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Grade 10 - 12 Delphi Commands

1. Data Types formatting. - Lowercase : Returns a string in lowercase form

Integer iNum := 1; rMoney : variable to be converted sStr := Lowercase('dElPhi'); // sStr =
String sName := ‘myString’; ffcurrency : used to specify currency 'delphi'
Real rNum := -1.78; 5 : Number of digits for Integer part - Position : Returns the index value of the
Char cChar := 'b'; 2 : Number of digits after decimal point first character in a specified substring that
Boolean bBool := 5 > 4; occurs in a given string
4.3.2 Convert to Currency(ffcurrency) iInt := pos('p','Delphi'); // iInt = 4
- Char Data type can only hold 1 character at a procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: - Trim : removes whitesspaces from a string
time TObject); sStr := Trim(' Delphi '); // sStr =
var rMoney; 'Delphi'
2. Variables begin - Uppercase : Returns a string, in Uppercase
Variables are used to store data. They have to rMoney := 123.923858; format
created ('declared') before they can be edtOutput.Text := FloatToStrf(rMoney,ff sStr := Uppercase('dElPhi'); // sStr =
used('initialized') currency,5,2); // R123.92 'DELPHI'
2.1 Declaration 4. Relational Operators
var sName, sSurname: string; 4.3.3 Convert to Fixed Decimal Place(ffFixed) = Equality iInt = 5
var iAge : integer; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: <> Inequality iInt <> 5
var rHeight : real; TObject); < Less Than iInt > 5
var rMoney; > Greater Than iInt < 5
2.2 Initialization begin <= Less than or Eqaul to iInt <= 5
var sName := 'Goku'; rMoney := 123.923858; >= Greater Than or Equal To iInt >= 5
var iAge := 149; edtOutput.Text := FloatToStrf(rMon
var rHeight : 1.89; ey,ffFixed,5,4); { $123.9200 } 5. Boolean Operators
end; not NEGATION not X
3. Naming Components and AND X and Y
4. Mathematics Function or OR X or Y
Component Prefix Include the *Math Uni t to make use of some of
TButton btn these functions such as floor, ceil, and power. 6. Random Numbers
TLabel lbl iVar1 := Random(2); // 0s and 1
TEdit edt - Abs : Returns the absolute value of a integer iVar2 := Random(10); // 0 to 9
TRichEdit red or real number iVar3 := 1+ Random(10); // 1 to 10
TCheckBox chk rReal := abs(-123,45) // Returns 123,45 iVar4 := 50+Random(250); // 50 to 250
TComboBox cmb - *Ceil : Rounds the value up to the nearest
TGroupBox grp whole number 7. Loops
TListBox lst iInt := ceil(123,65); // iInt = 124 7.1.1 For Loop from 1 to 10
TRadioGroup rgp iInt := ceil(123,45); //iInt = 124 for iInt:= 1 to 10 do
TRadioButton rbt - Dec : decrements an Integer variable by 1. begin
TSpinEdit spn iInt := 5; ShowMessage('Count:'+IntToStr(iInt));
TTrackBar trk Dec(iInt); //iInt = 4 end;
TStringGrid sgd - Div : used for integer division. For real 7.1.2 For Loop from 10 to 1
numbers use / for iInt:= 10 downto 1 do
4. Scope iInt := 10 div 3; // iInt = 3 begin
Refers to where a variable can be used. rReal := 12.34 / 4; // rReal = 3,085 ShowMessage('Count:'+IntToStr(iInt));
Local : Variable can be used inside procedure, - Frac: Returns the fractional part of a real end;
or function only. number
rReal := frac(4.41); // rReal = 0.41 7.2 Repeat from 1 to 10
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender : - *Floor : Rounds the value down to the nearest iInt := 1;
TObject); whole number repeat
var sLocalVariable : string; iInt := floor(123.65); // iInt = 123 ShowMessage('iInt='+IntToStr(iInt));
begin iInt := floor(123,45); // iInt = 123 Inc(iInt);
sLocalVariable := 'sLocalVariable can be - Inc : Increments an Integer variable by until iInt = 11 ;
used in this procedure only'; specified value
end; iInt := 5; 7.3 While Loop from 1 to 10
Inc(iInt); // iInt = 6 iInt := 1;
Global : Variable can be used throughout whole - *Max: Determines maximum between two numbers while iInt <= 10 do
program, and will retain their value until iInt := Max(123,321); // iInt = 321 begin
program is closed. - *Min: Determines minimum between two numbers ShowMessage('iInt='+IntToStr(iInt));
iInt := Min(123,321); // iInt = 123 Inc(iInt);
unit Unit1; - Mod: The modulus, mods number1 by number2 end;
interface iInt := 10 mod 3; // iInt = 1
