Library Policies For The Website

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Library Policies & Guidelines

Library code of conduct

 Respect the librarians, security personnel and other patrons.

 Observe silence and always keep noises at low volume.
 Use library computers, equipment, and furniture with care and for their intended purposes.
 Report any inappropriate behavior to any library personnel.
 Any materials removed from the library must be checked out through the standard library
procedures. Kindly approach a librarian for the previous.
 Respect the rights of other library users to use the materials. It is prohibited to deliberately
misplace library materials or to postpone returning library materials.
 Food and drinks are prohibited around the library facility except for water bottles.
 Respect library resources and materials that have been collected and organized at great expense
and effort for you and future students.
 Set your cell on mute or vibration and no calls are to be made or received in the library.
 Tidy up after yourself, recycle and throw out your garbage in the bins provided.
 Library materials are not to be removed without being properly checked out. To do so is to abuse
library privileges, to infringe on the needs of others, and to violate the standards of conduct of
 Keep your belongings with you as Ktech library is not responsible for any unattended
We kindly request that you respect and follow the Library's Code of Conduct.

Anyone choosing not to follow the Code of Conduct or decline to control their behavior will be asked to
leave. Continued disregard could result in suspension of Library privileges and / or be considered as a
Circulation policy
ktech students and staff with a valid ID card have access and borrowing privileges to our resources.
Patrons are fully responsible for library items in their accounts and are expected to understand and adhere
to the library`s circulation rules. Library circulation process includes check-out, check-in, recall, reserve,
and renewal of borrowed items, is entirely digitized within the library. To borrow a book patrons must
find a book, approach the librarian, and present their college ID to check-out, check-in, and renew a book.

Loan Periods

Type of Item User Status Loan Period Recall Renewals
Student 1 week 3 After 1 week 2 times
Circulating 4 days in
Staff 1 month 5 2 times
Book advance
Faculty 1 semester 10 After 2 weeks Every semester
Student/Staff/Faculty 3 days 5 After 2 days -
Not in
Periodical Student/Staff/Faculty - - -
Reference Not in
Student/Staff/Faculty - - -
Materials circulation

*Note: Faculty may borrow non-circulating items for class use or development in coordination with the library.

Lost or Damaged and fines policy

Library damaged items

The library considers the item damaged in case of, but not limited to, water damage, writing on the inside
of the book, damage on the outside of the book, torn or missing pages. If in any case a library item was
damaged the patron will be held responsible and will have to pay for a replacement of the damaged item/s
or replace with a new sealed copy.
Replacement copies are to be brought to the circulation desk and patrons should speak with any of Ktech
librarians to accept the copy and get a clearance.

Overdue materials

A borrowed item is considered overdue one day after the due date. A patron with overdue items will be
denied borrowing any library materials until overdue items are returned to the library. Overdue notices
are sent to patrons as the following:
o One day after the due date.
o After 1 week grace period.
o After 2 weeks of the due date.

*Note: Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy as it is the patron`s responsibility to return library items on time.

Library lost items

The library considers the item lost after 30 working overdue days. Hence the patron must pay to avoid
any suspension of other library privileges. In case of lost library item patrons will be held responsible and
will have to pay for a replacement of the damaged item/s or replace with a new sealed copy. Patrons
should bring the replacement copy to the circulation desk and should approach ktech librarians to accept
the copy and get a clearance.

