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ServiceNow CIS – HRSD Dumps by Anubhav Ritolia

Version: San Diego

Exam Date: 9th Oct 2022

NOTE: Please do not depend on the answers marked as it may vary with version and few may be
wrong as this is just based on my experience and knowledge.

1. User Authentication and Instance Restrictions comes under which security part:
a) Context Security
b) Platform Access
c) Roles and Groups
d) Physical Security

2. Roles to edit KB Article of particular Knowledge Base under HRSD module:

a) Kb_writer
b) Kb_write
c) Kb_read
d) sn_hr_core.admin

3. Scope Applications which comes under HRSD? Choose 4:

a) HR: Core
b) HR: Knowledge Management
c) HR: Service Portal
d) HR: LifeCycle Event
e) HR: COE
f) HR: Integration

4. If new customer wants group of people to do some HRSD configurations without giving
‘admin’ role, what can be best alternative:
a) Admin role is must.
b) Can be given Delegated Developer role in Global Scope
c) Can be given Delegated Developer role in particular Scope
d) …

5. Legal Holds can be applied to:

a) Document Type
b) Document
c) HR Profile
d) …

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6. Minimum role required out of below to view HR Profile confidential data:
a) HR Admin
b) Admin
c) HR Manager
d) HR Basic

7. Minimum role required to access HR Lifecycle Active Case Dashboard:

a) HR Basic
b) HR Admin
c) HR Manager
d) LE Admin

8. How is HR Catalog related to HR Service:

a) HR Template
b) Record Producer
c) Catalog Item
d) ….

9. When HR: Lifecycle Event plugin is activated, sn_hr_le.admin role is added to which role:
a) HR Admin
b) Admin
c) HR Manager
d) Delegated Developer

10. In Guided Setup, once task is Marked as Completed, how can we revisit/reopen the task:
a) Mark as Incomplete
b) Restart Guided Setup
c) Closed task cannot be opened again
d) Elevated role should be enabled.

11. In Guided Setup, if any task is locked, what could be the reason:
a) Plugin is not activated.
b) Role is missing

12. In COE Security Configuration, if we want to apply it for all services in COE table, what option
to select:
a) Check Applies to all services.

13. What allows employees to delegate task to other employees for specific date and time
based on delegation rules:
a) Granular Delegation

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14. Why HR Admin role is removed from admin role after HRSD implementation is completed:
a) Admin cannot access any HR related Data or configuration.
b) Protect Confidential HR profile data.
c) Admin will always have access to HR Modules and tables.

15. Abel Tutor is part of HR Tier 1 group. He has been assigned some HR Task. He will be on
leave for two weeks so he wants Amy to take care of his tasks in his absence. He will provide
Granular Delegation to give Amy who is not part of any HR group, will Amy have access:
a) No, as she is not part of any HR group
b) Yes, she will be added to HR Tier 1 group
c) Yes, Amy will get necessary roles to complete tasks.
d) Partially, she will be able to view HR Tasks and HR case also.

16. Types of Document Template present in HRSD:

a) Document Template
b) PDF Document Template
c) Word Document Template
d) PPT Document Template

17. Search configuration to search Knowledge Base and their articles:

a) Contextual Search Configuration

18) Employment Type supported in HR Profile: (Choose 3)

a) Full Time Employee

b) Temporary Employee
c) Contractor
d) Others
e) Outsider

19) What tool we can use to Create Multiple Hr Profiles:

a) Bulk HR Case
b) Generate HR Profiles
c) …..
d) ……..

20) Using Generated HR Profile, when we create multiple HR Profiles, which field is required so
accordingly correct Client Role can be assigned:
a) Employee Type
b) Employment Type
c) Marital Status
d) Gender

21) When HR:Core plugin is activated, what happens with HR Admin role:

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a) Automatically added to admin user.
b) Admin need to manually add HR Admin role.
c) …
d) ….

22) After Lifecycle event is configured, what is required to begin its process:
a) HR Template
b) HR Service
c) None
d) HR Criteria

23) 4 sequence in HR Service:

a) HR Service, Topic Details, Topic Category, COE
b) HR Service, Topic Category, COE
c) HR Service, COE, HR Template, Record Producer
d) HR Service, HR Template, COE

24) Who can Generate Document from HR Case:

a) HR Admin user.
b) Manager of Assignment Group
c) Assigned to user
d) HR Professionals

25) In Integration with third party, data is pushed using:

a) HR Outbound Service Mapping
b) HR Inbound Service Mapping
c) HR Webservice
d) Service Mapping

26) An activity “Assign a Desk” is created without any audience, if any remote Employee joins, what
happens to the activity:
a) Lifecycle case will get cancelled
b) Activity will be skipped
c) Activity will be triggered and need to be manually closed.
d) Lifecycle case will not be created.