uses - *Power : Raises the first number to pwer of 8. Validation
SysUtils,; second 8.1 Validate a editbox for only strings
type Real := Power(2,3); // iInt = 8 procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender:
TForm1 = class(TForm) - Round function rounds a real-type value to an TObject);
private integer-type value var n : integer;
public iInt := Round(123.65); // iInt = 124; sInput : string;
end; iInt := Round(123.45); // iInt - 123; begin
var - Sqr: returns the square of a int or real sInput := Edit1.Text;
sGlobalVariable : string; iInt := srq(2); // iInt = 4 for n:= 1 to Length(sInput) do
implementation - Srqt: returns the square root begin
{$R *.dfm} iInt := sqrt(4); // iInt = 2 if not (sInput[n]
end. in['A'..'Z','a'..'z']) then
ShowMessage('Error! Letter at ' +
4. Data Type Conversions 4. Strings sInput[n] + ' not a character');
When worknig with different data types, a When indexing strings, the first character end;
conversion needs to be performed. starts at position 1. end;
- Copy: Returns a substring of a string
4.1 String sStr := Copy('Delphi',4,6); // sStr = phi 8.2 Validate a editbox for only numbers
- Convert a String into a Integer - Delete : Deletes a substring from a string procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender:
iNum := StrToInt(edtInput.Text); beginning at a specified point TObject);
- Convert a String into a Real Number sStr := 'Deplphi'; var n : integer;
iNum := StrToFloat(edtInput.Text); Delete(sStr,3,1); // sStr = 'Delphi' sInput : string;
- Insert : Inserts a substring into a string begin
4.2 Integer beginning at a specified point sInput := Edit1.Text;
- Convert a Integer into a String sStr := 'Dephi'; for n:=1 to length(sInput) do
edtInput.Text := IntToStr(iNum); Insert('l',sStr,3); // sStr = 'Delphi' begin
- Length : Returns the number of characters in a if not (sInput[n] < '0') or (sInput[n] >
4.3 Float string '9') then
- Convert a Float into a String iInt := Length('Delphi'); // iInt = 6 ShowMessage('Error! Letter at ' +
edtInput.Text := FloatToStr(rHeight); - LastDelimiter : Returns the position of the sInput[n] + ' not a number');
last occurence of a substring in a string. end;
4.3.1 FloatToStrf iInt := LastDelimiter('1','12341'); // iInt end;
Used to convert a Real Number to a String with = 5
Grade 10 - 12 Delphi Commands
9. Conditional Statements 10.8 Read 10 Names from Keyboard into an array,
9.1.1 If...then 10.3 Retrieving Values from Array and display the names in alphabetic order
if iAge >= 18 then ShowMessage(Names[1]); // Don var
ShowMessage('Adult'); ShowMessage(IntToStr(Numbers[5])); //5 i,j : integer;
s: string;
9.1.2 If..then...else 10.4 Assign a value into an array in the arrNames: Array[1..10] of string;
if iAge <= 18 then declaration: begin
ShowMessage('Teenager') var arrDays : array[1..7] of string = for i:=1 to 10 do
else ('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday', begin
ShowMessage('Adult'); 'Friday','Saturday','Sunday'); arrNames[i] := InputBox('Names','Type in
arrScore : array[1..3] of integer = (4,5,2); a name','');
9.1.3 Else If end;
if iAge >= 18 then 10.5 Insert a value into an array for i := 1 to 9 do
ShowMessage('Adult') for j:= i+1 to 10 do
else if(iAge < 18) and (iAge >= 12) then 10.5.1 Using a while loop: if arrNames[i] > arrNames[j] then
ShowMessage('Teenager') var i : integer; begin
else arrNumbers : array[1..10] of integer; s := arrNames[i];
ShowMessage('Child'); begin arrNames[i] := arrNames[j];
i := 1; arrNames[j] := s;
9.1.4 If Statement with Begin and End while i <= 10 do end;
if iAge >= 18 then begin for i:=1 to 10 do
begin arrNumbers[i] := i; redOut.Lines.Add(arrNames[i]);
ShowMessage('Adult'); i:=i+1 ; end;
sStr := 'In Matric or Campus'; end;
end end; 10.9 Search an Array
else if(iAge < 18) and (iAge >= 13) then const Marks : array[1..5] of real =
begin 10.5.2 Using a for loop: (85.34,86.74,75.43,76.23,95.23);
ShowMessage('Teenager'); var i : integer; var iInt : integer;sStr : string;
sStr := 'In High School'; arrNumbers : array[1..10] of integer; bFound : boolean;rFound : real;
end begin begin
else for i := 1 to 10 do sStr := InputBox('Enter in Search
ShowMessage('Child'); arrNumbers[i] := i; String','Enter string','');
