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A Muslim Child is Born

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man

Activities Include:
• Qur’an Quiz • Story Puzzles
• Ad’iyah Memorization • Colouring
• Math Practice • Mapping Skills Practice
• Reading Comprehension • Critical Thinking Games
Note to Parents

Jazakallaahu khayr for downloading The Big Book of Ramadan Activities! Inside of
this book, your child will find a collection of activities that will, in’shaa Allaah, provide hours of fun,
productive learning. All of the language arts and mathematics activities should be familiar to
children because they learned each concept during the school year biithnillaah; however, if your
child has forgotten or does not know a concept, this should not be a problem. Examples for all
math problems have been provided showing children, step-by-step, how to solve the math
problems they will encounter on that given page. The language arts activities have been written at
grade level, but your child may still need your assistance with some words.
Essentially, the overarching goal of this book is to help your child learn about the
blessed month of Ramadan and enjoy doing so while reviewing material learned during the school
year. Of course, the book does not need to be completed during Ramadan – children can spend
some time each day during the summer working on the book – but, in’shaa Allaah, enough
activities have been provided that your child should have something constructive and beneficial to
work on each day during this blessed month.
It is hoped that Allaah will accept this small effort, and it is hoped that children will
learn about Ramadan and draw closer to their Lord during this blessed month.

Designed and written by Umm An-Nu’man

First Published by SJ Books in 2015

SJ Books

Design and text Copyright © Umm An-Nu’man 2015

Dolls Copyright © Edusong
Mazes Copyright © and reprinted with permission

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electric, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise
without the express and prior permission of the copyright holder.

ISBN: 978- 1512345773

Printed in the United States of America

Why the Moon? Page 6

Phases of the Moon Activity/Craft Page 7

Do You Know? Ramadan Q&A Page 13

Ayaah Match Page 14

Activities: Ahadith About Ramadan Page 15

The Days of Ramadan Activity Pages Page 18

Reading Comprehension: Asma Helps Out Page 59

Reading Comprehension: Ismaeel Visits His

Page 63
Writer’s Workshop: Adding Details to a Story Page 67

Writer’s Workshop: You Write the Story Page 70

Spot the Difference Page 71

Writer’s Workshop: You’re the Illustrator Page 72

Words that are Opposites Page 73

Fine Motor Skills Practice Page 74

Tangrams Page 75

An Iftar Puzzle Page 79

Finding 10’s Page 80

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Skip Counting by 5’s Page 81

Skip Counting by 10’s Page 82

Place Value Page 83

Greater Than/Less Than Page 84

Comparing Page 85

Fractions (Halves) Page 86

Fractions (Quarters) Page 87

Fractions (Thirds) Page 88

Adding 3 Numbers Page 89

Subtraction Page 90

Subtraction Game Page 91

Counting Backwards Page 93

Measurement Page 94

Graphing Page 95

Time Page 96

Ten More/Ten Less Page 98

Doubles Page 99

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Expanded Form Page 103

Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers Page 104

Sharing Page 105

Social Studies: Reading/Using a Table of Contents Page 109

Sharing with Family, Friends and Neighbours

Page 111
(Cooking/Recipe Cards)
Colouring Page 121

Colouring Page 122

Colouring Page 123

Pieces for Day 16 of Ramadan Activity book & page

Page 127
Solution to Crossword Puzzle on Day 14 of Ramadan Page 129

Completion Certificate 1 Page 131

Completion Certificate 2 Page 133

Completion Certificate 3 Page 135

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Why the moon?
The Muslims use the moon to measure the months and the years. But why
the moon? Why don’t we use the sun like other civilizations do?

We use the moon to measure the months and the years because this is what
our Lord aza wa jal commanded us to do, and because we love Allaah, when
He tells us to do something, we hear and we obey.

As Muslims, we must follow the lunar calendar because Allaah said,

“It is He Who made the sun a shining thing and the moon as a light and
measured out its (their) stages, that you might know the number of years and
the reckoning” {Surah Yoonus 10:5}.

