /ˈmjuː.zɪk/

1 Yet Jet 4 Yam Jam

/jet/ /dʒet/ /jæm/ /dʒæm/

2 Yell Jell 5 Yin Zing

/jel/ /dʒel/ /jɪn/ /zɪŋ/

3 Yoke Joke 6 Yap Zap

/joʊk/ /dʒoʊk/ /jæp/ /zæp/

1 The yellow flower came up yesterday.

2 Have you ever been to Europe?
3 I’m waiting in the queue for an interview.
15 Nguyên âm ɪr
1 Nearsightedness 8 Material 15 Year
/ˌnɪrˈsaɪ.t ɪd.nəs/ /məˈtɪr.iəl/ /jɪr/

2 Near 9 Period 16 Cashier

/nɪr/ /ˈpɪr.i.əd/ /kæʃˈɪr /

3 Ear 10 Spiritual 17 Appear

/ɪr/ /ˈspɪr.ɪ.tju.əl/ /əˈpɪr/

4 Deer 11 Serious 18 Clear

/dɪr/ /ˈsɪr.i.əs/ /klɪr/

5 Queer 12 Fierce 19 Sincere

/kwɪr/ /fɪrs/ /sɪnˈsɪr /

6 Fierce 13 Cafeteria 20 Souvenir

/fɪrs/ /ˌkæf.əˈtɪr.i.ə/ /ˌsuː.vəˈnɪr/

7 Fear 14 Veneer 21 Sphere

/fɪr/ /vəˈnɪr/ /sfɪr/

1 Ear Air 4 Fear Fire

/ɪr/ /er/ /fɪr/ /faɪr/

2 Beer Bear 5 Here Hire

/bɪr/ /ber/ /hɪr/ /haɪr/

3 Cheer Chair 6 Veer Via

/tʃɪr/ /tʃer/ /vɪr/ /vaɪə/

1 Tory thought her dad looked weird without a beard.

2 The frontier has disappeared with the onset of cities.
3 The fierce storm left an eerie silence when it was over.
16 Nguyên âm a:r
1 Art 8 Discharge 15 Participate
/ɑːrt/ /dɪsˈtʃɑːrdʒ/ /pɑːrˈtɪs.ə.peɪt/

2 Are 9 Alarm 16 Harmless

/ɑːr/ /əˈlɑːrm/ /ˈhɑːrm.ləs/

3 Arm 10 Startle 17 Garbage

/ɑːrm/ /ˈstɑːr.l / /ˈgɑːr.bɪdʒ/

4 Ark 11 Regard 18 Large

/ˈɑːrk/ /rɪˈgɑːrd/ /lɑːrdʒ/

5 Arch 12 Disarm 19 Arthritis

/ɑːrtʃ/ /dɪˈsɑːrm/ /ɑːrˈ
θraɪ.t əs/

6 Arctic 13 Darn 20 Charming

/ˈɑːrk.tɪk/ /dɑːrn/ /ˈtʃɑːr.mɪŋ/

7 Arc 14 Farther 21 Farm

/ɑːrk/ /ˈfɑːr.ðɚ/ /fɑːrm/

1 Far Four 4 Star Store

/fɑːr/ /fɔːr/ /stɑːr/ /stɔːr/

2 Farther Father 5 Cart Cat

/ˈfɑːr.ðɚ/ /ˈfɑː.ðɚ/ /kɑːrt/ /kæt/

3 Part Port 6 Yard Yah

/pɑːrt/ /pɔːrt/ /jɑːrd/ /jɑː/

1 It’s hard to march in the heat.

2 Arthur and I are part of a swim team.
3 The guard dog will harm all intruders
17 Nguyên âm ɔːr
1 Orphan 8 Worn 15 Outdoor
/ˈɔːr.f ə n/ /wɔːrn/ /ˈaʊtˌdɔːr/

2 Ornament 9 Shortage 16 More

/ˈɔːr.nə.mənt/ /ˈʃɔːr.t ɪdʒ/ /mɔːr/

3 Oar 10 Export 17 Roar

/ɔːr/ /ˈek.spɔːrt/ /rɔːr/

4 Orange 11 Core 18 Before

/ˈɔːr.ɪndʒ/ /kɔːr/ /bɪˈfɔːr/

5 Orbit 12 Important 19 War

/ ˈɔːr.bɪt/ /ɪmˈˈ
pɔːr.t ənt / /wɔːr/

6 Order 13 Course 20 Store

/ˈɔːr.dɚ/ /kɔːrs/ /stɔːr/

7 Orchestra 14 Horse 21 Four

/ˈɔːr.kɪ.strə/ /hɔːrs/ /fɔːr/

1 Order Author 4 Soars Sews

/ˈɔːr.dɚ/ /ˈɑː.θɚ/ /sɔːrz/ /soʊz/

2 Orphan Often 5 Forks Fox

/ˈɔːr.fən/ /ˈɑːf.tən/ /fɔːrks/ /fɑːks/

3 Important Impotent 6 Stork Stock

/ɪmˈpɔː.tənt/ /ˈɪm.pə.tənt/ /stɔːrk/ /stɑːk/

1 Ken ordered four boxes of oranges.

2 The storm destroyed the golf course.
3 Norman was worn out by the race.
18 Nguyên âm ɚ / ɝː
1 Earth 8 Archery 15 Ever
/ɝːθ/ /ˈɑːr.tʃɚ.i/ /ˈev.ɚ/

