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Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 977–985

Laminar flame speed and shock-tube multi-species laser

absorption measurements of Dimethyl Carbonate
oxidation and pyrolysis near 1 atm
T. Atherley a,∗, S. de Persis b,c, N. Chaumeix b, Y. Fernandes b,c,d, A. Bry d,
A. Comandini b, O. Mathieu a, S. Alturaifi a, C.R. Mulvihill a,
E.L. Petersen a
a J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA
b Institut de Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivité et Environnement, CNRS-INSIS, Orléans, France
c Université d’Orléans, Orléans, France
d CEA-DAM Le Ripault, F-37260 Monts, France

Received 7 November 2019; accepted 28 June 2020

Available online 11 September 2020


Dimethyl Carbonate (DMC) is a carbonate ester that can be produced in an environment-friendly way
from methanol and CO2 . DMC is one of the main components of the flammable electrolyte used in Li-ion
batteries, and it can also be used as a diesel fuel additive. Studying the combustion chemistry of DMC can
therefore improve the use of biofuels and help developing safer Li-ion batteries. The combustion chemistry
of DMC has been investigated in a limited number of studies. The aim of this study was to complement the
scarce data available for DMC combustion in the literature. Laminar flame speeds at 318 K, 363 K, and 463 K
were measured for various equivalence ratios (ranging from 0.7 to 1.5) in a spherical vessel, greatly extending
the range of conditions investigated. Shock tubes were used to measure time histories of CO and H2 O using
tunable laser absorption for the first time for DMC. Characteristic reaction times were also measured through
OH∗ emission. Shock-tube spectroscopic measurements were performed under dilute conditions, at three
equivalence ratios (fuel-lean, stoichiometric, and fuel-rich) between 1260 and 1660 K near 1.3 ± 0.2 atm, and
under pyrolysis conditions (98%+dilution) ranging from 1230 to 2500 K near 1.3 ± 0.2 atm. Laminar flame
speed experiments were performed around atmospheric pressure. Detailed kinetics models from the literature
were compared to the data, and it was found that none are capable of predicting the data over the entire range
of conditions investigated. A numerical analysis was performed with the most accurate model, underlining
the need to revisit at least 3 key reactions involving DMC.
© 2020 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dimethyl Carbonate; Laminar flame speed; Laser absorption; Shock tubes

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Atherley).
1540-7489 © 2020 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
978 T. Atherley, S. de Persis and N. Chaumeix et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 977–985

