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Science Paper

Arranged to complete assignments in English subject

Arranged By:

Name : Andi Nayla Fadal

Rachel Valeria p. Maparipe
Andi Azaliyah Febria Rifai
Nurul Azizah Quantum Nada
Nis : 2021065
Class : X Exact 3



The author actually declares that this scientific paper was prepared without taking

the results of other research. As far as the author is aware, this scientific paper also

does not take material from other people's publications or writings except those

mentioned in the references. I am willing to accept sanctions if proven plagiarism.

Nayla Fadal, Rachel, Azaliyah, Nurul



“Success is no accident. It is made up of hard work, perseverance,

learning, sacrifice, and most importantly, love for what you are doing

or want to do.” – Pele

"Nothing will work unless you do it." – Maya Angelou

This scientific paper is dedicated to my parents who never tire of praying.

Mr. Hasyim, S.Pd, M.Pd. without him this thesis would not exist. And the teachers of
SMAN 5 Gowa who have given a lot of knowledge.


Praise and gratitude the author prays to the presence of God Almighty who has

bestowed His grace and grace so that in the end the author can complete a

scientific paper entitled "Song Analysis To Learn English By Using The Song "At
My Worst"". This scientific paper is one of the assignments in English subjects.

Armed with strong intentions, steadfast determination, the blessing of both parents,

the convenience of Allah SWT, and the help of all human beings, this scientific

paper can be completed properly. Thank you to all those who have helped and

guided the author to complete this scientific paper. The author expresses

appreciation and thanks to:

Mr. Hasyim, S.Pd, M.Pd., as the supervising teachers who have provided

time, effort, thought, and always provide detailed explanations

so that the author can complete this scientific paper well.

The author hopes that this scientific paper can be useful and add insight for readers

and for writers in particular. Finally, the authors would like to thank all those who

have participated in the preparation of this scientific paper from beginning to end

so that this scientific paper is completed.

Tinggimoncong, 24 April 2022




TITLE PAGE .......................................................................................................

STATEMENT PAGE.........................................................................................
MOTTO AND OFFERING................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................. v
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I (INTRODUCTION)...................................................................

CHAPTER II (THEORICAL REVIEW).............................................................

CHAPTER III (THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK) ................................ xiii
CHAPTER IV (DISCUSSION)..................................................... xiv

CHAPTER V..................................................................................................... xv


Learning English seems to have become an obligation for everyone today
considering this one foreign language is widely used throughout the world.
Therefore everyone is competing to master it in any way.
In this millennial era, songs are familiar things to listen to anywhere and
anytime. This can be used for things that are useful for life, one of which is by
using it to learn English.
By knowing the aspects contained in the song, it is hoped that it can
provide knowledge in English, both in the form of vocabulary and others.
Key Words :Song, English.Improve.



Song is one of the media that can be used in Indonesian language learning

activities, among others, can be used as a means to improve poetry writing skills,

as an object of language style study, and discourse analysis.

English is an international language that is used all over the world, so people

inevitably are obliged to learn it. Learning English is not an easy thing for

everyone. One way to learn English is through songs.

Not just for entertainment, songs can be used as a medium for learning in English,

especially millennials now who listen to songs anytime and anywhere.


The problems posed in this study are: How is song analysis used as a medium of

learning in improving English language skills?. To understand the structure of the

poem in the lyrics of the song At My Worst, it is necessary to analyze it first,

because the structure of the poem is the basis before analyzing the song to be used

as a medium for learning English. Understanding the basic concept of musicality is

also needed so as not to ignore the meaning of music in the lyrics of the song At

My Worst. To answer this question, the researcher follows Waluyo's (1987:27)

thinking that there are two important elements in poetry, namely the element

leading to the inner structure and the element leading to the physical structure. In

addition there are elements of poetry building, there are also elements of basic

musicality, in poetry there are also moral aspects that exist in real life in society.

