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The bar chart illustrates two industries’ contribution to the UK’s GDP in a 9-

year period between 1992 and 2000.

In general, both industries saw notable gains in their contributions towards the
national GDP throughout the period. While IT maintained a lead over the
service industry, the rate of disparity between the two varied from 1992 to 2000.

A closer look at the chart reveals that both industries doubled their percentage
in the country’s GDP in 2000 compared to 1992, as IT went from approximately
6% to over 14% and service rose from 4% to 8%. However, the trend was not
linear, as both industries saw little growth between 1994 and 1996. Particularly,
there was a slight dip for the IT industry in 1996 to just under 8% comparing to
roughly 8% the year before.

Also notable is the disparity between the two industries, as the lead IT
maintained comparing to service in 1992 shrunk during the period only to grow
again from 1998 onwards. While service only accounted for 2/3 of the UK’s
GDP compared to IT in the beginning, it grew at a faster pace than IT in
subsequent years to the point that it was roughly 7/8 that of IT in 1996. This
trend reverted in 1998, however, as the gap widened significantly, leaving the
service industry’s contribution half of IT’s at the end of the period.

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