1. Introduction conditions have an estimated uncertainty of ∼1.0%

Dimethyl Carbonate (CH3 OCOOCH3 , DMC) Before each experiment, the driven section of
is a promising biodiesel which can be directly syn- the tubes were vacuumed to ∼10−5 Torr using
thesized from CO2 and methanol [1]. When used as a combination of roughing and turbomolecular
an additive, results show a reduction in soot emis- pumps. All test mixtures were prepared manomet-
sions without penalty on the engine’s thermal effi- rically in stainless-steel tanks using 0–10 Torr, 0–
ciency or NOx emissions [2,3]. DMC is also a ma- 1000 Torr, and 0–13,000 Torr pressure gauges. The
jor component of Li-ion battery (LiB) electrolytes DMC was provided by Sigma-Aldrich R
(≥ 99%),
(a flammable mixture of linear and cyclic carbon- while O2 , Ar, and He were supplied by Praxair R
ates [4]), allowing Lithium salt ions to flow between 99.999% purity. DMC was introduced in the mix-
the cathode and the anode. The flammability of the ing tank via a vial, after being de-gassed at least
electrolyte has led to many fire incidents, ranging three times. Three equivalence ratios (φ), 0.5, 1.0,
from cell phones to airplanes, due to flaws in the and 2.0, were studied between 1260 and 1660 K at
design or fabrication processes or physical damages 1.3 ± 0.1 atm, for mixtures diluted at 99.25%. Py-
of the LiB [4]. With the rapidly growing number of rolysis of DMC was investigated as well, ranging
electric vehicles on the roads, exposing large LiB from 1230 to 1560 K near 1.6 ± 0.06 atm with a di-
to mechanical damage, and the rising use of mo- lution set to 99.75% for the CO measurement and
bile/portable devices, it is important to understand 1980 to 2500 K near 1.1 ± 0.09 atm with 98% dilu-
the combustion chemistry of LiB electrolyte com- tion for H2 O. The dilution levels used for this study
ponents, to work towards reducing their flamma- were determined based on the allowable detection
bility. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there levels for proper and accurate laser absorption mea-
are only a few articles investigating the fundamen- surements. A high dilution level is also desirable as
tal combustion chemistry of the carbonate solvents it mitigates the temperature changes induced by a
used in Li-ion batteries [5,6]. mixture’s reactivity (more on this below). Note that
The present study aims to do so by experimen- 20% He was added (balance Ar) in the mixtures
tally investigating DMC combustion chemistry, for CO measurements, due to possible vibrational
with an assortment of important combustion prop- relaxation effects [12]. A summary of all the ex-
erty measurements, such as ignition delay time and perimental conditions investigated, along with the
laminar flame speed, and more fundamental exper- exact composition of the mixtures, can be seen in
iments such as laser-absorption measurements of Table 1.
CO and H2 O. Detailed kinetics mechanisms from
Glaude et al. [7], Hu et al. [8], Sun et al. [9], and 2.2. Laser diagnostics
Alexandrino et al. [10] were compared to the data
to assess their accuracy. Provided in this paper is a The fundamental relation of the spectroscopic
brief description of the experimental facilities, fol- diagnostics used herein is the Beer-Lambert rela-
lowed by the presentation of the experimental re- tion, I/I0 = exp(−kv PXabs L ), where I and I0 are the
sults and the comparison with the kinetics models. transmitted and incident laser intensities, respec-
Finally, a numerical analysis was performed, lead- tively; kv the absorption coefficient (cm−1 atm−1 ),
ing to recommendations for model improvements. P the pressure (atm), Xabs the species mole frac-
tion, and L the path length (cm). The absorption
coefficient, kv is the product of the linestrength
2. Experimental facilities (obtained from HITRAN 2004 [13]) and the line-
shape (calculated using the Ar-broadening param-
2.1. Shock tubes eters from Ren et al. [14] for CO and Nagali et al.
[15] for H2 O). The CO diagnostic was assembled
Two shock tubes were used in this study, fur- using a quantum cascade laser with a 1.5-MHz
ther referred to as the CO/OH∗ and H2 O tubes. The linewidth permitting access to the R(12) transition
CO/OH∗ tube is 6.1-m long with a 4-m, 10.8-cm in the 1←0 band of CO at 4566.17 nm. Through-
square driven section. The H2 O tube has a 6.78-m- out the experiments, the laser was centered at this
long driven section (16.2-cm ID) and a 3-m-long CO transition line using a separate CO/Ar absorp-
driver section. Both tubes are made of stainless- tion cell. Laser intensities were recorded using InSb
steel and have a single-diaphragm arrangement. detectors equipped with bandpass filters (centered
Several piezoelectric pressure transducers (PCB at 4500 nm, full width of 500 nm) allowing a de-
P113A) are located along the driven sections to crease in the broadband emission levels entering the
determine the incident shock wave velocity. A lin- detectors to < 0.3% of the absorbed signal. Minor
ear fit was used to extrapolate this velocity to CO2 absorption occurs at this wavelength, and the
the endwall location, which coupled with the one- procedure described by Mulvihill et al. [16] was uti-
dimensional shock relations and initial conditions, lized to correct the CO time-histories. For further
was used to determine the reflected-shock temper- details on the CO diagnostics, please see [16] and
ature (T5 ) and pressure (P5 ). These reflected-shock references therein.
T. Atherley, S. de Persis and N. Chaumeix et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 977–985 979

