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This policy is called as “Brahmaputra Cracker 3.1 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
and Polymer Limited Corporate Social means and includes, but is not limited to:
Responsibility Policy”. In short, it may be called Socially relevant programmes or initiatives
as BCPL CSR Policy. undertaken for welfare of general populace to
promote wholesome and sustainable growth.
2. Policy Statement and These activities shall be in accordance with
Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013.
3.2 CSR Committee of Board: means Corporate
2.1 As a responsible corporate citizen, the Social Responsibility Committee of the Board
company will work towards improving the as may be notified from time to time, in terms
quality of life of the communities in the areas of the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 or
adjoining its installation. Through its CSR any applicable guidelines issued from time to
initiatives the company will enhance value time.
creation in the society by taking up socially
relevant programmes and initiatives that will 3.3 CSR Cross Functional Committee: means
promote wholesome and sustained growth for the committee which will review and examine
the society. the CSR projects/ CSR Implementation plan
for each financial year and recommend for
2.2 Objectives: approval of Managing Director. The committee
• Integrating its business values and will be comprising of the following members
practices to meet the expectations of (Not below the rank of Chief Manager in each
stakeholders and to ensure that local case):
populace benefits from the company’s • Head of the Department (Human
presence in its neighbourhood. Resources)
• Create a significant and sustained
• Head of the Department (Finance
impact on general people in and around
its installation by taking up relevant
programmes to uplift the socio-economic • Chief Operating Officer/ Technical Head
3.4 CSR Coordination Team: means
• To connect with people and build a the committee which will monitor the
positive image of the company by implementation of the approved CSR
creating goodwill amongst the local projects and ensure timely fund utilization/
people. completion of the same. The committee
will be comprising of representatives of the 4. CSR Committee of the Board:
following Department ( at least one member
from HR/CC Department): 4.1 The composition of the CSR Committee of
Board shall be notified from time to time, in
• Human Resources Department terms of the provisions of sub-section (1) of
• Corporate Communication Department section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013.
• Finance & Accounts Department 4.2 Managing Director is authorized to designate
• Technical Department the Nodal Officer for the purpose of
coordinating policy formulation and steering
The committee is to be approved by Managing the sustainability & CSR agenda of the
Director for each financial year. company. This will be notified from time to
time on approval of Managing Director.
3.5 Net Profit: means the net profit of BCPL
as per the financial statement prepared in 5. Approving Authority:
accordance with the provisions of Companies
5.1 BCPL Board is Competent Authority for
Act, 2013.
approval of Annual CSR budget in each
3.6 CSR Expenditure: shall include the financial year.
expenditure earmarked for CSR activities 5.2 Managing Director is Competent Authority
in the beginning of each financial year in to approve scheme wise allocation as per the
accordance with Companies Act, 2013. approved budget in each financial year. The
projects will be reviewed and implemented by
3.7 Nodal Officer: Officer designated by internal committees.
Managing Director for the purpose of
coordinating for formulation/ amendment of 5.3 The details of projects will be apprised to
CSR Policy and steering CSR agenda of the CSR Committee of the Board.
company. This will be notified from time to
time on approval of Managing Director. 6. CSR Budget:
3.8 Words and expressions used in this document 6.1 The budget of the CSR shall be decided in the
but not defined shall be construed to have beginning of each financial year as part of the
the same meanings and implication as in the annual budget exercise.
Companies Act, 2013 corresponding rules 6.2 Considering the geographical location of this
and subsequent circulars and notifications, project, CSR budget will be to the tune of
if any. Rs. 1 Crore till any profit is generated by the
company subject to liquidity position of the promoting preventive health care and
company. sanitation and making available safe drinking
6.3 On commissioning of the plant and on
generating revenue, the company will spend 7.2 Promoting education, including special
at least 2% of the average profit of the last education and employment enhancing
three financial years. vocation skills especially among children,
women, elderly, and the differently abled
6.4 The unspent amount in a particular year for and livelihood enhancement projects; relief
a particular project would not lapse. It activities during natural calamities and
would be carried forward to the next year for disasters.
utilization in CSR initiatives subject to the
amount to be carried forward will be restricted 7.3 Promoting gender equality, empowering
to the amount unspent from requirement of women, setting up homes and hostels for
the 2% of the average profit of the last three women and orphans; setting up old age
years. homes, day care centers and such other
facilities for senior citizens and measures for
6.5 In case a CSR project does not take off till reducing inequalities faced by socially and
02 years of its approval, the same shall be economically backward groups;
considered dropped with the approval of the
7.4 Ensuring environmental sustainability,
CSR Committee. Also the fund allocated
ecological balance, protection of flora
against such project shall be considered for
and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry,
relevant alternate project.
conservation of natural resources and
6.6 The surplus arising out of the CSR projects or maintaining quality of soil, air and water;
activities shall not form part of the business 7.5 Protection of national heritage, art and culture
profit of the company. including restoration of buildings and sites
6.7 The budget will be regulated as per the of historical importance and works of art;
provision of Companies Act 2013/ applicable setting up public libraries; promotion and
guidelines issued from time to time. development of traditional and handicrafts;
7.6 Measures for the benefit of armed forces
7. CSR Projects/ Programmes: veterans, war widows and their dependents;
BCPL shall undertake CSR projects in the 7.7 Training to promote rural sports, nationally
following areas: recognized sports, Paralympic sports and
Olympic sports;
7.1 Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition,
7.8 Contribution to the Prime Minister’s National
Relief Fund or any other fund set up by the should address the emergent needs of the
Central Government for socio-economic society along with emphasis on community
development and relief and welfare of the participation.
Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other While identifying the CSR projects following
backward classes, minorities and women; parameters shall be considered:
7.9 Contributions or funds provided to technology • The project should come under the
incubators located within academic purview of Schedule VII of Companies
institutions which are approved by the Central Act, 2013
Government. • Project Cost: Direct and overhead
7.10 Rural development projects and other areas • No. of Beneficiaries ( Total, SC, ST,
mentioned in Schedule VII. Women, PH )

