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Service industries are those not directly concerned with the production of physical goods
(such as agriculture and manufacturing). Some several industry,
including transportation, wholesale trade and retail trade are part of the supply
chain delivering goods produced in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors to final
Other services are provided directly to consumers. These include health care, education,
information services, legal services, financial services, and public administration.
The service sector accounts for around 70-80 per cent of employment in modern economies
 Service industries in the three-sector model
In the three-sector model of the economy, widely used in the 20th century, the service sector
was assigned the role of transporting, distributing and selling goods produced in the
manufacturing (secondary sector), and was therefore described as the tertiary sector of the
However, the majority of service employment is now found in activities that are not directly
related to the production and distribution of physical goods. In the context of the three-sector
model, these are referred to as the quaternary[4] and quinary sectors.
An economy in which most economic activity is unrelated to physical goods production may
be described as post-industria
 What is the Service Sector?
The service sector is the sector of the economy that produces and offers services. According
to the tri-sector macroeconomic theory, there are three major economic sectors – primary,
secondary, and tertiary.
 Major Economic Sectors
1. Primary Sector
The primary sector is composed of industries engaged in the business of gathering raw
materials. It includes mining companies, lumber companies, and oil drilling companies –
along with the agricultural and fishing industries.
2. Secondary Sector
The secondary sector includes all businesses involved in producing and selling goods – such
as auto manufacturers, furniture stores, and clothing retailers.
3. Tertiary Sector
The tertiary sector is the service sector. It includes industries such as the financial services
industry, internet technology (IT), and the healthcare and entertainment industries.
Some economists include a fourth sector – the quaternary sector in which they assign the
areas of research, information technology, education, consulting, and various other elements
of what has come to be known as the “knowledge-based economy.”
The knowledge-based economy is focused on utilizing information and communications
(such as social media) to provide goods and services specifically tailored to the needs and
wants of individual customers or clients.
An example of the knowledge-based economy in action is a retailer, such as Amazon or
Walmart, sending you tailor-made ads for goods or services that your previous purchases or
searches indicate that you are interested in.
Economists who do not use a fourth economic sector category assign the quaternary sector
industries to the tertiary sector.
 The Primacy of the Service Sector
The fact that the service sector is designated as the tertiary sector should not be in any way
taken to mean that it occupies third place in terms of economic importance.
Over the past century, the service sector has rapidly expanded. By the turn of the 21 st century,
it had eclipsed the manufacturing and retail goods sector as the largest sector of the economy
in most developed nations.
Whereas in the early part of the 20th century, the United States became the dominant world
economy, thanks to its massive manufacturing industry; by the early part of the 21 st century,
its worldwide economic dominance was based on its massive service sector.
In the U.S., between 1919 and 2019, the service sector grew from accounting for less than
50% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) to generating roughly 85% of the
country’s GDP.
The explosion of the service sector has been made possible by the exponential increase in
knowledge that has occurred over the past 50 to 70 years, the rapid growth of technology, and
the development of instantaneous, worldwide communication through internet connections
and cell phones.
Increased automation, which reduces the number of people required for manufacturing
processes, is also a key element in the shift from a manufacturing-based economy to a
service-based economy.
The massive expansion of government services in developed nations is another significant
contributing factor to the increasing predominance of the service sector.
Examples of Service Industries
Many people do not realize the huge number of businesses and industries that combine to
make up the service sector.
But if you stop and take some time to think about all the various service-related businesses,
then it becomes very easy to see why the service sector is, by far, the largest sector of the
economy in developed nations such as the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and
The following are brief descriptions of just a few of the many businesses that comprise some
of the major industries contained within the service sector.
 Travel Industry
The travel industry goes way beyond just the offices of travel agents and major airlines. It
also includes the rapidly growing operations of public transportation, such as subways and
city buses. Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb – major businesses that didn’t even exist a mere 20 years
ago – are part of the travel industry.
Additionally, the countless tourist attractions such as museums, recreation parks, national
parks – such as Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon – concert halls, and art galleries, along
with the tens of thousands of local tourist attractions spread throughout the country, are