Table 1
Shock-tube conditions investigated during this study. Note that OH∗ measurements were not taken for the pyrolysis case.
Diagnostic Mixture composition Equiv. ratio (φ) P5 (atm) T5 (K)
CO/OH∗ 0.001071 DMC/0.006429 O2 /0.2 He/0.7925 Ar 0.5 1.28±0.05 1316–1474
0.001875 DMC/0.005625 O2 /0.2 He/0.7925 Ar 1.0 1.33±0.08 1323–1573
0.003 DMC/0.0045 O2 /0.2 He/0.7925 Ar 2.0 1.25±0.10 1307–1642
0.0025 DMC/0.2 He/0.7975 Ar Pyrolysis 1.57±0.06 1232–1556
H2 O 0.001071 DMC/0.006429 O2 /0.9925 Ar 0.5 1.41±0.06 1304–1546
0.001875 DMC/0.005625 O2 /0.9925 Ar 1.0 1.32±0.09 1260–1573
0.003 DMC/0.0045 O2 /0.9925 Ar 2.0 1.37±0.07 1354–1658
0.0201 DMC/0.9799 Ar Pyrolysis 1.09±0.09 1980–2499

The H2 O diagnostic uses a Toptica Photonics (Kistler 601A). Mixtures were spark-ignited with
DL100L tunable diode laser set to 1388.140 nm, two tungsten electrodes and a high-voltage gener-
monitored using a Burleigh WA-1000 wavemeter. ator, with an average energy delivery of 1.82 mJ
The incident and transmitted laser intensities were with a standard deviation of 0.48 mJ. Mixtures
measured using two Newport 2317NF InGaAs de- (initial pressure of 1.013 bar) were prepared in-
tectors, fitted with a bandpass filter centered at side the vessel using the partial pressure method
1388 nm with a full width, half maximum of 10 nm. with anhydrous DMC (Sigma Aldrich R
≥ 99%)
The laser beam path was purged with N2 to re- and dry air (Air Liquide, alphagaz 1 R
, 21% O2 /79%
duce the beam attenuation due to the air humidity. N2 , 99.999% purity). Pressures were measured us-
More details on the H2 O diagnostic can be found ing capacitance manometers (MKS, 0–100 and 0–
in Mathieu et al. [17]. Note that an experiment with 1000 Torr). The spherical bomb is equipped with
the laser turned off was performed, and no broad- two opposing quartz windows (100-mm diameter,
band emission was captured by the detector, even 50-mm thick), allowing for flame visualization us-
for the very high temperatures investigated for the ing a Z-type schlieren apparatus. A white continu-
pyrolysis case. ous lamp was used to illuminate the flame via two
The change in kv with temperature was con- lenses and concave spherical mirrors. The schlieren
sidered for each experiment, using the tempera- images of the growing flame were recorded using
ture change predicted by the Alexandrino et al. a high-speed camera (PHANTOM V1610, 25,000
mechanism [10]. Further details on this correction fps, 768 × 768 pixels2 , fixed frame size).
method are described in recent work by the au- Images were processed using a homemade
thors [16]. Estimated concentration level uncertain- Matlab code to obtain the flame radius (Rf ) as a
ties are ± 5.6% for H2 O and ± 3.8% for CO. function of time, from which the spatial (burned
gas) flame speed VS =dRf /dt could be determined.
2.3. OH∗ diagnostic A stretch correction to the velocity either using
a non-linear or a linear extrapolation was used.
A Hamamatsu 1P21 photomultiplier tube with For this study, all the unstretched spatial flame
a 307 ± 10 nm bandpass filter was used to capture speeds between 10 mm and about 42 mm were ex-
the emission from the A2  + → X 2  transition of trapolated using the non–linear extrapolation from
OH. The characteristic reaction time used herein is Ronney and Sivashinsky [18]. Since the spherical
the time to peak OH∗ (τ peak ) and is defined as the bomb allows the recording of large flames without
time where the maximum level of the OH∗ signal any effect of the vessel, the laminar flame speed
was observed. Note that the test time is not long at zero-stretch is not affected by the extrapolation
enough for the low-temperature cases to observe method, as shown in Fig. 2.
this peak, and taking the time at the peak allows for The lowest radius was chosen to avoid any his-
characterization at higher temperatures, hence al- tory from the ignition and the largest to avoid any
lowing a wider range of conditions. A typical τ peak pressure or wall effects. The observed burned vol-
measurement is visible in Fig. 1. The estimated 15% ume is about 0.8% of the vessel volume, and the
uncertainties for τ peak comes mainly from the un- pressure remains constant during the visualization
certainties in T5 . of the flame. More details can be found in [19,20],
and schematics of the apparatus and representative
2.4. Laminar flame speed vessel flame images are available in Supplemental Mate-
Laminar flame speeds (SL,u ) were measured in
a double-walled spherical vessel, with an internal
diameter of 476 mm. Between the two spheres, a 3. Experimental results and model comparisons
heat transfer fluid heats the apparatus to the desired
temperature (318, 363, and 423 K, with a ± 1 K Note that the effect of impurities was investi-
homogeneity). The pressure during combustion gated for the shock-tube results, using the work of
was monitored using a piezo-electric transducer Urzay et al. [21] to define the level of H impurities
980 T. Atherley, S. de Persis and N. Chaumeix et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 977–985

