A Qualitative Exploration of R

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A Qualitative Exploration of Risk, Benefits, Governance, and Morals Impact on Trusting

Artificial Intelligence

A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Computer Science


Jamie L. Lehn

Department of Doctoral Studies, Colorado Technical University

August 2023

Committee Members

Alexa Schmitt, Ph.D., Chair

Abdullah Alshboul, DBA, Committee Member

Cynthia Calongne, DCS, Committee Member


This study explored responses from over 100 individuals from both the technology and non-

technology sections to investigate the interrelationship of risks, benefits, and governance of

artificial intelligence to determine how they impact an individual's ability to trust in artificial

intelligence. Further discovering how to address and potentially eliminate the perception of

society's belief that there is an existential crisis in humanity regarding the research,

development, and utilization of artificial intelligence, which culminates from numerous issues

concerning public safety, privacy, and other societal implications and whether this perception

affects a person’s ability to trust and accept the technology. The study explored the use and

improvement of governance oversite, reducing and understanding risk, the potential or

promised benefits, and ethical and moral decision-making to address the existential crisis

perception and the lack of trust in artificial intelligence through a qualitative exploratory

approach. Initial findings from an analysis of survey respondents from both the technology

industry and outside the technology identified a common theme, indicating that what is

currently being done regarding governance and standardized controls is not working.

Respondents agreed that there is an ongoing ethical and moral concern regarding decision-

making, research, and utilization of artificial intelligence. These concerns continue to impact an

individual’s ability to trust and feel safe regarding artificial intelligence technology.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Trust, Ethics and Morals, Governance, Risk and Benefits


First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the Heavenly Father and Great Spirit for

the ability to take on this journey. I want to thank my family, my sons Zachary Lehn and Charles

Austin, my life partner Tamara Austin, and stepfather Ricky Wells, along with my father, Frank

Lehn, and my mother, Lucinda Wells (Lone), who are with me in spirit for the ongoing support

they provided for me to fulfill a promise I made nearly 22 years ago when Zachary was born. I

want to acknowledge and thank the “Men in the Blue House” Dr. Mitch Ogden (UW-Stout), Dr.

Blair Bateman (BYU), Dr. Reed Reichwald, Dr. Geoffrey Archibald, Dr. Kent Archibald, Dr. Peter

Gessel, Patrick Crompton, and my best friend Scott Vaneps who provided the example of how

to be studious in an educational journey through observation and talking with them as they

conducted their educational journey many years ago.

I must thank the Colorado Technical University professors Dr. Abdullah Alshboul, Dr.

Phyllis Parise, Dr. Cynthia Calongne, Dr. Scott Wood, and my research supervisor Dr. Alexa

Schmitt who supported and urged me to advance in this journey.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1

Study Problem..................................................................................................................... 2

Study Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 3

Research Question .............................................................................................................. 6

Conceptual Framework ....................................................................................................... 6

Significance of the Study..................................................................................................... 8

Researcher Positionality and Reflexivity............................................................................. 9

Delimitations and Limitations ........................................................................................... 10

Definition of Terms ........................................................................................................... 12

Chapter Summary ............................................................................................................. 14

Chapter 2: Review of the Literature ............................................................................................. 15

Literature Search Strategies.............................................................................................. 16

History of Artificial Intelligence ........................................................................................ 16

Trust .................................................................................................................................. 17

Governance ....................................................................................................................... 25

Risks and Societal Harm .................................................................................................... 29

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Agents and Algorithms ................................................. 31

Gaps in the Literature ....................................................................................................... 34

Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 35

Chapter Summary ............................................................................................................. 35

Chapter 3: Methodology, Design, and Methods .......................................................................... 37

Research Methodology and Design .................................................................................. 38

Population, Sample, and Participant Recruitment ........................................................... 40

Data Collection Instrumentation and Procedures ............................................................ 41

Data Analysis Procedures.................................................................................................. 43

Trustworthiness ................................................................................................................ 44

Ethical Assurances............................................................................................................. 47

Chapter Summary ............................................................................................................. 50

Chapter 4: Findings ....................................................................................................................... 51

Description of the Study Sample ...................................................................................... 51

Results ............................................................................................................................... 53

Discussion of Study Findings ............................................................................................. 66

Chapter Summary ............................................................................................................. 68

Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusions ........................................................................................ 71

Limitations of Study Findings ............................................................................................ 71

Interpretation of Study Findings ....................................................................................... 72

Practice Implications ......................................................................................................... 77

Researcher Reflections ..................................................................................................... 78

Recommendations for Further Research.......................................................................... 80

Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 81

References .................................................................................................................................... 83

Appendix A: Qualitative Survey Questions ................................................................................. 102

List of Tables

Table 1 Study Participant Data of Completed Surveys 52

Table 2 Moral and Ethical Issues Breakdown 55

Table 3 Influences Emotions 58

Table 4 Influences the Perception of Effects and Impacts 59

Table 5 Influences Perception Regarding Safety 60

Table 6 Influences Opinion of Artificial Intelligence 60

Table 7 Influence Perception Regarding Trust 61

Table 8 Risk Knowledge Levels by Years and Industry 63

Table 9 Potential Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Risk 64

List of Figures

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework 7

Chapter 1: Introduction

This qualitative exploratory study explores the interrelationship of risks, benefits, and

governance of artificial intelligence learning agents. The National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST) has shown that implementing information assurance controls will reduce the

risk of information technology in many areas by ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, or

availability of the information being processed, stored, or transmitted by those technology

systems (NIST, 2012, 2020b). However, there is a need to understand whether reducing risk and

implementing governance controls and governance models are enough to positively affect how

society perceives, accepts, and places its trust in artificial intelligence or if there is more. Many

researchers have previously identified that there is a perception in society's belief which

indicates when it comes to artificial intelligence, there is an existential crisis in humanity

(BigThink, 2020; Gibbs, 2017; Roberts, 2021), culminating in numerous issues concerning public

safety, privacy, trust, and other societal implications.

The scope of this dissertation will cover a holistic look into multiple areas within

computer science and outside of the computer science field of study. These include trust,

governance, risks, and actual versus promised benefits. Within the scope of trust, the study will

look at human-computer interactions, morals, ethics, psychology, trust contexts, and the

components required to build trust. In terms of governance, the study will explore legal

components, industry standards, controls, and responsible versus ethical governance models.

An exploration into risk was contained within the study. With risk in mind, the study will review

the impacts of human rights issues, data accuracy and cleanliness, autonomy, publicized issues,

and failures resulting from artificial intelligence, accuracy and effectiveness of artificial

intelligence outputs, lack of transparency, and interpretability of artificial intelligence

development code. Lastly, the study will examine the impact of actual versus promised benefits

from artificial intelligence.

The current theory is that applying standards and controls to artificial intelligence will

not be as beneficial as in other information technology areas. Artificial intelligence and its

associated learning agents and their development are unlike any other technology. Artificial

intelligence and learning agents' primary purpose is to think and act like humans, performing

human functions like cognitive logic, knowledge discovery, analytical interpretation, and

adaptation (Sharma, 2019a). Unsupervised learning agents are self-learning, meaning they seek

a resolution even if one has not been preprogrammed into its development code or processes

(Sharma, 2019b). As a result, no constant can be auditable; based on the environment, the

number of datasets, and the knowledge that it can access in which it works.

Study Problem

The problem is the need to understand if improving governance oversite, reducing and

understanding risk, and the potential or promised benefits of artificial intelligence, impact the

public's trust in artificial intelligence as inferred by previous research (ISO, 2020; NIST, 2020a;

WhiteHouse, 2019). This problem has been identified and supported by standards organizations

such as ISO (ISO, 2020) and NIST (NIST, 2020), along with the Trump administration

(WhiteHouse, 2019). Artificial intelligence has several benefits when used correctly, though it

could also be society’s downfall if appropriate controls and governance are not in place.

Scholars and technology industry leaders have warned about advanced artificial intelligence

risks (Yampolskiy, 2016). These risks include unsafe medical recommendations for alleviating

illness (Chen, 2018; Yigitcanlar et al., 2020) and inadequate controls that lead to deadly

automated or self-driving car accidents (NTSB, 2019; Yigitcanlar et al., 2020). Industry

innovators Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates suggest that artificial intelligence can be

dangerous, and that caution is needed (Marr, 2018). Musk commented that artificial

intelligence is expanding exponentially, with an incredible possibility of something critical

occurring in the next five years (Marr, 2018). Speaking at the US National Governors Association

in 2014, Musk told those in attendance that artificial intelligence is an exceptional and

extraordinary case where he believes we need to be more proactive and preemptive in

regulation instead of reactive. Musk thinks it was too late when we are reactive in artificial

intelligence regulation (Gibbs, 2017). When asked by those in attendance how to best regulate

artificial intelligence development, Musk replied that the first stage was to "learn as much as

possible” (Gibbs, 2017). Musk's remark echoes Buchanan's advice that success in artificial

intelligence comes with expanded responsibilities that need to consider technological success's

societal repercussions and consequences and the need to educate decision-makers (Buchanan,

2005, p. 59). The outcome of this study is to understand how trust is impacted by artificial

intelligence and what steps can be taken to increase confidence and change the perspective

that artificial intelligence cannot be trusted.

Study Purpose

The purpose of this qualitative exploratory study was to explore the interrelationship of

risks, benefits, and governance of artificial intelligence and its associated learning agents to

determine how they impact an individual's ability to trust artificial intelligence. The perception

that was explored is society's belief that there is an existential crisis in humanity (BigThink,

2020; Gibbs, 2017; Roberts, 2021), culminating from numerous issues concerning public safety,

privacy, and other societal implications and whether this perception affects a person’s ability to

trust and accept the technology.

The qualitative method was chosen over the quantitative as the qualitative approach

provides the framework needed. The rationale for using qualitative methodology is the need

for an exploratory design approach. As Romero (2020) identified, the exploratory route

provides the flexibility to establish an opportunity to consider various aspects of a problem. In

aspects where the problem has not been studied in-depth, the literature is limited, and the

discovery of new information or the intention is not to provide a definitive solution (Dudovskiy,

2018; Given, 2008; Jupp, 2006; Romero, 2020). Utilizing an exploratory design for a study on

artificial intelligence meets these criteria. Artificial intelligence is relatively new compared to

other areas of computer science research. Thus, the amount of literature on the topic is

reduced; it is further reduced when the focus on artificial intelligence is narrowed down to a

particular component, such as artificial intelligence learning agents and the utilization of these


A humanistic approach to computer science examines how and why humans interact

with technology in a certain way (Hazzan et al., 2006). The qualitative methodology allows this

viewpoint through a qualitative survey's descriptive and open-ended interview-style questions.

This, in turn, enables the research to explore the phenomenon with different outlooks. While

Demeyer (2011) states that computer science is a culmination of multiple fields dealing with

quantification measurements and comparatives, it inherited quantitative methodology

(Demeyer, 2011). However, there is more to computer science than technology, metrics, and

numeric. The human perspective is the perspective that this research aims to fulfill. The

qualitative methodology presents a branch of philosophy called Axiology. Axiology is a

considerable component that will aid in the validity and impact the ethical context of the

research (Given, 2008) and dissertation through ethics, judgments, values, and aesthetics,

which constructs the research approach and work (GuhaThakurta & Chetty, 2015; Thornhill,

Lewis, & Saunders, 2019). The study problem encompasses human emotions regarding artificial

intelligence. People's sentiment toward artificial intelligence supports whether the governance

of artificial intelligence agents will alleviate these emotions and ensure a high level of privacy

and safety. The research must add an axiology component to provide research ethics and value.

The target population for the study was split between members of general society and

technology professionals with the preference of 10 years of experience; however, a minimum

of 5 years will suffice in cybersecurity, information security compliance, artificial intelligence

development, and artificial intelligence innovators. Using a cross between purposive and

convenience sampling methods, a sample of 112 respondents was selected from the previously

mentioned technology-related fields and members of general society. Data collection consisted

of qualitative surveys. The qualitative surveys were conducted using the SurveyMonkey survey

tool. The sample for the qualitative study will come from professional groups within LinkedIn

for technology professionals. The selection for non-technology professionals was attained

through SurveyMonkey's surveying platform. Data collected from qualitative surveys were

analyzed for themes. Analysis of data will occur using a CAQDA tool such as MaxQDA. The

potential contribution this research will provide is increased knowledge by determining if

proper and adequate governance in artificial intelligence learning agents will improve trust.

Research Question

The study research question was:

How does improving governance oversite, reducing and understanding risk, and the

potential or promised benefits of artificial intelligence impact the public's trust in artificial


Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for this study is depicted below in Figure 1. The flow of my

thought process starts with trust, trust in a technology that has provided numerous benefits

and risks to humankind. Research pointed to society’s inability to trust artificial intelligence,

whether due to science fiction movies or their fear of the unknown (BigThink, 2020; Gibbs,

2017; Roberts, 2021). Trusting this technology holds an elevated interest to many individuals

and governments. The National Institute of Standards and Technology and the International

Organization for Standardization wrote a paper on trusting artificial intelligence, and the

Whitehouse issued an executive order on the same topic. The study will examine trust, what

impacts an individual's ability to trust artificial intelligence, and what mechanisms within trust

could be triggers or catalysts. Additionally, research has shown that there is an ability to

transfer trust or distrust on a topic from one individual to another (Burt & Knez, 1996; Doney,

Cannon, & Mullen, 1998; Kramer, 1999; Lee & See, 2004). Recently developed and published

governance models using new standards and controls aim to positively impact and elevate an

individual’s ability to trust artificial intelligence and learning agents (ISO, 2020; NIST, 2020a).

Due to the newness of these governance models, adequate time has not yet passed to

determine if they will mitigate or eliminate risks brought on by artificial intelligence and

learning agents.

Taking it one step further is the philosophical component in which there is an unknown

as to whether the benefits promised or achieved by artificial intelligence and their associated

learning agents offset the amount of risk accepted by individuals and organizations. There is

also an unknown as to whether there is an interrelationship that indicates benefits promised or

achieved alone affect the level of trust in terms of an increase in positive outcomes,

perpetuating a higher level of trust. There is also an unknown if there is a point where

individuals discard the notion of risk and safety for the probability of receiving a benefit.

Figure 1

Conceptual Framework.

How does improving governance oversite; reducing and

understanding risk; along with the potential or promised
benefits of artificial intelligence impact the public's trust in
artificial intelligence?

The Interrelationship and how they

affect trusting artificial intelligence

Trust Governance Risk Benefits


Significance of the Study

The significance of the study culminates from numerous incidents with artificial

intelligence utilizing learning agents., Multiple incidents involving artificial intelligence

development have occurred. Society has seen a stock market crash brought on by trading tools

integrated with artificial intelligence learning agents (Kirilenko, 2017), automated medical

prescription tools providing the wrong dosage to patients (Chen, 2018; Yigitcanlar et al., 2020),

incidents involving autonomous vehicles placing passengers and pedestrians at risk (NTSB,

2019; Yigitcanlar et al., 2020). Several other incidents have raised concerns regarding privacy,

public safety, and trust to identify specific societal implications. Industry leaders Stephen

Hawkings, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and academic researchers have been warning the nation's

leaders for more than a decade that caution is needed and that artificial intelligence

development can be dangerous (Gibbs, 2017; Marr, 2018; Yampolskiy, 2016). Elon Musk stated

in an interview in 2018 that he believes a catastrophic incident could occur within the next five

years (Marr, 2018).

