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Preparing for AEIS test

For AEIS-Primary, your child needs to be familiar

with the Mathematics topics taught in our
mainstream schools for the level preceding the one
that they applied for.

For example, if your child wishes to seek admission

to Primary 3, they should be familiar with Primary 2

For AEIS-Secondary, your child needs to be familiar

with the English and Mathematics topics taught in
our mainstream schools for the level preceding the
one that they applied for.

For example, if your child wishes to seek admission

to Secondary 3, they should be familiar with
Secondary 2 content.
English test
Your child will be given 2 hours 10 minutes
complete the test which comprises 2 parts:

Part 1: Writing.

2 topics are set for Sec 1 test, and 4 topics

are set for Sec 2 and Sec 3 tests.

Your child has to choose 1 topic and write a

composition on it:

200 to 300 words for Sec 1 test.

250 to 350 words for Sec 2 test.

300 to 400 words for Sec 3 test.

Part 2: Comprehension and language use.

50 compulsory multiple-choice questions


Comprehension based on 2 passages

(15 items)

Comprehension cloze based on 2

passages (15 items)

Vocabulary (10 items)

Grammar (10 items)

Section Marks Score
Part 1: Writing 50
Part 2: Comprehension and Language Use
A. Comprehension Passage 1 5
B. Comprehension Passage 2 10
C. Cloze Passage 1 5
D. Cloze Passage 2 10
E. Grammar MCQ 10
F. Vocabulary MCQ 10
Total 100
Subject: SHEET
Index Number:


• Use ONLY a pencil (e.g. 2B) to shade your (FOR CANDIDATE'S USE ONLY)
•Shade only ONE answer for each question. • Check that your printed particulars
are correct.
Shade the bubble completely.
• Write your name above the line
Use only a soft eraser to erase any error if your particulars are correct.
or stray mark completely. Otherwise, inform the invigilator.
Do not make any stray mark on this sheet.
• Do not fold or staple this sheet.
Candidate's Name

If you think '1' is the correct answer to Question 1, shade the bubble as follows:

O(2 19 37
2 20 38
3 21 39
4 22 40
o er
23 §A


25 43

26 1(2 44
27 45
10 28 46
29 47
12 30 48
13 49
14 32 50
15 33
16 34
17 35
18 36
Part.1 Writing (50 marks)

Choose one of the questions below and write a composition of 200 - 300 words in the space
(a) Write about a time when you felt upset about being blamed for something you did not do.

(b) You were at the train station when you saw a group of young boys trying to steal from a
woman's handbag. Write about what happened and what you did.

No. Date:

Write about a time you lost something dear to you

Beads of perspiration soaked my uniform after an
enervating day at school. What a day I had! First, my teacher

repremanded the entire cass for our poor Prelim perfermance!

To add fuel to the fire, I had an argument with Jun which

upset us, Feeling down, I decidedto fish out my favourite

diary wich contained lovely photos and writings, containing

precious memuries lhad with my late grandnia. I would always

takeit out +o have alook whenever lam glum to shed cheer

my self up. Slowly I dos dozed on the bus.

Half awake, I jolted from my sleep when my bus had arr; lead

at the stop near my tuition centre. I hurriedly grabed me

bag and file, ton running like acheetah out of the bus. conew!!
Hint jush just make
in time for my lesson.
«Jenny, tum to page three of the book? Seen wewere baughted

down with many complicated sums wich made me feelvery


Finally after an a dreany hour, our teachen gave us a

POP bazic*
No.: Date:

shont break reached inside my bash bag for my diary to distress

To my dismany, it was no where to be found! rummaged mig

belein belongings oven and over, even pouning them outon the

floor but my presious precious diany was missing! A myriad of

thoughts raced trough my mind! Where could it be? Did anyone

pan play aprank on no? hope it really was as it meant a the

Rising world to me! It was an heinloom handed to me by my late


Grandmd and no amount of money can buy it

quickly seek sought +he permission of my teachentobe

excused | retraced my footsteps to the bus stop | alighted

from, to no avail, it must have been droped on the bus

when! burriedly alighted! I returned to my class to contine

the lesson but I was very disturbed.

