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Learning Episode 4 Meeting My Learners

NCBTS Domain 3 Strand 3.1;

LET-TOS No. 2 (2.5) and 3(3.1-3.4)

My Learning Episode Overview

This episode illustrates the diversity of my learners. This will give me the chance
to acquaint myself with the needs, interests and abilities of my learners. Being aware of
these features will equip me with greater knowledge and understanding to ensure quality

My Tasks (Activities)
A. Observe the learners on your first day of internship. What are your observation?
 At first, pupils are afraid to converse with us Pre-Service Teachers, but some
pupils that are friendly, they are eager to have a quick chat with me.
 Pupils will listen to any teacher especially to those who more authority within the
 The pupils in my classroom are diverse, some needs more attention when it come
to their learning process, but others are more advanced or they can understand
comprehensively the lesson without a guidance from us.

B. Create an opportunity where you can gather their thoughts, ideas and feelings about
school / subject / classmates.

About their school

The Don Ricardo Briz Centra

About their subject

The subjects in elementary is divided into higher and lower levels. For Lower level such
as the Grades 1- 3, all of their subjects are handled by the adviser/ teacher. While the
Higher Level such as the Grades 4 – 6, the subjects handled by the teacher are only 1-
x 3 subjects.

About their classmates

C. What are the rules I need to ensure quality instruction among my learners? Use
innovative ways to make your rules known and followed.
My Analysis
Why do we need to know the various types of learners?

We need to know the difference of learners in order for us teacher to incorporate activities
according to their needs, because there are various types of learners, differences with their learning
styles. That is why as teachers we have to know how they will be able to learn from the teaching
style that we use.

My Reflection / My Insights
As a teacher, how will you respond to the need of your diverse learners?
 Firstly, observe or do a background check of the learners, with that we will be
able to know how they can easily learn throughout their academic endeavors.
 In making activities, as much as possible make it as differentiated activities.
Letting them do different activities at the same time is actually good, so that they
will be able to learn according to their level or capabilities.

My Application (From Theory and Practice)

Read the situations and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Ms. Valdez is a new teacher in a public school. She has 50 grade one pupils in the
class. What must she do to ensure easy remembering of the names of her pupils on the
first day of the class?
A. Interview each pupil.
B. Prepare a seat plan.
C. Arrange them alphabetically.
D. Ask a picture from each pupil.

2. Students learn by different modalities. There are those who learn best by pictures,
illustrations and the like. What is the learning modality of these students?
A. Tactile
B. Auditory
C. Visual
D. Kinesthetic
3. To learn best about your students, you must
1. observe them well
II. talk to them during recess or lunch breaks
III. analyze their records
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents,

Evidence, Records, Etc.)
My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning
5 4 2 1
Outstandin Exceed/s Needs Unacceptable
g Expectation Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 5 Establishing Classroom Routines

and Procedures
NCBTS Domain 4 Strand 4.3; LET-TOS
Nos. 1 (1.3 and 1.4), 2(2.1) and 3(3.2 and 3.4)

My Learning Episode Overview

This episode enables me to observe the different classroom routines performed by

my cooperating teacher. Getting acquainted with these routines will ensure a very
organized, systematic and orderly classroom.

My Task (Activities)
A. What routines do I need to establish in order to make me a better classroom


B. Interview other teacher and inquire on what classroom routines that they established
to ensure better classroom management.

Name of Teacher: ________________________________________

School: ________________________________________________
Grade level handled: _____________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________

C. Surf the internet or research in the library. Read and jot down some important notes
on classroom routines and procedures.

My Analysis
Establishing classroom routines is important because:
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
My Reflections / My Insights
If I already have my own class, I want to do the following:

 Arriving in the morning


 Taking attendance


 Posting reminders
 Throughout the day
 Ending the day
 Other episodes that need procedure(s)
My Application (From Theory to Practice)
Read the situations and encircle the letter of the connect answer.
1. Why do we need to establish classroom routines
I. to improve classroom management
II. to enhance classroom instruction
III. to save valuable time.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III
2. When do you establish classroom routines?
A. At the middle of the year
B. At the end of the year
C. At the beginning of the year
D. Anytime the teacher deems proper
3. When students come in the morning, what routines may be employed?
A. Stay along the corridor and wait for their classmates.
B. Assign a leader to come early and check the attendance.
C. Have an attendance pocket chart to develop responsibility.
D. Construct a seat plan and let students locate their seats.
My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents,
Evidence, Records, Etc.)

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning

5 4 2 1
Outstandin Exceed/s Needs Unacceptable
g Expectation Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

My Journey Begins with the First Step

Learning Episode 6 (My First Activity)

NCBTS Domain 4 Strand 4.1,4.4,4.5 and

LET-TOS No. 2 (2.1, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.6), 2(2.1) and 3(3.1-

My Learning Episode Overview

This learning episode unravels the first activity given to me by my cooperating
teacher. This gives a clear picture of the steps I have followed and the materials I need to
prepare to successfully implement my first activity.

My Task (Activities)
A. Complete the episode matrix

(The given activity / assigned episode)

Things to do





My Analysis
What benefit did you gain after utilizing the PDCA cycle?
 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________

My Reflection / My Insight
Rate your accomplishment using the continuum:

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fair Needs Improvement

I rated myself: ___________________

I think I can do better
I learned

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the correct answer,
1. Why do we need to plan on activity?
I. To have better means of getting all the alternatives.
II. To love on costs.
III. To save on time.
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III
D. I, II and III
2. If the implementation will not materialize as expected, what must you do?
A. Try other options.
B. Discontinue the plan.
C. Tell your cooperating teacher.
D. Revise the entire activity.
3. What must you do after an activity?
A. Tell everyone that it is over.
B. Make another activity.
C. Redesign your activity.
D. Evaluate your activity.

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents,

Evidence, Records, Etc.)
My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning

5 4 2 1
Outstandin Exceed/s Needs Unacceptable
g Expectation Improvement Performance





Total Score Average Rating

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