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Jac Borg
Introduction To Astrology
The Gemini Woman
The Gemini Woman and Romance
The Gemini Woman and Compatibility In Love
The Gemini Woman and Friendship
Career Choices For The Gemini Woman
The Gemini Woman and Health
Bonus Resources – YouTube Videos
Astrology has an illustrious history – spanning thousands of years and touching
the lives of people on many continents. It is widely believed that the ancient
tradition of Astrology has its roots in Babylon around 3000 BC. Here, as has so
often been the case in human history, man looked upward to the heavens in an
attempt to understand the world and his place in it.
This upward gaze drew the Babylonians to the discovery that it took twelve
lunar cycles, or months, for the sun to make a full rotation. On its' journey the
sun passed through twelve different constellations of stars.

It was noted that the appearance of each of these constellations in the night sky
occurred at the same time every year and coincided with the progress of the
changing seasons. Early astrologers named the twelve constellations
accordingly. For example, the constellation visible during the rainy season was
aptly named Aquarius or “water bearer”. In this way the stars became a way of
recording time, making it possible – even desirable – to consult them on such
matters as when to plant crops or travel.
Perhaps more important from a modern astrological point of view was the desire
set in motion by the Babylonians to understand the relationship between celestial
bodies and earthly events. It was the passage of the sun, moon and planets
through the twelve constellations as they were seen from earth that formed the
basis of the Zodiac, which is Greek for “circle of animals”. The signs of the
Zodiac, or Sun Signs, correspond to the time of year in which the sun was
believed to reside in a given constellation.

Today Astrology makes use of a symbolic Zodiac based on the calendar year
rather than strictly adhering to the movement of the sun. It is divided into twelve
equal parts despite the fact that the sun does not spend equal time in each
Each sign of the Zodiac is influenced by the energy of a ruling planet and is
grouped according to one of the four elements of life|: Earth, Water, Air or Fire.
For example, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are all Earth signs.

Modern Astrology is based on a study of the influence which each of the seven
original planets has on our characters. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn each govern one aspect of the personality. If one knows the
exact date, time and location of their birth, a natal chart can create a detailed,
personal analysis. Thanks to modern software programs, this is a fairly
straightforward procedure. Sun-sign Astrology is a simplified system which
looks at the basic personality profile associated with each of the Zodiac signs.
Today, you would be hard pressed to find a person who is not aware of the signs
of the Zodiac. This invasion of astronomy into popular culture attests to our
thirst for knowledge about ourselves. As the Ancients looked at the position of
the planets to establish a relationship between these and events on earth, so
modern Astrologers examine Sun signs in an effort to understand character.

While the Science of Astronomy maps planetary movements in an exacting way,

the Art of Astrology concerns itself with the interpretation. Thus, Psychology
may actually trace its roots to this ancient tradition. Why do we seem to connect
so seamlessly with some people yet seem always to be at loggerheads with
others? Where should we begin to look for fulfilling work? Who would make a
good partner? A good friend? Familiarizing ourselves with Sun-signs may be a
good place to start on a quest to understand ourselves and those around us.
Women born under the sign of the twins are fortunate indeed! Gemini is the
zodiac sign that rules the Sun for people born between May 21st and June 21st.
It's one of three zodiac signs of the Air element, and it's one of four mutable
The Air element rules over communication, creativity, and intellectual pursuits.
Air can sometimes control or influence financial prosperity, largely because
networking and communication skills are so valuable in financial and career
matters. Air is extremely flexible and can change direction and movement in a
matter of seconds. Air signs tend to have short attention spans, but they can be
flexible and adapt very easily to change.

In astrology, there are cardinal signs, fixed signs, and mutable signs. Cardinal
signs are the ones who start something; they like to initiate new projects and
create new energy. Fixed signs prefer to maintain the existing energy. Mutable
signs, like Gemini, like to change energy. Because Gemini is a mutable sign, it's
very ingenious and creative. Mutable signs see things not as they are, but as they
could be. They see potential in the people and things around them. Mutable signs
are adaptable, flexible, and innovative.
Mercury rules over all Geminis, so Mercury has a tremendous influence over the
qualities and characteristics of people born under this sign. Mercury was the
ancient Roman god of communication, and he delivered messages from mortals
to gods and from gods to mortals. Mercury was incredibly fast, so that a message
delivered by Mercury would be received mere seconds after it was sent.