sStr := 'In Primary School'; end; rFound := StrToFloat(sStr);
bFound := false;
9.2.1 Case Statement 10.5.3 Using a Repeat Loop iInt := 1;
case iAge of var i : integer; while (iInt <= High(Marks)) and (bFound =
14 : sStr := 'Grade 8'; arrNumbers : array[1..10] of integer; false) do
15 : sStr := 'Grade 9'; begin begin
16 : sStr := 'Grade 10'; i := 1; if Marks[iInt] = rFound then
17 : sStr := 'Grade 11'; repeat begin
18 : sStr := 'Grade 12'; arrNumbers[i] := i; ShowMessage('Found Item: ' + sStr + ' at
else i := i+1; pos ' + IntToStr(iInt));
sStr := 'Unknown Grade'; until i&lt;= 10; bFound := true;
end; end; end
9.2.2 Case Statement, with Number range 10.5.4 Using User Input ShowMessage('Not Found!');
case iAge of var Names : array[0..9] of string; inc(iInt);
0 .. 1 : sStr:= 'Infant'; iIndex : integer; end;
2 .. 4 : sStr:= 'Toddler'; begin end;
5 .. 13 : sStr:= 'Child'; for iIndex := 0 to 9 do
14 .. 18 : sStr := 'Teenager'; begin 10.10 Sort an Array ascending order
19 .. 60 : sStr := 'Adult'; Names[iIndex] := Input- const arrNum : array[1..7] of integer =
61 .. 100: sStr := 'Senior'; box('Names','Enter In A Name Below',''); (2,4,6,1,0,9,6);
101 .. 140 : sStr := 'Super'; end; var i,j,temp : integer;
141 .. 1000: sStr := 'Lengendary'; end begin
else for i := 1 to length(arrNum) -1 do
sStr := 'Immortal'; 10.6 Using the High / Low Functions for j := i + 1 to length(arrNum) do
end; Marks : array[1..5] of real = if (arrNum[i] &gt; arrNum[j]) then
(85.34,86.74,75.43,76.23,95.23); begin
9.2.3 Case Statement, with Begin and End - Low : The lowest value within the range of the temp := arrNum[j];
case iProvince of index type of the array. arrNum[j] := arrNum[i];
1 : begin ShowMessage('Low : ' + IntTStr(Low(Marks))); arrNum[i] := temp;
sProvince := 'Gauteng'; // 1 end;
sCapital := 'Johannesburg'; - High: The highest value within the range of end.
end; the index type of the array. For empty arrays,
2 : begin High returns –1. 10.11 Sort an Array descending order
sProvince := 'Kwa-Zulu-Natal'; ShowMessage('High: ' + IntStr(High(Marks))); const arrNum : array[1..7] of integer =
sCapital := 'Pietermaritzburg'; // 5 (2,4,6,1,0,9,6);
end; var i,j,temp : integer;
else * Note : The High and Low Functions are not begin
sProvince := 'Unknown'; limited to being used only with arrays, and can for i := 1 to length(arrNum) -1 do
sCapital := 'Unknown'; be used with Ordinal Types(integers) and for j := i + 1 to length(arrNum) do
end; strings. if (arrNum[i] &gt; arrNum[j]) then
* Note : Both the if and case statement do the temp := arrNum[j];
same thing, with the exception that the case 10.7 Read 10 names from the keyboard into an arrNum[j] := arrNum[i];
statement only supports ordinal types. array and display the names in a rich edit arrNum[i] := temp;
case sStr of var i: Integer; end;
'kzn' : sProvince := 'Kwa-Zulu-Nata; nameArray : Array[1..10] of string; end.
end; begin
for i:=1 to 10 do 10.12 Find highest in an Array
begin const arrNum : array[1..7] of integer =
10. Arrays nameArray[i] := inputBox('Names','Type in (2,4,6,1,0,9,6);
10.1 Array Declaration a name',''); var
Numbers : array[1..10] of Integer; end; max,i : integer;
Names: array[1..5] of string; for i:= Low(nameArray) to High(nameArray) begin
Marks: array[0..4] of real; do max := arrNum[1];
begin for i := low(arrNum) to high(arrNum) do
10.2 Assigning Values to Array redOut.Lines.Add(nameArray[i]); begin
Names[1] := 'Don'; // string array end; if arrNum[i] > max then
for iInt:= 1 to 10 do // integer array end; max := arrNum[i];
begin end;
Numbers[iInt] := iInt; ShowMessage('Highest = ' + inttostr(max));
end; end;
Grade 10 - 12 Delphi Commands
9. Conditional Statements 10.8 Read 10 Names from Keyboard into an array,
9.1.1 If...then 10.3 Retrieving Values from Array and display the names in alphabetic order
if iAge >= 18 then ShowMessage(Names[1]); // Don var
ShowMessage('Adult'); ShowMessage(IntToStr(Numbers[5])); //5 i,j : integer;
s: string;
9.1.2 If..then...else 10.4 Assign a value into an array in the arrNames: Array[1..10] of string;
if iAge <= 18 then declaration: begin
ShowMessage('Teenager') var arrDays : array[1..7] of string = for i:=1 to 10 do
else ('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday', begin
