2 - The Taurus Woman - Discover Your Taurus Sun Sign

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Jac Borg
Introduction To Astrology
The Taurus Sign
Traits of the Taurus Woman
The Taurus Woman and Romance
The Taurus Woman and Compatibility In Love
The Taurus Woman and Friendship
Career Choices for the Taurus Woman
The Taurus Woman and Health
Bonus Resources – YouTube Videos
Astrology has an illustrious history – spanning thousands of years and touching
the lives of people on many continents. It is widely believed that the ancient
tradition of Astrology has its roots in Babylon around 3000 BC. Here, as has so
often been the case in human history, man looked upward to the heavens in an
attempt to understand the world and his place in it.
This upward gaze drew the Babylonians to the discovery that it took twelve
lunar cycles, or months, for the sun to make a full rotation. On its journey the
sun passed through twelve different constellations of stars.

It was noted that the appearance of each of these constellations in the night sky
occurred at the same time every year and coincided with the progress of the
changing seasons. Early astrologers named the twelve constellations
accordingly. For example, the constellation visible during the rainy season was
aptly named Aquarius or “water bearer”. In this way the stars became a way of
recording time, making it possible – even desirable – to consult them on such
matters as when to plant crops or travel.
Perhaps more important from a modern astrological point of view was the desire
set in motion by the Babylonians to understand the relationship between celestial
bodies and earthly events. It was the passage of the sun, moon and planets
through the twelve constellations as they were seen from earth that formed the
basis of the Zodiac, which is Greek for “circle of animals”. The signs of the
Zodiac, or Sun Signs, correspond to the time of year in which the sun was
believed to reside in a given constellation.

Today Astrology makes use of a symbolic Zodiac based on the calendar year
rather than strictly adhering to the movement of the sun. It is divided into twelve
equal parts despite the fact that the sun does not spend equal time in each
Each sign of the Zodiac is influenced by the energy of a ruling planet and is
grouped according to one of the four elements of life|: Earth, Water, Air or Fire.
For example, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are all Earth signs.
Modern Astrology is based on a study of the influence which each of the seven
original planets has on our characters. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn each govern one aspect of the personality. If one knows the
exact date, time and location of their birth, a natal chart can create a detailed,
personal analysis. Thanks to modern software programs, this is a fairly
straightforward procedure. Sun-sign Astrology is a simplified system which
looks at the basic personality profile associated with each of the Zodiac signs.

Today, you would be hard pressed to find a person who is not aware of the signs
of the Zodiac. This invasion of astronomy into popular culture attests to our
thirst for knowledge about ourselves. As the Ancients looked at the position of
the planets to establish a relationship between these and events on earth, so
modern Astrologers examine Sun signs in an effort to understand character.

While the Science of Astronomy maps planetary movements in an exacting way,

the Art of Astrology concerns itself with the interpretation. Thus, Psychology
may actually trace its roots to this ancient tradition. Why do we seem to connect
so seamlessly with some people yet seem always to be at loggerheads with
others? Where should we begin to look for fulfilling work? Who would make a
good partner? A good friend? Familiarizing ourselves with Sun-signs may be a
good place to start on a quest to understand ourselves and those around us.
Taurus is one of the three earth signs of the zodiac, which usually gives structure
or form to any creation. The main aim of Taurus is to produce an endless value
and beauty. Being a fixed sign it usually remains focused, while as an earth sign,
its goal is accomplished on a physical realm.
Taurus usually strives to make things clear and is usually not a dreamer. Being a
grouping of fixed earth, it’s a sign which bears the highest amount of inertia. For
instance, in cases where a large piece of rock starts to roll and develop inertia,
trying to stop it would move it to different directions. In Taurus case, it can
move from stubbornness to laziness to uncontrolled solid strength.