Our scholars, may Allaah have Mercy upon them, have explained that
Allaah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, says, when translated means, “Verily, the
number of months with Allah is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained
by Allah on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them four
are Sacred, (i.e. the 1st, the 7th, the 11th and the 12th months of the Islamic
calendar). That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein” [at-
Tawbah 9:36].

The scholars have said that the words “That is the right religion” in the ayat
above tell us that this calendar is the correct way that Allaah has approved
for us, and that anything other than it (other methods used by other
nations), is not correct, because other methods are subject to mistakes and
Make a Moon Tracker

1. Cut out the circle that has all of the phases of

the moon on it.
2. Cut out the circle that is divided into 8 slices.
3. Cut out the red circle in the first slice.
4. Lay the circle that now has a hole in it over the
circle that has the phases of the moon.
5. Using a paper fastener bracket, attach the two

6. Turn the circle on the bottom to see the moon

change phases.

Adopted from the Moon Tracker found in: Soltan, Rita. Summer Reading Renaissance. Westport: Libraries Unlimited, 2008. Print.
Cut along the red line.
Do you know…?

When iftar comes, If a person is fasting The Qur’aan was

you should wait to and they forget that revealed in the
they are fasting and
break your fast. You month of Ramadan.
they eat, does this
should not break it break his or her fast?
right away.

True False Yes No True False

During the month of If you brush your During Ramadan,

Ramadan, the gates of teeth does that while fasting,
Paradise are opened and break your fast? Muslims cannot eat
the gates of Hell are
but we can drink.
shut, and the devils are
chained up.

True False Yes No True False

• True, the Qur’aan was revealed in the month of Ramadan.
• If a person is fasting and they eat by mistake (i.e. they forget that they are fasting), this does not break their fast.
• When iftar comes, you should not wait to break your fast. You should break it as soon as it is time for iftar.
• False, when we are fasting, we cannot eat or drink.
• The ulema have said that a person does not break his or her fast if they brush their teeth while fasting, however,
Shaykh Uthameen said that it is permissible but not preferable because toothpaste is too strong and may go down
into the throat.
• True, the gates of Jannah are opened and the gates of Jahannam are shut and the shayateen are chained.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

‫‪Ayah Match‬‬
‫‪Draw a line between each ayah and the surah in which it is found.‬‬

‫َوأَن َﺗﺻُوﻣُوا َﺧﯾْرٌ ﻟﱠ ُﻛ ْم إِن ُﻛﻧ ُﺗ ْم‬

‫}ﺳورة اﻟدﺧﺎن ‪{3:‬‬
‫َﺗﻌْ ﻠَﻣ َ‬

‫}ﺳورة اﻟﻘدر‪{1:‬‬ ‫إِ ﱠﻧﺎ أَ َ‬

‫ﻧز ْﻟ َﻧﺎهُ ﻓِﻲ ﻟَ ْﯾﻠَ ِﺔ ْاﻟ َﻘ ْد ِر‬

‫ِب َﻋﻠَ ْﯾ ُﻛ ُم‬ ‫َﯾﺎ أَ ﱡﯾ َﮭﺎ اﻟﱠذ َ‬

‫ِﯾن آ َﻣ ُﻧوا ُﻛﺗ َ‬
‫} ﺳورة اﻟﺑﻘرة ‪{184:‬‬
‫ِب َﻋﻠَﻰ اﻟﱠذ َ‬
‫ِﯾن ﻣِن‬ ‫ﺻ َﯾﺎ ُم َﻛ َﻣﺎ ُﻛﺗ َ‬
‫اﻟ ﱢ‬
‫َﻗ ْﺑﻠِ ُﻛ ْم ﻟَ َﻌﻠﱠ ُﻛ ْم َﺗ ﱠﺗﻘُ َ‬