This study hopes to identify what professionals must do within the industry to improve

technology acceptance. I hope that by focusing on issues that affect how people within and

outside the technology sector accept and trust artificial intelligence through understanding the

contexts, components, and requirements to build that trust. This acceptance and improved

trust could be through improved stability of artificial intelligence agents embedded in current

and new technology to reduce or eliminate issues that hurt individuals directly or indirectly.

This study looks at areas of governance in terms of individual, organizational, and applied

policies. Additionally, it examines standardized controls, risk, and human rights issues.

Researcher Positionality and Reflexivity

Reflexivity is an individual's ability and commitment to look inward and reflect on their

feelings, reactions, and motives to understand how they could potentially impact how they act

and think in a particular instance. Reflexivity is also a standpoint or perspective on where the

researcher stands on a topic, where they start, and why they feel a certain way (O'Brien, 2021).

It is stated that ethical tensions arise with the everyday practice of conducting research

(Guillemin & Gillam, 2004). These tensions provide the researcher with critical ethical moments

to respond to, making a decisive conscious or unconscious choice of which path to follow.

Reflexivity is a mental tool, an active process that assists us in handling ethical dilemmas that

may occur while conducting research, thus ensuring rigor, and aiding in achieving the correct

choice. As a reflexive researcher, the concentration is not merely on the facts of the presented

data but also on constructing data interpretations while simultaneously questioning how those

interpretations came into existence (Guillemin & Gillam, 2004). Reflexivity is more than just

reflection; it involves recognizing and being sensitive to the multiple ethical dimensions while

being prepared to resolve them.

In terms of the research study, what interests me is the perception that artificial

intelligence cannot be trusted. Furthermore, artificial intelligence technology intrigues me for

what it is, what it can achieve, and what the future holds. Governance and understanding the

overall risks and benefits of artificial intelligence are interesting to me as it expands my

knowledge base.

From a motivational standpoint, there are no identifiable professional motivation

factors. However, there are plenty of personal motivation factors. One such factor is the

expansion of knowledge. I am motivated to learn more about what artificial intelligence is and

what it is not. Another way of stating this is by exploring its history and current innovations,

which demystifies artificial intelligence. As the veil is pulled away, a new set of interests comes

into existence due to the complexity of artificial intelligence. I am motivated to see how

security controls and governance models influence artificial intelligence. Will these reduce

incidents sensationalized in the news and journal articles, and will the number of related

benefits increase? Moreover, do these influencers also affect people's ability to trust, and if so,

why is that?

Positionality and reflexivity cannot be fully identified without identifying any potential

agendas for conducting this study. My agenda is that I aim to author a study that provides a

clear picture of how individualized trust in artificial intelligence is impacted and to develop

theories and practical measures to mitigate any adverse impacts or highlight positive ones. The

management and remediation of preconceived notions or biases was handled by implementing

axiology. That is the utilization of internal values developed through morals and ethics.

Delimitations and Limitations

Delimitation or boundaries and limitations are often interchanged in error (Miles,

2019). To that extent, a definition of each is included as a prelude to each of the paragraphs

outlining them. Delimitations are defined mainly as the study's scope that describes the study's

parameters. Delimitations aid in the prevention of stating findings is generalized throughout

the entire population. They act as denotations. They are implying limitations of the research

populations. Delimitations are self-imposed restrictions placed on the study by the researcher

(Miles, 2019). Implementing research delimitations or boundaries and limitations when


researching artificial intelligence and trust seems foolish. However, there are natural

boundaries that arise during the research and the preparation of aligning a plan for the

recruitment of research participants. These boundaries are geographical, participant

recruitment, and the participant’s background. The geographical boundary is the study location,

and participant recruitment is limited to the United States. Participant recruitment has a

further boundary of being limited to utilizing technology-focused professional groups within the

LinkedIn social media platform for part of the participant pool. This pool is bound to the

understanding that each participant was required to show that they have at least ten years of

experience working in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence development, or direct management

of artificial intelligence projects or teams. The other segment of the population is restricted to

SurveyMonkey, an organization that aids in preparing and conducting surveys.

Limitations for this study are identifying specific features, qualities, or attributes that

affect or influence the understanding of the findings. These limitations are constrictions or

restrictions consigned to the capability to oversimplify from the results, to explain additional

applications to observe, or associated with the usefulness and efficacy of discoveries that are

the outcome of how the study’s initial design or method chosen or used to determine interior

and exterior legitimacy or the consequence of unforeseen and unimagined contests and

questions that materialized in the course of the research (Miles, 2019; Price & Murnan, 2004).

A limitation is using LinkedIn professional groups to gather research data. Utilization of LinkedIn

professional groups is a limitation as there is a potential to inadvertently miss an essential

element or population segment that could change the course of the study’s findings. To offset

that limitation, I have added SurveyMonkey to gather research data from individuals not

working in the technology sector. However, this creates another limitation as there may be a

question about the quality of the responses. The rationale for limiting the population pool is to

ensure participant results are founded on experience in those fields. Additionally, this research

acknowledges and accepts the premise that numerous research has been conducted on trust in

various disciplines regarding trust-remediating relationships between people, people, and

corporations, and between corporations. However, this study will focus on trust factors that aid

individuals in adjusting and adapting to intellectual complexities and concepts found in artificial

intelligence. The limitation of the methodology is that it does not account for the potential of

numerics and metrics.

Definition of Terms

The following is a list of terms and associated conceptual or operational definitions

essential to understanding the study. Understanding these terms will bring clarity to the reader.


Governance is the process of guiding and governing events to ensure efficient growth

and development that integrates processes, customs, and policies to synchronize within them

properly (Brundage, 2019; Lo Piano, 2020; Mannes, 2020; Mitre, 2013; Perry & Uuk, 2019).

Governance Framework

The governance framework accounts for and takes into consideration of legal, ethical,

and moral discipline among the separate and distinguishable notions of being a responsible

subject, the idea of subjectivity, the nature of being that has existence, and the philosophical

design that form must adapt to utilization, structure, and material which stresses the

interdependence of patterns of society along with their interrelationship to maintain culture


and social unity based on the theory that value, the especially moral worth of an action should

be based on evaluation of its ramifications, fallouts, and consequences (Fragile to Agile, n.d.;

Hassan, 2021; McMenemy, 2019; Shiff, 2021).

Moral Imagination

Moral imagination is the ability that facilitates or enables individuals to pay attention to

or have a moral awareness of ethical concerns and discernments exhibited in a vast assortment

of circumstances to discern if actions are ethical or unethical (Clara F.D. Costa Ames, 2022).

Perspective Taking

Perspective-taking is the capability related to multiple aspects, including comprehending

another person's discernable and expressive appraisal of the phenomenon and their perception

and understanding of it (Duffy, 2019).

Situational Awareness Transparency

Situational awareness transparency is a transparency model that has three levels. The

first level provides basic information about the current state, goals, intentions, and action plan.

The second level offers information about the reasoning process behind the action plan,

including rationale, capabilities, limitations, and trade-offs between different options. The third

level provides information regarding predicted consequences and the likelihood of a plan’s

success or failure (Chen et al., 2014).


Transparency represents a set of principles ensuring honesty and responsibility in

operations. Transparency does not require a rundown of all abilities, rationales, or behaviors.

The ability to be concise, clear, and efficient should take precedence (Lo Piano, 2020; Michaels,



Trust is a social psychological concept that can be defined as the attitude that an agent,

human or technology-based, will aid in achieving a person’s goals or objectives in certain

circumstances described or depicted by ambiguity, insecurity, indecision, doubt, and

vulnerability (Burt & Knez, 1996; Deutsch, 1958; Guba, 1981; Johns, 1996; Kramer, 1999; Rotter,


Chapter Summary

This chapter identified the problem that there is the need to understand if improving

governance oversite, reducing, and understanding risk, and the potential or promised benefits

of artificial intelligence, impact the public's trust in artificial intelligence as inferred by previous

research. It aims to explore the interrelationship of risks, benefits, and governance of artificial

intelligence and its associated learning agents to determine how they impact an individual's

ability to trust artificial intelligence. The significance of this study culminates from numerous

incidents with artificial intelligence utilizing learning agents that have affected how individuals

see and trust in the technology. It covered the conceptual framework identifying the

interrelationship of core components to understanding artificial intelligence and trust. The

qualitative methodology provides flexibility to study the humanistic approach within computer

science and how humans interact with technology in specific ways. In this chapter, you have

seen my statements on positionality, reflexivity, and terminology that were seen and utilized

within the study.


Chapter 2: Review of the Literature

The problem is the need to understand if improving governance oversite, reducing and

understanding risk, and the potential or promised benefits of artificial intelligence, impact the

public’s trust in artificial intelligence as inferred by previous research (ISO, 2020; NIST, 2020a;

WhiteHouse, 2019). The purpose of this qualitative exploratory study was to explore the

interrelationship of risks, benefits, and governance of artificial intelligence and its associated

learning agents to determine how they impact an individual's ability to trust artificial

intelligence. The conceptual framework that guided this study details the interrelationships of

the moral and ethical components affecting trust, possibly through governance, risks, benefits,

and an individual's inability to trust.

This study's importance results from numerous incidents with artificial intelligence

utilizing learning agents developed with no or limited security controls. Artificial intelligence is

more considerable than agents derived from machine learning. A comprehensive

conceptualization of artificial intelligence and its ethical concerns and significance needs to take

into consideration the current use and socio-technical and socio-economic factors (Stahl et al.,


This researcher’s position is that the model for applying the newly developed standards

and controls (NIST, 2020a) will not work as there are more than controls when determining

trust as indicated in the conceptual framework. Learning agents and their development are

unlike any other technology in existence. Artificial intelligence and learning agents' primary

purpose is to think and act like humans, performing human functions like cognitive logic,

knowledge discovery, analytical interpretation, and adaptation (Sharma, 2019a). Unsupervised


learning agents are self-learning, seeking to discover a resolution even if one has not been

preprogrammed (Sharma, 2019b). This means that there is no constant that can be auditable.

Based on the environment in which the learning agent works, the results of two exact agents

will differ even if the starting point is the same. Another way to think of this phenomenon is

with the scenario of identical twin babies growing up; they may have started out identical,

though through their environment and experiences, they are no longer identical. It is these

reasons that drive the theory mentioned above.

Literature Search Strategies

The literature search strategies employed included using academic databases such as

EBSCO, ProQuest, ACM, IEEE, Elsevier, and SAGE. The External databases included were arXiv,

Taylor and Francis, Researchgate, and Google Scholar. Numerous search terms and keywords

were employed, such as trust in artificial intelligence, benefits of artificial intelligence, artificial

intelligence governance models, risks of artificial intelligence, ethics, morals of artificial

intelligence, and many other subtopics.

The search followed the conceptual framework that mapped out the flow of

components. The utilization of the conceptual framework in the literature search aided in

identifying areas of concern when looking to address how governance, ethics, risks, and

benefits affect the societal perception of trusting artificial intelligence. The following research

will discuss these topics.

History of Artificial Intelligence

To understand the complexities this study explores, there is a need to understand

artificial intelligence, its origins, associated risks, and its benefits. John McCarthy coined

artificial intelligence in the 1950s while working at Dartmouth. McCarthy stated Intelligence

consists of two components, the epistemological and the heuristic. Epistemology is the

interpretation and depiction of the world that develops the explanation of concerns and

problems that succeeds from the data and information denoted in the interpretation. Heuristic

is the mechanism that, based on the data and information presented, resolves the concerns,

and proposes a solution, deciding what to do. In principle, all elements of knowledge or any

other aspect of intelligence can be accurately defined and expressed so that a mechanism can

be built to reproduce it (Tietz, 2020).

David Marr (1977) stated that artificial intelligence is an example of a human endeavor

that started with a commitment of faith rather than on the results. Marr further noted that

artificial intelligence examines and analyzes multifaceted and intricate data processing rooted

in some facet of natural information processing methods to identify useful information (Marr,

1977). This analysis aids in understanding intelligence. Within humans’ ability to understand

different forms of intelligence resides at least one if not many, principles guiding the

organization and representation of knowledge that point to and capture the universal

disposition of humanity’s intellectual capabilities (Marr, 1977).


A human's ability to understand, reason, and trust begins with a seed that needs to

grow and mature. Philosophy and reasoning began with an allusive but inadequate seed of

strategies, designs, and impressions, though the maturity of being and thought replaces these

inadequacies with improved versions; however, they are still insufficient concepts (Minsky,

1974). It is these insufficiencies that require humans to trust. Trust is a social psychological

concept that can be defined as the attitude that an agent, whether human or technology, will

aid in achieving a person’s goals or objectives in certain circumstances described or depicted by

ambiguity, insecurity, indecision, doubt, and vulnerability (Lee & See, 2004). Additionally, trust

aids individuals in adjusting and adapting to intellectual complexity in numerous approaches.

First, it displaces guidance when direct examination turns out to be unfeasible. Secondly, trust

enables choice in the presence of indecision and insecurity by representing itself as a common

resolution heuristic. Third, trust minimizes doubt and hesitation when assessing the reactions

of others, in so doing directing adequate reliance and producing collaboration. Lastly, trust

enables and expedites delegation and adaptive conduct by replacing inflexible etiquettes,

practices, hierarchies, and processes with objective expectancies concerning the capacities of

others (Baba, 2007; Kramer, 1999; Lee & See, 2004; Ostrom, 1998).

Like many concepts, trust has multiple levels, contexts, and influencers, as it does not

exist in a vacuum. The processes and interactions that influence trust are logical, systematic,

effective, and partly based on analogy (Lee & See, 2004). Three levels or contexts of trust aid in

the creation and evolution of trust: individual, organizational, and cultural. Individual context is

the measure of an individual’s traits, such as disposition to trust, adaptability to change, and

acceptance of new information or ideas, as well as their personal history with trust, whether

positive or negative (Lee & See, 2004). Organizational context looks at the connections,

exchanges, and communications between individuals that advise them on the credibility and

fidelity of others, which could incorporate character, status, and rumors. It also sways and

impacts the trust of individuals who did not come into contact with the trustee (Burt & Knez,

1996; Kramer, 1999). The characteristics of motive, intention, and action held by the trustee are

important constructs or build blocks of trust (Bhattacharya, Devinney, & Pillutla, 1998; Mayer,

Davis, & Schoorman, 1995). Organizational context can be affected by the solidarity and

robustness of the social network. It is also the ability of the user to apply their situation to the

experiences of their peers (Doney, Cannon, & Mullen, 1998). Cultural context is the measure of

trust using cultural expectations. Culture has many definitions and meanings. The research

defines culture as a body of rules that govern the interactions of groups and societies,

otherwise known as social norms. Culture exhibits mutual understanding, practices, and

capabilities relating to those groups and societies. Variances in culture and related

interpretations may lead to insecurity, doubt, and ambiguity. Additionally, culture at the

individual level or as a group can form attitudes and opinions that sway and shape the

development of trust (Doney, Cannon, & Mullen, 1998).

Trust in technology is like the trust placed in human counterparts. Therefore, there is a

need to understand how trust could be assessed in relation to human-computer interactions.