Taurus is ruled by Venus which makes it physical, and the indication of zodiac is
intertwined with the physical sense. It’s also very creative due to the fact that,
it’s governed by the planet of imaginative enjoyment.
It’s combination with the earth’s ability to bring form; plays a part in developing
natural talents, self-worth and abilities. Self-worth in Taurus is inclined to what
structure it brings forth on different talents.
The Taurus sign prides itself as the most dependable and loyal of all other signs,
although it has to learn a few lessons. First of all, that which cannot be seen
cannot be put form to. Once this lesson is learnt then Taurus cannot be bought
down in the material world.
Taurus women are known to be sweet in nature and would easily die for little
objects as a sign of affection. They are persistent and determined, but would be
very stubborn in instances where they are irritated. Their persistence to contain
themselves during hard times makes them very admirable. Below is an outline of
some general traits in a Taurus woman.

Emotional strength

Taurus women are known to be emotionally powerful. They can bear stress that
originates from their family, job or themselves, but can hardly fall apart under
pressure. She would hardly complain or show signs of being upset. A Taurus
woman would avoid looking for sympathy at all cost, but would depend on
courage and independence to forge her though the trying times. It’s usually not
advisable to provoke her, pushing her beyond her limits will make her react by
being really annoyed.


Many Taurus women are considered to be naturally introverts. In most cases

they wouldn’t be uncertain on taking leadership roles or going for what they
want. However, after hanging out with a couple of friends or a congregation,
they need some time to recharge. They always choose how things should work
around them and always have a plan on their schedule. A Taurus woman always
has an active internal life, and it’s hard to get to her thoughts unless you are
close to her.

Artistic flare

Beauty is a very important part of ant Taurus woman. She really loves to be
outside and get a glimpse of places especially those that are camera friendly. She
is usually very happy in places that have objects she finds amusing to look at.


A Taurus woman would never tolerate false impression, Facades and artifice.
They always strive to ensure that people present themselves the way they are.
She can easily get tired of someone who revolves around issues or those who try
to mold their perception of reality. She will always be honest about herself and
her needs. Most importantly, she would always show a first impression that
reveals her true personality.


She is always loyal, although she might have a lot of friends and acquaintances.
She might grant her loyalty to a few of her friends and she would expect nothing
less. They can tend to be very choosy when it comes to selecting romantic
partners. It’s hard for them to find someone whom they can commit to, but once
that special someone comes, they will devote to them.

Passive aggressive

Taurus women are never bold when it comes to relaying information on a

particular problem, especially when faced with conflict. They would often ignore
those who offend them.
To get a closer and in-depth analysis of the Taurus woman and romance, it’s
important to look at the three aspects of romance in Taurus women. These
aspects include; love, relationships and sex.

Taurus in love.

Taurus women are completely focused about their love life. She is always
known to be tender and passionate and her seduction will pamper her partner
both in and out of the bedroom. She would often take her time to build a
relationship. It’s hard for her to commit to someone unless she is sure it’s the
right choice.
Taurus women are always sensual and affectionate. They are often into a
romantic thrill that involves courtship, but would hardly rush into a relationship.
They believe in a relationship build-up and it would take some time before their
relationship picks up. That being said, they always think about the consequences
of getting intimate with their partner.

A Taurus woman can be really generous. She might be self-centered in some

occasions, but would often put her partner’s needs above her own. She might not
be into a lot of excitement as opposed to other women, but would rather offer a
relationship that is comforting and constant. It’s also difficult to make such a
woman angry, in fact they have their own mechanisms of shutting down issues
that others might react to.
The secret to Taurus women attraction is serenity, they are patient, composed
and peaceful which is irresistible to many individuals. Many people who
approach them for the first time tend to agree that they are not needy or
desperate. It’s also quite easy to trust a Taurus woman and count on her decision
and judgment. She knows how to point the right person in the life, although she
rarely comes out as a person who doubts or questions her partner.

Taurus and relationships.

A Taurus woman always loves the closeness that comes with relationships, and
usually grows with the intimacy and closeness that comes with it. In any
relationship, she would always strive to be right in her decision .This however
can change, and its therefore important for any partner to ensure that they are
always appeasing when required to. She is often very compatible with Pisces,
Virgo, Cancer and Capricorn.
In most instances, she can tend to be reserved with people she is not used to, but
that doesn’t mean that she can feel sidelined. She is always a giver in any
relationship but her partner needs to commit to the relationship. Don’t ever try to
treat her improperly; you’ll see the rough side of her you’ve never seen before.
She can portray herself as calm but don’t misjudge, she is always overprotective
of what means a lot to her.