Jamalus (1988:1) reveals that the elements of musicality include time and time.

The researcher also follows Suseno's (1987:141) thought that moral values include

honesty, authentic values, willingness to take responsibility, and moral courage.


Based on the formulation of the problem, the goal to be achieved in this study is to

reveal the benefits of songs in learning English which can later be useful for


Based on the research objectives, the benefits to be achieved in this study are to

add to the treasures of the benefits of songs, especially in learning English,

especially for students of SMAN 5 Gowa.

1. Give how to make songs can be a means for learning.

2. How the role of the song to be able to provide benefits for everyone.



Song is an artistic composition of tones or sounds in sequence,

combination, and temporal relationship (usually accompanied by musical

instruments) to produce musical compositions that have unity and continuity

(contain rhythm). And a variety of rhythmic tones or sounds are also called songs.

Songs can be sung solo, two (duet), three (trio) or in a group (choir). The

words in the song are usually in the form of rhythmic poetry, but some are

religious or free prose. Songs can be categorized into many types, depending on
the size used. (Wikipedia, 2022)


Learning a second or foreign language mainly involves learning the sound system ,

grammer ,and vocabulary of that language .Vocabulary learning plays a very

crucial role in learning another language. Laufer(1997) states that vocabulary

learning is at the heart of language learning and language use .Considering the

crucial role attributed to vocabulary learning in second or foreign language

learning, one can implicitly understand the importance of vocabulary teaching as

well. In the past, vocabulary teaching and learning were often given little priority

in second language programs, but secondly there has been a renewed interest in the

nature of vocabulary and its role in learning and teaching (Richard & Renandya ,

2002). Broadly speaking ,there are three approaches to vocabulary teaching and

learning: incidental, or indirect learning (i.e., learning vocabulary as a by product

of doing other things such as reading or listening),explicit or direct instruction

(i.e.,diagnosting the words learners need to know, presenting such words to the

learners and elaborating their own knowledge and independent strategy

development (i.e., practicing guessing the meaning of the words from context and

training learners to use dictionaries)(Hunt & Beglar 2000, cited in Richards &

Renandya ,2002).

In this sophisticated era, not only do we rely on the use of Indonesian to

communicate with other people, but also learn to use English.

As a language used internationally, English is needed in various conditions. For

example, when you have to do meetings with clients, make presentations, even in

job interviews. Actually, learning English is not as difficult as many people think.

By following these easy English learning tips, we can further improve our abilities.

So, we no longer need to be nervous or afraid when we need to speak English with

other people.

One of the interesting techniques, is teaching vocabulary through music. The value

of songs in motivating students to learn English and enhancing learner

involvement is widely acknowledged by ESL practitioners (Reeve & Williamson

1987, Guidice, 1986).Almost any article or book that talks about music in the

classroom is sure to mention its high memorability (Hubbard ,etal,1983,

Murphy,1992). Murphy notes that songs apparently work over short and long- term

memory. “It is a common experience to forget nearly everything we learn in

another language except the few songs that we learnt. For a variety of reasons,

songs stick in our minds and become part of us, and lend themselves easily to

exploitation in the classroom. According to Murphy(1992),the singing of songs

resembles what Piaget described as egocentric language, in which children talk just

for the pleasure of hearing themselves repeat, for little concern for an addressee.

He speculates : “It could be that the need for ego-centeric language never really

leaves us and is fulfilled partly through song. Krashion ….. has suggested that this

involuntary repetition may be a manifestation of Chomsky’s ‘language acquisition

device’…. Songs may strongly activate the repetition mechanism of the language

acqusition device. It certainly seems to do so with the children ,who learn songs

almost effortlessly(Murphy,1992).As Stern(1983) states “Language teaching can

be defined as the activities which are intended to bring about language learning”

(P.21).Hence whatever theory of language teaching should starts from the learning

process or the learner’s perspective. “the concept of learning ,as it is understood

today, has been greatly influenced by the psychological study of the learning

process….”(ibid,P.18). For Example:

Lyrics of At My Worst by Pink Sweats

Can I call you baby?

