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Embankment are the main part of the any earth work .They are widely used, e.g. as embankment dams for reservoirs, as
road, railway and airport runway embankments in transportation but here we are discussing sequence wise working
methodology for the earthwork in embankment for highway work.

1. Scope of Work

2. Reference Documents.

3. Setting Out.

4. Selection of Material & Borrow areas.

5. Equipments.

6. Methods of Operation.

7. Quality Control.

8. Work Safety

9. Environmental Safety 1/5

1.0 Scope of Work:

The work shall consist of Construction of embankment with approved and speci ed materials obtained from approved
borrow areas or suitable material obtained from roadway excavation and drain excavation and in accordance with clause
305 of MORT&H speci cation.

2.0 Reference:

Reference Documents:

1. Ministry of Road Transport & Highway Speci cations for Road & Bridges.5th Revision
2. IRC SP-87
3. Technical Speci cation
4. Relevant contract drawings.
5. IS 2720 Codes

3.0 Setting Out:

After completion of site clearance, the limits of embankment shall be marked by xing pegs on both sides at regular
intervals. The chainage boards and working bench mark shall be set outside the limits of construction areas.

4.0 Selection of Material and Borrow areas:

4.1 Material:

The material used in Embankment shall be soil, moorum, gravel, a mixture of these or any other material approved by
the Engineer. It shall be free from logs, stumps, roots, rubbish & any other material detrimental to the stability of
structure. The material for embankment shall be obtained from the approved source with preference to the material
becoming available from nearby roadway excavation or any other excavation under the contract. The material
requirements shall be in accordance with clause 305.2 of MORT&H.

4.2 Borrow Material:

Samples should be taken from the known borrow area & to be tested as per IS 2720 for the suitability in use in
embankment as per project speci cation. On con rmation of the suitability material the area shall be properly
demarcated and satisfy the clause 305.2.2.2

5.0 Equipments:

The following equipments shall be carried out for the Embankment Construction. If desired the contractor shall
demonstrate the e cacy of the type of equipment to be used, before commencement of work.

1. Hydraulic Excavator
2. Dozer
3. Dumper (Tipper Trucks)
4. Motor Grader
5. Soil Compactor
6. Water Tanker
7. Tractor Trolleys 2/5

8. Survey Kit / instrument

6.0 Method of Operation:

After completion of site clearance, the limits of embankment shall be marked by xing pegs at regular intervals before
commencing the earthwork. Construction toe line shall be more than the design toe line for proper construction of the
edges .
The original ground shall be levelled to facilitate placement of rst layer of embankment, scari ed, mixed with water
and then compacted by rolling so as to achieve minimum dry density as speci ed in the modi ed Technical
speci cation. Foundation treatment speci ed for embankments shall be carried out as per approved drawing.
Unsuitable material occurring in embankment foundation shall be removed as per direction and approval of the
Engineer and replaced by approved materials laid in layers and suitably compacted to the required and speci ed
degree of compaction. Excavation at approved borrow areas as per clause 305.2.2.2 shall be carried out with excavator
and transportation of excavated material shall be done by dumpers/ tractor trolley.
Natural ground soil shall be tested for its suitability. If found unsuitable it shall be replaced with the permission of the
Dry Density of natural ground soil shall be determined, and natural ground shall be tested for dry density, if found less
than 95% of M.D.D., the original ground shall be scari ed and mixed with the required quantity of water and then
compacted by vibratory roller to achieve minimum speci ed dry density.
For construction adjacent to the existing embankment, a continuous horizontal benching 300 mm wide or as per
drawing shall be provided in the existing embankment.
The embankment material shall then be spread in layers not exceeding 250 mm compacted thicknesses when using
vibratory roller over the entire area with the dozer and nished by a motor grader. When the existing embankment to
be widened continuous horizontal benches shall be cut out into the old slope to ensure adequate bond. Where water is
required to be added the same shall be sprinkled from a water tanker tted with sprinkler, uniformly on the surface
but without ooding and shall be mixed thoroughly in soil by harrowing until uniform moisture content is obtained
throughout the depth of the layer. If the material delivered to the roadbed is too wet, it shall be dried by aeration and
exposure to the sun till the moisture content is accepted for compaction. At the time of compaction the moisture
content should be in the range of +/- ½ of OMC.
The compaction shall be done with the help of Vibratory Roller of 8 – 10 Tonne static weight. Compaction trial shall be
carried out on a suitable stretch to determine the no. of passes required for particular type of soil, dumped for
embankment, to achieve densities speci ed in the table 300-2 of the Technical speci cation. Based on the trial actual
compaction will be carried out with required no. of passes of Soil Compactor until the speci ed density is achieved.
Rolling shall progress parallel to the center line of the road uniformly overlapping each preceding track by one-third
width. Rolling shall be continued till the speci ed density is achieved as per table 300-2. In case speci c compaction
is not achieved the material in the soft area shall be removed and replaced with approved material. Densities shall be
tested by sand replacement method / nuclear density gauge.

Subsequent layers shall be placed only after the nished layer has been tested as per the clause 903.2.2 and accepted.
The top levels of the embankment shall be checked with reference to the longitudinal and cross pro le of the road as
per drawing to keep the variation within tolerance limit as per table 900-1.
Di erent layers of embankment will be marked on pillars xed outside the toe-line.

7.0 Quality Control:

Minimum compaction for embankment layers is 95% of modi ed proctor value. 3/5

8.0 Work Safety:

8.1 During construction of widening works, adequate safety and tra c signs shall be installed adjacent to the road
shoulders to protect the ongoing works as per location speci c safety plan.

8.2 For locations where the dumping of embankment materials by tippers are performed from the road shoulder, a
minimum of 2 agmen with re ective vests and holding a red ag each be deployed to control the tra c which may be
a ected by the unloading operation.

8.3 All locations adjacent to existing road where embankment construction is in progress shall be provided with safety
and road signs.

8.4 No machines or equipment’s shall be permitted to remain on the existing road or shoulder unattended at all times
unless it is properly protected and secured in a safe manner.

8.5 The Safety O cer shall make frequent patrols along the highway to ensure that the safety equipment and signs are
operational at all time.

8.9 Trucks sometimes fall over a tip head because the driver backs over the edge or the edge collapses under the weight
of the truck. A protective berm or timber baulk should be used. Alternatively, a signalman should be deployed in order to
avoid this possibility.

8.10 When excavating trenches, place the excavated material at least 600 mm clear of the edge, where there is no danger
of it falling back into or collapsing the side of the trench.

9.Environmental Safety:

a.Nearby streams, water courses, lakes, reservoir shall be protected from contamination by the soil erosion from areas
exposed during excavation by constructing temporary berms, dykes, sediment Basins, slopes, drains & by the use of
temporary mulches, seeding or other control devices.

b.Vehicles tracks shall be kept moist to prevent ying of dust particles with the vehicle movement.

HIGHWAY GUIDE / October 23, 2019 / Highway Construction

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