First is the inclination to be a part of a bonded association that creates or elevates being

vulnerable when relying on another individual or object the supposition they will perform as

intended (Johns, 1996). Second is the inclination to depend confidently on an individual or

system (Moorman, Deshpandé, & Zaltman, 1993). Lastly, to be vulnerable to the activities of

another individual or system based on performance expectations of essential activities,

regardless of having the capability to oversee or manage them (Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman,


The impact of trust on human-computer interactions with how humans interact with

artificial intelligence learning agents is significant. It is predicated on the predilection of trust


influenced by human differences even when a condition contains ambiguity and indiscriminate

probabilities rule (Lee & See, 2004). A human’s ability to trust is dependent on the past

behavior of the individual or system (Deutsch, 1958). This can be correlated through multiple

examples where technology enhanced by artificial intelligence learning agents has either failed,

caused harm, or added unnecessary risk, which was discussed later.

Morality and Ethics

End-user adoption of artificial intelligence-based applications has been minimal due to a

lack of trust and perceived ethical concerns (Miller, 2019). Some researchers have indicated

that programming or teaching artificial intelligence agents to be moral and have ethics may

offset the perceived existential crisis with this technology (Butkus, 2020; Farisco, Evers, &

Salles, 2020; Miller, 2019). Artificial intelligence ethics are considered to be in the stage of

infancy, and how to attain ethical disciplines within the development phase still needs to be

conceptualized (Lo Piano, 2020). Though how are morality and ethics programmed into artificial

intelligence learning agents when moral virtue is derived from customs resulting from

preceding accomplishments of deeds and undertakings (Aristotle, 1834). Though moral agency

or imagination leads to moral awareness of ethical concerns and discernments exhibited in a

vast assortment of circumstances to discern if actions are ethical or unethical (Clara F.D. Costa

Ames, 2022), enough since virtue is unprogrammable requires time.

From an anthropocentric view, there are differentiations between human and artificial

intelligence reasoning and awareness that raises hypothetical obstacles and impediments for

artificial moral agency. As a result, there is uncertainty as to whether these artificial moral

agents should mimic and model human reasoning and awareness, leading to decision-making

(Butkus, 2020). Concerns exist with preprogrammed or naturally learning artificial agents.

Researchers Farisco et al. (2020) identified that essential human cognition components are

absent in current artificial intelligence agents. This could attest to the probable impossibility of

translation into specific artificial experiences, such as unsound reasoning and emotional

experiences. These absent components and challenges may provide roadblocks to ethical

contexts (Farisco, Evers, & Salles, 2020). If artificial intelligence agents contain insufficiencies or

discrepancies in emotional experiences and processing, there is a potential that they may

generate ethical concerns. Furthermore, reasoning may result in incompleteness or produce

morally offensive and unacceptable or illogical and incomprehensible suggestions,

endorsements, or advice, as there are challenges to optimizing for utilitarian logic or developing

code to account for moral obligations (Butkus, 2020) adequately.

Real concerns arise in artificial reasoning irrespective of utilizing conditionalized preset

coded ethical controls or allowing the agents to learn and self-actualize. One of these concerns

is that by trusting artificial intelligence learning agents to produce moral guidelines through

their own interpretation and comprehension of communications and connections to other

learning agents without constraints is the development of self-learning or unsupervised agents

demonstrating the worst moral and ethical behavior of humankind (Butkus, 2020). This is

currently seen in artificial intelligence learning agents embedded into various other

technologies, which are demonstrating both deliberate or intended and unintended or

accidental biases. These biases are a result of learning agents utilizing datasets containing bias

resulting in an output that is unjustifiably biased and discriminating (Lloyd, 2018). Negligent and

irresponsible inaccuracies and poor oversite in data collection, such as data mislabeling or

atypical representation of a group of individuals within the general population, has the

potential to develop into biases (Lloyd, 2018) that were previously mentioned along with other

risks and concerns that was addressed further, later on in this review of the literature.

Butkus (2020), quoting Wallach et al. (2008), stated that humans take a rare and distinctive

approach to making decisions involving moral choices. These choices are refined and enhanced

through time and adjusted or transformed by individualized experiences (Butkus, 2020; Wallach

& Allen, 2008); this statement can be traced back to Aristotle’s view in “The Nicomachean

Ethics of Aristotle” when he spoke on moral virtue (Aristotle, 1834).

Moral agency, whether human or non-human, is difficult to explain (Butkus, 2020).

However, it can be realized in part through the human cognitive framework. This framework

was cultivated and grew slowly through socialization instead of coding. This process exposes

humans to emotional prompts and the capacity to participate in an ethical process known as

moral imagination and perspective-taking, processes presently evading artificial intelligence

agents (Butkus, 2020). Perspective-taking is the capability relating to multiple aspects, including

comprehending another person's discernable and expressive appraisal of the phenomenon and

their perception and understanding of it (Duffy, 2019). As previously mentioned, moral

imagination is humankind's ability to facilitate moral awareness of ethical concerns, and

discernments exhibited in a vast assortment of circumstances to discern if actions are ethical or

unethical (Clara F.D. Costa Ames, 2022).

There are vulnerabilities both with socialization and the cognitive framework.

Socialization is vulnerable to social shaming, isolation, loneliness, separation, the predilection

for approval from a group, and a substantial detestation to disagreements and tensions within a

group. The cognitive framework is vulnerable to peer pressure, groupthink or conformity to

group values and ethics, and other group-related insufficiencies (Butkus, 2020). Morals are

essential for purposes and efforts that prompt or provoke ethical or social anxieties relating to,

but not limited to, defense, safety, or discernment about individuals (Miller, 2019). Moral

obligations must be isolated and extracted from all external factors methodically so that those

factors hold no influence or power on the individual's will, so that reason is the dominating

influencer (Kant, 1785).

Philosophical and theoretical constructs of Kantianism and utilitarianism regarding

moral agents are not achievable by humans. Paradoxically, it is more uncomplicated and

straightforward for technology such as artificial intelligence and learning agents to come close

to this seemingly unrealistic and venerated mechanism and medium than humans (Brożek &

Janik, 2019). Human history has shown that as a race, growth has occurred in its ability to

reason and think utilizing intellectual rationalization. This is validated by how they perceive the

work through their own phenomenological filters, deliberating and assessing whatever they

observe, identify, and comprehend. They employ and utilize interpretations, conclusions,

assumptions, and judgments, along with other rational and analytical associations, acting upon

scenarios and situations based on those experiences and observations. This framework's

apparent truth and genuineness identify why this or something similar should be used in

conceptualizing and theorizing an artificial cognitive agent (Butkus, 2020).

At what point in trying to achieve increased moral virtue and agency is the line crossed

into unethical behavior? Advancements in neuroscience and biotech have allowed for

manipulating moral thoughts, reflection, and conduct in humans by manipulating and changing

or overriding their biology using prescription medicine or medical techniques to encourage and

foster trust (Lara & Deckers, 2020). There is an explicit endeavor to distort and obscure the

boundary between biology and artificial creating objects and personas with similar will and

desire as humans and artificial biological elements nearly indistinguishable from their own.

While these creations may insinuate a recognition of morals, it also identifies the probability of

a moral conflict. Even if there is a potential for a parallel path that may occur with the

development of an artificial moral agent. (Butkus, 2020).

Several barriers exist to creating moral agency in artificial intelligence agents; these

include optimizing utilitarianism while accepting deontology. Additionally, emotional

restrictions are critical to human morals when addressing limited empathy—the ability to build

in or teach inductive and abductive reasoning. Artificial intelligence is becoming too human

through self-evolving moral and ethical reasoning, along with human ontological concerns rising

from the perception and capability to participate in moral reasoning (Butkus, 2020). However, it

is easy to romanticize artificial intelligence's dystopian and idyllic future when there is no

examination and consideration of the theoretical and real-world concerns they cultivate and

develop (Butkus, 2020). Changes and required replacements to bring about this dystopian and

idyllic future profound psychological aspect of the human condition that has been instilled

within everyone’s core, whether recognized and acted upon or disregarded. That is meaning

and existence. Humans have been convinced that their meaning of life or their sole existence is

based on and defined by their work (Lee, 2018). A change in perspective can overcome the fear

of nonexistence or loss of meaning. A philosophy that the existence and meaning of the human

condition are love, compassion, creativity, empathy, and charity. These are the differentiators

between artificial intelligence and humans, which artificial intelligence cannot replace.


There are many reasons to regulate and govern artificial intelligence; the commitments,

obligations, security, intellectual property, and privacy concerns related to the various robotics

systems, unpiloted aircraft or drones, driverless or autonomous automobiles, along with the

Internet of Things devices, and artificial intelligence-enhanced software solutions. Multiple

governmental agencies have recently created controls (NIST, 2020a) or are currently attempting

to develop regulations (ISO, 2020; Lilkov, 2021). Machine learning has been coupled with game

theory to portray the extent and magnitude of risk-related deliberation. Developers utilize

game theory to teach the learning agents strategic defense; this theory teaches more robust

and more intelligent algorithms to kill weaker algorithms. Developing algorithms in this fashion

reinforce the belief that autonomous systems will unavoidably and involuntarily encounter a

scenario where they must make a complicated and intricate ethical decision regarding whether

to obey or disobey a specific rule (Almeida, Santos, & Farias, 2020). Many different frameworks

govern and guide the actions and activities of all individuals and entities in society. The

discussion on controlling and managing artificial intelligence agents and the end product

enhanced with that technology is still open and heated. One of the reasons for the continual

discussion is that artificial intelligence agents that enhance technology are thought and

believed to be so technically evolved and cutting-edge that they have to be considered liable

and accountable for their activities, behaviors, and deeds as an alternative to the individual,

organization, or entity that either designed or operated them (Bertolini & Episcopo, 2022).

Discussions and subsequent debates centered on subjectivity and agency have dynamically

depicted the social, philosophical, and legal elements of artificial intelligence being human as

early as articles and discussions facilitated by Alan Turing in the 1950s. Numerous public and

private actions have created declarations delineating and depicting influential high-level

fundamentals, virtues, and other precepts meant to shepherd ethical growth, placement, and

governance of artificial intelligence (Mittelstadt, 2019). These debates and discussions intensify

when newly enhanced technology is introduced—such as autonomous vehicles and artificial

lifeforms such as Sophia receiving citizenship (Almeida, Santos, & Farias, 2020; Bertolini &

Episcopo, 2022; Gellers, 2020; Gunkel & Wales, 2021; Nyholm, 2018; Powell, 2020).

A framework based on unified regulations does not currently exist. However, should one

emerge, it would be more successful if based on principles (Mittelstadt, 2019). Additionally, a

governance framework will need to account for and take into consideration legal, ethical, and

moral discipline among the separate and distinguishable notions of being a responsible subject.

The idea of subjectivity, the nature of being that has existence and the philosophical design that

form must adapt to utilization, structure, and material, which stresses the interdependence of

patterns of society along with their interrelationship to maintain culture and social unity based

on the theory that value, especially the moral worth of an action should be based on evaluation

of its ramifications, fallouts, and consequences. Comprehending the differences between legal

concerns and mortality educates individuals conceptually and the interrelationships with other

domains (Bertolini & Episcopo, 2022).

Comprehending the differences between legal concerns and mortality educates

individuals conceptually and the interrelationships with other domains (Bertolini & Episcopo,

2022; Fossa, 2021). A thorough and universal perspective of the discussion on the personhood

of robotics and artificial intelligence agents is especially consequential, as it identifies the

abundance of concerns about its status within society. There are three intersecting functions or

vector strands of analysis. First, the ongoing discussion on subjectivity is at an intersection

where other disciplines, such as engineering, computer science, law, philosophy, and sociology,

have their abundance of perspectives and ideas concerning personhood. However, if these

perspectives were to be merged and welcomed, specific admonitions, forewarnings, and

caveats must be identified and agreed upon to avoid potential disadvantageous complications.

Secondly, in social sciences such as social psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics,

history, and criminology, to name a few, the discussion on subjectivity is structured over a

sequence of overlaying and contemporary issues and interrogatives such as favorable or

complimentary and unfavorable or adverse entitlements concerning moral and legal privileges

that artificial intelligence agents potentially be given (Bertolini & Episcopo, 2022). Thirdly, the

discussion on the subjectivity of artificial intelligence agents has the potential to be

differentiated and noteworthy, predicated on the worthiness of the perspective and conviction

regarding elevating technology to the standing of subjects as an approach to figuring out what

humans deem or regard as a moral or legal issue. Collectively these differences are essentially

significant as they work and function as indispensable mechanisms for the dissection and

complete understanding of what demands are brought forth, for what intention, and upon

what basis, building a rational, coherent framework (Bertolini & Episcopo, 2022). Effective

governance requires the identification of a pool of stakeholders mapped to efforts to ensure

the proper amount of individuals and the uniformity of procedures (Lo Piano, 2020). Utilizing

example-based explanations in machine language may assist with effectual and efficient

engagement of all individuals and stakeholders by aiding in overcoming the technical

divergence among developers, subject matter experts in other domains, and dilettantes or

individuals in society without specialized training or knowledge (Lo Piano, 2020; Molnar, 2020).

Another governance model presents itself as the answer to providing controls and

standards. An all-inclusive meta-framework for artificial intelligence in innovative and

exploratory technologies was put forward for further discussion. This framework style has

origins in a previous endeavor to encompass and incorporate all the approaches and

methodologies of governance purported and advanced that would be predicated on interlaced,

homogenized, and assimilated networks of guidance, mentoring, and dealings spanning all

domains, individuals, and stakeholders (Almeida, Santos, & Farias, 2020; Lo Piano, 2020).

Another model is The Interactive Governance Model for technology development, and legal

formulation highlights the characteristics of individuals and stakeholders, along with the need

for continual education and learning. Additionally, there is a requirement for a slow

incremental evolution of a lawful, moral, and ethical framework. Among the primary

advantages of this hybridized artificial intelligence governance model this model integrates top-

down with bottom-up regulatory activities in a gradual manner, consequently reducing the risk

presented by controlling and administrating a new object that is continuously fluctuating or in a

perpetual state of modification (Almeida, Santos, & Farias, 2020). Another governance model is

based on Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Social Contract Theory (Rousseau, 1920); therefore, it is

fortified and supported by society as a whole, adjusting the process of "man-in-loop" to

"society-in-loop." The flexibility and efficacy of this model come from individual user

recommendations and observations, consequently enhancing and improving cultivated

intelligence. If utilized to comprehend concerns associated with the utilization of artificial

intelligence goods and services, "society-in-loop" has the potential to become a governance

tool for technology consumers within society to regulate and be proactive in identifying those

components. A benefit of the model is a potential reduction in clashes and discordances among

safety, security, privacy, and equity-related notions, generalizations, and conceptions (Almeida,

Santos, & Farias, 2020).

Artificial intelligence is swiftly becoming universal or omnipresent (Uglum, 2021);

whether presented and epitomized by autonomous robots, automobiles, smart devices,

internet-of-things, or formless entities such as intelligent agents or decision-making systems, it

has the ability to enrich individual experiences for humankind. However, there are risks as it will

break down and bring about physical and non-physical harm. Non-physical regarding monetary

loss, expressing human bias, or deteriorating human dignity. These shortcomings can create

unequal and disparate influence and effectiveness due to novel, unconventional, fluctuating, or

erratic dangers, which could potentially lead to demoralization and, ultimately, humanity's

rejection of the technology. There are two paths to mitigating the risks; the first through

complex regulation and the other through communicating and being transparent about the

potential dangers (Mannes, 2020).