2 Earn 9 World 16 Fertilizer

/ɝːn/ /wɝːld/ /ˈfɝː.t əl.aɪ.zɚ/

3 Early 10 Waterfall 17 Gather

/ɝːli/ /ˈwɑː.t ɚ.fɑːl/ /ˈgæð.ɚ/

4 Perfume 11 Emergency 18 Solar

/pɝːˈfjuːm/ /ɪˈmɝː.dʒənt .si/ /ˈsoʊ.lɚ/

5 Girl 12 Natural 19 Wonder

/gɝːl/ /ˈnætʃ.ɚ.əl/ /ˈwʌn.dɚ/

6 Germ 13 Mineral 20 Copper

/dʒɝːm/ /ˈmɪn.ər.əl/ /ˈkɑː.pɚ/

7 Current 14 Burn 21 Popular

/ˈkɝːənt/ /bɝːn/ /ˈpɑː.pjə.lɚ/

1 Earner Abate 4 Hurt Hut

/ˈɝː.nɚ/ /əˈbeɪt/ /hɝːt/ /hʌt/

2 Girl Goal 5 Nurse Nuts

/gɝːl/ /goʊl/ /nɝːs/ /nʌts/

3 Earl Oil 6 Turn Ton

/ɝːl/ /ɔɪl/ /tɝːn/ /tʌn/

1 The girl hurt herself yesterday.

2 I’ve heard that word before.
3 Put a quarter of a cup of water in the pot.
19 Phụ âm t
1 Tailor 8 Prestige 15 Helped
/ˈteɪ.lɚ/ /presˈtiːdʒ/ /helpt/

2 Tight 9 Costume 16 Collect

/taɪt/ /ˈkɑː.stuːm/ /kəˈlekt/

3 Textile 10 Cartoon 17 Coat

/ˈtek.staɪl/ / kɑːrˈtuːn/ /koʊt/

4 Toothache 11 Stocking 18 Jacket

/ˈtuːθ.eɪk/ /ˈstɑː.kɪŋ/ /ˈdʒæk.ɪt/

5 Toxins 12 Pantyhose 19 Consist

/ˈtɑːk.sɪnz/ /ˈpæn.ti.hoʊz/ /kənˈsɪst/

6 Tent 13 Waistcoat 20 Cravat

/tent/ /ˈweɪst.koʊt/ /krəˈvæt/

7 Tide 14 Distress 21 Fat

/taɪd/ /dɪˈstres/ /fæt/

1 Bat Bad 4 Placed Played

/bæt/ /bæd/ /pleɪst/ /pleɪd/

2 Neat Need 5 Tear Dear

/niːt/ /niːd/ /tɪr/ /dɪr/

3 Ton Done 6 Little Middle

/tʌn/ /dʌn/ /ˈlɪt.l / /ˈmɪd.l /

1 What time is it?

2 The tack in the tire tore it.
3 He worked until the party started.
20 Phụ âm d
1 Deforestation 8 Industrial 15 Flood
/diːˌfɔːrɪˈsteɪ.ʃən/ /ɪnˈdʌs.tri.əl/ /flʌd/

2 Demolition 9 Wonder 16 Wind

/ˌdem.əˈlɪʃ.ən/ /ˈwʌn.dɚ/ /wɪnd/

3 Dust 10 Mediate 17 Wide

/dʌst/ /ˈmiː.di.eɪt/ /waɪd/

4 Disaster 11 Advantage 18 Pond

/dɪˈzæs.tɚ/ /ədˈ
væn.t ɪdʒ/ /pɑːnd/

5 Drama 12 Comedy 19 Head

/ˈdræm.ə/ /ˈkɑː.mədi/ /hed/

6 Drum 13 Bandmaster 20 Diamond

/drʌm/ /ˈbændˌmæstɚ / /ˈdaɪə.mənd/

7 Doll 14 Pandemic 21 Trend

/dɑːl/ /pænˈdem.ɪk/ /trend/

1 Doe Go 4 Dime Time

/doʊ/ /goʊ/ /daɪm/ /taɪm/

2 Dawn Gone 5 Bid Big

/dɑːn/ /gɑːn/ /bɪd/ /bɪg/

3 Ladder Lather 6 Hide Hit

/ˈlæd.ɚ/ /ˈlæð.ɚ/ /haɪd/ /hɪt/

1 Did you order dinner?

2 He played as diligently as he could.
3 The width of the door determined the need for a window.
21 Phụ âm p
1 Profligacy 8 Spray 15 Apply
/ˈprɑː.flɪ.gə.si/ /spreɪ/ /əˈplaɪ/

2 Protect 9 Sleepy 16 Type

/prəˈtekt/ /ˈsliː.pi/ /taɪp/

3 Present 10 Helpful 17 Improve

/ˈprez.ənt/ /ˈhelp.fəl/ /ɪmˈpruːv/

4 Pesticide 11 Computing 18 Develop

/ˈpes.tə.saɪd/ /kəmˈpjuː.tɪŋ/ /dɪˈvel.əp/

5 Pollutant 12 Expensive 19 Keep

/pəˈluː.t ənt/ /ɪkˈspent.sɪv/ /kiːp/

6 Puddle 13 Popcorn 20 Group

/ˈpʌd.l / /ˈpɑːp.kɔːrn/ /gruːp/

7 Plot 14 Export 21 Therapy

/plɑːt/ /ˈek.spɔːrt/ /ˈθer.ə.pi/

1 Lap Lab 4 Pool Fool

/læp/ /læb/ /puːl/ /fuːl/

2 Crap Crab 5 Pail Fail

/kræp/ /kræb/ /peɪl/ /feɪl/

3 Cup Cub 6 Wipe Wife

/kʌp/ /kʌb/ /waɪp/ /waɪf/

1 Please, put your pop away.

2 Paul stopped when he passed the shop.
3 It’s popular to play polo in the spring.
22 Phụ âm b
1 Both 8 Elaborate 15 Cab
/boʊθ/ /ɪˈlæb.ɚ.ət/ /kæb/