ShowMessage('Adult'); 'Friday','Saturday','Sunday'); arrNames[i] := InputBox('Names','Type in
arrScore : array[1..3] of integer = (4,5,2); a name','');
9.1.3 Else If end;
if iAge >= 18 then 10.5 Insert a value into an array for i := 1 to 9 do
ShowMessage('Adult') for j:= i+1 to 10 do
else if(iAge < 18) and (iAge >= 12) then 10.5.1 Using a while loop: if arrNames[i] > arrNames[j] then
ShowMessage('Teenager') var i : integer; begin
else arrNumbers : array[1..10] of integer; s := arrNames[i];
ShowMessage('Child'); begin arrNames[i] := arrNames[j];
i := 1; arrNames[j] := s;
9.1.4 If Statement with Begin and End while i <= 10 do end;
if iAge >= 18 then begin for i:=1 to 10 do
begin arrNumbers[i] := i; redOut.Lines.Add(arrNames[i]);
ShowMessage('Adult'); i:=i+1 ; end;
sStr := 'In Matric or Campus'; end;
end end; 10.9 Search an Array
else if(iAge < 18) and (iAge >= 13) then const Marks : array[1..5] of real =
begin 10.5.2 Using a for loop: (85.34,86.74,75.43,76.23,95.23);
ShowMessage('Teenager'); var i : integer; var iInt : integer;sStr : string;
sStr := 'In High School'; arrNumbers : array[1..10] of integer; bFound : boolean;rFound : real;
end begin begin
else for i := 1 to 10 do sStr := InputBox('Enter in Search
ShowMessage('Child'); arrNumbers[i] := i; String','Enter string','');
sStr := 'In Primary School'; end; rFound := StrToFloat(sStr);
bFound := false;
9.2.1 Case Statement 10.5.3 Using a Repeat Loop iInt := 1;
case iAge of var i : integer; while (iInt <= High(Marks)) and (bFound =
14 : sStr := 'Grade 8'; arrNumbers : array[1..10] of integer; false) do
15 : sStr := 'Grade 9'; begin begin
16 : sStr := 'Grade 10'; i := 1; if Marks[iInt] = rFound then
17 : sStr := 'Grade 11'; repeat begin
18 : sStr := 'Grade 12'; arrNumbers[i] := i; ShowMessage('Found Item: ' + sStr + ' at
else i := i+1; pos ' + IntToStr(iInt));
sStr := 'Unknown Grade'; until i&lt;= 10; bFound := true;
end; end; end
9.2.2 Case Statement, with Number range 10.5.4 Using User Input ShowMessage('Not Found!');
case iAge of var Names : array[0..9] of string; inc(iInt);
0 .. 1 : sStr:= 'Infant'; iIndex : integer; end;
2 .. 4 : sStr:= 'Toddler'; begin end;
5 .. 13 : sStr:= 'Child'; for iIndex := 0 to 9 do
14 .. 18 : sStr := 'Teenager'; begin 10.10 Sort an Array ascending order
19 .. 60 : sStr := 'Adult'; Names[iIndex] := Input- const arrNum : array[1..7] of integer =
61 .. 100: sStr := 'Senior'; box('Names','Enter In A Name Below',''); (2,4,6,1,0,9,6);
101 .. 140 : sStr := 'Super'; end; var i,j,temp : integer;
141 .. 1000: sStr := 'Lengendary'; end begin
else for i := 1 to length(arrNum) -1 do
sStr := 'Immortal'; 10.6 Using the High / Low Functions for j := i + 1 to length(arrNum) do
end; Marks : array[1..5] of real = if (arrNum[i] &gt; arrNum[j]) then
(85.34,86.74,75.43,76.23,95.23); begin
9.2.3 Case Statement, with Begin and End - Low : The lowest value within the range of the temp := arrNum[j];
case iProvince of index type of the array. arrNum[j] := arrNum[i];
1 : begin ShowMessage('Low : ' + IntTStr(Low(Marks))); arrNum[i] := temp;
sProvince := 'Gauteng'; // 1 end;
sCapital := 'Johannesburg'; - High: The highest value within the range of end.
end; the index type of the array. For empty arrays,
2 : begin High returns –1. 10.11 Sort an Array descending order
sProvince := 'Kwa-Zulu-Natal'; ShowMessage('High: ' + IntStr(High(Marks))); const arrNum : array[1..7] of integer =
sCapital := 'Pietermaritzburg'; // 5 (2,4,6,1,0,9,6);
end; var i,j,temp : integer;
else * Note : The High and Low Functions are not begin
sProvince := 'Unknown'; limited to being used only with arrays, and can for i := 1 to length(arrNum) -1 do
sCapital := 'Unknown'; be used with Ordinal Types(integers) and for j := i + 1 to length(arrNum) do
end; strings. if (arrNum[i] &gt; arrNum[j]) then
* Note : Both the if and case statement do the temp := arrNum[j];
same thing, with the exception that the case 10.7 Read 10 names from the keyboard into an arrNum[j] := arrNum[i];
statement only supports ordinal types. array and display the names in a rich edit arrNum[i] := temp;
case sStr of var i: Integer; end;
'kzn' : sProvince := 'Kwa-Zulu-Nata; nameArray : Array[1..10] of string; end.