Risks and Societal Harm

As previously mentioned, an overwhelming amount of risk is associated with artificial

intelligence and learning agents. Risks, threats, and dangers can come in many forms, such as

privacy violations, bias resulting from data accuracy and cleanliness, societal implications,

inequality, lack of transparency, operational safety, job loss, stock market volatility, autonomy,

agent learning, bias in employment, artificial intelligence algorithms used to map out police

coverage not correctly optimized, enhanced military weaponry, and many more (Baryannis et

al., 2019; Eliacik, 2022; Hasan, Shams, & Rahman, 2021; Mannes, 2020; Neri & Cozman, 2020;

Starck, Bierbrauer, & Maxwell, 2022; Thomas, 2022)

Over the last several years, multiple incidents involving technology enhanced by

artificial intelligence learning agents have occurred. Some of those incidents are the stock

market crash brought on by trading tools integrated with artificial intelligence learning agents

(Kirilenko, 2017), automated medical prescription tools providing the wrong dosage to patients

(Chen, 2018; Yigitcanlar et al., 2020), incidents involving autonomous vehicles placing

passengers and pedestrians at risk (NTSB, 2019; Yigitcanlar et al., 2020), along with several

incidents that have raised concerns regarding privacy, public safety, and trust. Additionally,

societal implications have been identified by industry leaders Stephen Hawkings, Bill Gates,

Elon Musk, and several academic researchers who have been warning the nation's leaders for

more than a decade that caution is needed and that artificial intelligence development can be

dangerous (Eliacik, 2022; Gibbs, 2017; Marr, 2018; Thomas, 2022; Yampolskiy, 2016). Elon Musk

stated in an interview in 2018 that he believes a catastrophic incident could occur within the

next five years (Marr, 2018). Just a year early, Musk stated at the US National Governors

Association that “artificial intelligence is a rare case where I think we need to be proactive in

regulation instead of reactive. Because I think it was too late by the time we are reactive in

artificial intelligence regulation.” (Gibbs, 2017).


Risk comes in all forms regarding artificial intelligence and learning agents. Though the

question still remains as to why all these incidents are occurring. One school of thought is that

incidents continue to occur due in part to the issue of transparency of the machine learning

agents and algorithms. The lack of transparency or opaqueness in these agents and algorithms

makes establishing and identifying if the outputs are influenced or flawed unfeasible and

unmanageable (Majumder & Dey, 2022; Pancake & ACM US Public Policy Council, 2017; Tjoa &

Guan, 2021). The Association for Computing Machinery created seven principles for

transparency and accountability that align with their code of ethics that provide guidance

during every phase of system development (Pancake & ACM US Public Policy Council, 2017).

Artificial intelligence developers created and developed explainable artificial intelligence to

further reduce risk and add clarity. Explainable artificial intelligence or XAI is a collection of

techniques, approaches, and methodologies that provide users, engineers, and data scientists

the ability to decipher and understand the output and results generated by artificial intelligence

agents built with machine language algorithms in hopes of building and expand trust (Bunn,

2020; Gieling, 2022; Gunning & Aha, 2019; Langer et al., 2021; Ridley, 2022).

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Agents and Algorithms

Despite all the risks, dangers, and fears of artificial intelligence, many individuals have

faith and confidence in their belief that as a technology, artificial intelligence and its numerous

agents and algorithms could potentially aid in solving many of society’s utmost tenacious and

persistent concerns (Brooks, 2019; Eliacik, 2022) throughout many industry sectors such as

healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, retail, education, information technology, and

marketing along with numerous others (Pedamkar, 2019). Benefits from artificial intelligence

and its agents can be divided into two groups technical and financial. These groups are offset

and balanced by legal, social, and ethical concerns (Stahl et al., 2021).

Many wondrous benefits can be attained by utilizing artificial intelligence and its

associated agents and algorithms. Many of the risks that have been previously discussed were

at one time looked to benefit humankind (Baryannis et al., 2019; Eliacik, 2022; Gibbs, 2017;

Hasan, Shams, & Rahman, 2021; Lee, 2018; Mannes, 2020; Marr, 2018; Neri & Cozman, 2020;

Starck, Bierbrauer, & Maxwell, 2022; Thomas, 2022; Yampolskiy, 2016; Yigitcanlar et al., 2020).

To provide guidance, the discussion on the benefits of artificial intelligence is divided into

financial and technical.

The artificial intelligence revolution will bring enormous, extraordinary wealth and

immeasurable challenges in possible job replacements as artificial intelligence replaces jobs

with robotics (Lee, 2018). This replacement will occur in factories, truck drivers, customer

service, telesales, radiology, and hematology over the next ten to fifteen years (Lee, 2018).

Pricewaterhouse Coopers, commonly known as PwC, reported that artificial intelligence

contributed more than two trillion dollars to the economy in 2018. PwC predicted that artificial

intelligence’s contribution to the economy would grow to 15.7 trillion dollars by 2030 as

mainstream adoption of artificial intelligence continues to grow (Pedamkar, 2019). The growth

in fiscal contribution may result from the overall cost of artificial intelligence becoming less

expensive regarding computational power and third-party tools (Demir, n.d.)

The conclusive and explicit financial impact is a primary determining component in

building a justification for or in opposition to authorizing and financing probable solutions

enhanced by artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry (Wolff et al., 2020). When the

reason is made and approved, the impact of artificial intelligence on the healthcare system is

enormous. One impact is bionic technology enhanced by artificial intelligence agents, also

known as smart bionics (Joshi, 2020). Artificial intelligence-enhanced bionics can fulfill the

medical needs of millions of individuals suffering from cardiac disease, diabetes, pancreatic and

other cancers, spinal cord injuries, blindness, and traumatic brain injuries (Giles, 2014; Houser,

2021; Joshi, 2020; Powell, 2018; Stokes, 2019). Though these medical benefits and their

availability comes with a dark and disparaging concern regarding the social and ethical

implication that the availability and affordability of these devices could be seen as

discriminatory and socially irresponsible (Salleh, 2008) as only the wealthy have access and the

means to pay for them. Though this may never change, organizations and their leadership are

not altruistic in doing business. It has also been stated that true altruism is non-existent, as

psychological egoism says all human action is motivated and guided by self-interest. This means

that those that assist others are doing it to fulfill their own psychological needs as long as

voluntarily doing good for others does not come at a personal sacrifice or perceived hardship

(Kraut, 2020). Another medical benefit of using artificial intelligence is that artificial

intelligence-assisted diagnosis has reduced the number of unnecessary surgeries by thirty

percent (McGann, 2018).

It is common knowledge of the importance of technology to an organization’s success or

failure rate in today’s society. Technology is an integral component essential for supporting,

growing, and sustaining the organization (Farhanghi, Abbaspour, & Ghassemi, 2013). To

support growth and sustainment, organizations are investing in tools and platforms based on

organizational strategy (DeLoatch, 2018). Platforms include big data analytics, cloud

technologies, and robotics (Foote, 2021; IBM, 2021; NIST, 2019, 2020a; Oracle, n.d.; Paiva,

2020; Pallis, 2010; SAS Institute, n.d.). An essential reason for investing in big data analytics is

to achieve more accurate, predictive, and real-time possibilities (Hiter, 2021). However, data

analytics brings to light a societal risk in that data sets could potentially contain inaccurate data

and have programmed and learned biases, along with the protection of private information

(Hillier, 2021; Lloyd, 2018). Robotics brings about several social advantages and benefits, such

as preserving environmental resources, predicting natural disasters, improving education,

preventing violent acts through facial recognition, reducing job hazards associated with

repetitive, boring, dangerous, or unhealthy tasks (Brooks, 2019).

Gaps in the Literature

Current literature addresses multiple components identified in the conceptual

framework individually, though not as a whole. Upon conclusion of the literature, gaps exist in

how governance, ethics, morals, and risks impact an individual’s ability to trust in artificial

intelligence and its associated agents. Researchers like Dr. John D. Lee and Dr. Katrina See

started the conversation in 2004 when discussing trust in association with automation. Though

Lee and See’s research is nearly two decades old, it has not kept up with technology.

Additionally, a gap in the literature identifies whether the numerous issues in the nightly news

associated with artificial intelligence overshadow the potential benefits that artificial

intelligence brings to society or whether the opposite of benefits surpasses the total risk.

Furthermore, there was a gap in the literature that would indicate if current governance

controls adequately mitigated and resolve risks brought on by artificial intelligence.



The amount of literature on artificial intelligence and its agents is immense. However, it

is fragmented and siloed (Clay, 2018; Cox, 2021). The research in this study attempts to

defragment and remove the literature silos, creating a holistic view of artificial intelligence. As

outlined, literature falls into silos that prevent identifying, interconnecting, and relating

information. One of the reasons identified for this fragmentation and siloed literature is that

artificial intelligence is classified into sixteen categories (Oke, 2008). Interconnecting areas or

components will determine how much or little governance, ethics, morals, and risks impact an

individual’s ability to trust in artificial intelligence and its associated agents.

Chapter Summary

This chapter examined the interrelationship between trust, morality and ethics,

governance, risks, and benefits of artificial intelligence agents that comprise the body of

research. One of the literature objectives is to determine if standardized controls, ethical

governance, and the overall benefits of this technology outweigh its risks and, if so, what its

impact is on trust. Previous research has shown that trust consists of multiple layers: individual,

cultural, and organizational, which are influenced through interactions that are logical,

systematic, effective, and analogous. Utilizing the contextual layers of trust and the influencers

aid in understanding which layer is mistrust in this technology developed and then proselytized

to others.

As you may recall, David Marr (1977) stated that artificial intelligence is an example of a

human endeavor that started with a commitment of faith rather than on the results. In the

forty-six years since Marr made that statement, there have been a plethora of results. Results

that are both positive and negative, as previously identified. In this chapter, numerous

examples have shown how principles guiding the organization and representation of knowledge

point to and capture the universal disposition of humanity’s intellectual capabilities (Marr,


Capabilities of how trust is impacted and influenced by the creation and evolution of

individual context, organizational context, and cultural context (Lee & See, 2004). It is possible

by violating these contexts that trust is lost. Violation could occur through perceived impacts on

social well-being as witnessed through media. Impacts like those previously identified, such as

limited or lack of ethical or moral decision-making or actions (Butkus, 2020; Clara F.D. Costa

Ames, 2022; Farisco, Evers, & Salles, 2020), Governance issues (Almeida, Santos, & Farias, 2020;

Bertolini & Episcopo, 2022; Mittelstadt, 2019), Risk and social harm issues as identified by

previous researchers (Baryannis et al., 2019; Eliacik, 2022; Hasan, Shams, & Rahman, 2021;

Mannes, 2020; Neri & Cozman, 2020; Starck, Bierbrauer, & Maxwell, 2022; Thomas, 2022).

Chapter 3: Methodology, Design, and Methods

The problem is the need to understand if improving governance oversite, reducing, and

understanding risk, and the potential or promised benefits of artificial intelligence, impact the

public’s trust in artificial intelligence as inferred by previous research (ISO, 2020; NIST, 2020a;

WhiteHouse, 2019). The purpose of this qualitative exploratory study was to explore the

interrelationship of risks, benefits, and governance of artificial intelligence and its associated

learning agents to determine how they impact an individual's ability to trust artificial

intelligence. The conceptual framework that guides this study details the interrelationships of

the moral and ethical components affecting trust, possibly through governance, risks, benefits,

and an individual's inability to trust.

The framework is the lens to determine if governance improves or impacts societal

views on artificial intelligence. As previously explained, the study explores the interrelationship

and correlation of risks, benefits, and governance of artificial intelligence learning agents.

Implementing information assurance controls will reduce the risk of artificial intelligence

learning agents. Does improving governance oversite, reducing and understanding risk, along

with the potential or promised benefits of artificial intelligence impact the public's trust in

artificial intelligence?

This chapter will cover the chosen methodology of the study, along with the design and

the methods for data collection. It will introduce and explain why I decided on qualitative

research tradition and exploratory for my design. It will also discuss population selection,

requirement plans, and choosing qualitative surveys for data collection.


Research Methodology and Design

The research tradition I chose for my dissertation study is qualitative; the initial reason

for selecting this tradition was the belief that the literature on the study topic was limited due

to a perceived notion that the technology was newer than it was. The qualitative methodology

allows this viewpoint through the descriptive and open-ended survey questionnaire approach.

This, in turn, enables me to explore the phenomenon with different outlooks. How decisions

was made in this dissertation study is based on the philosophy of axiology, which includes

ethics and moral principles (Given, 2008) through ethics, judgments, values, and aesthetics,

which constructs the research approach (GuhaThakurta & Chetty, 2015; Thornhill, Lewis, &

Saunders, 2019). As a researcher, I would position myself as a blend of objectivism and

constructivism as there are elements in both that resonate with me based on the definitions

provided in “Learning Theories Analysis: Objectivism, Constructivism, and Technology”

(Marleneanu, 2013).

Methodological alignment is the logical sequence of ideas between a dissertation's

essential components from the introduction, problem and purpose statements, research

question, hypothesis, and methodology (Boitnott, 2022) using the same planned claims, lexicon

of jargon, and expressions, along with theories, beliefs, and expectations (Price, 2016). Through

connecting solutions and outcomes, design-based research leads to an improved alignment

between theory, actions, and measurements, which provides validity to the research or study

(Hoadley, 2004). Since design-based research is an approach and not a method (Herrington et

al., 2007), it can be utilized for quantitative or qualitative research, the two prevalent research

methods in computer science (Hazzan et al., 2006). The rationale for alignment is that the

research process becomes narrowly focused and clear; it eliminates needless work outside the

topic while producing clarity and understanding (Gavin, 2016; Jones, 2020). Alignment to a

particular degree program ensures that, as doctoral candidates, we can conduct discipline-

specific research in the given field within an appropriate amount of time, providing a timely

contribution (Gavin, 2016).

The chosen design for my dissertation study is exploratory. The exploratory design

approach was selected as it provides the flexibility to establish an opportunity to consider

various aspects of a problem (Romero, 2020). In aspects where the problem has not been

previously studied in-depth, literature is limited, and the discovery of new information or the

intention is not to provide a definitive solution (Dudovskiy, 2018; Given, 2008; Jupp, 2006;

Romero, 2020). Exploratory design works well with the continuum of research tradition

archetype intermediate as it would allow me to propose associations or connections between

old and new paradigms while utilizing a hybrid approach for collecting data (Edmondson &

Mcmanus, 2007).

A method is a way of conducting research; it is the systems and techniques whose

purpose and function support the methodology governing the dissertation (Osanloo & Grant,

2016). As my dissertation study is looking to determine, in part, the how and why, the plan for

data collection is to conduct qualitative questionnaires as the approach brings value to a

computer science dissertation (Hazzan et al., 2006). The data sampling was established on non-

probability selection based on a fixed process to limit sample bias and increase the quality of

the data (QuestionPro, 2021). Also, sampling will employ a convenience technique as the ability

to gain participants is easy to access (StatisticsSolutions, 2021). As far as data analysis methods,

there is no single perfect analysis method; therefore, the plan is to utilize triangulation through

content analysis of participants’ responses from multiple groups (Warren, 2020). Triangulation

was selected because it uses two or more QDA methodologies (Warren, 2020), allowing me to

look for new and pre-existing research patterns.

