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Hello class, how are you today?

Today, we’re learning Lesson 3: Reading of Unit 5: Inventions.

Before we start, let’s play a game together. Now, I’m going to divide our class into 2 groups, and you guys
will have 10 seconds to think of a group name. Okay, our 10 seconds is over. [hỏi tên yada yada]

Alright, let’s get ready for our warmup game: Scribble!

Before we start the first round, can each group choose one person who can draw really well to come up
the board for me? You guys have another 10 seconds! [học sinh đi lên]

I can see two representative of the group here. Now I’ll tell you what we have to do in this game. First, I
will show these two one word, then they will draw a picture relate that word in 15 seconds. You guys
mustn’t say anything alright? Next, their group will try to guess the answer from the drawing. The fastest
group to get the correct answer will get one point. For each round of this game, each group will have to
choose a new person to draw.

Before we start our game, I have some quick questions for you. [ask the rep] First, what will you two do?
[ask the group] Then, what will you do with the picture they draw?

I see that you guys have understood the game, so let’s start with our first round.

[Play game]

The winner of the first round is… Thank you, please go back to your seat. Now, can you guys come up for
the second round?


So our game has ended, and the winner of this game is… Congratulations! Team A. And about Team B,
let’s stay tune for other exercises, okay?

Through the first game, do you recognize some of these words? Yes, they look familiar right? They are
the words about Inventions that we have learnt before. So, today, you and I will learn about another
exciting invention.

Now, let’s watch this video together. We are watching a video about two AI: Asimo and Sophia. Do you
guys know about these two? While we watch this video, remember to note down what they can do and
we will talk about it later.


Okay, so we’ve just finished watching the video. Can you tell me, what can Asimo do? And you, what can
Sophia do? I see, so, can someone point out the similarities between these two? Ah, I see, that’s right.
Very good.

So, are these two robots similar to the normal machines? No, right? They are quite similar to us, they can
walk, and they can even talk to us! They are one of the artificial intelligence inventions. As you can see
on the board. Artificial Intelligence, or we can know it as AI, is [khái niệm trên slide]. Today, we will learn
more about these exciting AI inventions!

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