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All cse jharkhand Polytechnic club Module 1 WORKING OF INTERNET The Internet works through a packet routing network to allow computers to send and receive messages using Internet protocol addresses and a Transmission Control protocol. The Internet allows computers to share information by sending messages back and forth across a wide complex system. The system that handles the communication is called a packet Routing N/W. This is why, access the internet usually require a router. A router is a piece of hardware that allows multiple computers to connect to one-another in order to create the network. Data sent across the Internet is called a message. When a message is sent, it passes through the TCP/IP protocol stack. TCP/IP isa layered protocol stack which has four layers. When Computer ‘A’ send message to computer B's IP address, the message is first broken into small pieces called packets. The packets go through the application layer and continue to transport layer where a port number is assigned to each packet. After the transport layer, the packets go through the Network layer, where each packet receives its destination address. Now the packets have a port number and an IP Addres The packets are now ready to send along the packet routing network to the correct destination. Packet Routing Network is a network that routes packets from a source computer to a destination computer. Here the router guides the packet along from their source to destination. When a packet moves from one router to. the next, itis called a ‘HOP’. The process of transfer is not always smooth, sometimes things go wrong. Messages are garbles or do not reach their intended destination. Packets may be left behind or lost. To help with this, the TCP works with the IP to keep content moving in a reliable way When the packets reach to the destination, here the packet starts from the bottom of the destination computer's TCP/IP stack and work upwards. As the packet moves upward, all routing data, that the sending computer's stack was added, is stripped from the packets. When the data reaches at the top of the stack, the packets have been reassembles into their original form. Sender Receiver Application Application Transport Transport Network Network Physical =" SS —__. Physical Module 2 SENSORS:- A ssensor is an electronic instrument that is able to measure the physical quantity and generate a considerate output. These outputs of the sensors are usually in the form of electrical signals, Let's understand with an example, suppose we need to control the speed of our vehicle and for that purpose, we are designing a control system for it. It could not, be possible by just fixing the fuel throttle, it needs to be adjusted at each moment when the speed changes (such as in the uphill and downhill). This can be done by using a sensor to measure the speed of the vehicle and convert it into digital form for the digital system. So, according to the measured speed, the throttle is adjusted by the connected electronic device. Working of sensors: * Sensors are placed as such they can directly interact with the environment to sense the input energy with the help of sensing element. This sensed energy is converted into a more suitable form by a transduction element. Types of Sensors:- © There are various types of sensors such as position, temperature, pressure, speed sensors, but fundamentally there are two types — analog and digital. The different types come under these two basic types. A digital sensor is incorporated with an Analog-to-digital converter while analog sensor does not have any ADC. ACTUATORS * An actuator is a device that alters the physical quantity as it can cause a mechanical component to move after getting some input from the sensor. In other words, it receives control input (generally in the form of the electrical signal) and generates a change in the physical system through producing force, heat, motion, and etcetera. + An actuator can be interpreted with the example of the stepper motor, where an electrical pulse drives the motor. Each time a pulse given in the input accordingly motor rotates in a predefined amount. A stepper motor is suitable for the applications where the position of the object has to be controlled precisely, for example, robotic arm. KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A sensor is a device that changes a physical parameter to an electrical output. As against, an actuator is a device that converts an electrical signal to a physical output. The sensor is situated at the input port to take the input, whereas an actuator is placed at the output port. Sensor generates electrical signals while an actuator results in the production of energy in the form of heat or motion. Magnetometer, cameras, microphones are some of the examples in which the sensor is used. In contrast, actuators are used in the LED, loudspeaker, motor controllers, laser, and etcetera. Module 3 NETWORKING OF DEVICES AND SYSTEMS “Networking of Devices and systems" simply means how the devices