Investigating the phenomenon of human emotions and beliefs in Interrelationship to

the risks, benefits, and governance of artificial intelligence and its agents falls directly in line

with the Doctor of Computer Science with a concentration in cybersecurity and information

assurance. As laid out previously, artificial intelligence agents are a part of many applications

and tools used in everyday life. As the adoption of these learning agents increased, so has the

perception that artificial intelligence is the killer of humanity. This “killer of humanity”

perception comes partly from a weakened level of trust resulting from numerous incidents

elevating the risk of this technology. The security of the public’s private information is a critical

tenant of cybersecurity and information assurance.

Population, Sample, and Participant Recruitment

The target population for the study was split between members of general society and

technology professionals with the criterion preference of 10 years of experience; however, a

minimum of 5 years will suffice in cybersecurity, information security compliance, artificial

intelligence development, and artificial intelligence innovators. Further, the target population

of technology professionals was accessed through LinkedIn. Given this additional constraint, the

target population of technology professionals within the United States is estimated to be

approximately 100,000.

Using a cross between purposive and convenience sampling methods, a sample of 112

respondents dispersed equally through the previously mentioned technology-related fields, and

members of general society were selected. However, data saturation was the ultimate endpoint

assessment for the sample size. The sampling of data was established on non-probability

selection based on a fixed process to limit sample bias and increase the quality of the data

(QuestionPro, 2021). Sampling will employ a convenience technique as the ability to gain

participants is easy to access (StatisticsSolutions, 2021).

Participant recruitment will occur after attaining approval from Colorado Technical

University’s (CTU) Institutional Review Board (IRB). CTU’s IRB is a committee that reviews and

monitors research involving human subjects to ensure it is ethical. Upon receiving this approval,

recruitment will occur through professional groups within the LinkedIn social media platform

using a recruitment flyer to target the technology professionals and through SurveyMonkey

using their participant pool and process to target the general members of society.

Data Collection Instrumentation and Procedures

As my dissertation study is looking to determine, in part, the how and why, the plan for

data collection is to use a qualitative survey to collect participant feedback. Qualitative surveys,

or questionnaires, are suggested as the approach brings value to a computer science

dissertation (Hazzan et al., 2006). The instruments I will use for data collection are the

qualitative survey questions outlined in Appendix A. The survey questions were designed

following the conceptual framework and identified literature outlined in chapter two.

Additionally, I reviewed several other dissertations to determine the proper formation of the

questions. All survey questions will undergo an expert review process where the subject matter

expert will critique them to ensure that the concepts are utilized correctly, and the language is

appropriate for the target populations.

The survey procedure combines posting a recruitment flyer in LinkedIn professional

groups and using a private pool of survey participants from SurveyMonkey that meet the survey

criteria. Upon receipt of interest from respondents of the survey flyer, an email invite with the

URL was sent to the prospective participant. The email invite was the only way to authenticate

a participant and access the survey. Participants must agree to the informed consent

agreement before seeing the survey questions. Certain logic is embedded into the platform that

will hide questions based on answers received from survey criteria questions. The data

collected is personal and reveals the respondent's feelings, values, and beliefs. The design of

open-ended questions allows the respondent to provide more than a yes or no response.

All participants were given a pseudonym to protect their identity. Data was stored

securely by the researcher offline, as discussed in the following ethical assurances section. The

following list is a numerical process flow of what was needed for data collection:

A. Creation of open-ended semi-structured questions for surveys or questionnaires

B. IRB approval

C. Secure storage setup

D. Posting the recruitment flyer on LinkedIn professional interest groups per the LinkedIn

User Agreement. Interested members will contact me, at which time I will provide them

with the survey link through SurveyMonkey. Interested individuals will agree to the

informed consent form as the first step of the survey process before collecting data.

E. I instructed SurveyMonkey to solicit their member pool for recruitment. Interested

members will provide consent to the study before beginning the qualitative survey.

F. Refreshing the recruitment flyer daily to ensure it stays at the top of the discussion


G. Collect and categorize responses allowing for a more straightforward interpretation of

raw data.

Data Analysis Procedures

The selected data coding method is two different methods, open and axial. This

selection is because open coding is the initial phase of Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA), creating

the categories. Axial then will follow up with making the linkages, further expounding on the

data using inductive and deductive theory until a pattern is identified in step one below (Sage,


The utilization of automated analysis tools provides numerous benefits. For this

dissertation, the benefits of MAXQDA’s to aid in the literature review process through

integration with EndNote are intriguing.

The following is a numerical process flow of what was used for the data analysis.

A. The selected types chosen for this study are Open-coding and Axial. Open coding was

the initial type used to familiarize me with the data, categorize it, and make initial

interpretations. Axial allowed me to refine and reduce the categories, identifying data

properties and linkages between the data (Sage, 2021).

B. Qualitative survey responses were downloaded from SurveyMonkey.


C. I read the collected data using Open-coding and Axial coding types, color-coded the

critical phenomena identified, and then categorized the multiple phenomena.

D. I Determined the coding categories and associated color schema for the open type.

E. Convert Open coding to axial, creating the linkages, and further expounding on the data

using inductive and deductive theory until a pattern was identified.

F. Compared patterns to the conceptual map to ensure alignment.

G. I Reevaluated the collected data using the processes provided within the MaxQDA tool.


Rigor and trustworthiness are provided through a scientific methodology that aims to

give a strict purview of the research question. This scientific methodology is sometimes

referred to as a systematic review which was included in my conceptual framework. Systematic

means that the researcher explores, chooses, and controls the best evidence for the research

founded on a well-defined strategy with consistency. A systematic review attempts to organize

the evidence to fit a particular set of rules that uses a precise approach to minimize bias to

produce reliable findings (University of Limerick, 2018). A critical factor in reducing bias in a

systematic review is looking at the hierarchy of evidence; understanding that experimental

studies are more rigorous results in less bias than an observational study where the estimate of

effects is more substantial, though heavily biased (Bruce & Mollison, 2004). By employing a

rigorous scientific and systematic research study and review of the evidence, the

trustworthiness of the research increases as the researcher’s bias is minimalized.

Trustworthiness in qualitative data is often defined using four naturalistic terms:

credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability (Guba, 1981). Each of these terms

aligns with four aspects and scientific representations of trustworthiness. However, sometimes

a fifth criterion is utilized, reflexivity (Stenfors, Kajamaa, & Bennett, 2020). In the following

subsection headers, the mapping of Naturalistic – Aspect – Scientific Term as identified by Guba


Credibility – Truth Value

Credibility is recognized through the researcher's ability to align theory, the research

question, collected data, analysis, and the results (Stenfors, Kajamaa, & Bennett, 2020). Within

the alignment framework, the researcher must ensure a proper sampling strategy, the

broadness, and depth of the literature, and systematically apply an analytical mindset that

continually critiques the data while looking for gaps and applicability.

Credibility demands that the methodology chosen to be well explained and supported

to the extent that the collection methods and the amount of information should be appropriate

for the chosen methodology. The confirmability audit can be conducted with the dependability

audit; the researcher validates that the data and interpretations are supported by coherent

material in the audit trail representing more than “figments of the researcher’s imagination”

(Guba & Lincoln, 1989). Credibility will also be obtained by asking the same questions in

multiple and different ways.

Dependability – Consistency - Reliability

Dependability is recognized through my ability to ensure sufficient data is available

consistently. The purpose of ensuring data availability and consistency is so that another

researcher following the same procedural steps can reproduce and replicate the research. This

is achieved through carefully monitoring the design and maintaining a thorough audit trail. The

audit trail requires a comprehensive account of research events and processes, influences on

data collection and analysis, and developing ideas, classifications, prototypes, and analytical

patterns (Universal Teacher, n.d.). However, replicability is impossible as we cannot assess the

same data twice. By definition, if we assess twice, we have evaluated two different data sets.

Thus, to approximate reliability, scholars must assemble a variety of theoretical concepts to get

around the replicability issue (Trochim, 2020).

Confirmability – Neutrality - Objectivity

Confirmability implies the extent to which the results can be confirmed and

corroborated (Trochim, 2020). It is often recognized through the researcher's ability to link and

clearly show how the collected data relates to the findings. The participants shape those

findings more than the researcher (Static Solutions, 2017). This can be accomplished through

descriptive details and quotations from the authors of the collected literature outlined in an

audit trail documentation. Along with audit documentation, reflexivity is required. To ensure

confirmability, another researcher can review the audit trail and play the “Devil’s Advocate”

role, contradicting the findings and recording these contradictions in the audit trail (Trochim,

2020). From there, the original researcher can build the rebuttals and additional research into

the study. However, since I am the only researcher, I will play both roles.

Transferability – Applicability

Transferability is recognized through the researcher’s ability to provide a “Thick

Description” (Geertz, 1973); otherwise, the descriptive detail of the context in which the

research process was developed and how this process shaped the study's overall findings. This

ensures that the applicability requirement of situational and chronological variations is


irrelevant to the results, allowing relevance in any setting (Guba, 1981). Removing these

variations and knowing a great deal about the transferring and receiving conditions provides a

fittingness that will enable the study’s findings to be transferred to another setting, group, or



Reflexivity is not one of Guba and Lincoln’s original components of trustworthiness;

however, it is just as important. Reflexivity allows the researcher to provide continual reflection

(Dixon, 2018) through introspective thought and contextually interrelating the participants,

data, and themselves. Reflexivity increases credibility and deepens the reader's understanding

of the study (Dodgson, 2019). Reflexivity can be separated into dualistic encampments;

prospective and retrospective (Attia & Edge, 2017; Edge, 2011). Prospective signifies the impact

the scholar has on the research. Retrospective represents the research's impact on the scholar

(Attia & Edge, 2017; Dixon, 2018). As briefly mentioned, reflexivity aids in increasing credibility

through the reduction of bias. Due to the subjective nature of qualitative research, reflexivity is

crucial as a scholar’s bias could influence the study in various ways. Bias can seep into the

study, starting with creating data gathering tools, collecting data, then analyzing and reporting

it (Dixon, 2018).

Ethical Assurances

The most popular way to define ethics is the standards for behavior and conduct that

differentiate between appropriate and deplorable conduct (Resnik, 2011). Ethics and morals

are not straightforward as one may think, as personal values and life experiences add to the

interpretation of ethics and morals. To further muddy the waters, ethics may focus on a

research discipline, then defined based on a particular method, perspective, or procedure for

analyzing complex issues. Individuals will conclude that their perspective is the most ethical and

moral (Resnik, 2011). Ethics promotes truth, knowledge, and error avoidance; it gives the

researcher knowledge and awareness of their self-prohibitions against fabricating, falsifying, or

misrepresenting research. Researchers understand that supporting or participating in those

actions is deplorable and leads to a lack of trust and integrity. Trust, ethics, morals, and

integrity are essential for collaborative research (Resnik, 2011). Ethical dilemmas may occur,

and a novice or even a seasoned researcher may encounter them during data collection or

analysis. Some of these encounters have severe ethical and legal implications. Handling these

ethically important moments is known as ethics in practice (Guillemin & Gillam, 2004).

The study includes trust, ethics, and morals, extending beyond practice-based issues. It

touches on the core of societal values; therefore, it is a must to ensure that the assurances

discussed include a synopsis of what ethics and morals mean. Additionally, it ensures that

future researchers will understand the value this study has on the technology industry and


Title 45, part 46, is the policy for protecting human subjects, otherwise known as the

‘Common Rule.’ This 1991 policy was based on the 1979 Belmont Report. This policy provides

the necessary provisions for schools, informed consent of subjects, and compliance assurance

(Health and Human Services, 2016). As stated by the National Science Foundation (2020), this

rule's importance is that people should not be participating without knowledgeable permission

and that subjects should not sustain an elevated risk of mental or physical impairment from

their contribution (National Science Foundation, n.d.). Furthermore, to reinforce the


importance of HSP is that by using it, I, as the researcher minimize the likelihood of any

potential risk and harm to the participants (White, 2020). Including HSP in research aids in

ethical research by providing a framework that benefits both the researcher and the

participants, shows respect, and provides justice (NCBI.gov et al., 2016). Using the definition of

“No More Than Minimal Risk” as defined by the National Institute of Mental Health (N.D.),

which states minimal risk means that the likelihood and extent of damage, distress, or anxiety

are not greater than those encountered in their everyday routines in terms of physical and

psychological wellbeing and that confidentially is protected (NIMH.NIH.gov). Maintaining the

“No More Than Minimal Risk” approach is vital as it protects the participant, the researcher,

and the school. Not following this approach places the participant in undue distress and

discomfort and could have long-term physical and mental effects extending past the research's

initial timeframe.

To accomplish the points documented here, I will provide and collect informed consent

from participants. They were apprised of the prospective and possibility of risk of privacy and

that I will mitigate that risk by appointing the participants an ID instead of associating the data

with their names. Data is secured and stored in a locked safe for seven years that only I can

access. After seven years, the data will be destroyed. Participants were informed that there is

likely no direct benefit to them for participating in the study but that the findings may add to

the body of knowledge. The Colorado Technical University Institutional Review Board will

review and approve the study.


Chapter Summary

To summarize chapter three, the methods information was provided on the collection of

data and its analysis. Identification was made on automation tools such as MaxQDA used to

analyze survey questions outlined in Appendix A. An additional discussion was held on rigor,

trustworthiness, ethics, and ethical dilemmas. The outcome of this discussion is that rigor and

trustworthiness are attained through reflexivity and other methodology that provides a strict

perspective of my research question. Ethics and ethical dilemmas was addressed through

axiology and reinforced through the golden or common rule outlined within the IRB process

(Health and Human Services, 2016).


Chapter 4: Findings

In this chapter, the findings from this qualitative study were outlined for review. The

purpose of the qualitative survey was to aid in understanding the purpose of this study, which

is to explore the interrelationship of risks, benefits, and governance of artificial intelligence and

its associated learning agents to determine how they impact an individual's ability to trust

artificial intelligence. The perception being explored is society's belief that there is an

existential crisis in humanity (BigThink, 2020; Gibbs, 2017; Roberts, 2021), culminating from

numerous issues concerning public safety, privacy, and other societal implications and whether

this perception affects a person’s ability to trust and accept the technology. This purpose aids in

furthering the grasp of the underlying problem, that is, the need to know if improving

governance oversite, reducing and understanding risk, and the potential or promised benefits

of artificial intelligence impact the public's trust in artificial intelligence as inferred by previous

research (ISO, 2020; NIST, 2020a; WhiteHouse, 2019). This problem has been identified and

supported by standards organizations such as ISO (ISO, 2020) and NIST (NIST, 2020), along with

the Trump administration (WhiteHouse, 2019).

Description of the Study Sample

The target population for the study was split between members of general society and

technology professionals with the preference of 10 years of experience; however, a minimum

of 5 years sufficed in cybersecurity, information security compliance, artificial intelligence

development, and artificial intelligence innovators. Using a cross between purposive and

convenience sampling methods, a sample of 112 respondents dispersed through technology-

related fields and members of general society was selected.


Table 1 presents data collected from the completed survey by study participants. The

data is presented in aggregate form for the entire sample and then further split into groups of

technical and nontechnical respondents. Demographics of gender, age group, and regions of

the continental United States are provided in Table 1. The most common age range selected

was greater than 60 years of age. The gender distribution only varied by less than 4%.

