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Self-Reflection and Personal Summary of Counseling Session

Monthly Summary of Sessions

 How did the sessions help you with your concern?
1. A reminder. Discussions and sessions from the 1 month in-house program
could be forgotten from time to time because of the emerging concerns in life and
in current mission and pastoral assignments. Through the sessions, I am being
reminded of the do's and dont's especially when battered by occasions ans
situations which could heightened my emotion and pyscho-spiritual balance.
2. A roadmap. It becomes a checklist of what i have done so far whether rising or
falling trend of actions.

 What is your major takeaway from the session?

1. Appreciation of imperfections.
2. Value for transendence.
3. Time for self-care.
4. Affirmation of improvements and small wins.
5. Trust the process.
6. Abstention from overthinking and things beyond control.

 Identify the signs of progress regarding your concern (if any).

1. Admission of my personal limitations, mistakes.
2. Ability to embrace my imperfect self (self acceptance)
3. Lesser effort on defending myself and my mistakes and more on opening my
4. More time for self reflection and self care.
5. Regular journal of important events.
6. Identifying other reactions in connection with my core issues.
7. Bawi agad if there are heihtening events.
8. Confronting self issues and identity issues
9. Emphatic shift. Becoming more aware of others needs.

Personal Insights:
1. Through the process, what is the new information that you discover about
yourself and others?
* The capacity to transpire. I can still forgive and understand others especially
those who have done wrong against me. Forgive and accept myself with all my
limitations and failures despite the expectations and wrong i have done.
* The capacity to let go. From "i can manage all" to "i will manage this one first"

2. What are the challenges you encountered and how did you try to resolve them?
* challenge on repairing (reconstructing) self-image (fear of what other people
may say)
- constant self-reflection and self appreciation.
* challenge of securing security

3. What are the objectives you were able to meet?

a. personal objectives
- lessen negative thoughts
- unhold of things beyond control
- time for self-care and reflection

b. counseling objectives
- deeper self-knowledge leading to self-appreciationa dn acceptance.
- engage more with my own situation
- review of attachment issues
- Disengagement from stressful situations by not involving so much myself if not
needed thereby avoiding possible

4. What do you do to sustain the progress you have made or further improve your
present situation/condition?
* constant self-reflection
* reading self-help articles.
* nature-related activities

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