and systems are interlinked with each-other to share information and develop professional or social contacts. How we can connect our Internet of Things or devices to the Internet depends upon what we actually want to do with the device. Let's take an example of a typical Home Network. This would normally consist of a router / firewall that connect to the ISP (Internet Service Provider). The connection to the ISP could be via ADSL or Ethernet using a fiber service. Connect to an Internal loT Devi We can connect to a web server running on our IoT device by entering the IP address into the browser URL. The connection will be made in this case via the switch built into the home router. The switch knows what port the IoT device is connected to and transmits and receives data via this port. How to Connect a device to the Internet:. This all depends on the role of the device and we have the following options:- Option 1) Access the device only on the home / business network: In this scenario the IoT device is configured ign a static IP address. When a client connects to the witch and out to the device it is connected to. No asa server. The easiest way is to as IoT device it passes through the routing is required here. Option 2) Device connects to a local / remote serve For this scenario the IoT device initiates a connection to a local or remote server. This could be using an http REST, POST or configured as MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) client. It could also be a custom connection method as long as it initiates the connection to the remote service. Because the device is creating the connection it allows us to use DHCP and a dynamically assigned IP address. Option 3) Access the Device from the Internet with Static Public IP Address: Generally home internet services are not available with a static IP address. The most common reason for wanting a static IP is for hosting an email server. To connect from the home / office router to our IoT device we need to perform Network Address Translation or Port Forwarding on this router. Through the router administration console we need to tell the router to forward any data packets it receives on its WAN interface (Internet) using a specific port number. It is forwarded onto the internal IP address we have assigned to the IoT device, CONCEPT OF MULTIMEDIA The literal meaning of multimedia is:- + Multi :- It means more than one © Medium :- {tis singular and it means intermediary or mean © Media :- It is plural and it means conveying the information Likewise, Multimedia is the field of Computer Science that integrates different forms of information and represents in the form of audio, video, and animation along with the traditional media, ie., text, graphics /drawings, images, etc. Basic Elements of multimedia Text: It contains alphanumeric and some other special characters. Graphies:-__ It is technology to generate, represent, process, manipulate, and display pictures, Animation: - It isa series of graphies that create an illusion of motion. Audio:-_ This technology records, synthesizes, and plays audio (sound). Video:- This technology records, synthesizes, and displays images (known as frames) in such sequences (at a fixed speed) that make the creation appear as moving. Categorization There are two types of multimedia presentation:- © Linear Presentation © Non-linear Presentation Linear active content progresses such as a cinema presentation, often without any navigational control for the viewer Non-linear uses interactivity to control progress as with a video game or self-paced sed training. Hypermedia is an example of non-linear content. Applications Of Multimedia Presentation: - With the help of multimedia, presentation can be made effective. E-books:- Today, books are digitized and easily available on the Internet. Digital Library: - ‘The need to be physically present at a library is no more necessary. Libraries ean be accessed from the Internet also. Digitization has helped libraries to come to this level of development. E-learning: - Today, most of the institutions (public as well as private both) are using such technology to education people. E-shopping:- Multimedia technology has created a virtual area for the e-commerce. Module 4 INTRODUCTION TO IOT Today the Internet has become universal and has touched every corner of the globe and is affecting human lives in unimaginable ways. However the journey is far from over. Now we are entering an era of even more extensive connectivity, where a very wide variety of appliances will be connected to the web. We are entering an era of “Internet of Things” (IOT). Now, what is ‘OT’? This term has been defined by many authors in many different ways. According to Vermesen et al, The IOT is simply an interaction between the physical and the digital world. The digital world interacts with the physical world using a wealth of sensors and actuators. © Ina nutshell, IoT is a concept that connects all the devices to the internet and let them communicate with each other over the internet. © [oT isa giant network of connected