Can you be my friend?

Can you be my lover up until the very end?

Let me show you love, oh, I don't pretend

Stick by my side even when the world is givin' in, yeah

Oh, oh, oh, don't

Don't you worry

I'll be there, whenever you want me

I need somebody who can love me at my worst

No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth

'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first

And for you, girl, I swear I'll do the worst

If you stay forever, let me hold your hand

I can fill those places in your heart no else can

Let me show you love, oh, I don't pretend, yeah

I'll be right here, baby, you know I'll sink or swim

Oh, oh, oh, don't

Don't you worry

I'll be there, whenever you want me

I need somebody who can love me at my worst

No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth, yeah

'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first (put you first)

And for you, girl, I swear I'll do the worst

I need somebody who can love me at my worst

No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth

'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first

And for you, girl, I swear I'll do the worst



International language

Study Method

Songs as Learning Media

Learning as a Fun Thing

This study uses journals and other references as a reference. The song used for

research is the song At My Worst by Pink Sweats. The consideration in choosing

this song is because the song has a lot of vocabulary and grammar that is easy to

understand. The main problem studied is how the audience's perception of the song

to be used as a medium for learning English.

The purpose of this research is to give readers so that songs are not only used as

entertainment media but also as learning media. This research is qualitative.

The results of the study show that songs are a good medium for learning,

especially learning English.



- Use personal pronouns, ex: i, you

- Action verbs, ex: call, show

- Time conjunction, ex: and

- Adverbs, ex:

- Hyperbola, ex: ‘Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first

- Metaphor, ex: Stick by my side even when the world is givin' in

- Personification, ex: I can fill those places in your heart


Songs that were once considered to have words that are difficult to understand are

now learning materials for everyone. The song At My Worst has a deep meaning

so that the listeners are carried away, it certainly makes the listeners of the song to

learn the vocabulary contained in the song. The song also has easy-to-understand



After we analyze the use of songs as a way to improve English language skills, it

can be concluded that:

- Songs and music almost always contain very useful vocabulary, phrases

and expressions. Since the intended audience is native speakers, songs and

music use everyday language and new words.

- Listening to songs also allows you to focus on pronunciation and

understand the rhythm, pitch and tempo of English.

- Patterns of words and sounds in songs are usually repetitive so they are

easy to stick in the mind. Music has the ability to get into your head. Once

inside, the mind usually plays the tune and the lyrics over and over again.

All of that helps to learn English with songs because it can memorize

vocabulary and phrases easily.

- Music is a key that unlocks emotions, affects mood, and improves mental

and physical health. And usually, something emotional is easy to


- When learning English with songs, you don't need to spend a lot of time

because music can be taken anywhere. Can play English songs in the car,
kitchen and bathroom.

- Music provides insight into the culture of English speakers and the way

they think and feel.

- At My Worst is a very emotional song so that listeners are able to

understand the meaning contained in it, which can indirectly make it easier

for listeners to learn it (English).

- The language feature contained in the song At My Worst provides

knowledge to those who listen to the song.


The writer proposes some suggestions in order to more analysis about song:

- Readers can understand how to use songs in learning English

- Readers can get new vocabulary by listening to songs

- Readers have no more trouble, because songs are a fun learning method

Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat is an activist for the Indonesian independence

movement, columnist, politician, and a pioneer in education for indigenous

Indonesians from the Dutch colonial era.