end; begin
for i:=1 to 10 do 10.12 Find highest in an Array
begin const arrNum : array[1..7] of integer =
10. Arrays nameArray[i] := inputBox('Names','Type in (2,4,6,1,0,9,6);
10.1 Array Declaration a name',''); var
Numbers : array[1..10] of Integer; end; max,i : integer;
Names: array[1..5] of string; for i:= Low(nameArray) to High(nameArray) begin
Marks: array[0..4] of real; do max := arrNum[1];
begin for i := low(arrNum) to high(arrNum) do
10.2 Assigning Values to Array redOut.Lines.Add(nameArray[i]); begin
Names[1] := 'Don'; // string array end; if arrNum[i] > max then
for iInt:= 1 to 10 do // integer array end; max := arrNum[i];
begin end;
Numbers[iInt] := iInt; ShowMessage('Highest = ' + inttostr(max));
end; end;
Grade 10 - 12 Delphi Commands
11. 2D Array -FileExists: The fileexists function returns
11.1 Declare a 2D Array True if the given FileName file exists. 13.3 Loop through all records in a table
var arrNums : array[1..3,1..4] of integer; if not fileexists('Test.txt') then procedure TfrmCarRent.btnTotalStartKmC-
- arrNums : name of 2D array Showmessage('File does not exist'); lick(Sender: TObject);
- 1..3 : number of rows -ReWrite : Opens file as new var iSum : integer;
- 1..4 : number of columns ReWrite(myFile); begin
-Reset : Opens a file for Read Access iSum := 0;
11.2 Intialize 2D array with random values Reset(myFile); tblRentals.First;
procedure TForm1.btnInitializeClick(Sender: - Append : Opens a file for appending at end while not tblRentals.Eof do
TObject); Append(myFile); begin
var row,col : integer; - Read : Read one Letter at a time iSum := iSum + tblRentals['Start_Km'];
begin read(myFile,cChar); tblRentals.Next;
for row := 1 to 3 do - ReadLn : Reads a Line of Text and goes to Next end;
for col := 1 to 4 do Line redOutput.Clear;
begin readln(myFile,sStr); redOutput.Lines.Add('Total Start_Km = ' +
arrNums[row,col] := random(9)+1; - Rename : Changes the name of an external file. inttostr(iSum) + ' Kms');
end; Rename(myFile, 'Test1.txt'); end;
end; - Write : Writes to A File
write(myFile, 'Some Text Here '); 13.4 Count all the records in a table
11.3 Print the elements inside of the 2D - WriteLn : Writes to a File in a New Line procedure TfrmCarRent.btnTotalRecord-
Array writeln(myFile, 'Hello World'); sClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.btnPrintElementsClick(Send- var iTotalRecords : integer;
er: TObject); begin
var row,col : integer; 12.2 Reading from a Text File iTotalRecords := 0;
str : string; - Sample Data Contained in the text file will tblRentals.First;
begin look like this. while not tblRentals.Eof do
for row := 1 to 3 do begin
begin elinks#Free Text-Based Console Browser inc(iTotalRecords);
str := ''; lynx#Customizable Web Browser tblRentals.Next;
for col := 1 to 4 do w3m#Open Source Web Browser end;
begin Note the delimiter (#) redOutput.Clear;
str := str + inttostr(arrNums[row,col]) + redOutput.Lines.Add('TotalRecords = ' +
' '; var inttostr(iTotalRecords));
end; myFile : textFile; end;
redOutput.Lines.Add(str); sStr,sBrowserName,sDescription : string;
end; iIndex : integer; There is a built-in method that does the exact
end; begin same thing called RecordCount:
if Not FileExists('sample-data.txt') then
11.4 Get the sum of rows in a 2D Array ShowMessage('File does not exist') procedure TfrmCarRent.btnRecordCount-
procedure TForm1.btnAddRowClick(Sender: else Click(Sender: TObject);
TObject); begin begin
var row,col,rowSum : integer; AssignFile(myFile,'sample-data.txt'); redOutput.Clear;
begin Reset(myFile); redOutput.Lines.Add('TotalRecords = ' +
for row := 1 to 3 do while not eof(myFile) do inttostr(tblRentals.RecordCount));
begin begin end;
rowSum := 0; Readln(myFile,sStr);
for col := 1 to 4 do iIndex := Pos('#',sStr); 13.5 Modify Commands
begin sBrowserName := Copy(sStr,1,iIndex-1); The modify commands, correspond to the SQL
rowSum := arrNums[row,col] + rowSum; sDescription := Copy(sStr,iIndex+1); Update, Insert and Delete, and allow you to make
end; end; changes to the table.
redOutput.Lines.Add('Sum of row:' + intto Closefile(myFile);
str(row) + ' = ' + end; tblPlayers.Edit // Puts the dataset in edit
inttostr(rowSum)); end mode
end; tblPlayers.Insert // Puts the dataset in
end; 12.3 Wrinting to a Text File insert mode
procedure TForm1.btnWriteClick(Sender: tblPlayers.Delete // Puts the dataset in
11.5 Get the sum of columns in a 2D Array: TObject); delete mode
procedure TForm1.btnAddColumnsClick(Sender: var myFile : textFile; tblPlayers.Post // Writes the change to
TObject); sLine : string; current record to the database
var row,col,colSum : integer; begin
begin AssignFile(myFile, 'output.txt'); 13.6 Inserting a Record into the table
for col := 1 to 4 do Append(myFile); The Insert statement is responsible for putting
begin sLine := edtInput.Text; the table into insert mode, and Post statement
colSum := 0; Writeln(myFile,sLine); is responsible for saving any changes.