devices — all of which gather and share data about how they are used and the environments in which they are operated. LOW POWER INTEROPERABILITY FOR IPV6 > The Internet of Things requires interoperability and low power consumption, but interoperability and low power consumption have thus far been mutually exclusive. > Research and standardization has come a long way towards providing efficient protocols and specifications to IPv6 for the IOT. > The first step towards interoperability for the Internet of Things was interoperability at the IPv6 layer. v The second step is interoperability at the routing layer. The RPL protocol provides a framework for interoperable routing. > Third was providing interoperability between two different operating systems, which was not without challenges. Md The next step for interoperability is low-power interoperability. © Existing protocols such as RPL are designed for running over radio layers such as IEEE 802.15.4 which are simpler and have a lower output power than radios such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. > Toattain a lifetime of years of batteries, however, the radio must be efficiently duty cycled so that it is kept off for most of the time. But radio duty cycling creates a new set of dynamics for which existing protocols have not been designed. Existing interoperability experiments have not taken power consumption into account, but have been performed with an always-on radio layer. > However, Contiki provides a set of radio duty cycling mechanisms such as ContikiMAC, XMAC, and LPP, By running micro IPv6 and Contiki RPL over ContikiMAC, we will be able to attain as low power consumption with IPv6/RPL as with specialized sensor network protocols such as Contiki Collect. > Our results show that the radio can be kept off more than 99% of the time while attaining full 1Pv6 communication, providing years of lifetime on batteries. But these low-power results have been achieved in a Contiki-only environment. Achieving full low power interoperability has yet to be done. Module 5 & REVIEW OF IOT WORKING Just like Internet has changed the way we work & communicate with each other, by connecting us through the World Wide Web (internet), IoT also aims to take this connectivity to another level by connecting multiple devices at a time to the internet thereby facilitating man to machine and machine to machine interactions. An IoT system consists of sensors/devices which “talk” to the cloud through some kind of connectivity. Once the data gets to the cloud, software processes it and then might decide to perform an action, such as sending an alert or automatically adjusting the sensors/devices without the need for the user. But if user input is needed or if the user simply wants to check in on the system, a user interface allows them to do so. Any adjustments or actions that the user makes are then sent in the opposite direction through the system: from the user interface, to the cloud, and. back to the sensors/ devices to make some kind of change. That's how an IoT system. works at a high level. Module 6 INTRODUCTION TO RFID TECHNOLOGY RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It is a technology allowing devices to automatically identify information stored in a tag through radio waves. An RFID tag consists of an antenna and a microchip in order to transmit and receive. In general terms, Radio Frequency Identification systems consist of an RFID tag (typically many tags) and an interrogator or reader. The interrogator emits a field of electromagnetic waves from an antenna, which are absorbed by the tag. The absorbed energy is used to power the tag's microchip and a signal that includes the tag identification number is sent back to the interrogator. amgonce at lovin anerie ay == 4 —— Module 7 CONCEPT OF WAVE The Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as the third wave in the development of the Internet. The 1990s’ Internet wave connected 1 billion users while the 2000s’ mobile wave connected another 2 billion. The IoT has the potential to connect 10X as many (28 billion) “things” to the Internet by 2020, ranging from bracelets to cars. > Z-Wave is a wireless communication protocol used primarily in Smart Home Networks allowing smart devices to connect and exchange control commands and data with each other. > AZ-Wave network consists of internet of things (IoT) devices and a primary controller, also known as a smart home hub, which is the only device in a Z-Wave network that is usually connected to the internet. > When a Z-Wave hub receives a command from a smart home application on a user's smartphone, tablet or computer, it routes the comman4 to its destination device across networks of up to 232 devices -- including the hub. > Using source-routed mesh network technology, Z-Wave signals can hop through other Z-Wave devices to reach the device a user intends to control. > The Z-Wave protocol operates on the low-frequency 908.42 band in the U.S. and the 868.42 MHz band in Europe. > Z-Wave offers transmission rates of small data packets using