Birth : May 2, 1889, Duchy of Paku Alaman, Yogyakarta

Died : 26 April 1959, Yogyakarta

Spouse : Nyi Sutartinah

Previous position : Minister of Teaching of the Republic of Indonesia (1945–


Education : School tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen, Europeesche

Lagere School
Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat or better known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara is the

founder of the Taman Siswa College, an educational institution that provides

opportunities for ordinary natives to be able to obtain the right to education as well

as the priyayi and the Dutch people.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara was born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889 with the name

Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. Ki Hajar Dewantara grew up in the

Yogyakarta palace family. When he was 40 years old according to the Caka Year

count, Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat changed his name to Ki Hadjar

Dewantara. Since then, Ki Hadjar Dewantara no longer uses the title of nobility in

front of his name.

This is intended so that Ki Hadjar Dewantara can freely be close to the people,

both physically and in his heart. Ki Hadjar Dewantara finished elementary school

at ELS (Dutch Elementary School) and then continued his education to STOVIA

(Bumiputera Doctor's School) but due to illness, he could not finish the school.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara then worked as a journalist at several newspapers, including

Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja

Timoer and Poesara. In his time, Ki Hadjar Dewantara was known as a reliable

writer. His writings are very communicative, sharp and patriotic so that they can

arouse anti-colonial spirit for the readers.

Apart from working as a young journalist, Ki Hadjar Dewantara is also active in

various social and political organizations. In 1908, Ki Hadjar Dewantara was

active in the propaganda section of Boedi Oetomo to socialize and raise awareness

of the Indonesian people at that time about the importance of unity and integrity in
the nation and state. Then, together with Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja

Setyabudhi) and dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo who would later be known as Tiga

Serangkai, Ki Hadjar Dewantara founded the Indische Partij (the first political

party with the ideology of Indonesian nationalism) on December 25, 1912 with the

aim of achieving an independent Indonesia.

They tried to register this organization in order to obtain legal entity status with the

Dutch colonial government. However, the Dutch colonial government through the

Governor-General Idenburg refused the registration on March 11, 1913 because

this organization was considered to be able to arouse a sense of nationalism and

people's unity to oppose the Dutch colonial government.

His enthusiasm did not stop here. In November 1913, Ki Hadjar Dewantara formed

the Bumipoetra Committee which aimed to launch criticism of the Dutch

Government. One of them is by publishing an article entitled Als Ik Eens

Nederlander Was (If I Was a Dutchman) and Een voor Allen maar Ook Allen voor

Een (One for All, but All for One Too) in which both of these writings have

become famous writings to this day. The article If I Was a Dutchman was

published in the newspaper de Express owned by dr. Douwes Dekker.

As a result of his essay, the Dutch colonial government through the Governor

General Idenburg sentenced Ki Hadjar Dewantara to exile. Douwes Dekker and

Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo, who felt that their comrades in arms were being treated

unfairly, published an article in defense of Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Knowing this,

the Dutch decided to sentence them to exile. Douwes Dekker was exiled in

Kupang while Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo was exiled to Banda Island.

However, they wanted to be exiled to the Netherlands because there they could

learn a lot more things than in remote areas. Finally they were allowed to the
Netherlands since August 1913 as part of the execution of the sentence. This

opportunity was used to explore education and teaching issues, so that Ki Hadjar

Dewantara succeeded in obtaining the Europeesche Deed. In 1918, Ki Hadjar

Dewantara returned to his homeland.

In his homeland, Ki Hadjar Dewantara has increasingly devoted his attention to

education as part of the struggle for independence. Together with his comrades in

arms, he also founded a college with a national pattern which was named the

National Onderwijs Instituut Taman Siswa (Perguruan Nasional Taman Siswa) on

July 3, 1922. This college emphasizes the education of a sense of nationality to

students so that they love the nation and homeland. and fight for independence.

The Dutch colonial government tried to thwart it by issuing the Wild School

Ordinance on October 1, 1932.

But with tenacity to fight for his rights, so the ordinance was later revoked. While

devoting his attention to the world of education at Taman Siswa, Ki Hadjar

Dewantara also remained diligent in writing. However, the theme of his writing

shifted from political nuances to education and culture with a national perspective.

Through these writings he succeeded in laying the foundations of national

education for the Indonesian people.






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