However, in an effort to collect as much data as possible, results of some themes include

responses from partially completed surveys where the responses provided valuable and usable

data. Incorporating data from incomplete surveys provides an inclusive and axiological sample.

Uncompleted surveys with responses have a total sample of 212 mixed between technical and

non-technical groups. In the spirit of exploratory qualitative studies, numerical values are not

the focal point. However, the numerical figures provided are to illustrate the perspectives of all


Table 1

Study Participant Data of Completed Surveys


Target Sampling Final Age Rage Area Gender

Population Method Sample Size
Technical Purposive 112 18-29 = 18 (16.07%) Continental Male = 54
and non- and 30-44 = 33 (29.46%) United (48.21%)
technical Convenience 45-60 = 20 (17.86%) States
> 60 = 41 (36.61%) Female =

Break Down

Total Gender Age Groups Regions

Participants Continental United
Technical 17 Male = 14 18-29 = 3 East North Central = 1
(15.18%) (12.5%) (2.68%) East South Central = 0
Female = 3 30-44 = 5 Middle Atlantic = 5
(2.68%) (4.46%) Mountain = 2
45-60 = 5 New England = 0
(4.46%) Pacific = 2
> 60 = 4 (3.57%) South Atlantic 4
West North Central = 3
West South Central =0

Non-technical 95 Male = 40 18-29 = 15 East North Central = 17

(84.82%) (35.71%) (13.39%) East South Central = 4
Female = 55 30-44 = 28 (25%) Middle Atlantic = 21
(49.11%) 45-60 = 15 Mountain = 7
(13.39%) New England = 6
> 60 = 37 Pacific = 10
(33.04%) South Atlantic 12
West North Central = 8
West South Central = 10


The results of this study are present in seven themes regarding:

A. The participant’s understanding of artificial intelligence,

B. Ethics, and morals in artificial intelligence research and development,

C. Trusting in artificial intelligence,

D. The benefits of artificial intelligence,

E. Word of mouth and media its influence and impact on artificial intelligence,

F. Governance and oversight for artificial intelligence, and

G. Managing risk of artificial intelligence.


Results are presented to contrast varying perspectives. Not all participants responded to

all questions. Those who did not respond are not noted in the narrative that follows. As stated

above, in some instances, more respondents answered questions, thus showing a difference in

the overall participant sample for that particular finding.

The Participant's Understanding of Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence section identified the participants’ current understanding of

artificial intelligence technology and their beliefs on what societal and human rights issues may

arise from it. In the technical group, 82.4% (N=14) indicated that they understood what artificial

intelligence is, while 5.9% (N=1) did not, and one participant did not respond. In comparison,

59.6% (N=56) of non-technical workers also understand what artificial intelligence is, 28.7%

(N=27) did not, and the remaining twenty-seven did not respond.

To get a clearer understanding of the participant's understanding and knowledge of

artificial intelligence, participants were asked if they knew the difference between artificial

intelligence in research and implemented into everyday products versus artificial intelligence

represented on television and in the movies. Interestingly, technical workers were split evenly

between knowing there is a difference; there is no difference with 11.8% (N=2), while 17.6%

(N=3) of technical workers indicate that fictional artificial intelligence is a prelude to future

development. In comparison, those who do not work in technology showed that 26.5% (N=25)

understand there is a difference, 9.6% (N=9) indicate there is no difference between the two,

and 23.4% (N=22) believe that fictional artificial intelligence is a prelude to what is to come with

the remaining fifty-four participants has no thoughts on the subject. To support this further,

respondent 27 indicated that fictional artificial intelligence is more intelligent than real artificial

intelligence, where unreal or fictional artificial intelligence provides the impression that it

knows something. In contrast, real artificial intelligence only predicts events based on coded or

developed algorithms and datasets provided as training data. However, many respondents see

fictional artificial intelligence as a prelude and foreshadowing of what will come from the


When reviewing the participant’s perspective on whether artificial intelligence will

cause some form of social issue or crisis for humanity, 11.8% (N=2) participants who work in the

technology industry indicated that they do not foresee any human rights issues in comparison

to 16% (N=15) of those who do not work in the technology industry. Additionally, 51.1% (N=48)

of non-technical workers indicate some type of social implication or human rights issues, in

contrast to 47.1 % (N=8) of technology workers. Many respondents identified that they are

concerned with the number of negative issues that have been reported resulting from artificial

intelligence. Several of these respondents indicated that the technology would continue to

grow unchecked and become too powerful to control once the realization occurs that control is

required as artificial intelligence will not care about who should be protected and does not

contain any ability of forethought to consider potential outcomes from potential decisions

being made.

Ethics and Morals in Artificial Intelligence Research and Development

Ethics and morals in artificial intelligence research and development provided varied

responses from respondents. However, respondent 27 indicated artificial intelligence is only as

moral and ethical as those who research, develop, control, and utilize the technology. In the

technical group, 35.3% (N=6) believe ethics and morals are essential in researching and

developing artificial intelligence. No technology worker reported that it was unimportant;

however, 23.5% (N=4) believe that the utilization of ethics and morals should be increased.

Interestingly, only 5.9% (N=1) of technology workers believe that ethics and morals are

currently being used, while 23.5% (N=4) believe that it is not used.

In comparison, 34% (N=32) of respondents who do not work in the technology industry

indicated that ethics and morals are essential to research and development, while 33% showed

that the utilization of ethics and morals should be increased. Though 1.1% (N=1) respondents

said ethics and morals are unimportant. Interestingly, only 2.1% (N=2) of participants who do

not work in the technology industry believe that ethics and morals are currently being used,

while 30.9% (N=29) believe it is not.

When questioned about potential ethical issues caused by artificial intelligence, the

respondents mentioned safety, employment/job loss, human rights infringement, and

proprietary data and ownership infringement, as shown below (see Table 2).

Table 2

Moral and Ethical Issues Breakdown

Safety Employment / Human Rights Proprietary Data

Job Loss and Ownership
Technology 11.8% (N=2) -- 23.5% (N=4) 11.8% (N=2)
Non-Technology 2.1% (N=2) 3.2% (N=3) 29.8% (N=28) 13.8% (N=13)

Though when looking at just human rights issues and society within the uncoded raw

survey results where more respondents provided feedback, 11.76% (N=2) of technology

respondents indicated that artificial intelligence does not or will not cause an adverse or

negative impact, while 52.94% (N=9) stated that it will; additionally 35.29% (N=6) told that they

believe specific human rights campaigns and societal beliefs influence the research and

development of artificial intelligence, while no one from the group believes that it negatively

affects the research and development of artificial intelligence. In comparison, 13.92% (N=11) of

nontechnology respondents indicated that artificial intelligence does not or will not cause

adverse or negative impact, while 31.65% (N=25) stated that it will; additionally, 36.71% (N=29)

indicated that they believe specific human rights campaigns and societal beliefs influence the

research and development of artificial intelligence, while 17.72% (N=14) from the group

believes that it negatively affects the research and development of artificial intelligence.

Trusting in Artificial Intelligence and Its Impacts on It

When asked if artificial intelligence should be trusted, 64.7 % (N=11) of technology

workers said that artificial intelligence should not be trusted; 51.1% (N=48) of non-technical

workers agreed with technology workers. In comparison, 11.8% (N=2) of technology workers

and 6.4% (N=6) of non-technical workers indicated that it can be trusted. Of those who

indicated that artificial intelligence could be trusted, one participant noted that artificial

intelligence could be helpful with helping low-income and low-education level individuals.

Additionally, 11.8% (N=2) of technology workers indicated that artificial intelligence should

undergo further research before the technology is trusted. In comparison, 18.1% (N=17) stated

the same viewpoint.

When looking at trust, respondents were asked about risks, governance, benefits, and

transparency and how they impacted their ability to trust artificial intelligence. Regarding

transparency, 52.9% (N=9) of technology workers believe the lack of transparency affects their

ability to trust artificial intelligence. In comparison, 17.6% (N=3) said transparency does not

impact trusting the technology. In contrast, 50% (N=47) of respondents who do not work in the

technology industry indicated that the lack of transparency affects their ability to trust artificial

intelligence. In comparison, 3.2% (N=3) said it had no impact.

When asked whether risk concerns, governance frameworks, potential issues, and

actual or perceived benefits of artificial intelligence affect individuals’ ability to trust, the

technology workers indicated that they impacted their ability to trust. In the technology group,

53% (N=9) of workers said that it impacted their ability to trust, while 5.9% (N=1) said it had no

impact. In comparison, 60.6% (N=57) of those working outside the technology industry said that

it impacted their ability to trust, while 8.5% (N=8) said it had no impact.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

When asked whether artificial intelligence's actual or promised benefits affected how

the participants felt about the technology, 54.4% (N=54) of those not employed in the

technology indicated that benefits affect their thoughts about the technology. In comparison,

35.3% (N=6) of technology workers responded similarly.

When asked whether benefits offset any current or potential risk from artificial

intelligence, 11.8% (N=2) of technology workers stated that any realized or promised benefits

from artificial intelligence offset any existing or potential risk. In comparison, 52.9% (N=9) said

that benefits do not offset the risks. In contrast, 8.5% (N=8) of those not employed in the

technology industry indicated that benefits offset risks. In comparison, 55.3% (N=52) stated

that benefits do not offset any current or potential risk associated with artificial intelligence.

When asked if actual or promised benefits encourage the participant to trust artificial

intelligence, 35.3% (N=6) of technology workers said it did not, while 29.4% (N=5) said they did.

In comparison, 44.7% (N=42) of participants who do not work within the technology industry

indicated that any actual or promised benefits do not encourage them to trust artificial

intelligence, while 10.6% (N=10) say they do.

Word of Mouth and Media - its Influence and Impact on Artificial Intelligence

To get a fuller understanding as to where the participants get their understanding of

artificial intelligence and whether it is an influencer in their perception of the technology, the

participants were asked whether television, media, movies, and word of mouth influenced their

emotions, the effects and impacts, the safety, overall opinion, and trust of artificial intelligence.

Feedback resulted in the theme of word of mouth and media – its influence and impact on

artificial intelligence. They were asked to rate their responses in the following ranges: great

deal, a lot, a moderate amount, a little, and not at all.

When asked, “How does exposure to media, movies, television shows, and word of

mouth about artificial intelligence influence your emotions about the topic?” In the technical

group, 73.69% (N=14) of workers indicated that it influenced their emotions at least a little,

while 26.32% (N=5) stated that it did not. In comparison, 75.72% (N=78) of nontechnology

workers indicated that it influenced their emotions at least a little, while 24.27% (N=25) stated

that it did not. To fully understand these results of the responses, a breakdown of the 19

technical workers and the 103 non-technical workers' responses are outlined in the following

table (see Table 3):


Table 3

Influences Emotions

Great Deal A lot Moderate A Little Not at all

Technology 15.79% 10.53% 15.79% 31.58% 26.32%
Workers (N=3) (N=2) (N=3) (N=6) (N=5)
Nontechnology 11.65% 14.56% 27.18% 22.33% 24.27%
workers (N=12) (N=15) (N=28) (N=23) (N=25)

When asked, “How does exposure to media, movies, television shows, and word of

mouth about artificial intelligence influence your perceptions regarding the effects of artificial

intelligence?” In the technical group, 73.68% (N=14) of workers indicated that it influenced

their perception of effects and impacts at least a little, while 23.32% (N=5) stated that it did

not. In comparison, 75.25% (N=76) of nontechnology workers indicated that it influenced their

perception of effects and impacts at least a little, while 24.25% (N=25) stated that it did not. To

fully understand these results of the responses, a breakdown of the 19 technical workers and

the 101 non-technical workers are outlined in the following table (see Table 4):

Table 4

Influences the perception of effects and impacts.

Great Deal A lot Moderate A Little Not at all

Technology 15.79% 10.53% 26.32% 21.05% 26.32%
Workers (N=3) (N=2) (N=5) (N=4) (N=5)
Nontechnology 11.88% 16.83% 19.80% 26.73% 24.75%
workers (N=12) (N=17) (N=20) (N=27) (N=25)

When asked, “How does exposure to media, movies, television shows, and word of

mouth about artificial intelligence influence your perceptions regarding the safety of artificial

intelligence?” In the technical group, 73.68% (N=14) of workers indicated that it influenced

their perceptions regarding safety at least a little, while 26.32% (N=5) stated that it did not. In

comparison, 72.28% (N=73) of nontechnology workers indicated that it influenced their

perceptions regarding safety at least a little, while 27.72% (N=28) stated that it did not. To fully

understand these results of the responses, a breakdown of the 19 technical workers and the

101 non-technical workers are outlined in the following table (see Table 5):

Table 5

Influences Perception Regarding Safety

Great Deal A lot Moderate A Little Not at all

Technology 5.26% 10.53% 31.58% 26.32% 26.32%
Workers (N=1) (N=2) (N=6) (N=5) (N=5)
Nontechnology 11.88% 11.88% 22.77% 25.74% 27.72%
workers (N=12) (N=12) (N=23) (N=26) (N=28)

When asked, “How does exposure to media, movies, television shows, and word of

mouth about artificial intelligence influence your opinion of artificial intelligence?” In the

technical group, 73.68% (N=14) of technology workers indicated that it influenced their opinion

at least a little, while 26.32% (N=5) stated that it did not. In comparison, 76.24% (N=77) of

nontechnology workers indicated that it influenced their opinion at least a little, while 23.76%

(N=24) stated that it did not. To fully understand these results of the responses, a breakdown of

the 19 technical workers and the 101 non-technical workers are outlined in the following table

(see Table 6):


Table 6

Influences Opinion of Artificial Intelligence

Great Deal A lot Moderate A Little Not at all

Technology 0% 26.32% 26.32% 21.05% 26.32%
Workers (N=0) (N=5) (N=5) (N=4) (N=5)
Nontechnology 10.89% 12.87% 19.80% 32.67% 23.76%
workers (N=11) (N=13) (N=20) (N=33) (N=24)

When asked, “How does exposure to media, movies, television shows, and word of

mouth about artificial intelligence influence your perceptions regarding trust in artificial

intelligence?” In the technical group, 68.42% (N=13) of workers indicated that it influenced

their perceptions regarding trust at least a little, while 31.58% (N=6) stated that it did not. In

comparison, 70.30% (N=71) of nontechnology workers indicated that it influenced their

perceptions regarding trust at least a little, while 29.70% (N=30) stated that it did not. To fully

understand these results of the responses, a breakdown of the 19 technical workers and the

101 non-technical workers are outlined in the following table (see Table 7):

Table 7

Influence Perception Regarding Trust

Great Deal A lot Moderate A Little Not at all

Technology 10.53% 10.53% 26.32% 21.05% 31.58%
Workers (N=2) (N=2) (N=5) (N=4) (N=6)
Nontechnology 13.86% 8.91% 22.77% 24.75% 29.70%
workers (N=14) (N=9) (N=23) (N=25) (N=30)

Governance and Oversight of Artificial Intelligence

Governance includes many areas. Participants were asked about general governance

and oversight. They were asked whether governance impacts how they trust artificial

intelligence and whether governance frameworks with multiple mechanisms are needed to

limit the risk of artificial intelligence.

