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Prior to 1971, Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan, known as East Pakistan.

people of East Pakistan was dissatisfied against Pakistan’s military ruler General Ayub
Khan. They used to beat, exploit them, rape women and brutally murder the people
there. Due large scale of atrocities against them, uncountable number of Bengalis took
refuge in India. India had also opened its borders to refugees from Bengal and PM
Indira Gandhi opposed the oppression of the people by the Pakistani army and
declared full support for the Mukti Bahini. The Mukti Bahini refers to the armed
organizations that fought against the Pakistan Army during the Bangladesh
Liberation War. It was a guerrilla resistance movement. So Indian army provided them
with weapons and training to participate in the war.
On 3rd December, Pakistan Air Force attack happened on 11 Indian air bases. In response
India attacked the eastern and western regions of Pakistan and Indian government
declared full war against Pakistan to save the people of ‘East Pakistan’. General
Manekshaw (later Field Marshal) was leading this war from India. Pakistan launched a
counter attack against India.

Gen. Manekshaw explaining war strategy with officers

Reinforced company of 23rd Bn of Punjab regiment commanded by Major Kuldeep Singh

Chandpuri sent for patrolling after PAF strikes on India. On 4th December patrolling team
detected noises near Ramgarh, Rajasthan border that suggested a large number of
armored vehicles and movement of the 51st Infantry Brigade of Pakistani Army. Team
reported to major and he made a defensive planning with 120 soldiers and one jeep
mounted recoilless launcher (RCL). Although massively outnumbering of Indian soldiers,
and having surrounded them, the Pakistani troops were unable to advance. This
encouraged the Indian soldiers not to stretch up their strong defensive position and
frustrating the Pakistani commanders. In the morning Indian aircrafts assists the post and
attacked on Pakistani troops. At the end of the battle, 36 tanks, 500 other vehicles were
destroyed and 200 Pakistani troops were killed while only 2 Indian soldiers lost their lives.
This battle is known as Battle of Longewala.
Major Kuldeep Singh Chandpuri, MVC Battle of Longewala

Operation Trident, on the night of December 4, the Indian Navy's Western Naval
Command successfully conducted a surprise attack on Karachi port and inflicted heavy
damage on Pakistani vessels. In this operation first time anti-ship missile was used. With
no casualties on the Indian side, this operation was considered to be one of the most
successful in modern naval history post-World War II. To mark this victory, the Indian
Navy annually celebrates Navy Day on 4 December. Another Operation Python was
done after Trident. This operation was also successful and zero casualties on Indian side.

Attacking Karachi Port in 1971 Karachi port after Operation Trident

Pakistan suffered another defeat on the western front, which is known as Battle of
Basantar. It was fought from 4th to 16th December. On 16th December 2nd Lt. Arun
khetarpal leading his troops fought off and destroyed 10 Pakistani tanks of which
khetarpal destroyed four tanks. During tank battle Khetarpal’s tank was hit by enemy fire,
but he did not abandon and fought on. His final words over the radio to a superior officer
who had ordered him to abandon his burning tank were, “No Sir, I will not abandon my
tank. My Main gun is still working and I will get these bastards”. Then he set about
destroying the remaining enemy tanks. But the last enemy tank, which he shot, was barely
100 metres from him. At this stage, his tank received a second hit and the shell entered
into the tank through its cupola ripping his stomach. 2nd Lt. Khetarpal met a hero’s death,
trying to deny the Pakistani Army the intended breakthrough. The enemy could not get
the passage it was so desperately seeking and not one enemy tank could get past him.
By the end of the battle 46 Pakistani tanks were destroyed and 40 more were captured.
In return India losses only 10 tanks and Indian troops secured this area in the
Punjab/Jammu sector.

Battle of Basantar 2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal, PVC

On Dec 11 Hilli, Mymensingh, Kushtia and Noakhali liberated. USA deployed USS
Enterprise in Bay of Bengal to support Pakistan in this war. But on 13 Dec USSR sent
warships to counter enterprise and to support India in this war. Other side General Sam
Manekshaw sent a message to Pakistan and the message was ‘You surrender or we wipe
you out.

US aircraft carrier in 1971 USSR aircraft carrier in 1971

On 15 Dec, forty sorties of MiGs and Hunters were flown to target enemy troops
occupying the Dacca University campus, with no collateral damage caused to any of the
buildings or structures outside the target air.
Major Gen. M. S. Barar accepting the unconditional surrender of Pakistani Major Gen.
MH Ansari on 16th December,1971

On 16 Dec the chief of the Pakistani forces, General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, along
with 93,000 troops, surrendered to the allied forces consists of Mukti Bahini and Indian
Army, led by Lt. General Jagjit Singh Aurora, of India in the Ramna Race Course,
now Suhrawardy Udyan, in Dhaka after their defeat in the war. Nearly one-third army of
Pakistan was captured by Indian forces which was the biggest ever surrender after World
War II. The Pakistani prisoners of war were returned as part of the Shimla Agreement of
1972. It was a 13 day Indio-Pak war. This led to the creation of Bangladesh and
celebrates its independence day (Bijoy Dibos) on 16th December every year.

Lt. Gen A.A.K Niazi signed the instrument of surrender Mukti Bahini

India is the land of the brave warriors. Our Indian army is full of such heroes and in the
year 1971, the world witnessed the bravery of our Indian Army when we conquered the
Indo-Pak War against Pakistan. India celebrated 50 Years of Indo-Pak War, known
as Swarnim Vijay Varsh on 16th December 2020. Inaugural event of the celebration
was held at the National War Memorial in New Delhi where PM Narendra Modi and
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh were present.

PM Modi lights up on Swarnim Vijay Varsh Swarnim Vijay Varsh logo

N.B. (Picture & data source: Google)

Written by -
Name - SGT Chand Gopal Mondal
Regiment no - WB19SDA128139
Battalion - 39 Bengal Bn NCC
Unit - Kolkata 10 C
West Bengal & Sikkim directorate NCC

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