Fines and Penalties

a. Borrowers with overdue items will be charged for late returned materials.
b. The fine starts calculating on the first working day after the due date.
KD 0.250 per day (circulating and reserved material) to maximum of KD10.00 per item.
c. Unpaid fines will be added to the student`s ktech fees or deducted from the faculty and staff`s

Computer and internet use policy

In the library, we recognize the significant importance of computers and the internet as one of the
fundamental resources for learning, teaching, and research. Aligned with this acknowledgment, the library
offers 32 computers and a high-speed internet connection for the ktech community.

a. To use the computers, students are required to login using their ktech credentials (ID number and
b. Staff members are also granted access to library computers by logging in with their Ktech
c. Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved unless a
booking is made with a staff or faculty member for a class.
d. Computers are to be used for legitimate educational or research purposes.
e. Refrain from practicing or in or facilitating illegal activity.
f. Avoid any unauthorized copying of copyrighted or licensed works.
g. Respect other people's privacy by not portraying oneself as another user; by not attempting to
obtain unauthorized access to other people's information, files, or computer systems, networks, or
databases; and by not attempting to alter them.
h. The institution has the right to monitor and investigate computer workstation and network in case
of suspect of illegal or inappropriate activity without the user`s consent or knowledge.

To ensure all patrons have equitable chance to use computers all patrons are required to follow these rules
and refrain form the following activities:

a. Using library computers for online gaming.

b. Using the workstations for internet browsing unrelated to academic research.
c. Improper use of printing facilities such as printing inappropriate materials or printing large
volumes printouts.
d. Viewing and/or displaying material and photos that may be inappropriate or that may violate
Kuwaiti law or the policy of Ktech.

Study Rooms Policy

a. Study rooms are designated solely for educational purposes.
b. It may not be used for social gatherings.
c. It may be booked for a maximum of 3 hours a day and a total of 15 hours per week.
d. All rooms are first-come first-served if not reserved.
e. Patrons are required to scan the QR code for statistical purposes before receiving the key.
f. Patrons can request to reserve the study room by sending an email. Reservations can be made up
to a maximum of 5 days in advance of the meeting, with priority given to pre-booked library

g. Upon reservation, please provide the following:

o Full name and ktech ID number.
o Number of expected participants and their full names and ID numbers.
o Timing and room number.
h. Study room noise levels must not disturb other library patrons or staff.
i. Patrons may use study rooms during library hours.
j. Personal belongings must not be stored or left unattended inside the study rooms, and any losses
incurred are not the responsibility of the library.
k. Food and drinks are prohibited.
a. Furniture inside the study rooms may not be moved or re-arranged and furniture and equipment to
and / or from the main area of the library may not be brought into the meeting rooms under any
b. Patrons must keep rooms clean and neat and never leave any trash on the tables or the ground.
c. The patron and or the group who made the booking will be held responsible in case of any

Policy of Confidentiality of Library Records

Library users’ records are held in strict confidentiality. Such records shall not be made available to any
external parties.

Textbook Purchasing Policy

Textbook purchase policies can vary depending on the format. The following are the general policies in
purchasing textbook:
i. English and Physical/ Print textbooks – All English courses and Print textbooks are available for
purchase either on campus or online.
ii. eBooks and Online platforms - The online services through the ktech student portal will be available
and remain open based on the specified date and time provided by the management. Students can acquire
the required textbooks through the following methods:

Collection development Policy

Collection Development Policy is the systematic assessment, selection, and deselection of library
All requests for materials are reviewed for adherence to the selection guidelines. The librarians, in
consultation with the faculty within their assigned programs, have overall responsibility for the
development, maintenance, and weeding of the collection. The collection includes books, periodicals and
electronic materials for all campus locations and online programs.
Library Volunteers Policy

The library welcomes and encourages ktech students to volunteer their time and skills to help enhance
and extend library services. Volunteers are expected to follow all ktech library rules and regulation
described in this manual. Volunteers may be used for library projects, and activities, as well as to assist
library staff on a regular basis. All library volunteers will be recognized and awarded with a certificate at
the of the academic year.

Guidelines for volunteers

i. Volunteers are required to sign in and out using their volunteer card.
ii. Volunteers working hours would be communicated with the library staff based on their course

iii. Volunteers will direct all inquiries or complaints raised by patrons about the library's collection,
services, policies, and procedures to a library staff member.

iv. Volunteers shall understand that the library may, for any reason, end the volunteer's relationship
with the library or modify their volunteer assignment at any time.

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