2A Checklist

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Unit 2 Assignment A: Concentrate of keeping up your standards


Assessment Task to Complete Done?

A.P1 Titration: Calibrate pipette, weighing balance (analytical 4dp and rough balance
2dp with certified weights) and the pH meter (using manufacturing instructions
and buffer solutions)
Colorimetry: Calibrate the Colorimeterq
Risk assessments for:
a) Making a standard solution of Sodium Carbonate (weighing solids
b) Standardisation of an acid
c) Titration of Sodium Hydroxide with Hydrochloric Acid – using an indicator
and using a pH meter
d) Determining the concentration of Copper (ii) Sulfate solution by
Method and equipment list for making a standard solution of Sodium Carbonate
Method and equipment list for standardisation of an acid
Method and equipment list for titration of sodium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid
a) Indicator
b) pH meter
Method and equipment list for determining the concentration of copper (II) sulfate
by colorimetry
Prepare Sodium Carbonate standard solution
Standardisation of an acid practical
A.P2 Conduct the titration of Sodium Hydroxide solution with the standardised
hydrochloric acid using an indicator (plus repeats). Result tables
Conduct the titration of Sodium Hydroxide solution with the standardised
hydrochloric acid using a calibrated pH meter (plus repeats). Result tables
Investigate the concentrate of Copper (II) Sulfate solution by colorimetry. Result
A.M1 Fully reference any sources of information
Calculate concentrations from titration readings and from a graph of pH against
volume of HCl
Describe the differences between primary and secondary titrimetric standards

Select an appropriate filter/wavelength for the colorimetry

Use the calibration curve to determine the concentrations of sample A and B

A.D1 Evaluate the accuracy of your results, providing sound justification and reasoning
and comparing the concentrations you have determined with actual
concentrations (publishers) and those of others.
Explain how accuracy, precision and reliability were ensured during your
experiments, and discuss any problems or issues that occurred during
performance of your experiments
Propose improvements or alternatives to the procedures and techniques,
providing a strong rationale why they will improve accuracy, precision, reliability or
Review your risk assessment and justify the way in which certain procedures
were carried out in a particular way on grounds of safety.

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