‫} ﺳورة اﻟﻘدر ‪{97:‬‬ ‫إِ ﱠﻧﺎ أَ َ‬

‫ﻧز ْﻟ َﻧﺎهُ ﻓِﻲ ﻟَ ْﯾﻠَ ِﺔ ْاﻟ َﻘ ْد ِر‬

‫إِ ﱠﻧﺎ أَ َ‬
‫ﻧز ْﻟ َﻧﺎهُ ﻓِﻲ ﻟَ ْﯾ َﻠ ٍﺔ‬
‫} ﺳورة اﻟﺑﻘرة ‪{183:‬‬ ‫ﺎر َﻛ ٍﺔ إِ ﱠﻧﺎ ُﻛ ﱠﻧﺎ ﻣُﻧذ ِِر َ‬
‫ﯾن‬ ‫ﱡﻣ َﺑ َ‬

‫‪2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –‬‬

More Generous Than the
Strong Uncontrollable Wind

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: Allaah's Apostle (sallallaahu

alayhi wa salam) was the most generous of all the
people, and he used to reach the peak in generosity in
the month of Ramadan when Jibril (alayhi salam) met
him. Jibril (alayhi salam) used to meet him every night
of Ramadan to teach him the Qur'an. Allaah's Apostle
was the most generous person, even more generous
than the strong uncontrollable wind (in readiness and
haste to do charitable deeds). {al-Bukhari}

Generous [jen-er-uhs]

1. giving or sharing unselfishly.

2. free from meanness.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Hoping to Attain Allaah's

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allaah's Apostle (sallallaahu

alayhi wa salam) said: "Whoever establishes prayers
during the nights of Ramadan faithfully out of
sincere faith and hoping to attain Allaah's rewards
(not for showing off), all his past sins will be
forgiven." {al-Bukhari}

1. Who narrated this hadith?

a). Anas ibn Malik

b). Abu Sufyan
c). Abu Huraira
d). Abu Sa’id

2. If a person prays during the nights in Ramadan, hoping only for reward from
Allaah, the person will have his or her _________ forgiven.

a). Bad thoughts

b). Sins
c). Silliness
d). Bad manners

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

The Night of Decree

Narrated 'Ubada bin As-Samit: "Allaah's Apostle went

out to inform the people about the (date of the) night of
decree (Al-Qadr) but there happened a quarrel between
two Muslim men. The Prophet said, "I came out to
inform you about (the date of) the night of Al-Qadr, but
as so and so and so and so quarrelled, its knowledge was
taken away (I forgot it) and maybe it was better for you.
Now look for it in the 7th, the 9th and the 5th (of the last
10 nights of the month of Ramadan)." {al-Bukhari}

Colour in the nights that the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa salam) told us to look for
Laylatul Qadr (the night of Decree).

1 3 5

7 9 11

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!

I did these good deeds today, alhamdulillaah!

I did not hurt anyone

I made du’a for the
with my hands or with
Prophet Muhammad.
my words.

I was kind to my parents. I read the Qur’an.

I spoke only words that

I smiled at someone.
were true.
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!

Colour the second moon.

Tomorrow will be the _________ day of Ramadan,

in’shaa Allaah.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Colour the word 3rd.

Fifth Second Eighth First Third Ninth

Ramadan is the ____ month of the Islaamic calendar year.

a). Seventh

b). Fourth

c). Ninth

d). Eleventh
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Put the Pillars of Islaam in the correct order.

Ash- Sawmu
zakat Shahaadataan Ramadan

1 Salat

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!

Draw something that you did today that was good.

First I… Then I… Last I…

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Write a postcard to someone in your family or a friend. Share a fact about Ramadan with

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Can you solve the mystery? Read the clues and circle the answer.
I am brown.
Sometimes, my shape is round or oval.
You can eat me.
I am not chocolate.
I have a seed.
I am a fruit.
I am sweet.
My name is in the Qur’an.
What am I?

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Complete the picture.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Write an acrostic poem about Ramadan.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Duplicate the picture of the moon and the cloud.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!

I did these good deeds today, alhamdulillaah!

I did not hurt anyone

I made du’a for the
with my hands or with
Prophet Muhammad.
my words.

I was kind to my parents. I read the Qur’an.

I spoke only words that

I smiled at someone.
were true.
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Can you find all of the words about Ramadan?