included in the travel industry.
Hotels, motels, and the entire hospitality industry are also considered part of the travel and
tourism industry.
 Information Technology Industry
The IT industry is composed of virtually anything and everything related to computers,
information, communication technology, and software – except for the manufacturing of
necessary hardware such as computers themselves.
The whole gamut of social media – from Facebook to Twitter to Instagram and YouTube –
encompasses literally millions of individual businesses. Did you know that, as of 2019, more
than 30 million YouTube channels were originating in the US?
Online education, one of the most rapidly growing industries worldwide, also falls under the
broad umbrella of the information technology industry.
 Media and Entertainment Industry
Technological inventions and advancements have also created a huge expansion of the media
and entertainment industry. News used to be distributed by radio stations, print newspapers,
and network television channels.
The rise of cable and satellite TV has given birth to an entertainment world that contains
dozens of different news channels. For example, Fox, CNN, and NBC not only provide 24-
hour news programs, but they even operate separate business news channels.
Online news and information websites are far too numerous to count. There are vastly more
“made-for-television” movies produced every year than the number of films produced by all
the major motion picture studios and production companies.
People can spend their entire day watching online entertainment provided by YouTube or
Pinterest or playing video games on their Xbox or PlayStation. Among the lucrative newer
occupations are those of video game and app developers, social media consultants, and
graphic website designers.
The brief descriptions above, which are nowhere close to being exhaustive, give us just a
small sense of how truly massive the service sector of our economy is – and we didn’t even
mention the multi-billion dollar healthcare, sports, and financial services industries.
(financial technology) businesses – another economic entity that has only come into being
since the turn of the century – alone are nearly a $150 billion industry as of 2018 and are
expected to surpass $300 billion in market value by 2022.
 Competitive Strategy
Cost Advantage Strategy. In a cost advantage strategy you are attempting to be the lowest
cost producer. In the professional services, this usually means lowering the cost of talent by
either using professionals from countries or regions with lower wages or employing more
automation in the firm’s business process. In many industries, high capital costs limit
competitors. This is not true in professional services. Consequently, cost advantage strategies
are challenging to maintain over time.
Differentiation Strategy. With a differentiation strategy you are attempting to establish and
maintain meaningful differences between your firm and competitors. Given the nature of
professional services, finding and maintaining differences between firms is notoriously
challenging. Later in this post we will explore how to test potential differentiators to
determine their viability as competitive advantages.
Focus or Specialization Strategy. The focus dimension of competitive strategy recognizes
that either a cost advantage or a differentiation strategy can be applied to a very broad
(unfocused or general) market or a more narrow (niche) market. In other words you can
pursue a cost advantage in a narrow (niche) market segment or a broad market. The same is
true for a differentiation strategy.
The service industry is growing at a significant rate and is one of the largest influencers of the
global economy, with the global professional services market alone expected to grow at a
CAGR of 9.1% by 2022.
Economic affluence: One, of the key factors for the growth of demand for services is the
economic affluence. According to the NCAER study the size of the middle income consumer
is raising fast and the percentage of the very poor household’s declining. The rural
households in the upper income category is growing at a much faster pace than the urban
households in the corresponding categories. The Economic liberalisation Process has had a
positive impact on the Indian households. Their income as well as their expenditure has been
pushed, creating a demand for many goods and services.
 Changing Role of Women:
Traditionally the Indian woman was confined to household activities. But with the changing
time there has been a change in the traditional way of thinking in the society. Women are
now allowed to work. They are employed in defence services, police services, postal services,
software services, health services, hospital services, entertainment industries, Business
Process Outsourcing and so on.
The percentage of working women has been growing rapidly. The changing role of women
has created a market for a number of product and services. Earning women prefer to hire
services in order to minimise the innumerable roles that they are required to perform. The
demand by woman is forcing service organisations to be more innovative in their approach.
 Cultural Changes:
Change is the underlying philosophy of culture place of change in Indian culture is not
uniform. However, during the last century the factors of change are prominent. The
emergence of the nuclear family system in place of the traditional joint family system creates
a demand for a host of services like education, health care, entertainment, telecommunication,
transport, tourism and so on. There has’ been a marked change in the thought Processes
relating to investment, leisure time perception and so on which has created a huge demand for