Fig. 1. Typical sidewall pressure and OH∗ emission signals recorded in this study with τ peak definition.

and the CO profiles reach a peak in all but the

pyrolysis conditions. It can also be observed in
Fig. 3 that the low temperature cases for oxidation
conditions, mainly φ = 1.0 and 2.0, do not reach a
peak as it occurs after the shock-tube test time. The
delay for reaching this peak (or the plateau under
pyrolysis) decreases as the temperature increases.
The model from Hu et al. [8] is over-reactive and
significantly over-predicts the amount of CO in
all conditions. The Glaude et al. [7] model is also
largely over-predicting CO, but this model is signif-
icantly under-reactive. Note that Fig. 3 was scaled
to the experimental test-time for which the over-
predictive behavior of Glaude simulations cannot
be seen for all cases, due to its under-reactivity;
the low- and mid-temperature cases do produce a
larger CO concentration but at a much later time.
The two other models, Alexandrino et al. [10] and
Fig. 2. Laminar flame speed at zero-stretch according to Sun et al. [9], offer better CO concentration pre-
the extrapolation method for φ = 0.93 at an initial temper- dictions, although compared to the experimental
ature of 318 K. The extrapolation methods are: LS, linear; values at the peak or plateau the two models are
NQ, quasi-steady non-linear, LC, linear based on curva-
ture; N3P, non-linear model with 3 fitting parameters. For
slightly higher by a factor of about 1.1, where
more details, see [19, 20]. the fuel-rich data were the closest to the model
predictions. The Alexandrino model is slightly
under-reactive by a factor around 0.8 for all cases
under the temperatures investigated herein. Calcu- but the stoichiometric condition where the model
lations with and without H impurities in the mix- was over-reactive by a factor of 1.3. However, the
tures were performed with the model of Alexan- Sun model tends to be over-reactive by an averaged
drino et al., and no difference in the results between factor of 1.3, for all cases, where the stoichiometric
the two mixtures was observed. Provided below are case shows the greatest deviation.
the results of the CO and H2 O time history mea-
surements, followed by the results of the character- 3.2. H2 O measurements
istic time and laminar flame speed tests.
Experimental and computed H2 O profiles for
3.1. CO measurements the oxidation and pyrolysis cases are presented
in Fig. 4. As for CO, representative plots for the
Figure 3 shows some representative CO time low, mid, and high temperatures are provided. For
histories at (a) low, (b) mid, and (c) high temper- the oxidation cases, all models predict close H2 O
atures, along with model predictions. As can be plateau values, in good agreement with the experi-
seen, CO formation starts very rapidly in all cases, ments. However, the pyrolysis condition shows that
T. Atherley, S. de Persis and N. Chaumeix et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 977–985 981

Fig. 3. CO time histories and model comparisons for DMC oxidation and pyrolysis.