2 Beautiful 9 Fabric 16 Globe

/ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl/ /ˈfæb.rɪk/ /gloʊb/

3 Become 10 Symbolize 17 Grab

/bɪˈkʌm/ /ˈsɪm.bə.laɪz/ /græb/

4 Back 11 Fabulous 18 Stab

/bæk/ /ˈfæb.jʊ.ləs/ /stæb/

5 Because 12 Abundant 19 Job

/bɪˈkɑːz/ /əˈbʌn.dənt/ /dʒɑːb/

6 But 13 Fiber 20 Robe

/bʌt/ /ˈfaɪ.bɚ/ /roʊb/

7 Body 14 Carbohydrate 21 Baby

/ˈbɑː.di/ /ˌkɑːr.boʊˈhaɪ.dreɪt/ /ˈbeɪ.bi/

1 Back Pack 4 Nab Nap

/bæk/ /pæk/ /næb/ /næp/

2 Bath Path 5 Rabid Rapid

/bæθ/ /pæθ/ /ˈræb.ɪd/ /ˈræp.ɪd/

3 Buy Pay 6 Symbol Simple

/baɪ/ /peɪ/ /ˈsɪm.bəl/ /ˈsɪ /

1 The ball’s bounced by the baby.

2 Big black clouds bulged before the storm.
3 The rabid dog grabbed the boy by the boot and bit.
23 Phụ âm k
1 Classmate 8 Economics 15 Homework
/ˈklɑːs.meɪt/ /ˌe.kəˈnaː.mɪks/ /ˈhoʊm.wɝːk/

2 Consultant 9 Technician 16 Motorbike

/kənˈsʌl.tənt/ /tekˈnɪʃ.ən/ /ˈmoʊtɚbaɪk/

3 Collision 10 Pedicab 17 Mechanic

/kəˈlɪʒ.ən/ /ˈpedikæb/ /məˈkæn.ɪk/

4 Crowd 11 Doctor 18 Firework

/kraʊd/ /ˈdɑːk.tɚ/ /ˈfaɪr.wɝːk/

5 Cap 12 Vacation 19 Joke

/kæp/ /veɪˈkeɪʃən/ /dʒoʊk/

6 College 13 Tractor 20 Truck

/ˈkɑː.lɪdʒ/ /ˈtræktɚ/ /trʌk/

7 Carpenter 14 Baker 21 Architect

/ˈkɑːr.pɪn.t ɚ/ /ˈbeɪ.kɚ/ /ˈɑːr.kɪ.tek/

1 Cold Gold 4 Rack Rag

/koʊld/ /goʊld/ /ræk/ /ræg/

2 Coast Ghost 5 Leak League

/koʊst/ /goʊst/ /liːk/ /liːg/

3 Kill Gill 6 Duck Dug

/kɪl/ /gɪl/ /dʌk/ /dʌg/

1 Cathy took a cab home.

2 He carefully caught the juice container that fell.
3 It is convenient to use a computer to record all of your accounts.
24 Phụ âm g
1 Guard 8 Navigator 15 Egg
/gɑːrd/ /ˈnæv.ɪ.geɪ.tɚ/ /eg/

2 Gardener 9 Photographer 16 Big

/ˈgɑːr.dən.ɚ/ /fəˈtɑː.grə.fɚ/ /bɪg/

3 Graduation 10 Kindergarten 17 Plug

/ˌɡrædʒ.uˈeɪ.ʃən/ /ˈkɪn.dɚˌɡɑːr.tən/ / plʌg /

4 Gasoline 11 Geography 18 Blog

/ˈgæs.əl.iːn/ / dʒiˈɑː.ɡrə.fi/ /blɑːg/

5 Garage 12 Degree 19 Frog

/gəˈrɑːʒ/ /dɪˈɡriː/ /frɑ:ɡ/

6 Gift 13 Wagon 20 League

/ɡɪft/ /ˈwæg.ən/ /liːg/

7 God 14 Regular 21 Dialogue

/ɡɑːd/ /ˈreg.jʊ.lɚ/ /ˈdaɪ.ə.lɑːg/

1 Good Could 4 Bigger Bicker

/gʊd/ /kʊd/ /bɪgɚ/ /ˈbɪk.ɚ/

2 Gauze Cause 5 Straggler Strangler

/gɑːz/ /kɑːz/ /ˈstræg.lɚ/ /ˈstræŋ.glɚ/

3 Game Came 6 Sprig Spring

/geɪm/ /keɪm/ /sprɪg/ /sprɪŋ/

1 Gary forgot to get tickets for the game.

2 The girl’s goal was to have a great garden.
3 We were glad to read the dialogue in the magazine.
25 Phụ âm tʃ
1 Choose 8 Switchboard 15 Hutch
/tʃuːz/ /ˈswɪtʃ.bɔːrd/ /hʌtʃ/