Geographical focus of BCPL CSR will be • Time period of completion

immediate vicinity of its operation areas. • Radial distance to be within 5
kilometers of any of the company’s
8. Identification and operating units including Lepetkata,
Lakwa, Duliajan, Railway Siding and
Implementation of CSR Pipelines.
projects: 8.3 The target groups include, but are not limited to:
8.1 BCPL CSR schemes will be identified at the • Below Poverty Line ( BPL) Line
beginning of each financial area based on • Women/ Girl Children
• Valid Internal need Assessment / through • Children in difficult circumstances
External Agencies.
• Person with disabilities
• Proposal from District Authorities/
local panchayat/ critical stakeholders/ • Social disadvantaged groups like SC, ST,
public representatives/ neighborhood OBC, Minorities etc.
community etc. 8.4 The identified CSR projects shall be placed
• Recommendation from Chief/ Officer In by Nodal Officer for review of CSR Cross
charge of BCPL Plant. Functional Committee. The CSR Cross
Functional Committee shall review and
8.2 The project should be clearly defined and examine the projects/ schemes and recommend
should have documented project deliverables, for approval of Managing Director as per the
outcomes, and milestones. The project budget approved in each financial year.
8.5 CSR programmes shall be undertaken 9.3 CSR Coordination Team will monitor timely
through registered trust/ societies/ companies/ fund utilization and payment other than
autonomous bodies / government departments mobilization advance shall be released only
which should necessarily have an established after obtaining utilization certificates and
track record of 03 (three) years in undertaking certification of CSR coordination team.
such projects and programmes. Once the
project is approved, BCPL will have to enter 9.4 Feedback shall also be obtained by
into an agreement with the implementing / beneficiaries about the CSR projects/
executing agency and the payment shall be programmes wherever applicable.
done as per the agreement signed (Annexure 9.5 Nodal Officer will place a report to the CSR
I). Committee of Board in each quarter regarding
8.6 BCPL may also collaborate with other status of the projects through MD for the
companies for undertaking CSR projects or financial year.
9.6 An Annual Report on CSR containing details
8.7 BCPL may also execute the CSR programmes about the CSR policy and programmes
through respective departments when required implemented by BCPL shall be included in the
as per normal C&P procedure. Board of Directors’ Report for every financial
year, as per the format prescribed under the
8.8 Adequate care is to be taken that there is no
Rules to Section 135 of Companies Act, 2013.
duplication of CSR and sustainability projects
with that of Governments Programmes/ other 9.7 Composition of CSR Committee of Board
agencies/ other establishments. will be included in the Annual Report on CSR
and also displayed on the BCPL’s website.
9. Monitoring and Reporting of 9.8 The CSR programmes being implemented
CSR schemes: should be displayed in the company’s website.
9.1 The progress of the CSR projects or
programmes under implementation shall 10.Impact Assessment :
be intimated to BCPL on monthly basis by In order to assess the impact of its CSR projects and
Implementing Agency. programmes, BCPL shall undertake the following
9.2 CSR Coordination Team will regularly
monitor the project progress/ conduct site 10.1 Ensure that the projects and programmes
visits and appraise the Nodal Officer. A record undergo final evaluation.
of all the site visits shall be maintained.
10.2 Engage credible third parties to undertake
impact assessment study of all or selected 11.5 Any point not covered by this policy would
projects/ programmes as per the requirement. be interpreted in accordance with the existing