Place a check mark in the box next

to each word after you have found
the word in the puzzle.

Ramadan Quraan

Dates Iftar

Suhoor Qiyam

Zakat Siyam

Masjid Salat
*The answer key is at the end of the activity pack.
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Colour the correct answer.

A prayer rug is shaped like a:

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Put the ayaat from surat al-Qadr in the correct order.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Who narrated this hadith? Do you know?

_____________________ reported that the Prophet

(sallallaahu alayhi wa salam) said: “Whoever fasts Ramadan out of
faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be
forgiven.” {Al-Bukhari and Muslim}
a). Abu Bakr

b). Abu Hurayrah

c). Aisha

d). Anas ibn Malik Answer: b). Abu Hurayrah

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Write good deeds that you can do inside and outside and in both places in’shaa Allaah.
Outside Inside
Both places
Do not step on Put my toys
the plants and away
Speak Good

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Colour the thoub that shows the correct answer.

The word Ramadan has how many syllables?

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Colour the masaajid that show good behaviour in the masjid.

Bringing a
chair for Screaming
someone who
needs it


2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
If a moon has a word inside of it that describes a good deed, colour the moon
yellow. If the moon has a word inside of it that describes a bad deed, colour the
moon red.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Colour, stamp, or put a sticker on the good deeds you can do today or tonight at the
masjid in’shaa Allaah. Are there some good deeds you can do both today and tonight?

Clean up my
Pick up a Make du’a
room without
piece of for my
being told to
trash parents
do so

Be quiet
Tell my Tell my
mother that father that I
someone is
I love her love him

Only say
Speak kind Walk, don’t
words that
words run
are true

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
What is the dua we say when we break our fast? Use the words on the next page to find
out. Glue the words in the correct order below. Remember: Arabic is read from right
to left.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

For Day 23 of Ramadan

‫ْاﻷﺟْ ر‬ ‫ا َﻟ َظﻣُؤ‬ ‫َو َﺛ َﺑت‬
‫َذ َھب‬ ‫ْاﻟ ُﻌرُوق‬
‫إِن َﺷﺎء ﷲ‬
For Measurement Activity
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
In the box below, draw a picture of an ‘Eid gift you can make for your father.
Use the gift box on the next page to hide your gift. On ‘Eid, show your father
your drawing, and if you make the gift that you draw below, give it to your father
on ‘Eid in’shaa Allaah.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
In the box below, draw a picture of an ‘Eid gift you can make for your mother.
Use the gift box on the next page to hide your gift. On ‘Eid, show your mother
your drawing, and if you make the gift that you draw below, give it to your
mother on ‘Eid in’shaa Allaah.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Gift Boxes for days 24 and 25

Glue here and fold Glue here and fold

on dotted line on dotted line
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
It is from the sunnah that the person who is fasting eat suhoor.
Anas ibn Maalik (‫ )رﺿﻲ ﷲ ﻋﻧﮫ‬said: The Messenger of Allaah (‫ )ﺻﻠﻰ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯾﮫ وﺳﻠم‬said:
“Eat suhoor for in suhoor there is blessing.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1923;
Muslim, 1059).
Draw a line to match the correct statement with the correct answer.

Al-Bukhaari &
Anas ibn Maalik Eat suhoor

The sahabi who said

The Prophet ( ‫ﺻﻠﻰ ﷲ‬ The two books of
that the Prophet ( ‫ﺻﻠﻰ‬
‫ )ﻋﻠﯾﮫ وﺳﻠم‬said there is hadith in which this
‫ )ﷲ ﻋﻠﯾﮫ وﺳﻠم‬said these
blessing in this meal. hadith is found
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!

It was narrated from Anas (‫ )رﺿﻲ ﷲ ﻋﻧﮫ‬that the Prophet (‫ )ﺻﻠﻰ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯾﮫ وﺳﻠم‬said:
“Three prayers are not rejected: the prayer of a father, the prayer of a fasting
person, and the prayer of a traveler.” Narrated by al-Bayhaqi, 3/345; classed as
saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Saheeh 1797.

