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A major factor for solving climate change requires international organizations and

international law to understand the international response to climate change, the negotiation
of the climate regime and principle of State sovereignty. The International Law Principles
shapes the global climate regime, begins discussing State Sovereignty as the authority to
consent or not to international law that binds them. States have the sovereign right to rule the
circumstances that occur in their territorial areas. State sovereignty indicates independence
that has the right to practice, within a portion of the globe and disregard other States, while
functions of a State exercise the jurisdiction and enforcement of laws over people and
resources. However, when negotiating a treaty means that countries are willing to surrender
their sovereignty to the international community to further some greater profit. These trauma
events give accessible control to the international legal system and the activities that occur
within its jurisdiction. Accordingly, their responsibility under the international law will “not
to harm areas beyond the limits of their jurisdiction”. In the international law context, States
are in obligation not to use their territory, or to allow others to use their territory, in a way
that can harm the interests of another State.
Next, principle focuses on the common concerns of humankind, “acknowledging that change
in the Earth’s climate and its adverse effects are a common concern of humankind”
(UNFCCC) The notion of common concern is to justifies why States are required to
cooperate in an international agreement to address climate change, nevertheless the principle
of common concern does not imply any vivid legal obligation beyond cooperation. Once
again, it’s about treaty-making belief of reciprocity and material lead, to measure in the long-
term interests of humanity. Lastly, The Right to Sustainable Development takes “urgent
action to combat climate change and its impact”, while acknowledging that the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international,
intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change. (Sustainable
Development) The right to development is a human right by every human person and entitled
to engage in economic, social, cultural and political development. The human right develops
realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and is subject to the relevant supply of
both International Covenants on Human Rights. States are obligated to formulate appropriate
national development policies that seek constant improvement of the wellbeing of the entire

In closing remarks after analyzing the principles of International law with climate change and
detecting the challenges that have been faced within climate change, issues need to have all
treaties to take an oath on pampering our planet with the essentials it needs to keep our world
from dying. Speaking on the importance of climate change brings awareness for all future
generations. Our government must make policies that incorporate a clean environment to
prevent natural disasters and have a mandatory obligation to help all countries without being
racially biased. Our system must update all technology equipment to advance on reducing

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