for row := 1 to 3 do redOutput.Lines.Add(sLine);
begin CloseFile(myFile); procedure TfrmCarRent.btnInsertClick(Sender:
colSum := arrNums[row,col] + colSum; end; TObject);
end; begin
redOutput.Lines.Add('Sum of col:' + intto 13. ADO tblRentals.Insert;
str(col) + ' = ' + 13.1 Accessing a single column in the table tblRentals['Vehicle_ID'] := strtoint(edtVe
inttostr(colSum)); - Rental_ID is a column of integer values hicle_ID.Text);
end; - Start_Date is a column of data values tblRentals['Driver_ID'] := strtoint(edt-
end; redOutput.Lines.Add('Rental_ID:' + #9 + Driver_ID.Text);
inttostr(tblRentals['Rental_ID'])); tblRentals['Start_Km'] := strtoint(edt-
12. Text Files redOutput.Lines.Add('Start_Date:' + #9 + Start_Km.Text);
Text files stores ASCII Text, and are read as datetostr(tblRentals['Start_Date'])); tblRentals['Stop_Km'] := strtoint(edt-
strings. Stop_Km.Text);
13.2 Navigational Commands tblRentals['Start_Date'] := strToDate(edt-
12.1 Text File Functions Allows you to navigate records in the table Start_Date.Text);
-AssignFile : Assigns your Text File to a tblRentals.First // Moves pointer to the tblRentals['Stop_Date'] := strToDate(edt-
variable for Use first record Stop_Date.Text);
AssignFile(myFile,'Test.txt'); tblRentals.Prior // Moves pointer to record tblRentals.Post;
-CloseFile: Closes the file one before current record end;
CloseFile(myFile); tblRentals.Next // Moves pointer to the next
-EOF: Tests whether the file position is at the record
end of a file. tblRentals.Last // Moves pointer to the last
while not EOF(myFile) do record
ReadLn(myFile,text); procedure TfrmCarRent.btnRentalsFirst-
ShowMessage(text); Click(Sender: TObject);
end; begin
Grade 10 - 12 Delphi Commands
13.7 Edit Recrods in a table 14.2 As 14.6 Having
procedure TfrmCarRent.btnEditClick(Sender: The as statement renames a column in the output: The Having statement is similar to the WHERE
TObject); Usage: statement, allowing columns to be filtered based
begin SELECT column AS renameHere FROM table; on a criteria, but with a few differences. The
tblRentals.Edit; HAVING statement is applied after the GROUP BY
tblRentals['Vehicle_ID'] := strtoint(edtVe 14.2.1 Renaming the output Column: Statement, whilst the WHERE statement is applied
hicle_ID.Text); SELECT Song AS renameSong from tblResults ; before the GROUP BY. Another difference is that
tblRentals['Driver_ID'] := strtoint(edt- the HAVING STATEMENT can filter aggregrate
Driver_ID.Text); 14.3 Between results. The syntax for this statement is as
tblRentals['Start_Km'] := strtoint(edt- The between statement selects values in a follows:
Start_Km.Text); certain range. Usage:
tblRentals['Stop_Km'] := strtoint(edt- Usage: SELECT column FROM table_name WHERE condi-
Stop_Km.Text); SELECT column1 FROM table BETWEEN value1 and tion GROUP BY column HAVING
tblRentals['Start_Date'] := strToDate(edt- value2 condition;
tblRentals['Stop_Date'] := strToDate(edt- 14.3.1 Show those DanceCoupleIDs that have a 14.6.1 For every TypeOfDance, get the Max Score
Stop_Date.Text); score in the range of 20 and 30: that is greater than 35:
tblRentals.Post; SELECT DanceCoupleID,Score FROM tblResults SELECT TypeOfDance,MAX(Score) FROM tblRe-
redOutput.Clear; WHERE Score BETWEEN 20 AND 30; sults GROUP BY TypeOfDance HAVING MAX
redOutput.Lines.Add('New Record Succesfully (Score) > 35;
Edited'); Which could have also been rewritten as:
end; SELECT DanceCoupleID,Score FROM tblResults 14.7 Delete
WHERE Score >= 20 AND Score <= 30; The DELETE statement will delete a row within a
procedure TfrmCarRent.btnDeleteYearTwenty- 14.3.2 Show those Videos that where published Usage:
Click(Sender: TObject); beteween the dates 23 January 2015 and 31 DELETE FROM table WHERE condition;
var iCount : integer; December 2015: Example:
begin SELECT VideoTitle, DatePublished FROM Video DELETE FROM tblResults WHERE TypeOfDance
iCount := 0; WHERE DatePublished BETWEEN LIKE('%Swag%');
tblRentals.First; #2015/01/23# AND #2015/12/31#
while not tblRentals.Eof do 14.8 Distinct
begin 14.4 Dates The Distinct statement eliminates duplicate
if pos('2020',datetostr(tblRen- You can make use of Date in the following values from a column, and only returns distinct
tals['Start_Date'])) > 0 then ways values.
