3 New Ways To Steal Followers On LinkedIn in 2024

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(3 new steps to build a feed you enjoy)


Use “Top emerging creators to follow”

Go to your LinkedIn feed. Click “My Network”
Now go scroll down till you find this section..

Start by clicking on one of these creator's names

and go check out their content. (connect if you like it)
1 cont..

**Note sometimes this doesn’t appear

Alternatives will be shown based off your

activity, who you follow and engage with.

I prefer the emerging creators and recent activity

options... Put in a little work to find creators you enjoy..

Join a LinkedIn Audio Event

Go to your LinkedIn feed. Click “My Network”
Scroll down till you see “Audio Events for you”

Join events that interest you. Start

connecting with others who are going.

Post at a different time of day

To find new creators to steal followers from,
you need to change your LinkedIn strategy.

I have started
posting sometimes
at 4:30pm UK...

I get less
engagement, but I
find new people to
network with.
Bonus Tip

Add 15 Active Connections daily

This method will never change. This is the no 1

thing that people get lazy on and it hurts reach.

Find new active connections in the

comments of any active poster in your niche...
Post Recap
3 New Ways to Steal Followers

Use “Top emerging creators to follow”

Join a LinkedIn Audio Event
Post at a different time


This carousel is
one of the first I made
on LinkedIn 2 years ago..
(these 3 methods are new tho)

Get a video tutorial this post.

Repost & comment “STEAL”
(I’ll send it to you)

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