throughput rates of 49.6 kbps, 40 kbps or 100 kbps. Module 8 PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF MULTI HOP WIRELESS AD HOC NETWORK PROTOCOLS An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration, Due to the limited transmission range of wireless network interfaces, multiple networks "hops" may be needed for one node to exchange data with another across the network. In recent years, a variety of new routing protocols targeted specifically at this environment have been developed, but little performance information on each protocol and no realistic performance comparison between them is available. Here we describe the four multi-hop wireless ad hoe network routing protocols that cover a range of design choices: DSDV, TORA, DSR, and AODV. DSDV: - Dspv (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector) is a hop-by-hop distance vector routing protocol requiring each node to periodically broadcast routing updates. The key advantage of DSDV over traditional distance vector protocols is that it guarantees loop-freedom, TORA: - TorA (Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm) is a distributed routing protocol based on a “link reversal” algorithm, It is designed to discover routes on demand, provide multiple routes to a destination, establish routes quickly, and minimize communication overhead by localizing algorithmic reaction to topological changes when possible. DSR: - DsR (Dynamic Source Routing) uses source routing rather than hop-by-hop routing, with each packet to be routed carrying in its header, the complete ordered list of nodes through which the packet must pass. The key advantage of source routing is that. intermediate nodes do not need to maintain up-to-date routing information in order to route the packets they forward, since the packets themselves already contain all the routing decisions. AODV: - AoDv (Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) is essentially a combination of both DSR and DSDV. It borrows the basic on-demand mechanism of Route Discovery and Route Maintenance from DSR, plus the use of hop-by-hop routing, sequence numbers, and periodic beacons from DSDV. The area of ad hoe networking has been receiving increasing attention among researchers in recent years, as the available wireless networking and mobile computing hardware bases are now capable of supporting the promise of this technology. Over the past few years, a variety of new routing protocols targeted specifically at the ad hoc networking environment have been proposed, but little performance information on each protocol and no detailed performance comparison between the protocols has previously been available. «This new simulation environment provides a powerful tool for evaluating ad hoe networking protocols and other wireless protocols and applications. * Using this simulation environment, we present the results of a detailed packet-level simulation comparing four recent multi-hop wirelesses ad hoc network routing protocols. * These protocols, DSDV, TORA, DSR, and AODV, cover a range of design choices, including periodic advertisements vs. on demand route discovery. Module 9 POWER ASSIGNMENT METHOD FOR MULTI SINK WSN WITH AND WITHOUT OUTAGE PROBABILITY CONSTRAINTS Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are formed by devices distributed over a monitored region, which generate information of a given phenomenon and forward them to one or more sinks, possibly through a multi-hop wireless network, The relationship between the WSN capacity, sensor power transmission and the outage probability of the path between sensor nodes and sinks is very complex. In order to reduce the problem complexity, we use a multistage approach, where sensor node clustering, sink position selection, sensor node power and channel assignment are solved as independent problems. The multistage approach is used in accordance to two different strategies, named Geometry-Based Clustering (GBC) and Path-Based Clustering (PBC). ometry-Ba: lusterini ‘The clustering of sensor nodes and the sink selection is based exclusively on the sensor nodes geometric disposition. INPUT oat of eoneor node coordinates, numberof sinks and path ‘Susage probabity constrain ’ (¢) Cluster sensor nodes using K-means Y {@) Define sink positions by the goomtrc mer ¥ 1) Bald the connoctiviy raph fora given vertex degree and 3 constrained “edge” outage provabity ‘@) Datine routes baiwoon sensor nodes and sinks ting te SWE method (6 Aa the Wanision power of he sensors nodes sais ’ (©) Assign channels tothe clusters Figure 3. Main steps of the GBC planning algorithm, The second strategy solves the same problem by determining the sink positions by a search method that optimizes the WSN capacity under outage probability constraints. INPUT: set of sensor node coordinates, number of sinks and path) ‘outage probably constraint y had eee | Y (2) Onn espn anne urgent y (@) Guster sensor nodes using SWF wit an anycast approach | y (4) Assign channels to the clusters ] (6) Adjust he wansmission power of the sensors nodes to salisty the ovlage