When investigating whether governance and oversight are needed for artificial

intelligence, 64.7% (N=11) of technology workers indicated that it is required. In comparison,

those not employed within the technology industry have a similar response, with 61.7% (N=58)

showing a need for it. Additionally, 11.8% (N=2) of technology workers indicated that

governance and oversight of artificial intelligence are beneficial, compared to 9.6% (N=9) of

nontechnology workers. However, 35.3% (N=6) of technology workers believe that further

research and exploration of governance and oversight models are needed, compared to 34%

(N=32) of participants not working in technology.

While both groups saw a need for governance, they had mixed beliefs on its impact. In

the technical group, 4.58% (N=6) of workers indicated that increased governance would reduce

potential negative issues of artificial intelligence, while 4.58% (N=6) indicated that it will not. In

comparison, 22.14% (N=29) of non-technical workers showed that increased governance

decreases the likelihood of potential negative impact, while 12.21% (N=16) stated that it will

not. Furthermore, 2.29% (N=3) of technology workers indicated that increased governance

would stifle and restrict artificial intelligence innovation, compared to 9.92% (N=37) of non-

technical workers who agreed with that sentiment.

Regarding morals and ethical decision-making within artificial intelligence research and

development, 3.82% (N=5) of technology workers indicated that increased governance would

lead to more ethical and moral decision-making by researchers and developers. However, no

participants in that group stated that it would not improve ethics and moral decision-making. In

comparison, 28.24% (N=37) of nontechnology workers indicated that increased governance

would lead to more ethical and moral decision-making by researchers and developers.

Meanwhile, 12.21% (N=16) of participants said it would not improve ethics and moral decision-


When asked about the relationship between governance and standards and their impact

on trusting artificial intelligence, 29.4% (N=5) of technology workers indicated that having a

working governance model and standards impacts their ability to trust artificial intelligence. In

comparison, 5.9% (N=1) disagreed. In contrast, 13.8% (N=13) of participants not working in

technology indicated that having a working governance model and standards impacts their

ability to trust artificial intelligence, while 5.3% (N=5) disagreed. However, 11.8% (N=2) of

technology workers indicated that regulators and those creating governance models and

standards lack proper knowledge, compared to 17% (N=16) of nontechnology workers.

When asked if governance with multiple mechanisms that oversee items such as

activities, behaviors, and deeds is needed as an alternative to the technical group's individual,

organization, or entity, 47.1% (N=8) of workers indicated that a governance model containing

multiple mechanisms is needed. In comparison, 17.6% (N=3) indicated that they are not. In

contrast, 43.6% (N=41) of nontechnology workers indicated that a governance model

containing multiple mechanisms is needed, while 7.4% (N=7) indicated they are unnecessary.

Managing the Risk of Artificial Intelligence

The risk management section covers many aspects of risk. It includes the participant’s

understanding of the concept and managing the impacts and causal effects involving risk

occurrence. Regarding understanding the concept of risk and risk management, 75% (N=15) of

technology workers had at least some understanding of risk, while 25% (N=5) did not. In

comparison, 21.01% (N=29) of participants who do not work within the technology industry had

a minimum understanding of the concept of risk, while 78.99% (N=109) did not. To break this

down further to identify the 20 technology workers versus 138 non-technology workers, the

following table (see Table 8) identifies each group's years of knowledge.

Table 8

Risk knowledge levels by years and industry

None 1-3 years 4-6 years 7-9 years 10+ years Knowledge
Technology 75%
25% (N=5) 25% (N=5) 20% (N=4) 10% (N=2) 20% (N=4)
Workers (N=15)
78.99% 10.14% 4.35% 0.72% 5.80% 21.01%
(N=109) (N=14) (N=6) (N=1) (N=8) (N=29)

Participants were asked how risk could be reduced or eliminated. Their responses were

captured and included in the following table (see Table 9).

Table 9

Potential ways to reduce or eliminate risk.

Technology Non-technology
Workers workers
Increase Education and training 23.50% (N=4) 9.60% (N=9)
Increase communication 17.60% (N=3) 11.70% (N=11)
Apply Oversight/Governance 41.20% (N=7) 38.30% (N=36)
Add Transparency 35.30% (N=6) 13.80% (N=13)
Reduce/limit capabilities 5.90% (N=1) 8.50% (N=8)
Create Additional Testing Methods 11.80% (N=2) 9.60% (N=9)
Create markers identifying content created by Artificial
0% (N=0) 6.40% (N=6)
No unsupervised artificial intelligence 0% (N=0) 4.30% (N=4)
Adding Authentication/Security 0% (N=0) 6.40% (N=6)

Discussion of Study Findings

The problem that this study aimed to understand is understanding if improvement of

governance oversight, reducing and understanding risk, and the potential or promised benefits

of artificial intelligence, impact the public's trust in artificial intelligence as inferred by previous

research (ISO, 2020; NIST, 2020a; WhiteHouse, 2019). Previous researchers and scholars, and

industry leaders have stated that there are numerous risks associated with artificial intelligence

(Gibbs, 2017; Marr, 2018; NTSB, 2019; Yampolskiy, 2016; Yigitcanlar et al., 2020). Along with

the risks, it has been noted that decision-makers need to be educated about the risks,

ramifications, and repercussions of artificial intelligence (Buchanan, 2005). The need to educate

decision-makers has been identified and supported by 28.8% of the participants of this study.

The study aimed to determine how the mechanisms of risks, benefits, and governance

impact a person’s ability to trust artificial intelligence. Previous researchers have noted that

artificial intelligence poses an existential crisis in humanity (BigThink, 2020; Gibbs, 2017;

Roberts, 2021), culminating from numerous issues concerning public safety, privacy, and other

societal implications. The findings of this study give light to and support that perception, with

an overwhelming majority (96%) of respondents agreeing that artificial intelligence has the

potential to cause moral and ethical issues, safety, employment/job loss, Infringement on

human rights, and infringement on proprietary data and ownership that could lead to an

existential crisis to humanity.

The study also explored the interrelationship and connection between this perception

and an individual’s ability to trust and accept artificial intelligence. However, this perception

alone is insufficient to fully understand what affects a person’s ability to trust artificial

intelligence. Trust is a complex social psychological construct with numerous mechanisms that

can be triggers or catalysts. In addition, the ability to transfer trust or distrust on the topic from

one individual to another (Burt & Knez, 1996; Doney, Cannon, & Mullen, 1998; Kramer, 1999;

Lee & See, 2004) through multiple communication channels such as media, television, and

movies. Adding to this is trust is an attitude that an agent, human or technology-based, will aid

in achieving a person’s goals or objectives in certain circumstances described or depicted by

ambiguity, insecurity, indecision, doubt, and vulnerability (Burt & Knez, 1996; Deutsch, 1958;

Guba, 1981; Johns, 1996; Kramer, 1999; Rotter, 1967). To that end, 18.2% of respondents

indicated that artificial intelligence could not be trusted, with an additional 29.9% indicating

that further research is required before they can trust the technology. One respondent

indicated that we can only trust artificial intelligence as much as we trust the researchers and

the developers, as there is a potential for them to include unconscious bias (Respondent 3).

Another respondent stated, “that they would be more likely to trust it, though it appears that

artificial intelligence creators are barreling along with little regard for what society or

individuals may want, the potential risks, and costs” (Representative 99).

Ethics and morals play a large part in the trustworthiness of artificial intelligence.

However, there are two paths here. First, the path of artificial intelligence is ethical and moral.

The second is the ethics and morals of researchers and developers of artificial intelligence.

Previous researchers have indicated that programming or teaching artificial intelligence agents

to be moral and ethical may offset the existential crisis with artificial intelligence (Butkus, 2020;

Farisco, Evers, & Salles, 2020; Miller, 2019). However, as Participant 99 said, “Artificial

intelligence as a tool is neither ethical nor unethical. It is the users, researchers, and developers

who need to be ethical and moral.” To that end, a tool is only worthy of trust if it is well-made

and designed with multiple viewpoints that could limit bias. However, as a consumer, there is

no way of knowing that implementing artificial intelligence represents a neutral or balanced

perspective or the designer's perspective (Representative 99). As stated by Participant 71,

“Ethical issues reside with the development community and not the technology.” Additionally,

participant 27 said:

Artificial intelligence will only ever be as ethical as the people using it. The moral

obligation of the designer is to create a system that is difficult to be used for bad purposes.

However, the end users of artificial intelligence are equally morally responsible for what

happens. For artificial intelligence to be safe for widespread use, people must hold

themselves to a standard of honesty, diligence, and respect; to use artificial intelligence

according to these standards.

Several respondents questioned who or what gets to decide what is ethical and moral

versus what is not. Ethics and morals are uniquely different per individual based on upbringing,

culture, and experiences through the choices made and refined over time (Butkus, 2020;

Wallach & Allen, 2008).

In the upcoming chapter, I will go deeper into the interpretations of these findings.

Additionally, the implications of the findings on the cybersecurity and computer science sectors

are discussed.

Chapter Summary

This chapter comprised the findings from the quantitative survey conducted for this

study. The chapter started with a quick review of the study problem and purpose. It then

described the population of the study participants divided into two primary groups, those that

work within the technology sector and those who do not. A significant part of the chapter

discussed the survey findings based on identified themes identified from the conceptual

framework and the survey results. These themes are artificial intelligence, ethics, morals, trust,

benefits of artificial intelligence, word of mouth and media, governance, and risk management.

The first theme or subsection on artificial intelligence discusses the population’s

understanding of artificial intelligence. Additionally, it discusses the population’s understanding

of the difference between fictional and real artificial intelligence. The second theme or

subsection discussed ethics and morals, its importance to research and development, its

utilization, and potential ethical issues. The third theme or subsection discusses the findings

relating to trust. Additionally, this section discussed how governance, benefits, and

transparency play a role in trusting artificial intelligence. The fourth theme or subsection

discusses the findings associated with actual, promised, or perceived benefits of artificial

intelligence. It covered whether knowing or receiving benefits from artificial intelligence offsets

any potential risk arising from the technology. Furthermore, it addresses whether knowing or

receiving benefits encourages individuals to trust artificial intelligence. The fifth theme or

subsection discusses the findings associated with word of mouth and media; this includes

television, movies, and social media. It presented the results on whether or not word of mouth

and media influenced the population’s emotions, perception of impact, perception regarding

safety, overall opinion, and perception of trust. The sixth theme or subsection discussed the

findings of governance and oversight, whether it is needed, its impact, its relation to ethics and

morals, and its effect on trust. The seventh and final theme or subsection discussed the findings

of risk management, the population’s understanding of the concept, their level of knowledge,

and what they believed were potential ways to limit, reduce, or eliminate risk regarding

artificial intelligence. The second part of the chapter further discussed the findings though it

included connections to previous literature discussed in chapter two and provided some

examples from participants.


Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusions

This chapter presents the interpretations of the findings from the qualitative survey. It

will also link those results to the previous research identified in Chapter Two. The purpose of

the qualitative survey was to aid in understanding the purpose of this study, which is to explore

the interrelationship of risks, benefits, and governance of artificial intelligence and its

associated learning agents to determine how they impact an individual's ability to trust artificial

intelligence. The perception being explored is society's belief that there is an existential crisis in

humanity (BigThink, 2020; Gibbs, 2017; Roberts, 2021), culminating from numerous issues

concerning public safety, privacy, and other societal implications and whether this perception

affects a person’s ability to trust and accept the technology. This purpose aids in furthering the

grasp of the underlying problem, that is, the need to know if improving governance oversite,

reducing and understanding risk, and the potential or promised benefits of artificial intelligence

impact the public's trust in artificial intelligence as inferred by previous research (ISO, 2020;

NIST, 2020a; WhiteHouse, 2019). This problem has been identified and supported by standards

organizations such as ISO (ISO, 2020) and NIST (NIST, 2020a)along with the Trump

administration (WhiteHouse, 2019).

Limitations of Study Findings

As with all studies and research, there are limitations that differ from delimitations, as

discussed in Chapter One. As researchers, we must acknowledge and report on them

(University of Southern California, 2021). A significant limitation is methodological, whereas the

sample size and the data quality did not meet with previously identified delimitations outlined

in Chapter One. The delimitation was to collect an equal number of technical and non-technical

participants. However, the population division became lopsided, with more non-technical

participants. Another limitation is the quality of the responses garnered from SurveyMonkey’s

pool of respondents. As such, the delimitation boundary of technical participants having a

minimum of 10 years of experience within the industry was not fully met. Most of the technical

participants' experience ranged from 1 to 6 years, followed by those with more than 10 years of

experience. It was decided to utilize the data from those with less than ten years of experience,

so eliminating them would not have provided a perspective needed for this study. It is

important to note that while these limitations are present within the study, I believe the data

captured still represents a significant understanding of the research question as it lays the

groundwork for future research by this or other researchers, thus meeting the guidelines of an

exploratory study.

A further limitation was added by not addressing the financial impact or its relationship

with ethical and moral decision-making within the artificial intelligence sector. The financial

impact perspective was added to future research.

Interpretation of Study Findings

The interpretations were broken down into themes identified in chapter four. However,

the difference is that there was some overlap between the themes listed below, as the findings

were analyzed from a broader perspective.

Morals and Ethics

New scientific discoveries are exciting, and the desire to push boundaries, whether

moral or not. The utilization of morals and ethics in artificial intelligence is an important topic

and something that many survey technical and non-technical respondents believe is not

currently being utilized enough and should be increased. However, technology is only as ethical

as the individuals responsible for its utilization. Individuals should hold themselves and

coworkers to the highest level of morals. Morals and ethics include but are not limited to

honesty, integrity, diligence, and respect for self and others. Respect for others needs to

eliminate biases based on race, gender, sexual orientation, sexuality, disability, income level, or

political beliefs, to identify a few. However, numerous respondents asked the question, “Who is

responsible for outlining and upholding what beliefs and biases to limit?” “Thus, who gets to

decide what is moral and ethical for all of society?” It has been identified that morals and ethics

are inherently different for each individual based on their upbringing and culture (Helzer et al.,

2023; Schwartz, 2012; Wey Smola & Sutton, 2002). This is a crucial question and lays the

foundation for a philosophical study, which should be researched, though not included in the

boundaries of this study.

Part of the concern arises from the potential of researchers and developers introducing

their unconscious bias into their work which is a final product that is just as flawed as the

researcher or developer. For many of the respondents, both inside and outside the technology

industry, this poses the dilemma of trust, in that how can individuals trust a flawed technology?

History has proven that we as a society do not trust and accept flawed technology (Eggers,

2012; Geels & Smit, 2000; Godulla et al., 2021). That is what this exploratory study aimed to

identify, to understand the mechanisms that could impact a person's ability to trust in artificial

intelligence. The many concerns regarding artificial intelligence identified by the respondents,

which affects their ability to trust, supports earlier research that indicated trust could not be

achieved if a person or technology does not aid in achieving a person’s goals or objectives in

certain circumstances the focal point can be described or depicted by ambiguity, insecurity,

indecision, doubt, and vulnerability (Burt & Knez, 1996; Deutsch, 1958; Guba, 1981; Johns,

1996; Kramer, 1999; Rotter, 1967). These circumstances lead to the spread of distrust and

personal opinion through many communication channels, as trust is a complex social

psychological construct with numerous mechanisms that can be triggers or catalysts. In

addition, the ability to transfer trust or distrust on the topic from one individual to another

(Burt & Knez, 1996; Doney, Cannon, & Mullen, 1998; Kramer, 1999; Lee & See, 2004). This issue

supports the belief of minimal adoption of artificial intelligence due to a lack of trust and

perceived ethical concerns (Miller, 2019).