Companies (CSR Policy) Rules and DPE
10.3 Baseline Survey on identified thrust areas by Guidelines, with the former taking precedence
an external agency may be done for major over the later in case of any conflict.
12.Criteria for selection of
11. General Provisions:
Implementing partner in case of
11.1 All or any provisions of the CSR guidelines
would be subject to revision/amendment in
Voluntary Organization / Non-
accordance with the legislation/ guidelines Government Organization/
of the government issued from time to time.
Any modifications will be effected with the
Company/Agency :
approval of CSR committee of the Board. 1. The applicant should be legally registered
organization under Societies Registration Act,
11.2 No contribution shall be made to any political
1860 or Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or section 25
party under CSR. The CSR activities should be
or section 08 Company.
taken by the company in project/programme
mode. One off events such as marathons/ 2. The agency should have a permanent Address
awards/charitable contribution/advertisement/ in India
Sponsorships of TV Programmes would not
be qualified as part of the CSR expenditure. 3. The agency should be registered for a period of
minimum three years as on date of submission
11.3 Contribution to corpus of a trust/ Society/ of their application to BCPL.
section 8 companies etc. will qualify as
CSR expenditure as long as (a) the trust/ 4. The agency should have undertaken CSR
society/ section 8 companies etc. is created projects for Central/ State Govt. / Central or
exclusively for undertaking CSR activities or State PSU.
(b) where the corpus is created exclusively for
purpose directly relatable to a subject covered 5. The state should have regional offices /
in Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013. establishments in the state where the project
is proposed.
11.4 The CSR projects or programmes or activities
that benefits only the BCPL employees and 6. The agency should not have been blacklisted
their family members shall not be considered by any funding body/ partner organization in
as CSR activities in accordance with Section India.
135 of the Act.
7. No member on the Board of Agency has any 2. Proof of permanent address in India
criminal proceeding going on in any court of
India. 3. PAN

8. In case of programmes focused on skill 4. Service Tax Registration Number

development for wage employment, the
5. Income Tax Exemption Certificated: as
courses should be accredited by National
applicable (80G/ 12AA/35AC/FCRA etc.)
level bodies such as ATDC, NCVT, NSDC,
NAAC etc. 6. Audited Balance Sheet of the last three years.
9. In case of procurement of items such as solar 7. Income and Expenditure details of last three
lights, Solar Water Pumps, lanterns, hand years to ascertain sources of funding and
pumps, bore wells etc. the rate should be value of funding.
benchmarked against standard/ applicable
govt. rates. 8. Details of the ongoing projects: Organization,
Location, beneficiaries Cost, Timeline and
10. In case of projects involving construction other relevant details.
activities, govt. rates should apply and the
projects should preferably be executed 9. An undertaking that a) no member on
through a Govt. Agency. the Board of the entity has any criminal
proceeding going on in any court of India and
13.Documents to be submitted b) the entity has not been blacklisted by any
funding body/ partner organization in India.
by concerned agency if the
10. Profile of the promoters of the organization to
project are executed through ascertain background of the people associated
Voluntary Organization / Non- with the organization.
Government Organization/
1. Registration Certificate

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