Taurus and sex

The one thing you will definitely enjoy about a Taurean woman is captivating
and memorable moments in the bedroom. Close lovers would always talk about
their intense sexual desire. She often likes spark in her play times; sly seductions
and brightened conversations are some of the things she is into.
She is usually attracted to warm touch, and usually has her own desires which
she would always let you know. A Taurus woman also desires a sensuous
experience and would do anything to let her lover take time to be part of every

She is always contented with the same position in bed, and would hardly suggest
new positions. One thing though, she is always open to suggestions and she’s
appreciative of the little things in life plus she got a legendary stamina.
She is also the kind of woman whom words hardly move her as compared to
action. It’s also hard for such women to get over a failed romantic experience.
Nevertheless, they are always romantic at heart and gets back after a while.


The love combination between this two signs is naturally of love. It’s a
relationship defined by balance, Aries would want to jump into the relationship
while Taurus would take it slowly. Aries is also attracted to the patient, gentle
and sensual nature of Taurus.
What’s good about this union is the passion in the relationship. It’s a perfect
balance between feminine and masculine energies. Their ability to learn from
each other also contributes to giving and satisfaction in the relationship.


This can be regarded as a perfect union, since both of them have a sensual and
stable connection. They are usually charming delightful and graceful, they might
at times seem to be stubborn and opinionated but they all have the value of agree
to disagree. They also do have a strong will power and rarely rush into
They have a strong devotion to each other, with a strong dedication towards
continued romance. The combination of tight comfort and romance makes them
highly devoted to a long lasting relationship.


When the two signs come together in a relationship, they need to learn the
dynamics of the relationship. This means that they need to train themselves to
get along. They have a lot to learn and offer in their relationship, but there is
need for an adjustment mechanism in place to do that.
Taurus practical approach to life can be very different from Gemini intellectual
and lighter approach. The relationship can be a bit hectic especially when
Gemini views Taurus as dull or Taurus views Gemini as lacking substance.
The best thing about this union is the security they give to each other, and as
long as there is constant communication the relationship can easily flourish.
This is a good love combination since they are often two positions away within
the zodiac. Their greatest prize in the relationship is security above anything
else. They can be regarded as domestic with each of them wanting a quiet night
chilling at home.
They also do make a very steady and reliable team. In addition, they are
dependable and have a mutual love towards their home which makes them ideal
for a long-term relationship.


This is a perfect combination since both parties know how to effectively handle
each ones ego. They also do have similar needs. For instance, Taurus needs a lot
of affection while Leo needs to be admired and adored.
They are also really possessive and loyal lovers. Both Signs can tend to be very
stubborn and it’s important that they both learn to accept and understand each
The best thing about such a relationship is that both of them have mutual
admiration. This means that no one in the relationship can dominate the other.
People around them would always see a perfect match since they share the
fulfillment and commitment to their goals.


A combination of Taurus and Virgo in a relationship brings practical approach to
problem solving situations. They would also seem to be highly devoted to each
other and usually have a high sense of integrity. Virgos do portray caution and
therefore it would take some time before such a relationship develops.
The fact that both the two signs value common sense makes them highly
compatible. They also are very materialistic, but they work hard to ensure they
get all the comfort they need in life. In relationships, Taurus tends to be more
indulged and sensual as opposed to Virgo. Virgo would tend to be more
inhibitive leading them to back down during chaos in a bid to analyze any
available options.
It’s usually much easier for the Taurus stubborn nature to get into Virgo nerves,
and it’s important that both parties don’t take each other seriously. Their
similarities especially the kind nature of Virgo who loves good food and fine
treatment makes the relationship move on.