begin Usage:
tblRentals.Delete; 14.4.1 Select a Date from the table based on SELECT DISTINCT column1, colum FROM table;
inc(iCount); some criteria:
tblRentals.First; SELECT GameDate FROM tblGames WHERE 14.8.1 Show the different dance types:
end; GameDate=#2016/01/11# SELECT DISTINCT TypeOfDance FROM tblResults;
tblRentals.Next; Example:
end; 14.4.2 Select the current Date using NOW(): SELECT DISTINCT Province FROM tblTowns,
redOutput.Lines.Add(inttostr(iCount) + ' SELECT NOW(); tblDams WHERE tblTowns.DamID =
Records Deleted'); tblDams.DamID AND River = "Vaal River";
end; 14.4.3 Select the Day from a Date using DAY():
SELECT DAY(#2016/01/11#); 14.9 In
14.SQL The IN statement allows us to state which values
14.1 Aggregate Functions 14.4.4 Select the Month from a Date using we would like to see for a certain column.
An aggregate function performs some mathe- MONTH(): Usage:
matic operations on a column. SELECT MONTH(#2016/01/11#); SELECT column FROM table WHERE column
Usage : 14.4.5 Select the Year from a Date using YEAR():
SELECT AggregateFunction(ColumnName) FROM SELECT YEAR(#2016/01/11#); 14.9.1 All couples that used the Cha-Cha and
tableName; Salsa Dance :
Min : Returns the minimum value from a column: 14.4.6 Select those Players born in September: SELECT DanceCoupleID,TypeOfDance FROM
SELECT MIN(Score) from tblResults; SELECT Name, DateOfBirth FROM tblPlayers tblResults WHERE TypeOfDance
Max : Return the maximum value from a column: where Month(DateOfBirth) = 9; IN('Cha-Cha','Salsa');
SELECT MAX(Score) from tblResults;
Sum : Returns the sum from a column : 14.4.7 Show the age of each Dam: 14.10 Group By
SELECT SUM(Score) from tblResults; SELECT DamName, (Year(Now()) - YearComplet- The Group By statement is used when you have the
Avg : Returns the average from a column : ed) as Age from tblDams; repeating values occuring in Columns. It groups
SELECT AVG(Score) from tblResults; these multiple occurence of values, into
Count : Counts the Number of values in a column: 14.4.8 Insert a New Date into the table: disctinct values. It is often used with aggre-
SELECT Count(Song) from tblResults; INSERT INTO tblGames VALUES (76, gate functions.
#2017/12/24#, "HM008", 250, 5566); Usage:
When using Aggregate functions on more than one SELECT columnsFROM table WHERE condition
column, you must use the Group By Statement 14.5 Format GROUP BY column.
The Format statement, formats a number into a
14.1.1 Find how many times the "Cha-Cha" was specific format. Example:
danced per week : Usage: SELECT Week,Count(TypeOfDance),TypeOfDance
SELECT Week,Count(TypeOfDance) from tblRe- SELECT FORMAT(column1,1) FROM table; FROM tblResults WHERE
sults where TypeOfDance='Cha-Cha' GROUP BY TypeOfDance='Cha-Cha' GROUP BY Week;
Week; 14.5.1 Format a column to 2 Decimal Places:
SELECT FORMAT(Score,"0.00") from tblGames; SELECT Endangered, Count(*) AS CountAnimals
14.1.2 Find how many couples where Eliminated FROM tblCarnivores Group By
per week: 14.5.2 Working out the Average Score, and Endangered;
SELECT Week,Count(Result) from tblResults displaying to three decimal places
WHERE Result="Eliminated" GROUP BYWeek; SELECT DanceCoupleID, FORMAT(AVG(- SELECT Month(PaymentDate) AS MonthNum
Score),"0.000") AS AverageScore FROM FORMAT(Sum(GrossSalary-
14.1.3 Find which TypeOfDance yielded the tblResults GROUP BY DanceCoupleID; Deductions),"Currency") AS TotalAmountPaid
highest score : FROM tblPayments GROUP BY MONTH
SELECT TypeOfDance,AVG(Score) FROM tblRe- 14.5.3 Using Format with "Currency": (PaymentDate);
sults GROUP BY TypeOfDance ORDER BY AVG(- SELECT MONTH(PaymentDate) as MonthNum
Score) desc; FORMAT(Sum(GrossSalary-
Deductions),"Currency") AS TotalAmountPaid
14.1.4 Display the names and average skill FROM tblPayments GROUP BY MONTH
levels of all teams with an average skill level (PaymentDate);
of more than 6 :
SELECT TeamName, Round(Avg(SkillsLevel),1)
AS AverageSkillsLevel FROM tblPlayers GROUP
BY TeamName HAVING Avg(SkillsLevel) > 6;
Grade 10 - 12 Delphi Commands
14.11 Insert 14.16 Where 15.6 Add 10 Days
The INSERT statement allows us to add a row into The Where clause allows us to specify criteria, procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender:
a table. to narrow down our results to what we want. TObject);
Usage: Usage: var myDate : TDateTime;
INSERT INTO table(column1,column2) SELECT column FROM table WHERE criteria; begin
VALUES(value1,value2); myDate := EncodeDate(2021,01,30);
15.Dates and Time myDate := incday(myDate,10);
Example : Getting the current date and time Richedit1.Lines.Add(datetostr(myDate));
INSERT INTO tblResults //2021/02/09
(RoutineNo,Week,Round,DanceCoupleID,TypeOf- procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: end;
Dance,Song,Score,Result) VALUES TObject);
('120','13','2','15','Classical','Symphony var 15.7 Subtract 10 days
5','40','Eliminated'); myDate,myTime : string; procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender:
