Flight Control Locks

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Flight Control Locks

A Flight Control Lock (sometimes referred to as a Gust Lock) is a means by which control
surfaces on an aircraft not in flight can be prevented from random movement caused by
wind, jet blast or propeller wash and thus possible damage to the surface, attachment points
or control system. Most aircraft have some means of preventing, or at least limiting, flight
control surface movement when parked but some light aircraft manufacturers recommend
rather informal methods of achieving locking of the aileron and elevator controls by, in one
case, "looping the safety belt through the control wheel and pulling it snug."
Where control locks are provided, they may be fitted externally, in which case they align the
control surface with the adjacent structure, be internally fitted to the flight controls or be
selectable by means of a lever in the flight deck. Many light aircraft use an elevator/aileron
control lock which is fitted to the one of the control columns and there is sometimes a means
of preventing rudder pedal movement in a similar way. Some business and smaller transport
aircraft which do not have fully powered flight control systems have a gust lock lever in the
flight deck which is routinely set whenever the aircraft is parked. Aircraft may additionally
be provided with a set of externally-fitted gust locks for use when extreme winds are forecast
or during an extended period parked. Control locks are generally not necessary on larger
modern aircraft since these normally have powered (usually hydraulically actuated) flight
control surfaces and the damping action of the residual hydraulic actuator pressure is
sufficient whilst taxying and for normal in-service parking periods.

If Control Locks are engaged specifically as a defence against system damage due to strong
winds, then it may be necessary to orient the aircraft nose into wind for maximum
effectiveness and to tie down a light aircraft or fully chock all landing gear in the case of
larger aircraft
The risk of flight control damage caused by exposure to extreme wind velocity going
undetected prior to flight, especially on large transport aircraft, is further discussed in: Flight
Control Protection from Damage by Strong Winds
It is clearly essential that all flight control locks are removed / disengaged before flight.
Failure to do so could make it impossible to initiate rotation or to control the aircraft once in
flight. Control locks which are fitted or engaged in the flight deck should normally be
removed before starting engines and on all aircraft, confirmation of full and free flight control
movement should be made before starting a take-off.

The following examples of gust locks are from a Hawker 800 and Cessna 172:

Aileron/Elevator locking mechanism (essentially a clamp to hold the yoke)

Rudder lock (a bar that secures the pedals from moving)

Gust lock on a rudder of Cessna 172.

Control lock engaged on Cessna 172.

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