Which three prayers are not rejected?

1). ________________________________

2). ________________________________

3). ________________________________

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Under each flap, write or draw some things you did this Ramadan that you liked

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

1). Cut out the shape above. Do not cut along the dotted lines yet.

2). After you have cut out the shape, cut along the dotted lines.

3). Put glue under the large rectangle where you see the red
arrows. Do not put glue under the smaller rectangles.

4). Glue this shape to Day 28 of Ramadan (the page before this

5). Complete the activity. The instructions for this activity are
found on the Day 28 of Ramadan page.
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Make a list of things you want to do for the sake of Allaah next Ramadan in’shaa

1). ____________________________________________________

2). ____________________________________________________

3). ____________________________________________________

4). ____________________________________________________
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Alhamdulillaah, today is the

day of Ramadan!
Make a list of things you want to do for the sake of Allaah next Ramadan in’shaa

1). ____________________________________________________

2). ____________________________________________________

3). ____________________________________________________

4). ____________________________________________________
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Asma Helps Out

Asma sits on her bed looking around. She has been sitting and
thinking for almost a half of an hour. Ramadan has begun and she is too young to
fast, but she wants to find a way to do good deeds.
Asma looks at her toys. Maybe I can give some of them away to
children who don’t have any, she thinks. She walks over to her toys and sees that
many of them are old and some are broken or missing pieces. No, she says to
herself, I cannot give these toys away, they are not in good condition. Asma looks
in her closet and she gets an idea.
Asma knows that her mother is busy but, each day, Umm Asma
comes to help Asma choose what clothes to wear. Asma decides that this
Ramadan she will choose her own clothes and make sure all of her clothes are
folded neatly and put away. Asma smiles and thinks, “Alhamdulillaah, I have found
a way to help out this Ramadan!”

1. In the story, what did Asma want to do?

a). Buy new toys

b). Make a new friend
c). Help her mother during Ramadan
d). Learn how to fold her clothes

2. Why couldn’t Asma give her toys away?

a). Her parents told her she could not do that

b). Many of the toys were old and broken or missing pieces
c). She didn’t know where many of them were
d). She didn’t want to give her toys away

On the next page, help Asma choose what clothes she will wear!
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Ismaeel Visits His Grandparents

Last night after dinner, the phone rang. It was Ismaeel’s grandparents calling.
They wanted Ismaeel to spend the first week of Ramadan with them. Ismaeel’s
grandparents lived in a different city. If Ismaeel’s parents said yes, Ismaeel would have to
take the train with his father to get to his grandparents’ house.
Ismaeel waited patiently while his father spoke on the phone. Ismaeel loved
his grandparents very much and he had fun when he visited them. Ismaeel’s grandmother
always woke him gently for suhoor, and his grandfather made sure Ismaeel went with him
to the masjid for each of the five daily prayers. Ismaeel loved walking along the quiet
streets at dawn. Usually, he would hear the adthan being called and the silence of the dawn
would be broken by the beautiful sound of the muadhin’s voice.
Ismaeel was thinking of this while his father was talking on the phone. When
Abu Ismaeel finished the call, he looked at Ismaeel and smiled. He said, “How would you
like to go visit your grandparents during Ramadan, Ismaeel?” Ismaeel grinned. “I would love
to in’shaa Allaah!” he said. He ran to his father and hugged him and whispered in his
father’s ear, “Jazakallaahu khayr Abi.”

1. Who was Abu Ismaeel speaking with on the phone?

a). Ismaeel’s teacher

b). The imam of the majsid
c). Ismaeel’s grandparents
d). His brother

2. How did Ismaeel feel about his grandparents?

a). He had never met them but he loved them.

b). He loved them, but he had no friends in the city where they lived.
c). He loved them, but he had not seen them since he was very young.
d). He loved them very much and always had fun visiting them.

On the next page, help Ismaeel choose what clothes he will wear
for his trip!
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Details Help Paint a Picture in Our Mind
In the story,
look for…

Details about
the time.

Details about
the place.