constraints {7 compete asl enon yard iinet ves | we ¥ ‘assignments. Figure 6. Main steps of the PBC planning algorithm, Module 10 ROUTING IN VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is an emerging new technology integrating ad hoc network, wireless LAN (WLAN) and cellular technology to achieve intelligent inter-vehicle communications and improve road traffic safety and efficiency. ‘The ide: to provide: - © Ubiquitous connectivity while on the road to mobile users, who are otherwise connected to the outside world through other networks at home or at the work place, and © Efficient vehicle-to-vehicle communications that enable the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). ‘Therefore, vehicular ad hoc networks are also called Inter-vehicle Communications (IVC) or Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications. VANET includes a variety of applications such as co-operative traffic monitoring, control of traffic flows, blind crossing, prevention of collisions, nearby information services, and real-time detour routes computation. Another important application for VANETs is providing Internet connectivity to vehicular nodes while on the move, so the users can download music, send emails, or play back-seat passenger games. + Network Architectures and Characteristics: MANET generally do not rely on fixed infrastructure for communication and dissemination of information. VANETs follow the same principle and apply it to the highly dynamic environment of surface transportation. The architecture of VANETs falls within three categories: + Pure cellular/WLAN, * Pure ad hoc, and © Hybrid > Pure cellular/WLAN: - VANETs may use fixed cellular gateways and WLAN access points at traffic intersections to connect to the Internet, gather traffic information or for routing purposes. > Pure ad-hoc: - Stationary or fixed gateways around the sides connectivity to mobile nodes but are eventually unfeasible cot of roads could provide sidering the infrastructure costs involved. In such a scenario, all vehicles and roadside wireless devices can form a mobile ad hoc network to perform vehicle-to-vehicle communications and achieve certain goals, such as blind crossing (a crossing without light control). Hybrid: - Hybrid architecture of combining cellular, WLAN and ad hoe networks together has also been a possible solution for VANETs. Security is_an important issue for routing in VANETs, because many applications will affect life-or-death decisions and illegal tampering can have devastating consequences, The characteristics of VANETs make the secure routing problem more challenging and novel than it is in other communication networks. Module 11 LTE AND JEEE802 PROTOCOL FOR VEHICLE NETWORKING Vehicular networking combines wireless communication, in-vehicle sensing module, and Global Positioning System (GPS) to enable a variety of applications in road safety, traffic efficiency, and infotainment domains. There has been a growing demand to equip vehicles with multiple connectivity modalities. In order to fully exploit these capabilities, vehicles are required to intelligently select the most appropriate technology for the specific networking scenarios. To this end, it is necessary to know the strengths and weaknesses of each technology and understand which technology would be more suitable. Among several communication modalities, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11p and long-term evolution (LTE) are two important protocols for vehicle networking. The IEEE 802.11protocol is considered as the de ‘facto standard to implement several of the vehicular networking applications. The standard includes Physical (PHY) and Media Access Control (MAC) layer specification as well as upper-layer_ protocols. IEEE 802.11protocol is essentially an TEEE 802.11-based standard adapted for the wireless environment with vehicles. It inherits several of the characteristics like simplicity and distributed media access control mechanism. Mostly, in-vehicle on-board units (OBUs) and roadside units (RSUs) fixed with transport infrastructure like traffic signals utilize this standard. On the other side of the spectrum, the LTE standard by 3GPP offers superior performances in terms of throughput and lower latencies. The LTE standard specification not only promises users a truly broadband experience but also enables mobile network operators (MNOs) to deliver sophisticated services in an effective manner. It has been envisioned to exploit the very existing LTTE infrastructure to support vehicular networking applications either through an advanced LTE-enabled OBU or using smartphones with LTE connectivity. However, the key challenge is to deliver time-constraint data over the 4G/LTE connection and efficiently share resources with the mobile users. Hence it can be said that LTE standard scales better, delivers data reliably, and meets the latency requirements posed by several vehicular networking applications. The IEEE 802.11p standard, on the other hand, exhibits lower beacon latencies and higher delivery ratio/throughput in