English Vocab & Grammar

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1. Acid rain : it is made up of highly acidic water droplets due to air emissions , most
specifically the disproportionate levels of sulfur and nitrogen emitted by vehicles and
manufacturing processes.

2. Carbon trading : a market based system aimed at reducing greenhouse gases that
contribute to global warming , particularly carbon dioxide emitted by burning fossil fuels

3. Climate change : this refers to long-shift in temperatures and weather patterns

4. Conservation area : an area that is protected by law because of its natural beauty ,
history , or importance as a place for animals or plants to live

5. Emission trading : a market-based approach to controlling pollution by providing

economic incentives for reducing the emission of pollutants

6. Green audit : the process of assessing the environmental impact of an organization ,

process , project , product , etc.

7. Nature reserve : an area of land that is protected and managed in order to preserve a
particular type of habitat and its flora and fauna which are often rare or endangered

8. Sustainable development : development that meets the needs of the present , without
compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs

9. Natural environment : encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally

10. Ozone layer : a thin part of the Earth’s atmosphere that absorbs almost all of the sun’s
harmful ultraviolet light

11. Industrial waste : an all-encompassing term used to describe material considered to be

no longer of use after a manufacturing process has been completed

12. Aerosol spray : a type of dispensing system which created an aerosol mist of liquid

13. Thermal blanket : a type of cover made of or covered with a very thin sheet of metal ,
used for keeping people warm in emergency situations

14. Renewable energy : energy derived from natural resources that are replenished at a
higher rate than they are consumed

15. Ultraviolet radiation : covers the wavelength range of 100-400 nm , which is a higher
frequency and lower wavelength than visible light , comes naturally from the sun , but it can
also be create by artificial sources used in industry , commerce , and recreation
2 tips on how to paraphrase :

1. Change the Sentence Structure

Instead of just replacing words with synonyms, try altering the structure of the sentence. This
can involve switching from active to passive voice, breaking a long sentence into shorter
ones, or combining shorter sentences into a longer one.

2. Use Different Words and Phrases

Find synonyms or alternative expressions for the key terms in the sentence. However, be
careful not to change the original meaning. Additionally, rephrase idiomatic expressions or
specific terminology in a way that conveys the same idea in a new form.

2 tips on how to summarize :

1. Identify and Focus on the Main Ideas

When summarizing, it's crucial to distinguish the main ideas from the supporting details.
Read through the text and highlight the key points, which are usually the main arguments,
conclusions, or essential information. Exclude examples, anecdotes, and other supplementary
details that do not alter the core meaning of the text.

2. Use Your Own Words

While summarizing, rewrite the text in your own words rather than copying phrases directly.
This helps ensure you understand the content and can convey the main points concisely.
Avoid using the same sentence structure and vocabulary as the original text.


- Homonyms are words that have different meanings but are pronounced the same or spelled
the same.

- Examples : bat (animal)/bat (sport equipment) , bank (financial institution)/bank (river

bank) , etc.


- each of two or more words spelled the same but not necessarily pronounced the same and
having different meanings and origins.

- Examples : bow (a ribbon)/bow (a way to show respect for someone) , bass ( music
genre)/bass (a type of fish) , etc.


- each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins,
or spelling.
- Examples : new and knew , here and hear , etc.

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