Colour words
that give you
details about
a person,
place, or
Take a sentence from the story that does not give the reader any details and
rewrite the sentence so that it has the following detail:

 Time

 Place

 Colour words

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Details Help Paint a Picture in Our Mind
In the story,
look for…

Details about
the time.

Details about
the place.

Colour words
that give you
details about
a person,
place, or
Take a sentence from the story that does not give the reader any details and
rewrite the sentence so that it has the following detail:

 Time

 Place

 Colour words

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Details Help Paint a Picture in Our Mind
In the story,
look for…

Details about
the time.

Details about
the place.

Colour words
that give you
details about
a person,
place, or
Take a sentence from the story that does not give the reader any details and
rewrite the sentence so that it has the following detail:

 Time

 Place

 Colour words

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

You Write the Story

Ramadan has started alhamdulillaah! My ______________ will fast from

dawn until sunset in’shaa Allaah. That means that _________________ will not

___________ or _____________ until________________. I am too young to fast, but

this year I will try to ________________ and ___________________ in’shaa Allaah. I

will do these things for the sake of Allaah in’shaa Allaah.

I think I can also do many other good deeds too in’shaa Allaah. Some of

the good deeds I can do are: ______________________ and

_______________________ and ____________________________. I can also try to

be very, very good to my parents in’shaa Allaah. I will _______________________, I

will ____________________________ and I will ____________________________

in’shaa Allaah.

I hope that Allaah will be pleased with the good deeds that I will try to

do this _________________________.
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Spot the Difference
Find and circle the differences between the two pictures.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

You Are the Illustrator
Read the story and draw the details from the story into the picture.

Yesterday, our neighbours invited us to their house for iftar. When we

walked across the street their house, we saw two birds building a nest in a tree. We
also saw apples growing on a tree, pears growing in the tree to the left of the apple
tree, and oranges growing on the tree that sat on the right of the apple tree. Our
neighbours’ cat was sitting next to the pond in the front yard. He was staring at the
seven fish that live in the pond. I think the cat wanted to go fishing!
Beside our neighbours house, there was a picnic table with lots of food on
it. At the end of the table, there was a stack of plates, ten cups, and spoons and forks
for everyone. When we walked up to the front door, there was a beautiful sign on the
door that said, “Ramadan Mubarak!”
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Words That Are Opposites
Use the clouds on the next page to match the words below with the words that
have the opposite meaning.

Smile Lie Truth

Helpful Eat

Ikhlas Iman

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Fine Motor Skills Practice

Draw a squiggly line from each dot to each date.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Use the shapes* to make a picture of the man walking to the masjid.
*The shapes you will need are on the next page.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Tangrams: Man Walking to
the Masjid Pieces
An Iftar Puzzle
Draw a line from each boy to the picture that shows how many dates he
ate to break his fast.

Tonight, I broke my fast with Tonight, I broke my fast

dates. The number of dates I with dates. The number of
ate is less than 3, and on the
dates I ate is less than 9
number line, there is only one
number before it. The number but bigger than 6. It is also
is also an odd number. How an odd number. How many
many dates did I eat? dates did I eat?

Tonight, I broke my fast Tonight, I broke my fast

with dates. The number of with dates. The number of
dates I ate is less than 7 dates I ate is less than 5
but bigger than 4. It is also but bigger than 2. It is also
an odd number. How many an odd number. How many
dates did I eat? dates did I eat?

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Finding 10’s
Draw a circle around each group of tens and then write the addition

10 2 12

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Skip Counting By 5’s
Skip count by 5’s and colour the prayer rugs that show the way home.

7 6
8 5
20 10
15 4
25 9

18 3 2



2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Skip Counting By 10’s
Colour the path on the number grid to skip count by 10’s.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Place Value
Tell how many ones and how many tens.

3 Tens 3 Ones

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Greater Than/Less Than

17 15

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Put a check mark in the box under the picture that shows more.