2 Channel 9 Screech-owl 16 Trench

/ˈtʃæn.əl/ /skriːtʃ aʊl/ /trentʃ/

3 Cheetah 10 Temperature 17 Ditch

/ˈtʃiː.tə/ /ˈtem.pɚ.ə.tʃɚ/ /dɪtʃ/

4 Chopstick 11 Handkerchief 18 Cockroach

/ˈtʃɑːp.stɪk/ /ˈhæŋ.kɚ.tʃiːf / /ˈkɑːk.roʊtʃ/

5 Children 12 Armchair 19 Glitch

/ˈtʃɪl.drən/ /ˈɑːrm.tʃer/ /glɪtʃ/

6 Chat room 13 Kitchen 20 Launch

/tʃæt ruːm/ /ˈkɪtʃ.ən/ /lɑːntʃ/

7 Charge 14 Picture 21 French

/tʃɑːrdʒ/ /ˈpɪk.tʃɚ/ /frentʃ/

1 Choke Joke 4 Catch Cash

/tʃoʊk/ /dʒoʊk/ /kætʃ/ /kæʃ/

2 Church Judge 5 Coach Coat

/tʃɝːtʃ/ /dʒʌdʒ/ /koʊtʃ/ /koʊt/

3 Chore Shore 6 Hitch Hit

/tʃɔːr/ /ʃɔːr/ /hɪtʃ/ /hɪt/

1 Sandra took the children to lunch.

2 Charles plays the cello for the church choir.
3 The chief loves to dunk the chips in melted cheese.
26 Phụ âm dʒ
1 Jump 8 Digital 15 Cottage
/dʒʌmp/ /ˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.t ə l/ /ˈkɑː.t ɪdʒ/

2 Junction 9 Largest 16 Change

/ˈdʒʌŋk.ʃən/ /lɑːrdʒɪst/ /tʃeɪndʒ/

3 Just 10 Engine 17 Message

/dʒʌst/ /ˈen.dʒɪn/ /ˈmes.ɪdʒ/

4 Judge 11 Vegetable 18 Range

/dʒʌdʒ/ /ˈvedʒ.tə.bl / /reɪndʒ/

5 Jellyfish 12 Enjoyable 19 Exchange

/ˈdʒel.i.fɪʃ/ /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ.ə.bl / /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/

6 Jealous 13 Technology 20 Storage

/ˈdʒel.əs/ /tekˈnɑː.l.ə.dʒi/ /ˈstɔːr.ɪdʒ/

7 Joke 14 Villager 21 Hedge

/dʒoʊk/ /ˈvɪl.ɪ.dʒɚ/ /hedʒ/

1 Joke Yoke 4 Badge Batch

/dʒoʊk/ /joʊk/ /bædʒ/ /bætʃ/

2 Juice Use 5 Major Measure

/dʒuːs/ /juːz/ /ˈmeɪ.dʒɚ/ /ˈmeʒ.ɚ/

3 Jeer Year 6 Jealous Zealous

/dʒɪr/ /jɪr/ /ˈdʒel.əs/ /ˈzel.əs/

1 Joan joined the jumping contest.

2 John received an urgent message from the judge.
3 Jessie loves to drink orange juice before going on stage.
27 Phụ âm f
1 Physician 8 Professional 15 Chef
/fɪˈzɪʃ.ən/ /prəˈfeʃ.ən.əl/ /ʃef/

2 Flutist 9 Infrastructure 16 Off

/ˈfluː.tɪst/ /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃɚ/ /ɑːf/

3 Firefighter 10 Traffic 17 Stuffed

faɪrfaɪ.t ɚ/ /ˈtræf.ɪk/ /stʌft/

4 Ferry 11 Office 18 Roof

/ˈfer.i/ /ˈɑː.fɪs/ /ruːf/

5 Floating 12 Performance 19 Bookshelf

floʊ.t ɪŋ/ /pɚˈfɔːrmənts/ /ˈbʊk.ʃelf/

6 Flower 13 Disgraceful 20 Life

/ˈflaʊ.ɚ/ /dɪsˈgreɪs.fəl/ /laɪf/

7 Father 14 Before 21 Half

/ˈfɑːðɚ/ /bɪˈfɔːr/ /hæf/

1 Leaf Leave 4 Belief Believe

/liːf/ /liːv/ /bɪˈliːf/ /bɪˈliːv/

2 Thief Thieve 5 Off Of

/θiːf/ /θiːv/ /ɑːf/ /ɑːv/

3 Proof Prove 6 Rifle Rival

/pruːf/ /pruːv/ /ˈ
raɪ.fl / /ˈraɪ.vəl/

1 My friend found money in the folder.

2 The fire destroyed all the files in the office.
3 The photograph showed the five friends having lots of fun.
28 Phụ âm v
1 Vehicle 8 University 15 Naive

viː.ɪ.kl / /ˌjuː.nɪˈv ɝ:.sə.ti/ /naɪˈiːv/

2 Vet 9 Overpass 16 Receive

/vet/ /ˈoʊ.vɚ.pæs/ /rɪˈsiːv/

3 Violinist 10 Souvenir 17 Arrive

/ˌvaɪəˈlɪn.ɪst/ /su:vəˈnɪr/ /əˈraɪv/

4 Vessel 11 Pavement 18 Eve

/ˈves.əl/ /ˈpeɪv.mənt/ /iːv/

5 Vampire 12 Travel 19 Of
/ˈvæm.paɪr/ /ˈtræv.əl/ /ɑːv/

6 Vocational 13 Envelope 20 Deserve

/voʊˈkeɪ.ʃən.əl/ /ˈɑːn.və.loʊp/ /dɪˈzɝːv/

7 Vote 14 Advance 21 Move

/voʊt/ /ədˈvænts/ /muːv/

1 Very Ferry 4 Review Refuse

/ˈver.i/ /ˈfer.i/ /rɪˈvjuː/ /rɪˈfjuːz/

2 Vault Fault 5 Save Safe

/vɑːlt/ /fɑːlt/ /seɪv/ /seɪf/

3 Van Fan 6 Live Life

/væn/ /fæn/ /laɪv/ /laɪf/

1 There is no violence in love.

2 I want to visit his village.
3 Did you save money for vacation?
29 Phụ âm s
1 Software 8 Cursor 15 Device
/ ˈsɑːft .wer / / ˈkɝː.sɚ / / dɪˈvaɪs /