Because Mercury is the planetary ruler for Gemini, people born under this sign
are likely to experience Mercury retrogrades very strongly. When Mercury goes
retrograde, it looks from Earth like the planet is moving backwards in the sky.
This is a time when the past comes back to us, so while it's a great time to
resolve relationship or communication problems from the past, it makes it
difficult to work on projects that are new or that have a future impact.
Women born in Gemini are excellent communicators in speech or in writing, and
this gives them an advantage when it comes to building relationships with
others. A Gemini woman has an advantage when it comes to learning languages,
whether those languages are ancient, modern, or sign language. Gemini loves to
communicate, so language learning for the Gemini will work best if it involves
real communication and conversation rather than dry, boring grammar and

Geminis are outgoing and friendly, and they love a great party with lots of
people. They do well with crowded environments, and they're definitely people-
pleasers. A Gemini woman doesn't like to say no, so she may sometimes take on
more than she can handle in an attempt to make her friends happy. Gemini
women are usually very popular, especially in more tolerant and open circles,
and they love to spend time with their friends and families.

Gemini women are very good at listening to other people, so they can sometimes
wind up as the de facto counselor and therapist in their peer group.
Unfortunately, most other people are not as good at listening as the Gemini
woman, so without another Gemini woman or caring person around, Gemini
may wind up feeling rather lonely even if she's surrounded by people. Gemini
prefers conversation that goes both ways, and too much listening can be
Ambition in Gemini women seldom centers around money or even position.
Most Gemini women focus their ambition on mastery and challenge. Gemini
loves to tackle a challenging situation or master a difficult subject, and she is
more fulfilled by learning something new than by attaining a certain social or
economic status.

Gemini women are child-like and fun! To a more serious sign, Gemini women
may seem immature and irreverent, but that's not the case. Because Geminis are
so adaptable, they may be addressing the Board of Directors and then dancing in
the rain in a suit and heels a few minutes later. Gemini women often enjoy
children and make wonderful mothers, because they relate to children and
understand them.
The Gemini woman is a wonderful partner for short-term or long-term romance.
Gemini women can sometimes have unusual attitudes toward sexuality, either
opting for sexual deprivation as a sort of challenge, or preferring a "free love"
attitude of open and sometimes promiscuous sexual relationships. For most
Gemini women, sex is a part of a loving relationship, but sex does not define the

But Gemini women are excellent communicators. When a problem arises in a

relationship, Gemini is not one to wait until the problem is unbearable before
speaking up. Because Gemini is so confident in her communication, she can
often address the problem kindly and gently before it spirals out of control.
Gemini women do not like being tied down, and they prefer freedom to stability.
Relationships with other spontaneous, fun-loving, highly communicative people
are fun and enjoyable, but relationships with people who don't embrace or can't
enjoy that Gemini spunk are short-lived or make Gemini unhappy.


Aries men tend to be natural-born leaders, and while they can be a bit bossy, a
Gemini woman seldom complains because Aries is a lot of fun! A Gemini
woman and Aries man will usually be quite compatible in the bedroom, and both
partners can communicate directly and honestly, which pleases Gemini

This relationship can be consuming for both parties, and it's a relationship that
provides Gemini with enough structure and excitement to keep her satisfied.
However, both signs have a tendency to not finish what they start, and neither
sign is very good at planning for the future. These deficiencies will have to
overcome if a lifetime relationship or marriage is in mind.


Taurus men are stubborn, willful, and dominant. Gemini doesn't mind a
dominant man, but sometimes Taurus can be a little bit annoying. Gemini likes
to be spontaneous, where the Taurus likes to have everything planned perfectly.

Taurus needs to lighten up, and Gemini needs to try to make a plan once in a
while. Communication between these two signs is usually pretty good, and if
they can handle the initial phases of the relationship and adapt to each other,
marriage is a great idea. Taurus will help force Gemini to settle down and finish
what she starts, and Gemini will help Taurus to have a little fun and embrace


The hardest part of a Gemini-Gemini relationship is that neither person ever
shuts up! A Gemini-Gemini relationship can be a great thing, and the two will
never have a problem communicating with and understanding one another.
The down side is that all the deficiencies and problems that one Gemini has are
only amplified with two. Gemini-Gemini is a good combination in the bedroom,
but unless one Gemini decides to take on the role of the responsible adult, they
may find themselves in trouble in a marriage.


The Cancer man is emotional, needy, and a little clingy. Cancers are very
family-oriented, and they view relationships and sex as emotional acts, whereas
Gemini has a much more practical view. Gemini and Cancer can communicate
well regarding practical matters, but Cancer sometimes tries to communicate on
an emotional level that Gemini has trouble understanding.

