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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302 - Website: - Email Address:
S. Medida (Ext.) St., Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Elementary Department
English 6
Name: ______________________________ __________________
(Pass this before 12 noon)
You can pass it to through my facebook messenger: Caren Jugo Miras
Gmail Account:

Subject: English
Grade Level: 6
Individual Tasks:
Activity 1
Add the correct prefix to the word in parenthesis and write the new word formed in the
bank to complete the sentence.
1. The quality of a (standard) _____________ product is lesser than its known or
required level of quality
2. Clothes that are worn next to the skin beneath outer clothing are also known as
(wear) ___________.
3. An excess charge is also called (charge) _______________.
4. Mrs. Almeda is having the old houses she bought renovated for (sale)
5. There seems to have been a (communication) __________________ since most
of the applicants did not come as scheduled.
Activity 2
Add the correct suffix to the word in parenthesis and write the new word
formed in the bank to complete the sentence.
1. The principal thanked all the parents for being so (support) _________ of all the
school endeavours.
2. Her two-year-old daughter is quite (adore) _____.
3. The (reverse) _______of roles made the two actors shine in characters they do
not usually portray.
4. The (humid) _________ makes breathing difficult.
5. In full battle gear, the (fear) ________ knight faced the dragon.
Activity 3
Add the correct prefix or suffix to the word in parenthesis and write the new
word formed in the blank to complete the sentence.


One of the most pressing issues at present is the

____________________________ (deplete) of our natural resources. Therefore, it is
important that we do not use our natural resources _________________ (necessary) to
avoid ___________________(waste). In our school, both students and employees are
always encouraged to actively participate in all ____________________(environment)
projects of the school.

Activity 4 : Read the story below and answer the following questions.
How well did you Read?
1. How would you describe the main character in the story?
2. How did Issa achieve success?
3. If you were in Issa’s situation, would you do the same? Why or why not?
4. What is the message of the story?


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