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Evaluation %
Name Surname Class: 7
Excelente Sat..Bastant
Date , 20 ee
Satisfaz Não Satisfaz
Signatures /
(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.)

A. Check your grammar: gap fill – the present simple Write the word in
the correct form to fill the gaps.

1. Alfie ________________ in London. (live)

2. ________________ you go swimming a lot? (Do)
3. Sophie ________________ in Thailand today. (be)
4. We ________________ go to the same school. (do not)
5. I ________________ old black and white films. (hate)
6. She ________________ as a travel writer. (work)
7. My dad ________________ breakfast before us. (have)
8. They ________________ tae kwon do on Tuesdays. (do)

B. Read the conversation and circle the correct form of the verb in the
present continuous.

Dad: Tom, what 1. you are doing / are you doing right now? Can you help me
tidy up the kitchen?

Tom: 2. I’m playing / I playing Fortnite with my mates. Can I help later?

Dad: Why 3. are you always playing / are you playing always video games?
You 4. not helping / aren’t helping enough in the house.

Tom: What 5. is Jenny doing / Jenny is doing? Can’t she help you?

Dad: No, your sister 6. are studying / is studying for a very important exam at
the moment, so she can’t.

Tom: Okay. 7. I’m coming / I coming downstairs now


C Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present

continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. What you (do) next weekend?

2. I usually (not / go) to the cinema. I watch films

at home.

3. My sister (practise) the piano a lot at the

moment because she has a concert.

4. My classmates (always / talk) and not

listening to the teacher. It’s difficult to concentrate!

5. Every Monday, we (have) a maths lesson. .

6. My sister (always / do) her homework so she gets
good grades.
7. We (go) to the shops every Saturday.
8. Mum and Dad (sleep) now so we have to be quiet.

Good luck
Your teacher
Paula Monica Ribeiro

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