‫ﺻﻠﱠﻰ ﱠ‬
Anas ibn Maalik said: “The Prophet (‫ﷲُ َﻋﻠَ ْﯾ ِﮫ َو َﺳﻠﱠ َم‬ َ ) used to break his fast before
praying by eating fresh dates, and if there were no fresh dates he would eat dried
dates; if there were no dried dates, he would have a few sips of water.” (al-Sawm, 632;
classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, no. 560)

Are there more dates or more cups of water?

Are there more prayer rugs or more masaajid?

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Fractions (Halves)

Circle the picture that shows half.

Colour the shapes to show half.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Fractions (Quarters)

Colour the shapes that show ¼.

Colour the shapes to show 1/4.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Fractions (Thirds)

Colour the shapes that show 1/3.

Complete the last third of each shape. Colour the shapes to show 1/3.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Adding Three Numbers

6 + 4 = 10 10

10 + 2 = 12 10 2


9 7 4

1 5 3

3 4 3

3 5 8

7 6 5

8 3 4

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –


10 – 7 = 3

12 – 5 = 18 – 6 = 14 – 4 =

11 – 8 = 15 – 9 = 16 – 3 =

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Your helped
15 - 7 9-2
your mother.
Move ahead 11-5 5-2 16-9 13-4 6-3
2 spaces.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man – excluding the game board

Stop to buy a snack.
Skip a turn.
10-5 8-4 6-3 4-2 20-10 18-9 14-7 12-6 16-8
Stop to buy a snack.
Skip a turn.

Sadaqah and
Skip a turn.
11+4 5+7 7+2 5+4 move ahead 13+2 11+8 6+7
3 spaces.

Stop to buy a snack.

Skip a turn.
2+2 3+3 4+4 5+5 6+6 7+7 8+8 9+9 10+10
Stop to buy a snack.
Skip a turn. Name the 5
Go back 2
12-3 before 14-9 16-8 9-5 spaces. 4-2 19-5
Counting Backwards
Write the missing numbers.

5,______, ______,8 ,9 16______, ______,______ ,20

13______, ______,16,17 ______,______, 13,______ ,15

_______,16, ______,18 ,19 9______, ______,______ ,13

_______,7, 8,______ ,10 ______,______,______, 5,6 ,7

13,______,15, 16,______ ,18 8______, ______,11,12

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Cut out the cubes on the next page. Use them to measure each

The train is ________ cubes long.

The date is ________ cubes long. The prayer rug is ________ cubes long.

The picture of the masjid The bed is ________ cubes

is ________ cubes long. long.
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Graphing: The Way We Go to the Masjid for Taraweeh
Use the graph to answer the questions below.

The Ways We Go to the Masjid for Taraweeh

Type of Transportation Tally Marks Number


2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The best act of worship is to strive to
please the Lord at all times by doing that which is most appropriate and is expected at
any particular time.
Madaarij as-Saalikeen, 1/88

On each clock, draw the hands on the clock so they match the time shown on the
digital clock.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

On each digital clock, write the time on the clock so it matches the
time shown on the analog clock.

: 9 : 15

: :

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

10 More/10 Less
Write the answer in the box below each number.


Ten less is: Ten more is:

5 25

29 30

Ten less is: Ten more is: Ten less is: Ten more is:

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Doubles can help you solve math problems quickly. Do you remember how?
Let’s take a look in’shaa Allaah.

If you know that

1+1 =2

Then you know that

1+2 =3
Because 2 is one more than 1

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Use your knowledge of doubles to solve the problems below in’shaa Allaah.

1 + 1 = ____ 6 + 6 = ____

2 + 2 = ____ 7 + 7 = ____

3 + 3 = ____ 8 + 8 = ____

4 + 4 = ____ 9 + 9 = ____

5 + 5 = ____ 10 + 10 = ____
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Doubles Plus One
Use your knowledge of doubles to solve the problems below in’shaa Allaah.

Because I know I also know

that… that…

1 + 1 = ____ 1 + 2 = ____

2 + 2 = ____ 2 + 3 = ____

3 + 3 = ____ 3 + 4 = ____

4 + 4 = ____ 4 + 5 = ____

5 + 5 = ____ 5 + 6 = ____
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Doubles Plus One
Use your knowledge of doubles to solve the problems below in’shaa Allaah.