2 Central 9 Doorstep 16 Fence

/ ˈsen.trəl / /ˈdɔrˌstep/ /fens/

3 Cellphone 10 Lobster 17 Letterbox

/ˈsel.foʊn / /ˈlɑːb.stɚ/ /ˈ
let.ɚ.bɑː ks/

4 Skylight 11 Ostrich 18 Fireplace

/ˈskɑɪˌlɑɪt/ /ˈɑ:strɪtʃ/ /ˈfaɪr.pleɪs/

5 Salmon 12 Mosquito 19 Hippopotamus

/ˈsæmən/ /məˈskiː.toʊ/ /hɪp.əˈpɑːtəməs/

6 Sod 13 Pigsty 20 Dance

/sɑːd/ /ˈpɪg.staɪ/ /dæns/

7 Smithy 14 Farmstead 21 Mantis

/ˈsmɪð.i/ /ˈfɑːrm.sted/ /ˈmæn.tis/

1 Sip Zip 4 Price Prize

/sɪp/ /zɪp/ /praɪs/ /praɪz/

2 Seal Zeal 5 Gross Grows

/siːl/ /ziːl/ /groʊs/ /groʊz/

3 Bus Buzz 6 Place Plays

/bʌs/ /bʌz/ /pleɪs/ /pleɪz/

1 See the price of the house.

2 The singer listened to my sister’s voice.
3 How do the students say these sentences?
30 Phụ âm z
1 Zeppelin 8 Musician 15 Exercise
/ˈzep.əl.ɪn/ /mjuːˈzɪʃ.ən/ /ˈek. sɚ.saɪz/

2 Zoo 9 Bulldozer 16 Farmers

/zuː/ /ˈbʊlˌdoʊ.zɚ/ /ˈfɑːr.mɚz/

3 Zipper 10 Memorizing 17 Cause

/ˈzɪp.ɚ/ /ˈmem.ə.raɪzɪŋ/ /kɑːz/

4 Zero 11 Razor 18 Apologize

/ˈzɪr.oʊ/ /ˈreɪ.zɚ/ /əˈpɑːl.ə.dʒaɪz/

5 Zebra 12 Exhaust 19
/ˈzi:brə/ /ɪgˈzɑːst/ /dɪˈvel.ə.pɚz/

6 Zeal 13 Lazy 20 Raise

/zi:l/ /ˈleɪ.zi/ /reɪz/

7 Zing 14 Amazing 21 Excuse

/zɪŋ/ /əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ/ /ɪkˈskjuːz/

1 Rise Rice 4 Ways Wage

/raɪz/ /raɪs/ /weɪz/ /weɪdʒ/

2 Lose Loose 5 Eyes Ice

/luːz/ /luːs/ /aɪz/ /aɪs/

3 His Hiss 6 Lazy Lacy

/hɪz/ /hɪs/ /ˈleɪ.zi/ /ˈleɪ.si/

1 Both girls got jobs yesterday.

2 My husband’s favorite music is jazz.
3 Susan’s cousin leaves on Wednesday.
31 Phụ âm ʃ
1 Chandelier 8 Innovation 15 Goldfish
/ʃændəˈlɪr/ /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn/ /ˈgoʊld.fɪʃ/

2 Shampoo 9 Machine 16 Push

/ʃæmˈpuː/ / məˈʃiːn / /pʊʃ/

3 Shower 10 Social 17 Fresh

/ʃaʊɚ/ /ˈsoʊ.ʃəl / /freʃ/

4 Shark 11 Cushion 18 Wash

/ˈʃɑːrk/ /ˈkʊʃən/ /wɑːʃ/

5 Shrimp 12 Version 19 Accomplish

/ʃrɪmp/ /ˈvɝː.ʃən/ /əˈkɑːm.plɪʃ/

6 Shelves 13 Tuition 20 Cowshed

/ʃelvz/ /tuːˈɪʃ.ən/ /ˈkaʊ.ʃed/

7 Shiny 14 Efficient 21 Rush

/ˈʃaɪ.ni/ /ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt/ /rʌʃ/

1 Sheet Seat 4 Wish Witch

/ʃiːt/ /siːt/ /wɪʃ/ /wɪtʃ/

2 Show Sew 5 Cash Catch

/ʃoʊ/ /soʊ/ /kæʃ/ /kætʃ/

3 Shoulder Soldier 6 Gash Gas

/ˈʃoʊl.dɚ/ /ˈsoʊl.dʒɚ/ /gæʃ/ /gæs/

1 The shoes have been shined.

2 Who washed the dishes?
3 We are discussing about Sherry’s ambition.
32 Phụ âm ʒ
1 Decision 8 Television 15 Garage
/dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/ /ˈtel.ə.vɪʒ.ən/ /gəˈrɑʒ/