- The lesson passed in ablund and I made a beeline fon the

bus interchange, hoping that the diary would have been

found by someone. My heant palpitated wildly and I was sweating

profusely to the Last and found counter

No.: Date:......

Excuse me sir, have you found a brown leather diany

red Strips on bus 96 at around 2 pm cunenthebus onded its

"Let me check for you with my colleagues... 3

The wait seemed like an en etennity as| hold my breath

CIs it this??as he flashed my beloved diary right infrost of me!

I leapt and cried for joy for this amozing discovery find!

I heaved a sign sighof relieve relief and and thanked the

officer profusely

Conclusion in hind sight, I should not have been socaneless in losing

something that precious to me. Icannot imagine now temible

I would feel if it was really lost! From then on I didnut

dare to bring out of my house again for fear aflosing it.

decided to be more mindful in the fature

Part 2
Section A: Comprehension Passage 1 (5 marks)
Read the passage carefully. Choose the most suitable answer and shade the correct
oval in the Optical Answer Sheet.

Shifting uneasily in his seat, the baker cast his eyes on the floor. He hesitated to explain

his purpose for coming at this late hour to Holmes' house. His fingers tightened round his hat,

twisting and turning the ends of the hat, almost as if trying to drain the confidence from the

hat he had held on to for security.

"It may seem silly but I will just get to the point. My wife and I are unable to solve a 5
mystery surrounding our bakery. We are at the end of our tethers."

Holmes leaned forward, eyebrows furrowed, listening with intent. Feeling encouraged,

the baker resumed.

*A loaf of bread has been disappearing every night from our bread-box for at least two

months now. Nothing else has been touched - not the pies, pastries or even the money in the 10

till. My wife and I have been careful with the number of loaves we make. We keep count every

night. But the next moming, a loaf will be gone. There have been no signs of tampering of the

locks or doors to the bakery. But just to be doubly sure, I added a dead-bolt to the back door."

"What about windows? Does the bakery have any?" inquired Holmes.

*Yes, but they are too high for anyone to climb through. The loaf just disappears into thin

air!" exclaimed the baker, raising his hands in exasperation.

"So you decided to sprinkle flour on the floor in the hope that footprints would be found
but there were none," suggested Holmes.

"How'd you know?"

*Your trousers told me so. Before you left the bakery to see me, you laid your trap again. 20

There is some flour on your trousers, thicker at the bottom than the top below your knees.
This indicates that you have gone on your knees to sprinkle the flour on the floor."

The baker looked at Holmes, wide-eyed, his mouth opened.

1. What was the main reason for the baker's discomfort for visiting Holmes?
(a) He felt that telling Holmes about the missing loaves of bread was silly.
(b) He was afraid of Holmes.
(c) He felt embarrassed about visiting people late at
(d) He disliked going to peoples' houses.
2. Which sentence from the passage explains that the baker and his wife were helpless
about solving the problem?
(a) 'My wife and I are unable to solve a mystery surrounding our bakery.'
(b) 'We are at the end of our tethers.'
(c) 'My wife and 1 have been careful with the number of loaves we make.'
(d) 'We keep count every night.'
( )
3. In paragraph 1, we are told that the baker twisted and turned the ends of his hat. Which
of the following best describes his feelings at that point in time?
(a) panic
(b) fear
c excitement
d) uneasiness

4. Which of the following has the same meaning as the word 'exasperation' in line 16?
(a) trepidation
(b) exhilaration
(c) elation
(d) frustration

5. What was Holmes able to deduce about the flour on the baker's trousers?
(a) The baker was trying to catch the thief.
(b) The baker was making bread before visiting Holmes.
(c) The baker had sprinkled floor on the floor before visiting Holmes.
(d) The baker forgot to wash his trousers.