Because I know I also know

that… that…

6 + 6 = ____ 6 + 7 = ____

7 + 7 = ____ 7 + 8 = ____

8 + 8 = ____ 8 + 9 = ____

9 + 9 = ____ 9 + 10 = ____

10 + 10 = ____ 10 + 11 = ____
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Expanded Form
Write the expanded form for each number.

20 + 9
tens ones

tens ones

tens ones

tens ones

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers

First: subtract the

ones: Tens Ones

9–4=5 2 9 29
Then: Subtract the
1 4 14
2–1=1 1 5
47 – 31 = 62 – 20 = 44 – 12 =
Tens Ones Tens Ones Tens Ones

58 – 35 = 83 – 10 = 17 – 11 =
Tens Ones Tens Ones Tens Ones

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –


On the authority of Anas bin Malik, the servant of the

messenger of Allah, that the Prophet ( ‫ﺻﻠﻰ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯾﮫ وﺳﻠم‬said:
"None of you [truly] believes until he wishes for his
brother what he wishes for himself."
{Related by Bukhari and Muslim}

At iftar, the imam gave Sulaiman a plate of dates. There were twelve
dates on the plate. The imam said to Sulaiman, “Do you see the four
brothers sitting against that wall? Please give them these dates but make
sure each brother gets the same number of dates. Jazakallaahu khayr.”

How many dates should Sulaiman give to each brother?

Brother #4 Brother #3 Brother #2 Brother #1

12 9 6 3

Suliaman gave each brother 3 dates.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Your Turn!
Mahmud has 6 toys. He wants to do a good deed by being
nice to his brother. Mahmud decides to share the toys with
his brother alhamdulillaah. Mahmud wants to make sure he
and his brother have the same number of toys in’shaa Allaah.
When Mahmud shares his toys with his brother, how many
toys will each boy have?
Show it:

Mahmud Mahmud’s brother

Solve it:
Each boy will have _________ toys a piece to play with in’shaa

Cut these toys out and glue them into the boxes above to help you solve
the problem, or draw pictures of toys you like.

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Social Studies
Use the table of contents to answer the questions below in’shaa Allaah.

Table of Contents
What is Tawheed?....…………………………………………………………………………… 2

The Most Beautiful Names of Allaah ………………………………………………4

Why it is important to follow the Quran & the Sunnah..................8

Loving What Allaah Loves…………………………………………………………………..10

Not Liking What Allaah Does Not Like………………………………………….…11

The Blessed Month of Ramadan………………………………………………………..15


1. On which page will you find information about loving what Allaah loves? ______

2. On which page can you read about the most Beautiful Names of Allaah? _______

3. Is there an index in this book? _________ On which page will you find it? ______

4. Does this book have a chapter about why it is important to follow the Quran and
the Sunnah? _________ On which page does the chapter start? ______________

5. What is the first topic you will find in this book? ___________________________

6. What is the topic of the last chapter in this book? _________________________

7. On which page can you read about not liking what Allaah does not like? _______

What do you think the title of this book might be? _______________________

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
Ramadan Mubarak!



Ramadan Mubarak!


Ramadan Mubarak!



Ramadan Mubarak!


Ramadan Mubarak!



Ramadan Mubarak!


Ramadan Mubarak!



Ramadan Mubarak!



Worship Allaah

a lot during

This year, Ramadan is in the _______________________time.


You Are Done!

Ayaat for Day 16 of Ramadan Activity Book

For “Words That Are Opposites” Activity

Riyaa Lazy Kufr

Frown Fast

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

Solutions to Selected Activities

2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –

(Child’s Name)
Completed The Big Book of Ramadan
________________________ _______________________
Signature Date
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
(Child’s Name)
Completed The Big Book of
Ramadan Activities!
________________________ _______________________
Signature Date
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
(Child’s Name)
Completed The Big Book of Ramadan
________________________ _______________________
Signature Date
2015 © Umm An-Nu’man –
The Big Book of Ramadan Activities

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