27) In COE Security configuration, if Applies to All Services is not checked:

a) At least 1 service need to be selected.
b) Groups should be present
c) HR Service should be selected using conditions
d) ….

28) If HR Admin role is removed from Admin user, can admin add user to HR Groups:
a) Admin will always have HR Admin role
b) Admin cannot access HR Groups without HR Admin role.
c) Admin can still add users to HR Groups

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29) If admin role is removed from HR Admin user, what all they can perform:

a) Add users to HR Groups

b) Add Roles to HR Groups
c) Modify HR Properties
d) Create HR Template

30) When HR Template is applied:

a) After HR Case is created with HR Service

31) In Lifecycle event HR Service, HR template is set with Skills, and assignment group is not set from
template, what will run first in system to assign to a group:
a) Matching Rule will Assign to a group
b) Assignment Rule will assign to a group
c) Assignment Rule will show list of Assignees
d) Assignment Rule…..

32) What happens when HR Task in template in HR Lifecycle event is marked Optional.
a) Activity is skipped
b) Activity is triggered but HR Task can be skipped without making it complete.
c) Activity will be triggered and need to be completed.

33) What determines when the HR Chat queue is available?

- Schedule field on the Queues record

34) Which field on the HR Service record defines which HR Catalog items is associated with the
- Record Producer

35) When does the platform assign a client role to a user?

- When an HR profile is created or modified for the employee

36) If the HR Administrator has only been given HR Admin(sn_hr_core_admin) role what additional
role is necessary for them to configure all aspects of Employee document management application?
- No Additional roles are needed

37) What provides a graphical representation of other tables related to specific table either through
class extension or reference?
- Schema Map

38) If the workflow editor is not utilized for a lifecycle event how does the system know when a task
or approval should be triggered?
- The Activity set trigger condition determines when it is triggered

39) If you select data type Numeric Scale on Assessment metric (Survey Question) form there is scale
definition field made visible. What does it mean to select High for the scale definition
- It Means High Score is Good

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40) Feature in ServiceNow to create Survey Questions, Category and publish it – Survey Designer

41) Where is the answer of Survey stored – Assessment Metric Result

42) If you have both Admin and HR Admin role, you want to create Access Control rule for HR
Payroll. What would you do first:
a) Manually add security admin role to your user profile.
b) Elevate to security admin role from User drop down.
c) Security admin role is not required. ACL can be done directly.

43) Who can be Assigned to for HR Case?

a) Who has Client Role
b) Who has HR Basic roles
c) Anyone outside HR Group
d) Member of Assignment Group

44) Where the Logo and colour be changed for ESC portal – Branding Editor

45) When gathering requirements for HR Services, it is best to begin by defining the service then
working towards categorizing in progressively more detail. What are the basic categories used?

- HR Service,Topic Detail,Topic Category,COE

46) When a Document Template is created from an HR Case the name of the person who created
the document is added to the name of the attachment why? - It indicated the Opened for user

47) If customer has enabled Lifecycle Enterprise, in which application scope should they create new
Lifecycle events that will be use throughout their organization? - Human Resource: Lifecycle

48) If the Audience has been configured on Lifecycle Event Activity, what will the system do if the
subject person does not meet the criteria condition for that Activity? - The Activity will be skipped

49) If a customer using LE Enterprise asked you to create an Activity set trigger condition that used
both date and other activity set for its parameters. Which trigger type would you select? -

50) How can fields for a specific HR service be displayed on the New Case creation page? - Using
Case creation service configuration

51) The template field referenced on the HR Service record is used to do what? - Populate fields on
the HR Case record

52) What role needs to remove from Admin roles at go live to prevent the system admin from being
able to see HR Profile information? – HR Admin

53) What takes the mappings from HR service Mapping and communicates with the third-party HR
application? – HR Web Services

54) The customer you are implementing has purchased HR Service Delivery Enterprise which
includes Enterprise Onboarding and Transactions. Which plugin must be activated to utilize
Enterprise Onboarding and Transactions? – HR : Lifecycle Event

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55) Using the base HRSD configuration with no integrations when the subject person automatically
signs an HR document or PDF document the signature is saved as what? - A picture of the signature
that is added to the document

56) Scenario: You have an existing ITSM customer who is now implementing HR Enterprise. In UAT
they discovered that a new button on the HR Case created using the link generator application, it is
not displaying the appropriate web page instead they get a page Not Found error. You have verified
that the link configuration and script both are accurate what else must be done to allow the link to
work? - The status of the associated record on the Application Restricted Caller Access list must be
set to Allowed

57) If you wanted someone to administer the Employee Service Center without granting them the
HR Admin role which scoped admin role would they need? – Service Portal Admin

58) If HR Admin (sn_core_admin) needs to develop within the HR application but cannot have the
system admin role what additional role should be granted? – Delegated Developer

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