Section B: Comprehension Passage 2 (10 marks)

Read the passage carefully. Choose the most suitable answer and shade the correct
oval in the Optical Answer Sheet.
With a blue-grey plumage, Don looked like the others. According to his parents, their
ancestors landed on beautiful Mauritius around 1600. The island was inhabited by no other
animals or humans then, and so, they had proclaimed it wholly theirs. There were plenty of
fruit on Mauritius, so Don and his friends were never hungry. Their numbers grew quickly.
They were the dodos.
One day, a ship arrived at the island. Two-legged beings descended from it. Some
dodos which were foraging the grounds nearby looked curiously at these new creatures. The
fearless ones ventured towards the sailors, a few others followed suit. Suddenly, there was

chaos. The dodos were running frantically, flapping their small useless wings. As some of

them headed towards Don, his herd instinct took over. He ran as fast as his stout yellow legs 10

could carry him. As he tumed to look, he saw a few dodos being carried away by the sailors,

held by their legs.

The next few weeks saw more confusion. Don would often find his surroundings
unfamiliar. They kept changing. He could not put his finger on it. He had once come across a

clearing with tree stumps. Some two-legged beings were smoking nearby with axes in their 15

hands. Don fled from the scene. Where was his favourite fruit tree?

No sooner was he in the forest again, Don saw a strange creature, all pink with a large

snout, digging at the soft ground. Suddenly, it stopped and gave a loud snort. Don jumped.

Quickly, he ran away from the creature. He was puzzled. What was that? What had become

of his peaceful home? 20

Don ran into a group of dodos. They were comforting a friend who had lost her eggs.

Between sobs, she related how her nest had been plundered. At that juncture, among the

trees came excited chattering. The mother dodo pointed and screamed, "Those are the
culprits! They took my babies!"

6. Why were the dodos able to grow quickly at first?

(a) There were no humans around.
(b) There were no ships around.
(c) The island that they lived on was a beautiful
(d) There was an abundance of food.

7. What does the phrase 'two-legged beings' in line 7 refer to?

(a) humans
(c) dodos
(d) ships

8. Which of the following has an opposite meaning to the word 'stout' in line 10?
(a) plump
(b) portly
(d) chunky
9. According to this passage, which of the following statements is false?
(a) The sailors fed the dodos.
(b) The dodos' nests were destroyed.
(c) Don was not captured by the sailors.
(d The sailors chopped down

10. Which of the following animal is likely to be the 'pink creature with a large snout' mentioned
in lines 17 - 18?
(a) flamingo
(b) pig
c) dolphin
(d parrot
11. Which word in paragraph 2 means a 'messy situation'?

(a) instinct
(c) descended
d) chaos

12. What had happened to the dodo's eggs?

(a) They hatched into young dodos.
(b) They were stolen by the sailors.
(c) They were stolen by the monkeys living in the trees.
(d) They were cooked as breakfast.

13. What do you think would happen to the dodo population?

(a) It will
(b) It will dwindle.
(c) It will remain
(d) It will proliferate.

14. What happened to Don's favourite fruit tree?

(a) It was inhabited by the monkeys.
(b) It was chopped down by the sailors.
(c) It bore fruit.
(d) It shed its leaves.

15. What had become of the peaceful island that the dodos lived in?
(a) It was destroyed by man.
(b) It became a zoo.
(c) It attracted more dodos.
(d) It became a harbour.
Section C: Cloze Passage 1 (5 marks)
For each of the question from 16 to 20, choose the most suitable answer and shade tho
correct oval in the Optical Answer Sheet.

Aiter (16) the tents, we reported to the camp warden who gave us

various (17) such as preparing the fireplace and digging the waste pits. We

had to do them because they were (18). for the maintenance of the campsite.

We were all kept busy till dinnertime, after which we were briefed on the hike to a nearby hill

which would take place the following moming.

Wakened by the whistle at dawn, we rose to (19) - for our trip. We started

out on foot with a guide leading the way. Soon, we reached the foot of a hill covered by the

early moming mist. We (20) the hill excitedly.

16. (a) setting on

(b) setting off
(c) setting up
(d) setting in

17. (a) trades

(b) tasks
(c) projects
(d) missions

18. (a) negligible

(c) essential
(d) worthwhile

19. (a) assemble

(b) adjust
(c) prepare
(d) manage

20. (a) mounted

(b) ascended
c) sprouted
(d) escalated
Section D: Cloze Passage 2 (10 marks)
For each of the question from 21 to 30, choose the most suitable answer and shade the
correct oval in the Optical Answer Sheet.

