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PS Home Assignment: Grammarly Premium

Opening (general info+detail desc)

Hi there! Are you a writer, a journalist, a blogger, or a college students who writes a lot
a of paper? If yes then you must heard or used Grammarly a lot. Grammarly is a applications
writing assistant to help people communicate better with their conversations, documents, and
paper, making them more clear, error-free, and compelling.

But have you ever heard of the Grammarly Premium version? Grammarly Premium is
a premium upgrade from the free version, starting only at $12.00 a month this upgrade includes
over 400 differents sorts tools and capabilities, such as checking for grammatical problems,
suggesting vocabulary, detecting plagiarism, and suggesting citations.

Although the free version of Grammarly still gives you acccess to some of the tools,
Grammarly Premium is still a perfect tool for making sure that everything you write on your
paper is engaging, accurate, and easy to read.

Reason 1 (the reason to buy/join the product/service.)

The first reason why you should upgrade to Grammarly Premium is because of the
complete features in correcting your grammar. Grammarly Premium has a far larger number of
grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and context checks.

In Grammarly Premium, it will assists you in making your writing more understandable
to the reader. For example, it may advise that long phrases can be restructured to make them
more short and readable.

It can also assist you in making the perfect delivery for your speech text, with the feature
called tone adjustment suggestions display. This feature can assist you in finding a more polite
or alternative way to say something that may appear disrespectful.

For instance, when you are writing an emails to your colleagues or a formal speech.
Grammarly Premium can assist you in achieving the appropriate level of formality. If an
informal "thanks" to a close friend may be acceptable, this feature might remind you to use
"thank you" while you addressing to your colleagues or in a formal settings. It can also make
your writing sounds more confident by suggesting to changing weak phrases like “I think” or
Grammarly Premium also gives you engangement suggestions. This fetaure can help
you notice a repetitive phrases and give another suggestion to remove basic vocabulary with
more compelling words. Like the phrases “very smart” can be replaced with “brilliant” or “very
happy” can be replaced with “pleased”

Reason 2 (the reason to buy/join the product/service.)

Opinion 1

In my opinion, Grammarly Premium is well worth the money. This is because the
Grammarly Premium version will detect more errors in my paper’s spelling and grammar. I
also receive advice on how to improve my writing style. Overall, Grammarly Premium is a
fantastic deal at only $12.00!

Opinion 2


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