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AC 2.1 – Compare campaigns for change.

Clare’s law is a campaign to change the law and reduce the victims to domestic abuse from a
partner. In 2009, Clare Wood was murdered by her ex- boyfriend, this then created Clare’ s
Law which was introduced by Theresa May in 2012 but came into effect in 2014. The
methods used to promote this campaign are: featured in newspapers, featured in magazine
articles, calling via phone, contacting them online, going to the police station or filling an
application online. Clare’s law has been proven to be successful as it has been used more
than 1300 times in 12 months and around 15666 people have been warned about their
partners past of violence annually.

No knives, better lives is a campaign to change the priorities of agencies and to stop young
people from carrying knives and from having an anti – social behaviour. In 2009, there was a
a response to very high crime rates and that many young people have been charged with
carrying or handling offensive weapons. The collaboration between the Scottish government
and the national agency for youths, created the campaign to educate young people. The
methods used to promote this campaign is mostly around the use of social media platforms
to reach the youths, there are now many courses on websites about violence and alcohol
they also have a helpline anyone can use to contact them. This campaign was very successful
as the crime of handling an offensive weapon has gone down by 44%, in 2007 there were
10110 young people and in 2020, only 4484 young people were charged with this crime.

Stop hate UK is a campaign that aims to change attitudes and prevent discrimination and
prejudice. In 1996, this campaign was made in response to the increase of racial attacks and
the death of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. The patron of this organisation is Baroness Daren
Lawrence OBE of the Clarendon Commonwealth realm of Jamaica. Their method of
promoting is delivering workshops around schools about prejudice and racism, they also
have a 24-hour helpline for those in dire need of their services. This campaign was
successful as in 2020, 124091 hate crimes were recorded, this was a 9% increase from
previous years.

Unlock is a campaign that aims to change policies and practices so that we have a more
inclusive society for criminals. In 1999, former prisoners wanted to create opportunities for
others who had been through the criminal justice system, it is led by Bobby Cummies who
had served 13 years in prison for a serious offence. Their method of promoting their
campaign is through the helpline and forum that provides an ear to others, they listen to
their problems and difficulties others may criminal record and give them advise and support.
This has been proven to be successful as is has raised £390967 in 2021 through fundraising
to help out criminals and they receive around 317 individuals daily who seek help or advice.

Some similarities between these campaigns are their methods of promoting, all of the
campaigns named use the media to promote their campaign and have a helpline for those in
dire need to use and contact them. All four of the campaigns have proven to be successful
and have helped many individuals. Some differences between these campaigns are their
targeted audiences, the Clare’s Law used newspapers and the media to promote their
campaign proving that they are aiming to reach out to everyone however, the no knives
better lives campaign I’d aiming at young people as they mainly use the media to promote
their campaign. Furthermore, the Unlock campaign aim to reach out to criminals or those
with a criminal record as that is their purpose and Stop Hate UK campaign aims at young
people as they mainly promote their campaign by visiting schools and teaching people from
an early age that this is not accepted in society so it young people see it as an immoral thing
making them less likely to commit crime or acts that are racially influenced.

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