scenarios where there are fewer than 50 vehicles. However, as the number of vehicles increases, the standard is unable to support the performance requirements in different application categories. Module 12 INVESTIGATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF IEEE 802 FOR INDUSTRIAL WIRELESS NETWORKS The IEEE 802 protocol has become a communication standard for low data rate, low power consumption and low cost Wireless Personal Area Network (LRWPAN). The protocol focuses on very low cost communication, which requires very little or no underlying infrastructure. The basic framework supports a communication area of 10 meter or less, commonly known as Personal Operating Space (POS), with a transfer rate of 20, 40, 100 and 250 kbps. The protocol provides flexibility for a i applications by effectively modifying its parameters, It also provid guarantees by using a Guaranteed Time Slot (GTS) mechanism for time sensitive applications. Hence, two kinds of network configuration modes are provided in the IBEE 802.15.4 standard:- * Beacon enabled mode, a PAN Coordinator periodically generates beacon frames after every Beacon Interval (BI) in order to identify its PAN, to synchronize with associated nodes and to describe the super frame structure. * Non beacon enabled mode, all nodes can send their data by using an unslotted CSMA/CA mechanism which does not provide any time guarantees to deliver data frames. ‘The IEEE 802.15.4 standard defines both physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layer to construct Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) using either configuration. The Physical Layer (PHY) is responsible for transmission and reception of data using a selected radio channel according to the defined modulation and spreading techniques. The spreading in all frequency bands is based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS). The different modulation schemes are binary phase shift keying (BPSK), amplitude phase shift keying (ASK) and offset quadrature phase-shift keying (0-QPSK). The choice of a modulation scheme depends on the desired data rate. The PHY is defined for operation in three different unlicensed ISM frequency bands, > 868-868.6 MHz: Europe, allows one communication channel with data-rates of 20 kbps (BPSK mandatory), 100 kbps (O-QPSK) and 250 kbps (ASK/OQPSK). % 902-928 MHz: North America, allows ten communication channels with data-rates of 40 (BPSK mandatory) and 250 kbps (ASK/O-QPSK). > 2400-2483.5 MHz: Worldwide, allows sixteen communication channels with a data-rate of 250 kbps (OQPSK mandatory). The IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer provides features like: beacon management, channel access, GTS management, frame validation, acknowledgment frame delivery, association, and disassociation, In order to evaluate the performance of the IEEE 802 access mechanisms, we use an OPNET simulation model. The Medium Access Delay is used as main metric in this work. It has been defined as the time interval between frame generation and the actual medium access of that frame. i t le t 1 twa waned Figure: - Definition of the Medium Access Del In Figure, the definition of the medium access delay tMA is shown. In wireless sensor networks, if the node is using the CSMA based mechanism, will depend strongly on the nodes back off time. In case of using the GTS mechanism, the medium access delay tMA will depend on the GTS length, the SO and the payload size. Module 13 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS FOR SLOTTED CSMA/CA IN IEEE 802 ‘The IEEE 802 is an important protocol of wireless personal area network (WPAN). It is widely used as a communication standard for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) because of its low data rate, low power consumption and low cost. In order to achieve a better transmission performance, the Media Access Control (MAC) protocol of IEEE 802.15.4 provides two optional mechanisms which are beacon enabled mode and non-beacon mode. On the other hand, the CSMA/CA is a well-known MAC protocol for wireless network as well as for IEEE802.15.4. Slotted CSMA/CA is the mechanism in which the transmission progress control is based on both CSMA/CA and beacon schemes. Hence, the QoS performance of slotted CSMA/CA is different from other CSMA/CA (e.g. DCF in IEEE 802.11). Because Slotted CSMA/CA is particularly suitable for transmitting discrete or non-cyclical traffic source in WSNS, it is necessary to analyze the QoS performance of slotted CSMA/CA for a better WSNs application. As we all know, the QoS performance of WSN is affected by many factors such as the topology, network scale, network load, type of traffic source and so on. In slotted CSMA/CA of IEEE802, the QoS performance is further affected by the super frame parameters. There are two main ways of analyzing and evaluating the performance of WSNs. One is research by analytic model and the other is simulation investigation. Analytie method, such as Markov chain model can exactly describe the detailed behavior of the protocol. However, since analytic