Gemini will quickly bore of Cancer in the bedroom, and Cancer will feel that
Gemini can't or won't meet his emotional needs. Cancers like security in their
relationships, and Geminis prefer freedom.


Leo men love and adore Gemini women, and the feeling is mutual! Leo men are
larger than life, love to be adored by a crowd, and want everybody to know that
they're the king! Gemini women are flexible; they don't mind adoring somebody,
so they're good at stroking the lion's ego and making him feel important. In the

Leo and Gemini have lots of fireworks, and both partners like to talk and don't
mind listening. Leo can sometimes get jealous of Gemini, not because of sex but
because of attention. Gemini needs to make sure she can keep feeding Leo's need
for attention if she doesn't want Leo to become possessive and controlling.


Many experts rate a Virgo-Gemini relationship poorly, but that's not always the
case. In a way, Virgo is Gemini's complete opposite. Practical, stable, and prissy,
Virgo men can be exasperated by Gemini's flighty, impulsive behavior. But
Virgo and Gemini are both ruled by Mercury, and they're both excellent
communicators, so there's definitely a strong potential there.

Unfortunately, Virgo is rather dull and boring in the bedroom, and Gemini may
not be satisfied with the sex. Virgo is also a big believer in monogamy and
fidelity, so he can become possessive and domineering if he feels insecure.


Libra and Gemini couples are so in sync that onlookers sometimes think they're
the same person! Both signs are extremely intellectual, so Libra and Gemini will
have stimulating intellectual conversations that last for hours.

Both signs are good communicators, and both signs are open and adventurous in
the bedroom. Gemini is a little more prone to commitment phobia than Libra,
but since they make such a great match, Gemini might consider commitment in
this case!


Scorpios make great sexual partners for Geminis, but too much time together can
leave Gemini seriously angry. Scorpios don't communicate or even try to
communicate the same way as Gemini - they use communication as a minefield
of manipulation and misdirection.

Gemini is open to a fault, so she doesn't always see when other people lie to her
for no apparent reason. Gemini can easily wind up feeling betrayed by Scorpio,
and Scorpio will often find himself baffled when Gemini doesn't behave the way
she's supposed to. But Gemini does not like being tied down, and eventually,
she'll realize that Scorpio's been trying to put chains on her and fly away.


Gemini and Sagittarius can have a lot of fun in the bedroom; there's a strong
element of sexual compatibility between the two of them. But Gemini and
Sagittarius can have some difficulty moving into a serious long-term
relationship. Sagittarius has a broad perspective, while Gemini can miss the
forest for the trees.

They make great friends, and Gemini often feels like she learns a lot from
Sagittarius. But they usually don't have a whole lot in common, and it can be
difficult to build a relationship without much common ground. If they share
some basic beliefs, like a religious or spiritual kinship, their relationship is more
likely to succeed.


Capricorn and Gemini are like oil and water. Capricorn is hardworking,
conservative, and patient. Gemini is not any of those things! Gemini may find
Capricorn's carnal side to be a bit bland, and Capricorn might be a little horrified
if he knew what Gemini was really fantasizing about!

Gemini and Capricorn can communicate fairly well, but Capricorn often expects
Gemini to behave and Gemini really prefers to have fun. Communication
between the two can face an additional challenge: Capricorn entirely accepts
social consensus and doesn't even understand why Gemini feels the need to
question it. Capricorn may come into the relationship with some pre-conceived
notions that Gemini feels no need to adhere to.


Aquarius and Gemini make wonderful friends, and given the right set of
circumstances, they can become a remarkably well-suited couple! Both like to
communicate, both like to question authority, and both are pioneers. The desire
for new and novel experiences means that this relationship is likely to be
sexually and intellectually satisfying for both parties! In some cases,

Gemini may find Aquarius's more spiritually oriented approach to life a bit
disconcerting, but as long as Aquarius can tolerate Gemini's generally agnostic
perspective, they might find themselves in a happy marriage!


Gemini is usually good at getting along with everyone, but Scorpio and Pisces
can rub a Gemini woman the wrong way. Pisces is emotional, irrational, fragile,
and solitary. Pisces will get angry with Gemini about some slight, and then nurse
that invisible wound for years without ever letting Gemini know he was angry!