only the Sun and Alexandrino models are able to the other conditions, except for the coldest tem-
predict accurately the experimental profiles, the two peratures investigated. The Alexandrino model is
other models under-predict the amount of water by slightly under-reactive at φ = 0.5 by a factor of 0.7,
approximately 70%. but it is relatively accurate most of the time for the
Concerning the reactivity of the models in the other conditions.
presence of oxygen, the Hu and, to a lesser extent,
Sun mechanisms are over-reactive except for the
fuel-lean, high-temperature condition. The Glaude 3.4. Flame speed measurements
mechanism is consistently under-reactive, and the
model from Alexandrino et al. [10] presents the best Laminar flame speed experiments were con-
predictions overall, despite being under-reactive at ducted at an initial pressure of 1.013 bar, for equiv-
low-to-intermediate temperatures. alence ratios ranging from 0.7 to 1.5. The lim-
its were chosen to ensure successful ignition and
to avoid flame wrinkling, respectively. Figure 6a
3.3. Characteristic time measurements shows the evolution of unstretched laminar flame
velocity (SL,u ) of DMC/air mixtures for several ini-
As can be seen in Fig. 5a, τ peak increases with φ tial temperatures as a function of φ. It is visible
and as the temperature decreases. A factor of about that SL,u notably increases with the initial tem-
1.5 is found for the time-to-peak OH∗ between the perature, with maximum values reached at φ = 1.1
different equivalence ratios on the low-temperature (31.4, 38.7, and 51.4 cm/s at 318, 363, and 423 K,
side, and this factor is increasing with the tempera- respectively).
ture (a factor up to 2.2 between the fuel-lean and Results at 318 and 363 K were compared with
stoichiometric cases at 1475 K). The comparison data from Bardin et al. [22], measured at 318 and
with the models shows that the Glaude model is 358 K on two experimental setups (denoted I and
too slow, notably for the lower-temperature con- II). The present data are in reasonable agreement
ditions. Predictions from the Hu and Sun models with the literature data, with the best agreement
are close, with the Sun model being closer to the obtained with measurements from their first setup.
data. These two models predict adequately τ peak for Some discrepancies can be observed with the results
the fuel-lean case, but tend to be over-reactive for from their second setup, with the present SL,u being
982 T. Atherley, S. de Persis and N. Chaumeix et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 977–985

Fig. 4. H2 O time histories and model comparisons for DMC oxidation and pyrolysis.

Fig. 5. Characteristic reaction times for DMC oxidation (lines: models, symbols: experimental results) (a) experimental
results, (b), (c), and (d) model comparison at φ = 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0, respectively.

0 for DMC/air mixtures at P = 1.013 bar. (Symbols: Experimental data, lines: Models) (a) experimental results,
Fig. 6. SL,u
(b), (c), and (d) model comparison at 318, 363, and 423 K, respectively.
T. Atherley, S. de Persis and N. Chaumeix et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 977–985 983

Fig. 7. Normalized sensitivity coefficients at intermediate temperature for shock-tube species concentration and laminar
flame speed measurements using the model from Alexandrino et al. [10].

consistently slower by about 2 cm/s. This discrep- sis was performed for the tentative model, visible
ancy could be explained by various reasons such as in Supplemental Material, showing no significant
the difference in the methods (heat flux burner vs. differences from the overall trends depicted by the
spherical bomb [22]), the initial temperature uncer- Alexandrino et al. mechanism.
tainty and/or the O2 /N2 ratio between the two types For the shock-tube results, besides well-
of experiments. characterized reactions pertaining to the so-called
Laminar flame speed modeling was performed base chemistry (constituting all of the flame speed
using the Glaude, Sun, and Alexandrino models analysis), this analysis exhibited three important
only, since no transport data were provided by Hu reactions involving DMC (COC∗ OOC in the
et al. [8]. As seen in Fig. 6, the models are cap- model): COC∗ OOC(+M)COC∗ OOj+CH3 (+M)
turing the experimental trends with the change in (R2737), COC∗ OOC+HCOC∗ OOCj+H2
temperature and equivalence ratio, but they pre- (R2722), and COC∗ OOC+OHCOC∗ OOCj+H2 O
dict flame speeds that are too high in most cases. (R2725), referring to the reaction numbers corre-
This observation is indeed the case for the Glaude sponding to the Alexandrino et al. model, which
model, for all conditions. The Sun model also over- uses AramcoMech 2.0 as its base mechanism.
predicts the maximum flame speed by a factor of To demonstrate how modifications to these three
1.11, but is only slightly above the experimental er- reactions could improve the predictions, a ten-
ror for 318 K and 423 K by a factor of 1.15 and 1.09 tative model was assembled by starting with the
on the fuel-lean and fuel-rich sides, respectively. For updated AramcoMech 3.0 [23] and Alexandrino
363 K, the Sun model is over-predictive by a factor et al. mechanisms. The reactions R2722, R2725,
up to 1.24 on the fuel-lean side, while it shows the and R2737, were then modified by adjusting their
least deviation from the experimental data on the pre-exponential factor, with the present data as
fuel-rich side with a factor of 0.87. Finally, the ten- targets. To summarize, the optimum solution was
tative model shown as “This Study” in the figures found with the following adjustments of the pre-
(discussed below) is the closest to the data, with exponential factors: kR2737 × 1.54, kR2722 /2, and
the most accurate predictions occurring on the fuel- kR2725 × 3. Results from this tentative model are
rich side. As depicted in Fig. 6, the tentative model presented in Figs. 3-7. The resulting predictions
is not only closer to the experimental data than the are notably improved for both the shock-tube and
other models in terms of maximum flame speed, SL,u results. These adjustments can be justified
but this maximum is now slightly shifted towards by the fact that the reaction rate of specific reac-
the fuel rich side too, closer to the experiments. tions in the DMC submechanism is not very well
characterized, as detailed below.
R2737 (COC∗ OOC(+M)COC∗ OOj+CH3
4. Discussion (+M)) is of primary importance for shock-tube
results, and Alexandrino et al. utilized the reaction
Overall, the results presented herein showed that rate proposed by Dooley et al. [27], estimated
the model from Alexandrino et al. [10] was the for a similar reaction with methyl-butanoate
most accurate. Using this model, a sensitivity anal- [27] (based on τ ign measurements), on the ac-
ysis was conducted for SL,u 0
, and also for the CO count that the reaction rate is in “reasonable
and H2 O profiles, for the three studied equivalence agreement” with the one determined by Peukert
ratios and for an intermediate temperature at at- et al. [25] for DMC and that methyl-butanoate
mospheric pressure (Fig. 7). A sensitivity analy- presents a similar chemical structure. For reac-
984 T. Atherley, S. de Persis and N. Chaumeix et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 977–985

