ADHD Natural Remedies and Cures

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Copyright © 2021 by Karen Gardner. All Right


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Chapter 1. Natural Ways To Cure ADHD
Symptoms: Revealing Factors
Behavioral Interventions
Dietary Changes
Chapter 2. Outstanding alternatives to consider
while finding a natural Med for ADHD
Chapter 3. Treating ADHD With Diet Changes:
Often Overlooked Facts
Chapter 4. Treating ADHD With Diet - Take
These Sensible Suggestions On Board
Chapter 5. 3 Ways to Treat Adult ADHD Without
Taking Prescription Medications
Chapter 6. Bonus Chapter: ADHD And Self
Creating An Atmosphere Where Your Child
Feels Good About Themselves

(Please Read This Before Using This Report)

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Many parents try to use natural ways to cure ADHD

symptoms because they are concerned about side effects,
abuse, and addiction issues, and problems getting
prescriptions filled for ADHD medications.

While studies have shown that prescription medication along

with psychotherapy, behavioral interventions and coaching
is more effective than prescription medications alone,
researchers have just started testing the effectiveness of
these ways of treating ADHD without medicine.

Importantly, clinical studies have started to examine natural

ways to stop ADHD symptoms, such as diet modifications,
vitamins and supplements, and homeopathic remedies. This
research has started because of the rising number of parents
reporting positive results with these methods.

Some of the behavioral interventions taught in
psychotherapy include teaching children ways to stay
focused on schoolwork, ways to relax, and ways give
themselves cues to get back on track when they become

Additionally, the therapist may engage the child in games so

the child can learn impulse control and teach parents how to
manage the child's behavior. The therapist will also work
with the parents to get the child's teacher involved in
supporting the child in efforts to use these natural ways to
cure ADHD symptoms.

Some experts suggest reducing the amount of refined sugar
and other simple carbohydrates as natural ways to stop
ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity. The reason for this
suggestion is that refined sugars and carbohydrates can
cause blood sugar spikes that can cause agitation.
Additionally, adding fiber and complex carbohydrates can
help reduce hyperactivity.

Another change in diet many parents try to help their child

cope with ADHD is eliminating food dyes, synthetic
flavorings, and preservatives. Some doctors have found these
food additives, especially red food coloring, to seem to
increase the fidgetiness associated with ADHD.

Initial clinical studies have had mixed results as far as the

effectiveness of making these dietary changes as natural
ways to cure ADHD symptoms of fidgetiness and

Vitamins, Supplements, and Homeopathic

Many parents, in their search for natural ways to stop ADHD
symptoms, have turned to vitamins, supplements, and
homeopathic remedies as alternatives to prescription
medications. The vitamins and supplements that appear to
be effective in the management of ADHD include zinc, fish
and evening primrose oil, iron, and a combination of ginseng
and Ginkgo Biloba.

Some of the homeopathic remedies that have clinical

evidence of efficacy include Hyoscyamus, Tuberculinum,
Arsen Iod, and Verta Alb.

IMPORTANT: Consult with your child's pediatrician before

trying any type of ADHD intervention, including stopping any
prescription medication.

There is more than one natural med for ADHD. Some of the
products on the market are homeopathic remedies. Why and
how those products work is unknown.

Homeopathic medicine has been in use for hundreds of

years. It does not focus on herbs, although herbal extracts are
included in some products.

The basic rule in homeopathy is that "like treats like". The

founder of homeopathy experimented with numerous
substances that would cause the same symptoms in a healthy
individual. He found that those same substances, at very low
concentrations, reduced or relieved the symptoms in those
people who had them.

It may seem like an unusual approach, but when you think

about the drug Ritalin, which is often prescribed for
hyperactive people, it doesn't seem as unusual. Ritalin is a
stimulant drug. A person who was not normally hyperactive
is more hyper after taking the drug.

One of the main differences between homeopathic remedies

and drugs is that homeopathic remedies are completely safe.
The compounds included in the products are at very low
concentration, so low in fact as to be undetectable with
modern laboratory tests. That's why we don't know how
they work.
Another natural med for ADHD is the herb Ginkgo Biloba.
Gingko leaves are used to make the supplements. The dosage
must be just right for a child. It should be based on the child's
weight and age.

Some companies sell both herbal and homeopathic remedies

for children. If you think about using both, you should choose
a company that sells both and says that both products can be
used together safely.

Ginkgo is useful for improving memory and concentration. It

helps to reduce dizziness and may provide relief for other
health issues. Only the leaves should be included in the
supplement, because the seeds may contain a toxic chemical.
Seizures and death have been reported after eating just a few
of the seeds.

