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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu

I. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the systematic gathering, interpreting and analyzing of data it to be able to contribute solutions to a particular
A. Research B. Abstract C. Qualitative Research D. Quantitative Research
2. A part of research which provides an brief overview of your study.
A. Abstract B. Discussion C. Literature Review D. Conclusion
3. A kind of research where the data produced is numerical.
A. Research B. Abstract C. Qualitative Research D. Quantitative Research
4. A part of research that presents the background information, scope and focus of the research.
A. Abstract B. Discussion C. Hypothesis D. Introduction
5. A part of research that shows what others have written or researched about your study.
A. Discussion B. Literature Review C. Introduction D. Abstract
6. The list of sources in your research is _________.
A. Introduction B. Sample C. Variable D. Reference
7. This is information gathered used as basis for your reasoning, discussion and calculation.
A. Sample B. Variable C. Data D. Hypothesis
8. When you collect data that is non-numerical and focuses on experiences, attitudes and behaviors to establish a
pattern, your research is called a ________.
A. Research B. Abstract C. Qualitative Research D. Quantitative Research
9. When your research is based on data that are numerical and analyzed through statistical methods, this type of
research is called ______.
A. Research B. Abstract C. Qualitative Research D. Quantitative Research
10. _______ is copying original works from other people and passing it as your own.
A. Plagiarism B. Reference C. Sample D. Variable
11. The term is defined based on how this term is used in the research study.
A. Technical Definition C. Expanded Definition
B. Operational Definition D. Definition of Terms
12. An ______ definition is an attempt to explain a word or phrase by adding more information other than its technical
or dictionary meaning.
A. Technical Definition C. Expanded Definition
B. Operational Definition D. Definition of Terms
13. An approach to expanded definitions that traces how the word or phrase came about.
A. Historical Approach C. Cause and Effect
B. Compare and Contrast D. Giving Examples
14. An approach to expanded definitions that looks for similarities and differences with other terminologies.
A. Historical Approach C. Cause and Effect
B. Compare and Contrast D. Giving Examples

15. An approach to expanded definition that explains the reason and the consequences of a particular event that is
explained. Questions like “Why did it occur?” and “What are its effects?” are usually asked.
A. Historical Approach C. Cause and Effect
B. Compare and Contrast D. Giving Examples
II. Write T if it is a Technical Definition and O if it is an Operational Definition.
_____ 16. Physical exercise is good for health.
_____ 17. Practice exercises are given after every discussion of the lesson.
_____ 18. I usually play Mobile Legends in my free time.
_____ 19. Please play the music for me.
_____ 20. The branches of the tree swayed with the wind.
_____ 21. SM has many branches nationwide.
_____ 22. The Red Cross furnishes food and clothing for the typhoon victims.
_____ 23. The furnishing in the new apartment is free!

III. Analyze the statements and identify the approach used in the expanded definition.
Cause and Effect Historical Background Providing Examples Giving an Analogy Providing Descriptions

24. _____________________
The term millennial was first introduced by Neil Howe and William Strauss in their 1991 book Generations. It
was coined to describe the generational cohort of people born between 1980 and 2000. Overtime, using ‘millennials’
to refer to this generation became common as more and more young people came of age. The term wasn’t used
extensively online until 2013, after which it became exceedingly popular.

25. ____________________
There are many types of bullying. Bullying can be physical, sexual or verbal, social, racial or even religious. The
most common type of bullying among teenagers is cyberbullying, which includes the use of email, cell phones, text
messages, and internet sites to threaten, harass, embarrass, socially exclude, or damage reputations and friendships.
26. ____________________
Photosynthesis does for plants what digesting food does for animals. It is the process that lets them convert
nutrients into the fuel needed to grow and develop.
27. _____________________
Recent developments have also contributed to the alarming rise in child obesity rates. Computer, video, and other
virtual games, the ready availability of feature films and games on DVD, plus high-tech advancements in music-
listening technology have become affordable for parents and even for the kids themselves to buy. These passive
pursuits have produced a downside of reduced physical activity for the kids, often with the explicit or implicit consent
of the parents. Fast food outlets offering consumables that are both low in price and low in nutritional content have
exploded all over the world. Kids on their lunch breaks or after school often congregate in these fast-food outlets,
consuming food and soft drinks that are high in sugar, carbohydrates, and fat. Many parents, themselves, frequently
take their children to these fast food places, thus setting an example the kids can find justification to emulate.
28. _____________________
A compass is an important device for navigation or surveying and direction-finding on Earth. They operate on a
magnetic or gyroscopic principles or by determining the direction of a star or a sun. The oldest type of compass is the
magnetic compass, which is used in various aircraft, ships, and land vehicles. The magnetic compass functions as a
pointer to “magnetic north” because the magnetized needle at its heart aligns itself with the horizontal component of
the Earth’s magnetic field. This magnetic field exerts a torque on the needle, pulling the pole of the needle toward the
Earth’s north magnetic pull.

IV. Grammar Structures

A. Circle the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence.

29. The woman (whose, who’s) online business became famous is my friend.
30. My sister, (whom, whose) I admire, is leaving for Harvard University.
31. The house, (which, that) is one of the latest housing units, is up for sale.
32. The boy (whose, who) got injured during practice was brought to the hospital.

B. Underline the participial phrase and circle the word it modifies.
Ex. Running very quickly, Peter was almost late for his bus ride to school.

33. Announcements posted on this bulletin board must receive approval from the principal.

34. The laundry piled on the bed needs to be washed.

35. Centuries ago, spices produced in the Middles East were a much-valued commodity like gold.

C. Write the correct preposition to complete the diary entry.

20th April 2024, 9.30 p.m.

Dear Diary,
On my way home, I met a very strange man. I was sitting 36. _____ the bus, lost in thought, and
suddenly I heard this man ask me a question. I was startled because he asked me in English if I was

When I didn’t reply, he went on 37. _____ give me advice based 38. ______ his personal experience.
Though his advice was great, I felt really sad on hearing the story. After achieving his dream, he lost it all.

I thought 39. _______ what he said. He struggled 40. _______ his dream, then achieved it, then lost it
all. Right that moment, he taught me a very good lesson. I happily went home, inspired by his story.

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-It doesn’t matter what others are doing, it matters how you are doing it.
-Dan Savage

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