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Sure, here are some of the recent research highlights from around the world:

1. Gene Function in the Human Brain: A consortium of researchers has produced the largest and most
advanced multidimensional maps of gene regulation networks in the brains of people with and without
mental disorders.

2. Birth of Universe’s Earliest Galaxies: Researchers have now seen the formation of three of the earliest
galaxies in the universe, more than 13 billion years ago.

3. Euclid Satellite: The first scientific pictures from the Euclid satellite mission have revealed more than
1,500 billion orphan stars scattered throughout the Perseus cluster.

4. Planet Hunters: A NASA catalog featuring 126 exotic, newly discovered worlds includes detailed
measurements that allow for comparisons with our own solar system.

5. Bizarre Bacteria: Bacterial defensive systems scramble the standard workflow of life.

6. Lab-grown Sperm and Eggs: ‘Epigenetic’ reset in human cells paves the way.

7. First ‘bilingual’ Brain-reading Device: This device decodes Spanish and English words.

8. Neanderthal–human Baby-making: This was recent and brief.

9. Counting Skills in Crows: These crows have counting skills previously only seen in people.

Please note that these are just a few of the many research studies being conducted worldwide. For more
detailed information, you can visit the provided references.

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