mathematical model of this method is always based on some assumed conditions, the practicality and universality of the conclusion is limited. By contrast, the study methods of simulation are very close to the real application scenarios. In our research work, we firstly adopt analytic mathematical model based on the duty eycle formula to analyze the impact of super frame parameters (i.e. Beacon Order and Super Frame Order) on the QoS performance of slotted CSMA/CA, and then we use simulation method to research the performance metries of slotted CSMA/CA in IEEE 802.15.4; Especially, by using these two methods, our research focuses not only on the performance metrics but also on the comprehensiveness of effect relationship between QoS performance and duty eycle. Module 14 INTEGRATION OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK TO IOT USING DIFFERENT GATEWAYS Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are increasingly leasing in impact in our day to day lives. They are experiencing a wide range of applications in various fields, including health maintenance, served and enhanced-living scenarios, industrial and production monitoring, control networks, and many other topics. In future, WSNs are expected to be incorporated into the “Internet of Things”, where sensor nodes join the Internet dynamically, and use it to catch together and take out their tasks. The wireless sensor network field can be split into three main classes agreeing to Supervising objects, supervising space and supervising interactions between objects and space. The propose categorization can be extended by an additional category monitoring human beings. ‘% One object lesson of the first category is environmental monitoring. WSNs are deployed in particular environments, including glaciers, forests, and mountains in order to gather environmental parameters during long stops. The second category centers on observing particular object structure, supervising is one of the possible instances of this category. By sensing modes of vibration, acoustic emissions and responses to mechanize modifications of bridges or buildings indicating potential breakages of the expression may be discovered. + supervising interaction between objects and space is the combination of both previous categories and includes monitoring environmental threats like floods and volcanic activities. Presenting an extension to the presented classification, the last category focuses on supervising human beings. Connecting WSNs to the Internet is possible in the three main approaches as mentioned below: ‘A. Independent Networks: - First proposed approach Consist of connecting both independents and the Internet through a single gateway. GATEWAY B. Hybrid Network Approach forms a hybrid network composed of both considered network structures remain independent, but few dual sensor nodes can access the internet. C. Access Point, the last approach is inspired from current WLAN structure and forms a dense 802.15.4 access point network, where multiple sensor nodes can join the Internet in one hop. Module 15 COMMUNICATION INDUSTRIAL WIRELESS MESH NETWORK Wireless communication eliminates the need for expensive cabling which has been traditionally used in commercial and industrial manufacturing and process networks. Today many smalll office, home office (SOHO) and enterprise networks employ wireless access either wholly or partially. Commercial, Enterprise and SOHO networks differ from industrial networks in that a service interruption can be tolerated in most commercial networks but not in an industrial communications network. In order for wireless networking to bridge over to industrial applications it must be self-healing, have high levels of redundancy, provide real time access and control and be scalable to add new devices as the network grows. Awireless mesh network provides both redundancy and self-healing as each node in the mesh network is connected to every other node and uses intelligent routing to find other nodes in the network. Mesh networks are ad-hoc networks, in which nodes in the network forward data from other nodes. The determination of which node has forwarded the data at a given time is made dynamically. This scheme provides link redundancy and ensures the data will reach its destination. There are two basie types of mesh networks: ~ * Partial mesh: - Partial mesh network nodes are only connected to certain nodes and not all the nodes in the mesh. Full mesh: - . In a full mesh network every node is connected to all the other nodes making a 100% mesh topology. ‘There are three industrial wireless mesh technologies: - © Smart Mesh IP © Smart Mesh Wireless HART © Nivis ISA100.11a ‘Smart Mesh IP is the only one of these that is built for IP compatibility. However, they all provide resilience, reliability, scalability, security, and are made for low power applications. Deploying a wireless mesh network for process and automation networks can save time and money as there is no need to hardwire devices together. New developments offer redundancy, security and