2 Unusual 9 Leisure 16 Corsage

/ʌnˈjuː.ʒu.əl/ /ˈliː.ʒɚ/ /kɔːrˈsɑːʒ/

3 Occasional 10 Indonesia 17 Beige

/əˈkeɪ.ʒn.əl/ /ˌɪn.dəˈniː.ʒə/ /beɪʒ/

4 Casual 11 Closer 18 Rouge

/ˈkæʒ.ju.əl/ /kloʊzɚ/ /ruːʒ/

5 Treasure 12 Visual 19 Barrage

/ˈtreʒ.ɚ/ /ˈvɪʒ.u.əl/ /bəˈrɑːʒ/

6 Invasion 13 Erosion 20 Massage

/ɪnˈveɪ.ʒən/ /ɪˈroʊ.ʒən/ /məˈsɑːʒ/

7 Erasure 14 Equation 21 Mirage

/ɪˈreɪ.ʒɚ/ /ɪˈkweɪ.ʒən/ /mɪˈrɑːʒ/

1 Vision Mission 4 Closure Closer

/ˈvɪʒ.ən/ /ˈmɪʃ.ən/ /ˈkloʊ.ʒɚ/ /kloʊzɚ/

2 Seizure Seize 5 Pleasure Pressure

/ˈsiː.ʒɚ/ /siːz/ /ˈpleʒ.ɚ/ /ˈpreʃ.ɚ/

3 Massage Message 6 Collision Commission

/məˈsɑːʒ/ /ˈmes.ɪdʒ/ /kəˈlɪʒ.ən/ /kəˈmɪʃ.ən/

1 Collisions are unusual on the country road.

2 I occasionally watch television in my leisure time.
3 He usually makes decisions in his garage.
33 Phụ âm θ
1 Third 8 Pathway 15 Both
/θɝːd/ /ˈpæθ.weɪ/ /boʊθ/

2 Thursday 9 Bathtub 16 Path

/ˈθɝːz.deɪ/ /ˈbæθ.tʌb/ /pæθ/

3 Thin 10 Author 17 Bath

/θɪn/ /ˈɑː.θɚ/ /bæθ/

4 Thanks 11 Something 18 Tenth

/θæŋks/ /ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/ /tentθ/

5 Thing 12 Faithful 19 Health

/θɪŋ/ /ˈfeɪθ.fəl/ /helθ/

6 Thick 13 Method 20 Breath

/θɪk/ /ˈmeθ.əd/ /breθ/

7 Thunder 14 Wealthy 21 Strength

/ˈθʌn.dɚ/ /ˈwel.θi/ /streŋθ/

1 Thin Tin 4 Tenth Ten

/θɪn/ /tɪn/ /tentθ/ /ten/

2 Ether Either 5 South Southern

/ˈiː.θɚ/ /ˈiːðɚ/ /saʊθ/ /ˈsʌð.ɚn/

3 Thanks Than 6 Sixth Six

/θæŋks/ /ðæn/ /sɪksθ/ /sɪks/

1 It’s worthwhile to work to achieve health, wealth, and strength.

2 Thank you for everything you did for me last month.
3 Thursday is not the third day of the week.
34 Phụ âm ð
1 This 8 Together 15 Either
/ðɪs/ /təˈgeð.ɚ/ /ˈiːðɚ/

2 They 9 Feather 16 Smooth

/ðeɪ/ /ˈfeð.ɚ/ /smuːð/

3 There 10 Smithy 17 Breathe

/ðer/ /ˈsmɪð.i/ /briːð/

4 These 11 Although 18 Clothe

/ðiːz/ /ɑːlˈðoʊ/ /kloʊð/

5 Their 12 Other 19 Bathe

/ðer/ /ˈʌð.ɚ/ /beɪð/

6 Those 13 Mother 20 Seethe

/ðoʊz/ /ˈmʌð.ɚ/ /siːð/

7 Then 14 Rather 21 Teethe

/ðen/ /ˈræð.ɚ/ /tiːð/

1 They Day 4 Teethe Tease

/ðeɪ/ /deɪ/ /tiːð/ /tiːz/

2 Zither Zipper 5 Soothe Sued

/ˈzɪð.ɚ/ /ˈzɪp.ɚ/ /suːð/ /suːd/

3 Clothe Close 6 Writhe Ride

/kloʊð/ /kloʊz/ /raɪð/ /raɪd/

1 The weather is rather unpleasant.

2 Be sure to clothe the baby warmly after you bathe her.
3 The leather they bought for the thong was smooth.
35 Phụ âm h
1 Hardware 8 Neighborhood 15 Heron
/ ˈhɑːrd.wer/ /ˈneɪ.bɚ.hʊd/ /ˈherən/

2 Harvest 9 Seahorse 16 Hawk

/ˈhɑːrvɪst/ /ˈsiːhɔːrs/ /hɔːk/

3 Hoe 10 Comprehend 17 Homework

/hoʊ/ /ˌk ɑːm.prɪˈhend/ /ˈhoʊm.wɝːk/

4 Hens 11 Prohibit 18 History

/henz/ /prəˈhɪb.ɪt/ /ˈhɪs.t ɚr.i/

5 Hamlet 12 Perhaps 19 Handmade

/ˈhæm.lət/ /pɚˈhæps/ /hændˈmeɪd/

6 Heave 13 Overhauled 20 Haunted

/hiːv/ /ˈoʊ.vɚhɑːld/ /ˈhɑːn.t ɪd/

7 Harmless 14 Ahead 21 Horn

/ˈhɑːrm.ləs/ /əˈhed/ /hɔːrn/

1 Hour Our 4 Who What

/aʊr/ /aʊr/ /huː/ /wɑːt/

2 Hen When 5 Whole Oh

/hen/ /wen/ /hoʊl/ /oʊ/

3 Hi Why 6 Hall Wall

/haɪ/ /waɪ/ /hɑːl/ /wɑːl/

1 That’s his house.

2 He has to be hurried to the hospital.
3 He held his hostage for many days.
36 Phụ âm l
1 Lane 8 Electric 15 School
/leɪn/ /ɪˈlek.trɪk/ /skuːl/