tion R2722 (COC∗ OOC+HCOC∗ OOCj+H2 ), the identification of key reactions involving DMC.
Alexandrino et al. used the rate employed in Sun The rates of these reactions were reasonably mod-
et al. [9], which is the reaction rate proposed by ified, and a tentative model was proposed. Despite
Peukert and coworkers [25]. Finally, for R2725 the fact that the flame speed results were in gen-
(COC∗ OOC+OHCOC∗ OOCj+H2 O), Alexan- eral sensitive to well-characterized reactions from
drino et al. used the rate proposed by Sun et al., the base chemistry, the changes in the DMC reac-
which has been assessed by analogy with a similar tions did have an impact on the flame speed results
reaction with methyl-formate [24]. Note that R2725 but to a lesser extent than on the shock-tube data.
has been recently studied by Khaled et al. [26], It was found possible to greatly improve the pre-
both experimentally and by high-level calculation. dictions by using this tentative model, indicating a
Two corresponding reaction rates were determined great need to further study the rate of the three re-
near 1.5 atm. The reaction rate deriving from the actions modified.
experimental data was determined between 872
and 1295 K whereas the calculated reaction rate
was determined in the 300–1500 K range. A graph Declaration of Competing Interest
of the evolution of the various reaction rates for
R2725 versus the temperature is visible in Sup. None.
Note that for the highest temperature investi-
gated herein, 2500 K, the reaction rate proposed Acknowledgments
in this study is close to the calculated rate from
Khaled et al., only 14% higher, and it is worth men- The shock-tube portion of this work was funded
tioning that the experimental rate is also slightly by J. Mike ’66 Department of Mechanical En-
higher than the value used in the Alexandrino gineering and the TEES Turbomachinery Labo-
model. On the low temperature side of our condi- ratory. Funding for the flame speed experiments
tions, the experimental rate of Khaled et al. and the came from the “Conseil Régional du Centre-Val de
one from the Alexandrino model are close, within Loire”, France.
13%, making the rate for the tentative model 3 times
higher overall. Note also that the calculated rate
significantly diverges at this low temperature. It is
worth mentioning that the rates from Khaled et al. Supplementary materials
were both alternatively used in the tentative model
and the Alexandrino model, and none were improv- Supplementary material associated with this ar-
ing the predictions (Fig. SM 14–15). ticle can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.
In the authors’ opinion, this discussion is a good 1016/j.proci.2020.06.333.
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