Taurus and Libra combination is considered a perfect combination, since they
have a chemistry link. Both of these signs are looking for one thing which is
security in their relationship, plus they do share culture, poetry and love of art.
Such a relationship can have a slow start but as it builds up they discover that
they have many things in common than they anticipated..
A common phenomenon on both of them is that they like to woo and be wooed.
Courtship is very essential for such a couple, and they are usually appreciative of
each-others charm. When Taurus becomes stubborn in a relationship she is
usually uncontrollable, but due to the diplomatic nature of Libra they can often
get together quite well.
They can be able to learn a lot from each other. For instance, Libra can teach
Taurus to view situations differently, while Taurus can teach Libra overcome
poor decision making. The fact that both signs are ruled by planet Venus which
is symbol of love and money, they have a love for romance, luxury and money.
In such a union both partners would depict a charming personality and usually
desire to live in harmony. They can also portray tendencies towards laziness and


The union between a Taurus and Scorpio is always intense either in the positive
or negative way. Being on the opposite side of the zodiac makes them have
special and complex connection.
This is the kind of union where ones weakness can be covered by the others
strength. They do have an intense sexual attraction but since their personality is
so different, they might turn from intense love to heated disagreements
Taurus can come out as a little self- centered as opposed to Scorpio, but they all
are in need of security in their relationship. The best thing about them is that
their intense relationship with each other can overcome any obstacles in their


This is a perfect match since their connection is usually passionate, but they need
to give themselves time to learn the underlying energies between them. When
the relationship is still young,
Taurus would tend to need more from Sagittarius than what he intends to offer.
But then when Taurus learns to be patient the relationship can thrive.
They would offer different perspectives which make them become familiar to
the different aspects about themselves. This is the underlying factor towards the
build-up of a stable and happy relationship.


The love match between this two signs is characterized by down-to-earth nature.
Both of them would hardly risk emotional connection or involvement. Capricorn
would tend to be more inclined to his carrier, but they would both set high
achievement standards.
They both admire each-others dedication and strength. The strongest bond in
their relationship is the dedication and value towards their intended goal. They
do enjoy luxury as well as nice things plus they share a lot of resources together.


This union brings forth a coordinated effort. Taurus and Aquarius can easily
figure out how to join their efforts. Taurus can be resistant to change but
Aquarius is always progressive.
The partnership might seem to have little interest but both share a strong desire
to success. They can be very good especially when doing business together.
They do have a strong team power especially when they have no obstacles
between them.
They also possess strong personalities and it’s usually difficult for one to
dominate the other. It’s one of the relationships that is satisfying and exciting
when each of them knows how to work things out.


A relationship between Taurus and Pisces is generally a happy one. Pisces might
be more idealistic and dreamy while Taurus is practical and down to earth. In
such a relationship,
Taurus would want to be more practical while Pisces would like to put all those
dreams into ideas.
The good side though is their emotional nature. They have emotional empathy
and commitment to each other which keeps the tie strong and long lasting.
If you had those friends in high school that you thought will be your “best
friends forever” most certainly 15 years down the line a number of them will be
Taurus women. They do take friendship very seriously and are usually devoted
and loyal.

All she would ever want from any friendship is to remain true to her and she will
extend the same. She would mostly ignore people she doesn’t like other than try
to start a fight with them.
A Taurus woman is likely to give so much in order to get a decent salary. She
works really hard and overtime in most cases. She might not present herself as a
natural leader or innovator but would highly shine in any task. Since she is
known to have a creative eye, she would certainly be exemplary as an antique
collector or a florist.

She is also a money-lover. Combining this attitude with her positive

characteristic makes her ideal for a position as an accountant, stockbroker or
insurance agent. She would often stick to one job because she has the perception
that by being in one job she can easily graduate to a higher paying rank.
Taurus woman would often have a melodious or musical voice which makes
their throat really vulnerable. They also need to be less stressed and worried,
since they can easily get depressed or have insomnia. She always needs to have a
balance in life which is a crucial factor for her physical as well as mental health.
Here are some interesting videos related to the Taurus woman:

Taurus Woman Personality

Dating by Zodiac Sign : How to Date a Taurus Woman

Sex with Taurus

Taurus - All About Taurus

Sun in Taurus in Astrology (Taurus Horoscope personality revealed)

The Zodiac Sign TAURUS

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