When any herb is used as a natural med for ADHD, parents

should be careful to learn about any possible side effects or
drug interactions. For example, stomach upset and headache
may be side effects of Ginkgo Biloba.

Nutritional supplements are another option. They may be

beneficial in multiple ways and are generally safe, if taken
according to the manufacturer's directions. Overdosing on a
nutritional supplement is a rare event.

A natural med for ADHD could be a wise choice. If it works,

there is no reason to risk the potential health problems
associated with Ritalin and other medications.

Thinking about treating ADHD with diet changes? All reliable

sources agree that certain food additives may cause
behavioral problems and that avoiding those additives may
help reduce symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity

Dr. Ben Feingold was one of the first to discover that modern
food additives caused problems for children and adults. Dr.
Feingold was a pediatrician and allergy specialist who began
practicing in the 1920s. His hypothesis is the basis for dietary
strategies to reduce hyperactivity.

The conclusion resulting from his many clinical studies and

years of scientific observations has become known as the
Feingold hypothesis: "Hyperactivity can be triggered by
synthetic additives - specifically synthetic colors, synthetic
flavors and the preservatives BHA, BHT (and later TBHQ) -
and also a group of foods containing a natural salicylate
radical. This is an immunological - not an allergic - response."

Not only did Dr. Feingold recommend that people not eat
these chemicals, but he also recommended that they avoid
kinds of toothpaste and cosmetics containing them.

He recognized that hyperactivity and inability to concentrate

affected both children and adults. He also recognized that the
number of patients displaying these symptoms increased
greatly when people began eating more processed, packaged
and prepared foods.

So, how does a parent go about treating ADHD with diet

changes? The simplest thing to do is to choose natural foods
containing no artificial additives, colors, or flavorings.

Foods containing natural salicylates are initially avoided if

one is following the Feingold plan. Salicylates are the active
compounds in aspirin but are also found in a wide number of

The Feingold plan is not particularly restrictive. Simply by

choosing the right brands and being conscious of synthetic
ingredients, most parents can follow the plan with ease.

Not all specialists agree with the effectiveness of the

program. Drug treatment may be faster or more effective.
But everyone agrees that a treating ADHD diet is safer than
drug therapy and over 60% of people who have tried
Feingold's program have been happy with the results.

The synthetic food additives BHA and BHT, the FD&C food
colorings and many of the synthetic flavors are derived from
petroleum. The same thing we use to make gasoline.

You can probably understand why these things are not

something that anyone should be consuming. The problem is
that the food industry has convinced the government,
doctors and individuals that petroleum-derived additives are

Treating ADHD with diet changes is safe, easy and adds no

extra expense to the food budget. Everyone should give it a

I was fascinated to read that treating ADHD with diet has

taken a new step forward in that the famous Omega 3 fatty
acids from fish may be getting a boost. The report comes
from a recent issue of the Food Science and Technology

They have conducted experiments in which they can

successfully extract these Omega 3 fats from very cheap fish
and incorporate them into everyday food and snacks.

That would be a revolution because any food would have the

right amount of these fatty acids and there would be no
further need for supplementation. But, until this happens, we
will have to go on either giving our children lots of fish and
flaxseed oil or using a pharmaceutical-grade supplement.

But is treating ADHD with diet worth all the effort? The
answer is of course yes, in that there are now many studies
that show that diet does have an enormous influence on a
child's brain Having said that, there is, on the other hand no
magic diet for ADHD. But we can follow some sensible
guidelines to make sure we are on the right road, at least.

Apart from the above ideas here are some more sensible
suggestions on treating ADHD with diet. The first thing is not
to be phased at all when you read all the different types of
ADHD diet because they are not suitable for all children,
hence the enormous variation.

We have the gluten-free and casein-free diets, the low sugar

diet, the rotation diet, the Feingold diet, the high protein diet
and the organic diet. The list just goes on and on. The
important thing to remember here is that each child will be
allergic to different things and that he or she may react
differently to a dairy-free or gluten-free diet. We just have to
experiment a little and find out when behavior improves
after eating certain foods. A food diary is an essential piece of
equipment here.

In general though, it has been found that ADHD children have

certain nutritional deficiencies and their brains are just not
getting the right food to maximize their cognitive potential. It
is useful to think of their brain chemicals as faulty wiring. If
we can improve the speed and quality of those signals, then
behavior and learning are bound to show some progress.