begin TObject);
You can also use the INSERT statement like this myTime := TimeToStr(Time); // 18:45:19 var myDate : TDateTime;
Usage: myDate := DateToStr(Date); // 2020/09/01 begin
INSERT INTO table values(value1, value2); Richedit1.Lines.add(myTime + ' ' + myDate := EncodeDate(2021,01,30);
Example: myDate); myDate := incday(myDate,-10);
INSERT INTO tblGames VALUES (76, end; Richedit1.Lines.Add(datetostr(myDate));
#2017/12/24#, "HM008", 250, 5566); //2021/01/20
15.1 Isolating the Day, Month and Year end;
14.12 Like procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender:
The Like operator allows us to search for a TObject); 16. OOP
matching pattern within a column. var Class Definition
Usage: myDate,myTime,sYear,sMonth,sDay : string; type
SELECT column FROM table WHERE column LIKE begin TVideo = class
pattern myTime := TimeToStr(Time); // 18:45:19 private
myDate := DateToStr(Date); // 2020/09/01 fvideoname : string;
It works alongside two wildcards: sYear := copy(myDate,1,4); // 20 fcomments : string;
% – The percent sign represents zero, one, or sMonth := copy(myDate,6,2); // 09 flikes : integer;
multiple characters sDay := copy(myDate,9,2); // 01 fdislikes : integer;
_ – The underscore represents a single character Richedit1.Lines.Add(sDay + ' ' + sMonth + frating : integer;
' ' + sYear); public
14.12.1 Find all Songs that start with B: end; constructor create(sname : string);
SELECT Song from tblResults where SONG procedure AddNewComment(scomment,sdate :
LIKE('B%'); 15.2 Formatting the Output string);
15.2.1 Format Example 1 procedure SetRating;
14.12.2 Find all the songs that contain the word procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: function GetRating : string;
‘Love’ within them: TObject); procedure addLike;
SELECT Song from tblResults where SONG begin procedure addDislike;
LIKE('%LOVE%'); Richedit1.Lines.Add(formatdate- function tostring : string;
time('d/m/y',Date)); // 1/9/20 end;
14.12.3 Find all RoutineNos that obtained a end;
score of 30 or greater: 16.1 Class Constructor
SELECT RoutineNo,Score from tblResults WHERE 15.2.1 Format Example 1 constructor tvideo.create(sname: string);
Score LIKE('3_'); procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: begin
TObject); fvideoname := sname;
14.13 Order By begin flikes := 0;
The order by statement is used to arrange output Richedit1.Lines.Add(formatdatetime('dd/m- fdislikes := 0;
in alphabetical order. When the order by m/yyyy',Date)); //01/09/2020 end;
statement is not specified, results from the end;
table are displayed in the order they are found. 16.2 Class Procedure with Parameters
With order by you can specify Ascending or 15.2.1 Format Example 1 procedure tvideo.AddNewComment(scomment:
Descending order: procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: string; sdate: string);
Usage: TObject); begin
SELECT column FROM table WHERE criteria begin fcomments := #13 + scomment + #9 + sdate +
Order By column Richedit1.Lines.Add(formatdatetime('dd mm #13;
yyyy',Date)); //01 09 2020 end;
Example: end;
SELECT DanceCoupleID,TypeOfDance from 16.3 Class Function
tblResults where result = 15.2.1 Format Example 1 function tvideo.GetRating;
"Safe" ORDER BY TypeOfDance desc; procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: var i : integer;
TObject); sline : string;
14.14 Select begin begin
The select statement retrieves data from the Richedit1.Lines.Add(formatdate- sLine := '';
table, based on the column you specify. time('hh:mm',Time)); //18:56 for i:= 0 to frating do
Usage: end; begin
SELECT column FROM table; sline := sline + '*';
15.3 Add DateUtils to uses clause to use: end;
14.14.1 Select Single Column from a Table: bLeapYear := isLeapYear(2009); // returns result := sline;
SELECT Song FROM tblResults ; true or false for a leap year end
bIsValid := isValidDate(2014,2,29); // true
14.14.2 Select Specific Column : or false if valid date in the month and year 17. Misc
SELECT TypeOfDance,Song,Score FROM tblRe- NumDays:=DaysInAMonth(2013,2);
sults; lblMsg.caption:=dateToStr(Today); Getting a value from a comboxbox, or listbox:
14.14.3 Select All Columns from a Table : lblMsg.caption:=dateToStr(Yesterday); String name := cmblist.text or
SELECT * FROM tblResults ; cmbList.Items[cmbList.ItemIndex] – retrieve
the selected item in the combo box.
14.15 Update 15.4 Isolate as an integer
The UPDATE statement allows us to update a field iYear:= YearOf(date); 18. Escape Sequences for formatting output
value within a table. iMonth:=MonthOf(Date);
Usage: iDay:=DayOf(Date); #9 – tab spaces in output
UPDATE table SET column WHERE condition; #13#10 – new line in output
15.5 Using EncodeDate to set custom date
Example: procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender:
UPDATE tblResults SET TypeOfDance='Swag' TObject);
WHERE RoutineNo='120'; var myDate : TDateTime;
myDate := EncodeDate(2021,01,30);

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