Gemini feels like Pisces is wrong for hiding things from her, and bad feelings
can quickly accumulate on both sides. Gemini and Pisces both have a tendency
to leave projects unfinished; while Gemini loses interest, Pisces gets frustrated
and can't handle it. Because Gemini is so adaptable and flexible, she doesn't
understand why Pisces gets so overwhelmed by minor trials, but Pisces feels
things so strongly that he can't help it.
Gemini women make wonderful friends! They love to listen, and they can make
friends with just about anybody!
Gemini women sometimes find that they feel more at home with male friends
than female friends. This isn't because of Gemini, but because of other women.
Gemini women flirt with males and females, regardless of sexual orientation.
They don't even really realize that they're flirting but other people view it as
flirtation. Gemini women can find themselves being hated by other women
because what Gemini thought was an innocent conversation is viewed by
someone else as "hitting on my man".

Fortunately, Gemini women are very forgiving, so they're usually able to forgive
those women who were mean to them, even if they said some hateful things in
the past. Gemini women are good at being warm and friendly to everyone, even
toward people they don't personally like. Some people think that Gemini women
are good at rising above catty drama, but the truth is that Gemini is often
oblivious to it or simply indifferent to it.
Gemini women tend to be very self-assured, so jealousy with friends isn't usually
on Gemini's side. Geminis are genuinely thrilled when their friends have good
fortune, and they like to share their own good fortune with those around them.
They can be good listeners when they need to be, and they're always willing to
Gemini women have the potential to be excellent students, and all Geminis are
outstanding teachers and instructors. Gemini women frequently excel in
education and training, as they are dynamic, energetic, compassionate teachers.
Gemini women are not only excellent in a classroom; they excel in any type of
training or managerial situation.
Gemini women are phenomenal salespeople, and they excel in sales, marketing,
and real estate. They're active networkers and they love to talk, so sometimes a
Gemini has to learn when to shut up to succeed in the sales industry.

Geminis also have a short attention span, so it can be difficult for a Gemini to
patiently wait for their sales prospecting to yield them positive results, but when
a Gemini can overcome these issues, she has the potential to break sales records.
Many Gemini women find themselves in the healthcare industry. Gemini women
do amazingly well in professions like psychology, counseling, and social work.
They take a genuine interest in their clients, but they are usually able to maintain
a healthy emotional distance.

Gemini women sometimes do well in nursing, although most Gemini women

will find their talents best suited to maternity, pediatrics, or gerontology than
general practice or internal medicine. Some Gemini women work as doctors and
do quite well, even though those fields can be challenging for Gemini's short
attention span. Fast-paced medical fields like emergency medicine or combat
medicine are a great fit for Gemini women.
Gemini women are adaptable and flexible, so almost any industry or career can
be a good fit for Geminis. However, Geminis must keep in mind their own
strengths and weaknesses, and should seek out jobs that are social, provide
opportunities for constructive feedback, and provide them with a good challenge.

Additionally, Geminis will want to keep in mind that they love excitement and a
little bit of chaos, so jobs that are repetitive or do not stimulate their intellect will
probably be abandoned or neglected.
Gemini women are active and busy. While they thrive in chaotic and rapidly
changing atmospheres, these environments can make Gemini prone to stress,
anxiety, and insomnia. It's often very difficult for Gemini to sleep, but it's
critically important that she gets enough sleep. Lack of sleep affects Gemini
more strongly than other signs.
Gemini can sometimes suffer from respiratory problems. While serious
respiratory ailments aren't that common, respiratory infections and pneumonia
may be a problem for Gemini. Because Gemini is so social, she is likely to
encounters a lot of germs, so Gemini needs to be careful to wash her hands
regularly, use hand sanitizer, and get her vaccinations and flu shots to protect
herself from all this public exposure.

Women with Gemini can be prone to weight gain as they age. They love
adventure and enjoy eating, but they're easily bored, so conventional fitness
programs are often quickly abandoned. Gemini should seek activities that
interest her and change her workout as she gets bored with it.
Women in Gemini can sometimes have weak joints, especially knees, ankles,
and wrists. For this reason, Gemini women should be make sure to learn and use
proper form and technique, especially when weight training or starting a new
sport. Gemini is also impatient, so Gemini women sometimes ignore doctor's
orders and return to activity too soon after an injury, causing a delay in their
Here are some interesting videos related to the Gemini woman:

Sun in Gemini in Astrology (Gemini Horoscope personality revealed)

Gemini Sign in Astrology | Zodiac Personality in Action

Love & Career Prospects for Gemini | Zodiac Signs

William Meader on Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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