 I.T. Revolution:
For the last 15 years India’6aste,en occupying a vital position in the area of Information
Technology. IT became one of the key service businesses of the country. India has the largest
software skilled population in the world. The domestic market as well as the international
market has grown substantially. Realising the potential for this area many state governments
have made IT as their most, prioritized segment states such as Karnntnka, Andhra Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra and Delhi have already achieved substantial progress in
Information Technology the In Ile years to come ‘Lille IT enabled se Aces will have a bright
future. The growth. of’ population, industrialisation and indiscriminate consumptions have
affected the, natural resources, environment and the ecological balance. Due to this there is
an imbalance of the ecology various service organisations have been promoted in order to
take up social marketing. Thousands of crores of rupees are being spent on safeguarding the
rare animals and birds, water pollution, conservation of oil & energy and research to develop
new technologies that can promote effective use of natural resources and safeguard the
 Market orientation:
The changing competitive situation and demand supply positions has forced the
manufacturing organisation to shift their philosophy from production orientation to market
orientation. Market is a service function that has been added in the organisation. The
pressures in the market has further forced the manufacturing organisations to have marketing
research, accounting, auditing, financial management, human resource management and
marketing research divisions – all of which are services functions.

 Health-Care Consciousness:
In India, the healthcare market has grown substantially. The increased life expectancy is the
result of the consciousness of the people regarding the health issues. The growth of fitness
clubs, diagnostic centres, medical counselling, health-related information sites are the
reflections of the growing demands for health care services. The government as well as the
social organisations have taken up the mass campaigns in order to create awareness among
the illiterate persons and the rural population on health service. Hence, the growth of health
related services.

 Economic liberalisation:
The economic liberalisation of the 1991 has brought many changes in the Indian scenario.
With the Disinvestment and the Privatisation policies the state owned monopolies in many
service areas came to an end Multinationals were permitted to enter the Indian market.
Liberal lending policies and lower interest rates motivated many people to become self-
employed. Different sectors like Banking, Insurance, Power projects, Telecommunication,
Hospitality sector, Health Services, Entertainment, Air transport, and Courier services
witnessed intense competition, due to the entry of multinationals. The flow of time-tested
service technology from various parts of the world changed the attitude of the Indian
consumer towards sources.
Infiniti Research is a global leader in next-gen custom market research and market
intelligence services. We enable clients in more than a dozen industries to tackle challenges
and navigate complexities by offering timely, incisive market insights.
Founded in 2003, Infiniti Research has over 19 years of experience in offering custom market
research services focused on driving innovation in global markets. Our cross-functional teams
comprising domain experts, analysts, and consultants are dedicated to researching B2B
segments and delivering unsurpassed market intelligence to fuel the most challenging
decisions impacting businesses.
In a world where radical shifts are redefining the business milieu, we believe smart market
research and advanced market intelligence solutions can equip companies with the insight
required to analyze and exploit tailwinds. With a strong commitment to service excellence
and passion for every client’s success, we provide best-in-class market research services and
forward-looking intelligence to propel growth. Our always-on approach to learning has
helped us to remain relevant and at the forefront of research methodologies to drive change
and create a better future for all our clients.

 What Infinity Research do

Whether you are looking to understand the opportunity within a new market, assess your
service portfolio, evaluate the competitive landscape, or better understand your customers, we
can help you by designing a custom research study for your unique needs.

 Infinity research core competencies
We offer a comprehensive suite of custom market research services to meet every possible
market requirement.

 Infinity research vision
We believe that the success of our clients will help us succeed. Our values reflect the thinking
of the C-suite, which is to put our client’s interests ahead of our own.

 Infinity research mission
Our mission is to help our client’s businesses grow and build a better future driven by
innovation, expertise and market excellence.

 Achievements/Awards
Best of Staffing: Talent Satisfaction
Infinity Research Ltd been awarded Clearly Rated’s Best of Staffing Talent Satisfaction
award for offering exceptional services to our candidates. We received their Diamond Award
this year for providing outstanding service to our talent for five years in a row. This
recognition is the staffing industry's only national service excellence award based on third-
party validated client and job seeker survey data.

 Product/services profile:-
 Services that infinity research ltd provide:-
Market intelligence Market Research
Customer Intelligence Employee Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence Procurement Intelligence
Media Intelligence Data Analytics

 Future growth and prospectus:-

 Supporting the Market Expansion Initiatives of a Cybersecurity Company
with Growth Opportunity Analysis
 Infiniti’s Competitive Intelligence Solution for A Prominent Company in
The Pharma Secondary Packaging Market: Exploring Key Packaging
Innovations And competitive landscape Insights


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The INFINITY RESEARCH LTD business also ensures that all its education materials and
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