Have you ever heard of a snake that plays dead? This snake, which is good at
pretending, is called the hognose. It is found in abundance (21) - the eastern
coast of North America. It is a non-poisonous, slow-moving reptile with an enormous head.

If a person chances to come (22) _ such a snake in the forest, it puts on

quite a performance. (23) - - of retreating as most snakes (24) -

do, the hognose holds its ground. It hisses menacingly and sways its head back and

(25) - as if it is preparing to strike. Its very actions are enough to scare off


(26) if the intruder confronts it, the hognose will go into the second
part of its theatrical act. It twists its body as (27). it is in great agony. Then, it

rolls over on its back and lies perfectly still with its mouth open. Its tongue will appear limp.

(28) drama gives the impression that the snake has just died a horrible
death. It will remain limp and lifeless even if it is picked up and carried (29) -..

The hognose will never attack a person, even (30) it is provoked. It depends

on its good acting to be left alone.

21. (a) into

(b) above
(c) in
22. (a) over
(b) from
(c) off
(d) upon

23. (a) Although

(c) Instead
(d) Under

24. (a) should

(c) would
d) could
25. (a) forth
(b) round
(c) down
(d) up

28. (a) Although

(b) Despite
(c) However
d) Besides

27. (a) like

(b) though
(c) since
d) much

28. (a) Such

(c) Which
(d) Since

29. (a) below

(c) around
(d) above

30. (a) with

(b) which
(c) where
(a) when

Section E: Grammar MCQ (10 marks)

)1 )
For questions 31 to 40, choose the most suitable answer and shade the correct oval in
the Optical Answer Sheet.
31. The policeman saw the burglar. _ into the apartment.

(a) breaking (c) broken

(b) broke d) breaks

32. "Peter didn't attend the party last night,. he?* Mary asked.

(a) didn't (c) does

(d) doesn't

(b) did
the heavy rain, the soccer teams continued the match as they did not want
to disappoint their supporters.
(a) Due to (c) Although
(b) Because of (d)
34. The children made the muffins by
(a) yourselves (c) themselves
(b) ourselves (d) oneself

35. By the time Kelly finished her homework, her brothers

(a) have gone
b) had gone
(c) gone
(d) go
to bed.
36. Among the three brothers, Simon is the -
(a) playful (c) most playful
(b) more playful (d) playfulest

37. Right now, the audience

(a) is
(b) was
waiting eagerly for the performance to begin,

(c) were
(d) are
38. Yesterday's performance was so boring that many in the
. sleeping.

(a) is c) were
(b) was (d) are
39. "Could you please help to buy a loaf of bread. your way home?" Mum asked.

(a) on (c) during

(b) along (d) by
40. It to everyone in the school that the Principal was

(a) (c) know

(b) knew (d) known

Section F: Vocabulary MCQ (10 marks)

For questions 41 to 50, choose the most suitable answer and shade the correct oval in
the Optical Answer Sheet.
41. The artists their art pieces during the Art Exhibition at the museum yesterday.
(a) unveiled c projected
(b) showed d) concealed

42. The aircraft into the skies after travelling down the runway for a distance.

(a) took up (c) took off

b) took away (d) took on

43. He always bullies me. But it was - when he bullied my younger sister.
{ )
(a) the last chance (c) the last episode
(b) the last straw (d) the last game
44. Fire is with water.
(a) incompetent (c) inconsiderate
(b) incompatible (d) indigenous

45. The police officers with the robber and finally him.
(a) nestled... Won.. (c) rustled... detained...
(b) cuddled... arrested... (d) wrestled... subdued..
46. To lead a healthier lifestyle, Marcus for a weekly gym session.
(a) signed off (c) signed up
(b) signed in (d) signed out

47. The children are going on a school trip to the

to leam about bees and honey.
(a) aviary (c) stable
(b) apiary (d) farm

48. John works at where he analyses weather patterns.

(a) an observatory (c) a nursery
(d) a laboratory
(b) a quarry
49. Mary is feeling about being demoted.
(a) resentful (c) contented
(b) excited

50. Jimmy accidentally

(d) nasty
the secret to Linda.
1 :)
(a) revealed (c) divulged
(b) showed (d) indulged

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