Here are sensible ways we can put this into action:-

1. Ramp up the consumption of fruit and vegetables. The

Pediatrics journal advises us to get organic and biological
where possible as the majority of vegetables contain
organophosphates which are the nasty toxic leftovers from

2. Cut down on highly processed foods as these are not good

for healthy brain function. Studies in The Journal of Attention
Disorders demonstrate this.

3. Cut down on sugar and be aware that fruit juices contain

too much of this. Then there are the hidden sugars such as
dextrose and fructose which again should be avoided.
4. Go for a different breakfast in that you are going to serve
some protein. Studies show that this avoids a sugar spike and
keeps blood sugar levels steadier throughout the day.

5. Ramp up on yogurts, smoothies made with some of the

healthier options listed above and high protein drinks which
have no artificial sweeteners or preservatives.

As we have seen, treating ADHD with diet is neither simple

nor straightforward and certainly, one size does not fit all.
But if we follow the suggestions above then we can be sure
that we are maximizing brain potential and that is what
ADHD is all about really.

If you have been looking for ways to treat your adult ADHD
without taking medication, then you have come to the right
place. Inside this article I will share a couple of ways that I
know of, that you can start using today to treat your ADHD
symptoms. So I strongly suggest that you read this entire
article right away as it contains valuable information that
you can start to use right now.

First let's talk a little about prescription medications that

doctors normally prescribe adults who are diagnosed with

The 4 most common medications that are used are:

1. Adderall

2. Focalin

3. Vyvanse

4. Concerta

According to the doctors these drugs are the best treatments

that are available to adults suffering from ADHD. This is not
always the case. Not everyone responds well to taking
medications. Some side effects are associated with taking the
above medications. Some people experience the following
symptoms: insomnia, upset stomach, and irritability.
Now we are going to move on to the other ways of treating
ADHD besides taking prescription medications.

The first thing we are going to talk about is called brainwave


Brainwave Entrainment Audio

This is a very subtle approach to dealing with ADHD
symptoms. It is a series of sounds or should I say binary
beats that tune into certain areas of the brain causing them
to relax and almost putting you into a trance-like state. It
sounds like something out of a Science Fiction novel but is
real. It is really simple and also really effective.

The next form of treatment we are going to talk about is

natural dietary supplements.

Many children and adults who have ADHD often have

challenges that their peers are not faced with due to the
symptoms that accompany their condition.

However, perhaps one of the biggest challenges that both

children and adults with ADHD must face is a challenge not
directly related to the ADHD itself, but rather stems from the
way that others perceive them and how they perceive
themselves and that is the issue of low Self-Esteem.

ADHD symptoms often make it difficult for children to

concentrate on schoolwork, pay attention in class and at
home, and sometimes act impulsively and inappropriately
and have a difficult time making friends.

Children who find themselves struggling with school work

and social situations that others find easy begin to think of
themselves as "dumb" or "stupid" and this feeling is often re-
enforced by teachers and even parents who tell the child they
are "unmotivated" "lazy" or a "dreamer."

Adding adult disapproval when a child is already struggling

only makes them feel unworthy or unable to compete. These
feelings of unworthiness often can lead to low Self Esteem.

Imagine what it must be like to be a child who has ADHD and

then trying your best to follow rules and behave acceptably
only to have those impulsive tendencies earn you a scolding
or talking too?
No matter how hard you try you simply can't seem to get it
right. How would this make you feel about yourself?

Low Self Esteem for those children with ADHD often starts in
early childhood sometimes before the child is ever diagnosed
and if something isn't done to help the child build better Self
Esteem then they carry this burden of not feeling "good
enough" throughout their entire lives.

Having low Self Esteem can make it difficult if not impossible

for a child or adult to manage the symptoms of ADHD


One of the most important things any parent of a child with
ADHD can do is to create an atmosphere where your child
feels good about themselves. To do this you must first be able
to separate the child's behavior from the child themselves
and assure them they have your unconditional love and

You are also going to want to find those things your child
excels at and encourage those activities so that your child has
things that they can accomplish that they feel good about

Make charts for chores and use stars for good behavior so
that your child can see that they are doing things right.

If your child is not taking prescription medication then look

for a good natural or homeopathic supplement that may help
to improve concentration and ease some of their
hyperactivity symptoms so they can focus more on school
work and better control their impulsivity which will further
increase their feelings of success.

By creating an atmosphere where your child can be

themselves, accept their condition, and help them to feel
good about themselves, you may increase their chances of
becoming a happy successful adult.

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