scalability which are crucial to process and factory automation networks. Choosing the right technology/architecture depends on your specific application and environment. The different mesh architectures covered in this paper all have similarities which make them excellent candidates for use in industrial networks, redundaney, self-healing capabilities, scalability, low power consumption and high MTBF. Module 16 NETWORKS PRIMITIVES IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be defined as a self-configured and infrastructure-less wireless networks to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location or sink where the data can be observed and analyzed. A sink or base station acts like an interface between users and the network. One can retrieve required information from the network by injecting queries and gathering results from the sink. The wireless sensor network community approached networking abstractions as an open question, allowing answers to emerge with time and experience. The Trickle algorithm has become a basie mechanism used in numerous protocols and systems. % Trickle brings nodes to eventual consistency quickly and efficiently while remaining remarkably robust to variations in network density, topology, and dynamics, + Instead of flooding a network with packets, Trickle uses a "polite gossip" policy to control send rates so each node hears just enough packets to stay consistent. This simple mechanism enables Trickle to scale to 1000-fold changes in network density, reach consistency in seconds, and require only a few bytes of state yet impose a maintenance cost of a few sends an hour. + Originally designed for disseminating new code, experience has shown Trickle to have much broader applicability, including route maintenance and neighbor discovery. Algorithm: - > Trickle's basic mechanism is a randomized, suppressive broadcast. >» ATrickle has a time interval of length t and a redundancy constant k. > At the beginning ofan interval, a node sets a timer t in the range of (« /2) t. > When this timer fires, the node decides whether to broadcast a packet containing metadata for detecting inconsistencies. ® This decision is based on what packets the node heard in the interval before t. > A Trickle maintains a counter c, which it initializes to 0 at the beginning of each interval. » Every time a node hears a Trickle broadcast that is consistent with its own state, it increments c. > When it reaches time t, the Trickle broadcasts if ¢ < k. > Randomizing t spreads transmission load over a single-hop neighborhood, as nodes take turns being the first node to decide whether to transmit. Wireless sensor networks, like other ad hoc networks, do not know the interconnection topology a priori and are typically not static. Nodes must discover it by attempting to communicate and then observing where communication succeeds. In addition, the communication medium is expected to be lossy. Redundancy in such networks is both friend and foe, but Trickle reinforces the positive aspects and suppresses the negative ones. Module 17 APPLICATION OF IOT There are numerous real-world applications of the internet of things, ranging from consumer IoT and enterprise IoT to manufacturing and industrial IoT (Io). 1oT applications span numerous verticals, including automotive, telecom and energy. + Inthe consumer segment, for example, smart homes that are equipped with smart thermostats, smart appliances and connected heating, lighting and electronic devices can be controlled remotely via computers and smartphones. 4 Wearable devices with sensors and software can collect and analyze user data, sending messages to other technologies about the users with the aim of making o used for public safety — for example, improving first responders’ response times during emergencies by providing optimized routes to a location or by tracking users’ lives easier and more comfortable. Wearable devices are al construction workers’ or firefighters’ vital signs at life-threatening site: + Inhealthcare, IoT offers many benefits, including the ability to monitor patients more closely using an analysis of the data that's generated. Hospitals often use JoT systems to complete tasks such as inventory management for both pharmaceuticals and medical instruments. 4 Smart buildings can, for instance, reduce energy costs using sensors that detect how many occupants are in a room, The temperature can adjust automatically — for example, turning the air conditioner on if sensors detect a conference room is full or turning the heat down if everyone in the office has gone home. 4 In agriculture, loT-based smart farming systems can help monitor, for instance, light, temperature, humidity and soil moisture of crop fields using connected sensors. IoT is also instrumental in automating irrigation systems. 4 Imasmart city, oT sensors and deployments, such as smart streetlights and smart meters, can help alleviate traffic, conserve energy, monitor and address environmental concerns, and improve sanitation.

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