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Course: ENGL-00502 Technical Report Writing
Semester: Fall 2021

Job Title: Suppose you want to take an education loan from National Bank of Pakistan. Write an email for the Branch Manager of NBP requesting him to send you details regarding
educational loans by NBP.

Student Name:
Roll No.


Criteria Obtained
Excellent (4) Good (3) Adequate (2) Weak (1) Marks
Email has complete heading Email has a complete address
Email Email has incomplete heading;
Email has no heading but missing appropriate and date with proper
Header missing the address or date.
punctuation. punctuation
Attempts salutation, missing title, Has salutation, but missing
Salutation Email has no salutation Complete salutation.
proper punctuation proper punctuation
Email has a body of one or more Email has a body of one Email has a body of two or
Email has no organized
Body organized paragraphs and these organized paragraph and this more organized paragraphs and
paragraphs are not indented. paragraph is indented. each paragraph is indented.
Email has appropriate closing
Email has completed
Closing Email has no closing. Email has incorrect closing. but missing proper
appropriate closing.
Email has appropriate typed
Email has no typed Email has incorrect project Email has appropriate typed
Signature project signature but missing
signature. signature. project signature.
proper punctuation.
Email has four or more Email has no more than two
Email has three misspellings Email has no misspellings or
Mechanics spelling errors and/or misspellings and/or
and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors
grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
Typing Email has many typing Email has three or more typing Email has no more than two
Email has no typing errors.
Skills errors. errors. typing errors.

Teacher Sign:

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