2 Limit 9 Wheelchair 16 Carol

/ˈlɪm.ɪt/ /ˈwiːl.tʃer/ /ˈker.əl/

3 Lantern 10 Tailor 17 Symbol

/ˈlæntɚn/ /ˈteɪ.lɚ/ /ˈsɪm.bəl/

4 Living 11 Helicopter 18 Schedule

/ˈlɪv·ɪŋ/ /ˈhel.ɪˌkɑːp.tɚ/ /ˈsked.juːl/

5 Lizard 12 Helmet 19 Ill

/ˈlɪz.ɚd/ /ˈhel.mət/ /ɪl/

6 Louse 13 Sleigh 20 Technophile

/ˈlaʊs/ /sleɪ/ /ˈteknoʊfaɪl/

7 Ladybird 14 Chocolate 21 Tool

/ˈlei.di.bɝːd/ /ˈtʃɑːk lət/ /tuːl/

1 Feel Fear 4 Howl How

/fiːl/ /fɪr/ /haʊl/ /haʊ/

2 File Fire 5 Stole Stove

/faɪl/ /faɪr/ /stoʊl/ /stoʊv/

3 Mile Mine 6 Will Win

/maɪl/ /maɪn/ /wɪl/ /wɪn/

1 I will call you.

2 Would you like to say hello to the whale?
3 Please help him complete his deal carefully.
37 Phụ âm m
1 Money 8 Plumber 15 Become
/ˈmʌn.i/ /ˈplʌm.ɚ/ /bɪˈkʌm/

2 Monster 9 Armour 16 Term

/ˈmɑːn.stɚ/ /ˈɑːr.mɚ/ /tɝːm/

3 Mask 10 Ambulance 17 Plagiarism

/mæsk/ /ˈæm.bjʊ.lənts/ /ˈpleɪ.dʒɚ.ɪ.zəm/

4 Manager 11 Christmas 18 Film

/ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒɚ/ /ˈkrɪs.məs/ /fɪlm/

5 Messy 12 Chimney 19 Jam

/ˈmes.i/ /ˈtʃɪ /dʒæm/

6 Mysterious 13 Pumpkin 20 Time

/mɪˈstɪr.i.əs/ /ˈpʌmp.kɪn/ /taɪm/

7 Middle 14 Primary 21 Autumn

/ˈmɪd.l/ /ˈpraɪ.mɚ.i/ /ˈɑː.təmˈ/

1 Simmer Singer 4 Sum Sun

/ˈsɪm.ɚ/ /ˈsɪŋ.ɚ/ /sʌm/ /sʌn/

2 Them Then 5 Home Hone

/ðem/ /ðen/ /hoʊm/ /hoʊn/

3 Ram Rang 6 Crime Cringe

/ræm/ /ræŋ/ /kraɪm/ /krɪndʒ/

1 Many men were watching the monkeys.

2 The summer time makes me feel less gloomy.
3 Climbing the mountain will be a marvelous experience.
38 Phụ âm n
1 Nurse 8 Unicorn 15 Surgeon
/nɝːs/ /'juː.nɪkɔːrn/ /ˈsɜːr.dʒən/

2 Nanny 9 Attorney 16 Train

/ˈnæn.i/ /əˈtɝː.ni/ /treɪn/

3 Natural 10 Tunnel 17 Submarine

/ˈnætʃ.ɚr.əl/ /ˈtʌn.əl/ /ˌsʌb.məˈriːn/

4 Novel 11 Roundabout 18 Loan

/ˈnɑː.vəl/ /ˈraʊnd.ə.baʊt/ /loʊn/

5 Numerous 12 Principal 19 Airplane

/ˈnuː.mə.rəs/ /ˈprɪn.sɪ.pəl/ /ˈer.pleɪn/

6 Newspaper 13 Conduct 20 Champagne

/ˈnuːzˌpeɪ.pɚ/ /ˈkɑːn.dʌkt/ /∫æm'peɪn/

7 Narrow 14 Bunny 21 Snowman

/ˈnær.oʊ/ /ˈbʌn.i/ /ˈsnoʊ.mæn/

1 Gone Gong 4 Sun Sung

/gɑːn/ /gɑːŋ/ /sʌn/ /sʌŋ/

2 Thin Thing 5 Pin Ping

/θɪn/ /θɪŋ/ /pɪn/ /pɪŋ/

3 Warn Warm 6 Wind Winged

/wɔːrn/ /wɔːrm/ /wɪnd/ /wɪŋd/

1 On Monday morning, everyone can use a phone.

2 It is necessary to learn many new things.
3 They announced the winner of the award.
39 Phụ âm ŋ
1 English 8 Singer 15 Sightseeing
/ˈɪŋ.glɪʃ/ /ˈsɪŋ.ɚ/ /ˈsaɪtˌsiː.ɪŋ/