The findings identified interesting patterns and thoughts. Thoughts were not limited to

those outside the technology industry but those within it. The majority of respondents

identified that artificial intelligence carries a significant amount of risk, and the lack of

transparency impacts their ability to trust artificial intelligence. They indicated that the current

governance frameworks and control standards do not go far enough to offset or protect users

from this risk, and both groups indicated that governance models should be researched further.

However, technology workers were split on the impact of what further governance would do to

the technology. However, more non-technological workers than those in the technology sector

indicated that increased governance would stifle innovation. This finding identifies and

supports that governance is a double edge sword in that increased governance is required to

help offset the potential risk and negative impacts; it could also negatively impact forward

progress and innovation. To help offset these impacts, the study identifies that governance

frameworks and controls standards need to include multiple transparent mechanisms that

address the activities, behaviors, and deeds as an alternative to the individual, organization, or

entity required in addition to those identified by previous researchers (Almeida, Santos, &

Farias, 2020; Bertolini & Episcopo, 2022; Brundage, 2019; Fossa, 2021; Hassan, 2021; Lilkov,

2021; Lo Piano, 2020; Mannes, 2020; McMenemy, 2019; Mitre, 2013; Mittelstadt, 2019;

Molnar, 2020; Perry & Uuk, 2019; Rousseau, 1920; Shiff, 2021).


The majority of respondents identified that the technology's actualized and promised

future benefits (Brooks, 2019; Eliacik, 2022; Giles, 2014; Houser, 2021; Joshi, 2020; Pedamkar,

2019; Powell, 2018; Stokes, 2019) have no impact on how they felt about artificial intelligence.

They also indicated that the type and amount of benefits the technology provides or has been

promised to supply does not sway, deflect, or negate the risk resulting from the technology.

However, it is essential to reiterate that previous research has identified that many of the risks

today were at one time looked upon as a benefit to humankind (Baryannis et al., 2019; Eliacik,

2022; Gibbs, 2017; Hasan, Shams, & Rahman, 2021; Lee, 2018; Mannes, 2020; Marr, 2018; Neri

& Cozman, 2020; Starck, Bierbrauer, & Maxwell, 2022; Thomas, 2022; Yampolskiy, 2016;

Yigitcanlar et al., 2020). A widely held belief of respondents based on responses is that

actualized or promised benefits do not encourage them to trust the technology.

Word of Mouth and the Media

As previously identified, trust, distrust, and personal opinion can be transferred from

one individual to another through many communication channels. To fully understand this

phenomenon, participants were asked whether word of mouth, television, media, and movies

influenced their emotions, effects and impacts, safety, overall opinion, and trust in artificial

intelligence. A predominant number of technical and non-technical respondents identified that

word of mouth and the media influence their emotions, opinions, and perceptions regarding

artificial intelligence's impact and effects. Additionally, a large majority of respondents

indicated that exposure to media, movies, television shows, and word of mouth about artificial

intelligence influences their perceptions regarding the technology's safety. Therefore, the

transferability of trust, distrust, and personal opinion regarding the technology also impacts the

respondent's ability to trust it, as these communication channels influence a majority of

respondents’ perceptions.

Risk and Societal Harm

Risks, threats, and dangers can come in many forms, such as privacy violations, bias

resulting from data accuracy and cleanliness, societal implications and inequality, along with

the lack of transparency, operational safety, job loss, stock market volatility, autonomy, bias in

employment, enhanced military weaponry, and many more (Baryannis et al., 2019; Eliacik,

2022; Hasan, Shams, & Rahman, 2021; Mannes, 2020; Neri & Cozman, 2020; Starck, Bierbrauer,

& Maxwell, 2022; Thomas, 2022). As previously reiterated, some risks identified with artificial

intelligence were once considered a benefit. Many respondents recognized and indicated that

risk and societal harm are systemic issues due to a lack of morals and ethics within the artificial

intelligence research and development sector, as previously identified. However, the

respondents provided many suggestions to offset some of those concerns; the top three

recommendations are to add oversight and governance, increase education and training, and



As indicated multiple times, trust is a complex social psychological construct with

numerous mechanisms that can be triggers or catalysts. Trust cannot be achieved if a person or

technology does not aid in achieving a person’s goals or objectives in certain circumstances; the

focal point can be described or depicted by ambiguity, insecurity, indecision, doubt, and

vulnerability (Burt & Knez, 1996; Deutsch, 1958; Guba, 1981; Johns, 1996; Kramer, 1999; Rotter,

1967). That said, it is no surprise that most technical and non-technical respondents stated that

artificial intelligence cannot be trusted in its current state. The amount of risk and the lack of

proper governance, benefits, and transparency impact technical and non-technical

respondents’ ability to trust artificial intelligence.

Practice Implications

Implications for cybersecurity and the technology industry as a whole can be summed

up in a single word; that is trustworthiness. The goal as it must aid in the achievement of an

individual’s goals or objectives where ambiguity, insecurity, indecision, doubt and vulnerability

are present (Lee & See, 2004). Trust that displaces guidance when direct examination is

unfeasible, enables choice in the presence of indecision and insecurity, and minimizes doubt,

hesitation when assessing the reactions of others, and enables and expedites delegation and

adaptive conduct by replacing inflexible etiquettes, practices, hierarchies, and processes with

objective expectancies concerning the capacities of others and technology (Baba, 2007; Kramer,

1999; Lee & See, 2004; Ostrom, 1998). This level of trust enables the goal of safety, which is key

for any security industry, whether technology-based such as cybersecurity. This study has

demonstrated that people do not trust or feel safe with artificial intelligence technology.

Many of the respondents indicated that there is a lack of ethics and morals in the

decision-making processes. The importance of ethical and decision making is a long standing

requirement for society as identified by Aristotle (Aristotle, 1834), thus has a profound effect

on a person when not experienced. Limited ethics and morals have led to a lack of transparency

in the research, development, and operation of artificial intelligence which supports previous

researchers observations and findings (Butkus, 2020; Farisco, Evers, & Salles, 2020; Miller,

2019). Additionally, the questionable ethics have put forth a limited governance framework

with controls focusing on only a part of artificial intelligence and not the whole of the

technology and its associated research and development. Many of the respondents of this

study in their identification for increased use of ethical decision-making, transparency, and

further development of governance frameworks and security controls, creating a usable

standard for the industry that would not suffocate the innovation needed for further growth,

but also provides the components allowing for individuals inside and outside of the technology

industry. Until this is done, there will always be many individuals who will not trust or accept

artificial intelligence.

Researcher Reflections

As I reflect on the learnings from this study, I am amazed at the swath of new

information and understandings it has brought me. Primarily it presented a new level of

confidence in my ability to complete a project of this magnitude. The subject matter and

research question raised were to form an exploratory review as to why there was and still is a

push to trust in technology unlike any innovative technology in the past and that a hard sell

approach was the chosen method.


Like many participants, I had opinions on artificial intelligence before starting this study.

These opinions and bias are shared in the Researcher Positionality and Reflexivity section in

Chapter 1, along with processes used to reduce bias in the study. Those were made from word

of mouth, the media, television, and movies. Which, as I discovered through this study, did not

provide a logical and fundamental foundation for formulating that opinion. The journey to

completing this project allowed me to investigate further and learn more about artificial

intelligence. However, researching artificial intelligence technology did not make me an expert

in that field; it has changed me from an outside spectator to an internal and enthusiastic


When I started this study, I wondered why so many people thought there was an

existential crisis in humanity when it came to artificial intelligence (BigThink, 2020; Gibbs,

2017; Roberts, 2021) and why there was such a hard push to trust technology that brought fear

and panic to many in society. As a self-proclaimed techie and a sci-fi fan, I thought that artificial

intelligence was incredible and the achievements that came from its utilization were

remarkable. Therefore, I initially thought the survey's outcome and corresponding research

would not support these claims. However, as research started, I quickly found that an argument

could be made for both sides of the discussion. There are examples and research that support

and argue against the position that there is an existential crisis in humanity resulting from

artificial intelligence. To that end, my initial thought on the topic has changed slightly in that

while I support the growth in artificial intelligence, I also acknowledge that the industry needs

to change. More protections must be implemented to ensure that an existential crisis in


humanity as identified by this study and by previous researchers (BigThink, 2020; Gibbs, 2017;

Roberts, 2021) does not occur.

Recommendations for Further Research

In conducting this study, there are many areas or rabbit holes that I would have loved to

chase down. Though to be true to the boundaries of my research, I have outlined them as

further research areas.

The first area would be a qualitative exploratory study on whether marketing the

benefits of artificial intelligence utilizes an ethical or unethical approach. Whether that

approach is used to sell a false narrative and hope to society; furthermore, who approves the

marketing plans and to what end?

In line with the benefits of artificial intelligence, how the financial perspective plays into

ethical and moral choices. Research by an outside entity identified previously shows the

industry will explode in size and capital. This study could be an exploratory qualitative review,

though I think this should be a mixed methods study.

The second area for additional research came from research participants, as highlighted

previously; Who is responsible for outlining and upholding what beliefs to support and biases to

limit? What metaphysical questions should be asked and investigated? What governmental or

industry policies, organizational controls, or individual needs are more important than others,

and how should an individual feel about responses being put forth? These questions are

philosophical; therefore, qualitative exploration into the viability of a single person or

committee to handle such a task and for that person or committee to be entirely accepted by

all of society.


This chapter presented the interpretations of the findings from the qualitative survey. It

also linked those results to the previous research identified in Chapter Two. The purpose of the

qualitative survey was to aid in understanding the purpose of this study, which was to explore

the interrelationship of risks, benefits, and governance of artificial intelligence and its

associated learning agents to determine how they impact an individual's ability to trust artificial

intelligence. The perception being explored is society's belief that there is an existential crisis in

humanity (BigThink, 2020; Gibbs, 2017; Roberts, 2021), culminating from numerous issues

concerning public safety, privacy, and other societal implications and whether this perception

affects a person’s ability to trust and accept the technology. This purpose aids in furthering the

grasp of the underlying problem, that is, the need to know if improving governance oversite,

reducing and understanding risk, and the potential or promised benefits of artificial intelligence

impact the public's trust in artificial intelligence as inferred by previous research (ISO, 2020;

NIST, 2020a; WhiteHouse, 2019). This problem that is being referenced and researched has

been identified and supported by standards organizations such as ISO (ISO, 2020) and NIST

(NIST, 2020a) along with the Trump administration (WhiteHouse, 2019). As I indicated earlier,

the technology industry as a whole can be summed up in a single word; that is trustworthiness.

The goal for any security industry, whether technology-based such as cybersecurity, is to make

individuals feel safe. Society needs and wants to believe they can trust the technology they use

daily. Many people no longer have this intrinsic sense of safety when it comes to artificial

intelligence; therefore, without that feeling of safety and the sense that technology leaders are

moral and ethical, they have no reason to trust artificial intelligence. As indicated, the number

of future benefits or the hard sell of trust by government agencies will not change how an

individual reacts to the technology. Additionally, current governance models do nothing to

change the level of trust and safety most of the survey population identified. While this

industry is expanding at lightening speeds, it is doing a disservice to itself by not addressing the

shortage of ethics and morals which impact the level of trust and safety individuals are feeling.


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Appendix A: Qualitative Survey Questions

This survey is intended to be utilized by those with a technical background and those

without one. If you are a layperson without technical knowledge, feel free to skip the questions

you cannot answer.

1. Please indicate if you agree to the informed consent document.

a. Yes, I have read and agree to the terms identified in the Informed consent

document and wish to participate in the research study freely.

b. No, I have read and do not agree to the terms identified in the Informed consent

document and wish not to participate in the research study.


2. Do you currently work in the technology industry? If yes, what field and how many


a. Do you work in Information Security, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence

Development, Artificial Intelligence Research, or Technology Governance?

b. Do you work in the public or private sector?

3. What is your knowledge level of cybersecurity, information security, or information


a. Please answer with the number of years with hands-on experience None, 1-3, 4-

6, 7-9, or 10+.

4. What is your knowledge level of risk management in the technology industry?

a. Please answer with the number of years with hands-on experience None, 1-3, 4-

6, 7-9, or 10+.

5. What do you currently know about artificial intelligence?

6. What are your perceptions of the use of ethics and morals in developing and utilizing

artificial intelligence?

7. What is your perception and beliefs on increasing government oversight of artificial


a. Increasing governance will reduce the risk and the potential negative impacts of

artificial intelligence.

b. Increasing governance will not reduce the risk and the potential negative

impacts of artificial intelligence.


c. Increasing governance will stifle and restrict innovation in artificial intelligence

development and utilization.

d. Increasing governance will lead to improved moral and ethical decision-making

in artificial intelligence development and utilization, thus increasing end-user


e. Increasing governance will not lead to improved moral and ethical decision-

making in artificial intelligence development and utilization; thus, it will not

increase end-user safety.

8. What is your understanding of risk regarding artificial intelligence?

9. How could risk be lowered in artificial intelligence development to lessen any negative

impact of the technology?

10. What are your perceptions and beliefs of risk versus reward regarding artificial


11. What are your perceptions and beliefs regarding artificial intelligence's realized and

future benefits?

12. What are your perception and beliefs when it comes to trusting artificial intelligence?

13. What is your perception and beliefs of industry standards and governance impacting the

level of trust and safety in artificial intelligence and associated agents?

14. What is your perception and belief that the risk brought on by artificial intelligence

agents overshadows the benefits they provide?

15. What is your perception and belief that the number of benefits provided by artificial

intelligence agents is enough for you to overlook the risks of the technology?

16. What is your perception and beliefs regarding the relationship between the benefits of

artificial intelligence and trusting artificial intelligence?

17. What is your perception and beliefs regarding injecting transparency and interpretability

into the development of artificial intelligence and associated learning agents that impact

trust levels?

18. In what ways does exposure to media framing of artificial intelligence influence your

emotions about the topic?

19. In what ways does exposure to media framing of artificial intelligence influence your

perceptions regarding the effects of artificial intelligence?

20. In what ways does exposure to media framing of artificial intelligence influence your

perceptions regarding the safety of artificial intelligence?

21. In what ways does exposure to media framing of artificial intelligence influence your

opinion of artificial intelligence?

22. How does exposure to media framing of artificial intelligence influence your perceptions

regarding trust in artificial intelligence?

23. What is your perception of the differences between fictional artificial intelligence on TV

and in the movies versus natural or “Real” artificial intelligence?

24. What are your perceptions and beliefs regarding artificial intelligence's potential

towards social implications and human rights issues?

a. I believe that artificial intelligence does not cause negative impacts on society or

human rights.

b. I believe that artificial intelligence causes negative impacts on society or human


c. I believe specific human rights campaigns and societal beliefs influence the

research and development of artificial intelligence.

d. I believe specific human rights campaigns and societal beliefs negatively

influence the research and development of artificial intelligence.

25. What are your perceptions and beliefs regarding using a governance model that uses

multiple mechanisms, such as policies, organizations, and individuals, to mitigate the

potential risk of artificial intelligence?

26. How do your perceptions and beliefs regarding artificial intelligence's risks, governance,

and benefits impact your ability to trust the technology?

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