2 Hunger 9 Prankster 16 Belong

/ˈhʌŋ.gɚ/ /'præŋk stɚ/ /bɪˈlɑːŋ/

3 Jungle 10 Penguin 17 Hung

dʒʌŋ.gl / /ˈpeŋgwɪn/ /hʌŋ/

4 Finger 11 Extinct 18 Camping

/ˈfɪŋ.gɚ/ /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ /ˈkæm.pɪŋ/

5 Lengthy 12 Donkey 19 Young

/ˈleŋk.θi/ /ˈdɑːŋ.ki / /jʌŋ/

6 Thanks 13 Sank 20 Stocking

/θæŋks/ /sæŋk/ /ˈstɑː.kɪŋ/

7 Language 14 Blanket 21 Ping

/ˈlæŋ.gwɪdʒ/ /ˈblæŋ.kɪt/ /pɪŋ/

1 Tongue Ton 4 Singer Sinner

/tʌŋ/ /tʌn/ /ˈsɪŋ.ɚ/ /ˈsɪn.ɚ/

2 Wing Win 5 Rung Run

/wɪŋ/ /wɪn/ /rʌŋ/ /rʌn/

3 Robbing Robin 6 Think Thin

/roʊbɪŋ/ /ˈrɑː.bɪn/ /θɪŋk/ /θɪn/

1 Everything is freezing.
2 The singer sang like a bird.
3 She feels younger in the spring.
40 Phụ âm r
1 Receptionist 1 Receptionist 1 Receptionist
/rɪˈsep.ʃən.ɪst/ /rɪˈsep.ʃən.ɪst/ /rɪˈsep.ʃən.ɪst/

2 Rocket 2 Rocket 2 Rocket

/ˈrɑː.kɪt/ /ˈrɑː.kɪt/ /ˈrɑː.kɪt/

3 Religion 3 Religion 3 Religion

/rɪˈlɪdʒ.ən/ /rɪˈlɪdʒ.ən/ /rɪˈlɪdʒ.ən/

4 Wreath 4 Wreath 4 Wreath

/riːθ/ /riːθ/ /riːθ/

5 Reindeer 5 Reindeer 5 Reindeer

/ˈreɪn. dɪr/ /ˈreɪn. dɪr/ /ˈreɪn. dɪr/

6 Romance 6 Romance 6 Romance

/roʊˈmæns/ /roʊˈmæns/ /roʊˈmæns/

7 Rush 7 Rush 7 Rush

/rʌʃ/ /rʌʃ/ /rʌʃ/

1 Wrong Long 4 Misread Misled

/rɑːŋ/ /lɑːŋ/ /ˌmɪsˈred/ /mɪsˈled/

2 Royal Loyal 5 Pirate Pilot

/ˈrɔɪ.əl/ /ˈlɔɪ.əl/ /ˈpaɪr.ət/ /ˈpaɪ.lət/

3 Pray Play 6 Crash Clash

/preɪ/ /pleɪ/ /kræʃ/ /klæʃ/

1 The rain can’t hurt the flowers.

2 The runner ran as far as the river.
3 Finish your oral or written program.
41 Phụ âm w
1 Witch 1 Witch 1 Witch
/wɪtʃ/ /wɪtʃ/ /wɪtʃ/

2 Waiter 2 Waiter 2 Waiter

/ˈweɪ.tɚ/ /ˈweɪ.tɚ/ /ˈweɪ.tɚ/

3 Worship 3 Worship 3 Worship

/ˈwɝː.ʃɪp/ /ˈwɝː.ʃɪp/ /ˈwɝː.ʃɪp/

4 Wake 4 Wake 4 Wake

/weɪk/ /weɪk/ /weɪk/

5 Washing 5 Washing 5 Washing

/ˈwɑː.ʃɪŋ/ /ˈwɑː.ʃɪŋ/ /ˈwɑː.ʃɪŋ/

6 Windmill 6 Windmill 6 Windmill

/ˈwɪn.mɪl/ /ˈwɪn.mɪl/ /ˈwɪn.mɪl/

7 Window 7 Window 7 Window

/ˈwɪn·doʊ/ /ˈwɪn·doʊ/ /ˈwɪn·doʊ/

1 Wet Vet 4 West Vest

/wet/ /vet/ /west/ /vest/

2 Worse Verse 5 Wary Vary

/wɝːs/ /vɝːs/ /ˈwer.i/ /ˈver.i/

3 While Vile 6 When Vent

/waɪl/ /vaɪl/ /wen/ /vent/

1 When you wade in water, you get wet.

2 Watching the world channel makes you wiser.
3 Use warm water in the cold weather.
42 Phụ âm kép
1 Three 11 Thread 21 Breakthrough
/θriː/ /θred/ /ˈbreɪk.θru:/

2 Quilt 12 Quality 22 Acquaintance

/kwɪlt/ /ˈkwɑː.lə.t i/ /əˈkweɪn.tənts/

3 Speech 13 Aspect 23 Grasp

/spiːtʃ/ /ˈæs.pekt/ /græsp/

4 Script 14 Escape 24 Picturesque

/skrɪpt/ /ɪˈskeɪp/ /ˌpɪk.tʃəˈresk/

5 Extreme 15 Protest 25 Next

/ɪkˈstriːm/ /proʊˈtest/ /nekst/

6 Child 16 Elder 26 Installed

/tʃaɪld/ /ˈel.dɚ/ /ɪnˈstɑːld/

7 Salt 17 Poultry 27 Difficult

/sɑːlt/ /ˈpoʊl.tri/ /ˈdɪf.ɪ.kəlt/

8 Muffs 18 Giraffes 28 Chefs

/mʌfs/ /dʒɪˈræfs/ /ʃefs/

9 Asks 19 Dislikes 29 Talks

/æsks/ /dɪˈslaɪks/ /tɑːks/

10 Peanuts 20 Adopts 30 Waists

/ˈpiː.nʌts/ /əˈdɑːpts/ /weɪsts/

1 He throws the quilt quickly.

2 I’ve missed my sparrow a lot.
3 According to the survey results, total employment increased by 5%.







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